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Everything posted by royk

  1. Q1. (John 9:1-3) Is sin always the cause of sickness or affliction? What are some of the good results that come out of the sicknesses and afflictions of godly people? The body is normal, by God's grace, it has a tendency to heal itself if it is hurt. But things we become habitual in can cause illness: smoking, drinking, eating too much, etc. this can hurt the body if not stopped or mitigated in time. It can cause death. It can be a genetic breakdown. Yet healing prayer creates miracles, if it is God's will. Jesus told us to keep praying until the pray is answered, and that we must believe it will be answered, or it may not. With this foundation, it was not nice that the disciples talked about the blind man where he could hear them.He was being treated like an object, not a loving soul created by God. Jesus explained that everything happens for a reason, everything. And this man was born this way so Jesus could heal him. Greater faith come to people who pray and are eventually healed, in God's time, not ours. Or in the case of things that are not healed like we'd like, example the thorn in Paul's side. He became dedicated to evangelism to gentiles.
  2. Q6. (John 8:58) What does Jesus' statement, "Before Abraham was, I am," tell us about Jesus? How does this statement relate to John 1:1-5? This is simply the greatest stuff! He is telling the truth. He is the eternal, living word. That is how John put it in 1:1-5. How marvelous that God would come here to be with us, to show us first hand how he loves all and is the servant king to all! It is also amazing how simply He an say something that means so much about who He is, the great "I AM" But He had to make it simple, because His sheep are not so smart when the devil is constantly trying to distract us. You can't blame him, his days are numbered. Still we must remain in HIM, otherwise the journey will be very risky at best.
  3. Q5. (John 8:44) What does this verse teach us about the devil's character? What does this tell us about people who don't always tell the truth? If Jesus is "the Truth" (14:6), what is an habitual liar? We all carry sin with us, but do we recognize it? Procrastination, limiting what God has for us by not willing to hear Him want to lead us to a better life, with less sin, with less self-centered fear of changing. How can we let go, and let God? Just not praying enough will do the trick; being careless as to thoughts in our minds, not not even careless, but inflexible to this calling we don't want to take action o; it doesn't matter what it is because it is different for all of us. Another opportunity to surrender, today, now and stop making God so little. Still going fast is asking for trouble. Almost as dangerous as not following His will at all. Driving cars fast leads to accidents. Follow the narrow road of the word, seeking wise advice can help us to stop habitually lying to ourselves and to others who need nourishment from us in the most wise way God can offer us. The time is now to recognize that we all need more nourishment and prayer and deeper more humble surrender. We can't judge others, only try to hear better Gods calling and not speak lies to ourselves; yet I an only speak for myself my brothers. We must eah find this with God's calling.
  4. Q4. (John 8:34-36) How does sinning enslave a person? What is necessary to set a person free from bondage to sin? What part does Jesus' "truth" (8:32) have in this? How does the "Son" set people free? If you find yourself trapped by habitual sin, how can you get free? Why did I stop studying this for almost two weeks? What arrogance could I have imagined was more important? What about sharing the Gospel? What about procrastination? What about not communicating to people the way God is calling me to do? What about shallow pray, about less prayer and less meditation on His Glory? It is too easy to fall back, to spend less time with Him. It is never too late if we are still alive, for this I am grateful, for God's love and mercy. For this I am grateful to be back in this study this evening, to reverse the rudder that wold lead me astray. Thank you God for creating this time of freedom to renew this study. Praise the King Jesus. Heaven help our wavering thoughts on all sorts of wasteful things to do with out time.
  5. Q3. (John 8:31-32) What is the mark of a "real" disciple? What does it mean to "continue" in Jesus' word? What truth sets us free? When this is quoted in a secular content, how does its meaning differ from its context here in John's Gospel? Continue, remain, abide, there is a sense of permanence here, which we an find in hispanic bibles for John 15:4 "Permaneced en mí, y yo en vosotros" Being part of the vine is not just a temporary thing, it is necessary for this permanent connection to bring fruit. Disconnection branches die. A real disciple is not just a 9-5 job, it is 24/7. OK, even in the Superbowl thee are timeouts, but in our case this means to catch our breath, and let God recharge us. Easier said than done........... Still, to be set free from sin and worry, there is no other way. Only God decides the price we pay in this journey. He know us so well
  6. Q2. (John 8:21-24) What does it mean to "die in your sins"? What is the consequence of this? How is it possible for Jesus' enemies to be speaking with the Savior from sin without receiving forgiveness from him? They are so close, but so far! Do you know anyone like this? I would like to avoid this kind of death. To repent and fall back is dangerous; Jesus said something like: stop sinning or you don't know what will happen to you! Its like asking for trouble, you know something and arrogantly keep the old habit. Though some say it is not an old habit if you are still doing it today. Surrender is a daily process, and not something to be luke warm about. Be on your knees my child and think deeply how marvelous is God's love patience and mercy. Remembering that others must receive the same patience and grace from us, no matter how we feel inside. This is the transformation we beg on our knees for, all of us. For we have all fallen short, no excuses. Repent or die in these sins, which we all have. Heaven help us and praise the name of Jesus! Amen.
  7. Q1. (John 8:12) In what sense is Jesus the Light of the World? What is Jesus' promise concerning light for his followers? Exactly what does that mean for the way you live? We here in this school have for sure learned enough, there is no turning back; there is no excuse for getting lost along the way. Any yet it happens, we stray, we of little faith. Is "constant prayer" enough? It means a serious wake up meditation and praise to God that we are still here, surrounded by His light, that we made it through the night so there is still something God wants us to do for His kingdom, today. That is the "best" way to live in and for the nourishment of His light in us and upon us.
  8. Q3. (John 8:3-8) Why do you think Jesus wrote on the ground? Was the content of his writing important to the story? What effect did this have on the situation? Jesus, the most wise, the most loving and just, wanted to give people time to reflect on the situation. A human life was at stake. His respect for the law was challenged. He took time to show that He was serious about this precious life at risk, and that He also would not give a quick answer which could have been easy to do. It was his at of writing, not the content. Was his finger retracing the 10 commandments as God had done to Moses? We don't know, and can only imagine. It got the full attention of the people who waited for His reply. It cause everyone there to take time and reflect on what he said after he stopped writing. It cause them to realize they were, as individuals, in no position to judge this woman. They couldn't justify taking her life it this false "set up" designed to trap Jesus and discredit him. Her life was no better or worse than those who asked for a judgement from Jesus.
  9. Q2. (John 8:3-8) Why did Jesus insist on unbiased, righteous witnesses casting the first stone? Why is verse 7 so often misused? Does Jesus require sinlessness of those called on to judge? What does he require? How does this compare with Jesus' teaching in Matthew 7:1-5? Jesus knew that the "witnesses" were sinners and couldn't lie in public again a 2nd time. Jesus suggest that some one perfect would carry out the sentence since no one there would be able to do it. Besides, the evil people were not accurately quoting the law of the old testament. We are all sinners and shold not follow the crowd to execute or punish someone accused in a mob-law-situation.
  10. Q1. (John 8:3-6) What was the trap Jesus' enemies tried to spring on him with the woman taken in adultery? What might be the consequence if he upheld stoning her? What might be the consequence if he said not to stone her? What Jesus did is very interesting. He didn't rush in to reply to them. Then He answered their question with His own question. So He never agreed or disagreed with them. He asked for someone perfect to pass judgement on her. He asked the impossible of humans and stunned them into not taking action. This is a very useful and wise model of communication. Ask a question based on the adversary's question. Or reform the question to gain time and think, and to let God speak for you. Jesus was not trying to "Win" He was asking them to honestly think about who could condemn a person to death. Certainly not right for a mob on the street to do this.
  11. Q4. (John 7:37-39) In Jesus' teaching on streams of living water from within, whom does he invite to drink? What does he promise to believers? How is this fulfilled at Pentecost rather than immediately after Jesus spoke it? To what degree has this been fulfilled in your life? We reognize in John 15 that Jesus says remain in me and I will remain in you. This is an order to maintain a spiritual condition so that we can be used in the kingdom to bear fruit. The constant pruning from our holy Father can be painful if we have strayed to far from "remaining in Him." Still God is patient and He will never leave us or forsake us.That is why this lesson study guide says: "Lord, let your Spirit pour out of us to help quench the thirst of many people around us who dwell in a dry place!" Even making them curious about our happiness is a step in the right direction; but God knows us deeply and knows what we will do or say before we do it. Let us pray more to get closer to remaining the way Jesus wants, so He can use us. That is what I ask right now in the moment.
  12. Q3. (John 7:17) Can we truly know God's will if we're not really willing to obey the truth we know? Why not? In our hearts we know what is right and wrong. We might not know how to help someone, we might no know how to help ourselves become more willing... but if we ask God's help and pray for more willingness... one we understand that there is no other way, that this is the best way, we are on the right path. We can go deeper by asking God to help us, sincerely. We/I pray for more willingness to humble ourselves/myself and follow Him. To pick up our cross and follow.
  13. Q2. (John 7:15-17) How were rabbis trained in Jesus' day? How was Jesus trained? How were his disciples trained? What is the value of formal theological training? What is the value of learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit? Learning to hear and trust God is something that requires time and communication which we must initiate Prayer, as a regular habit of love and respect to someone we want to know better. We an get the same training that Jesus got, if we ask for it and expect to get it. God loves us. He wants to hear me humbly say "Holy Spirit, teach me." Saying it as a simple gentle prayer. Holy Spirit please teah em, give me wisdom and patience so I can better serve you. This is more valuable than gold or silver, it is the reward of growing faith, and leads God to enrich us for His Glory and His Kingdom. There is no greater thing we could ask for.
  14. Q2. (John 7:15-17) How were rabbis trained in Jesus' day? How was Jesus trained? How were his disciples trained? They listened to the most experienced teachers who had already studied the scriptures and were taught the same way, for many generations. What is the value of formal theological training? What is the value of learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit? To "speak" about what God is saying in the bible requires the same kind of training as in the old days. And the values and truths are the same. To do what God's says to do in the moment is different. Doing the right thing for someone to someone is part of it. But it may require to step out of old-character, hence not using what we think we were taught to do. It is hard to say without personal examples. If we are at peace, with the Lord and in the Spirit, then it will not matter if it is and old way or not, it will be God's way, God's will. It there is discomfort, pray and perhaps ask some experienced christian friend who knows you well.
  15. Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem? What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God’s care? Like getting out of the boat to walk on water, some moments seem dangerous or uncomfortable. If we don't want to get out of the boat due to old habits, an we at least recognize that though we are new in Christ, we need to pray at that moment and more prayer in general? We/I am of little faith muh of the time. Don't want to admit it. Call it lazy, call it hearing the devil say we can't do it. Do we recognize it? Do we just keep being limitted and making God little when He indeed has no limits? I sound brave in this moment, but don't be fooled by my words. I have many subtle fears and limits that I feel the need to keep without wanting to say it like I am now. So do we surrender with abandon? DO we ask wise people if we are hearing God? Or something in between? Its my choice, your choice, and we get to do this every day, many times!
  16. Q2. (John 7:15-17) How were rabbis trained in Jesus' day? How was Jesus trained? How were his disciples trained? What is the value of formal theological training? What is the value of learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit? it seems foolish to think one an learn on his or her own to follow God in "full" trust. Leading a "poor" life in worldly sense is something to do for staying in touch, but not to do for those that see you, friends of others. Rabbis were trained by other wise rabbis, so I makes sense that Jesus is so wise and deep because He learned from some earthly studies, but more from His Father by having the deep connection that He maintained every day, probably every moment; His presence was so magnificent. Is seems that prayer and fasting is a help to hear the Spirit, still distractions can come due to one's life habits. How to surrender deeper? Seek Him more, and more. Breath and Pray, and read out loud His word. There is the book "Never run after your giant with our mouth shut," from Mark Hankins ministries. Speak word so faith to yourself, out lout. This can only be words from the bible. This is the only way to be sure you speak the truth to yourself. His book says, speak the truth to yourself, hear it and let it command you forward to a stronger faith which you will need, which i will need to work in the Kingdom for his glory.
  17. Q1. (John 7:1-5) Why did Jesus stay in Galilee and avoid Jerusalem? What is the balance between taking precautions to protect yourself and trusting yourself into God's care? It is a blessing to understand that God works in His own time and planning. Often it goes slower that we/I would like. In this way I am a little like Peter was early in Jesus ministry. But was he one that doubted Jesus. It seems not. So it was simply not Jesus' time yet to be sacrificed, for our salvation. His prayers to the Father, and the common sense that His disciples were not yet ready to carry the torch. God's plan and will shall be done. We can protect ourselves, because we are not yet mature enough to take on any "bigger" mission for the Kingdom. We ought to recognize that it is God's hand leading us in our decisions. We learn that when we are uncomfortable, or discontent by the sped of things in our life, we are rushing ahead of God, not on his plan at all, or maybe just a little off course. Jesus didn't have this problem, since He was anointed by the Sprint when He was baptized; so His prayers and meditation were keeping Him on course to the Father's plan. Anyway, Jesus know all so He was carrying out the mission as it unfolded be fore Him. We can also take this approach, by trusting God more and not going faster than our heart feels is right, in our work for the Kingdom.
  18. Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32? It has been said that the fans stay up in the stadium to cheer on the team, but don't get into the dirty work of salvation and risk. The real followers are those 20% who do 80% of the work in churches, etc. The twelve followed the spirit and changed the world by their total surrender and sacrifice. It seems our contribution is tiny compared to their lives, and they are rightly Saints and we are saints, until we take up His cross and follow regardless of the price. Still God is good and give us baby steps and baby crisis to mold us to His will. Let my heart be more than a typist tonight, in Jesus' name, Amen.
  19. Q5. (John 6:53-59) What is "eating the Bread of Life" a metaphor of? What is "eating Jesus' flesh and drinking his blood" a metaphor of? How are these metaphors similar to each other? Why do you think Jesus used such a vivid and repugnant metaphor? Jesus is/was God in the flesh. His flesh appeared like our but what He did was miracles. We should not try to equate this to canabalism. It is clear to me that when I take communion, I am strengthened by His bod and blood. He could not have been more clear. And taking His body and blood is just simply another mirale. Why not believe it, and get the power of HIS BLOOD!
  20. Q4. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling the Bread of Life rather than actually making a meal of it? Good food is not measure in quantity, but in quality. One does not need a large drink of wine and a full loaf of bread to get the benefit of Jesus' powerful peace of presence in the moments of life. One simply needs to believe that His power is coming from the act of communion and consumption of the Holy meal, feasting on Jesus' body and His promise. And it is the beginning of a life committed to pain when God chooses to test our faith, to grow it via fire and difficult struggles. It is all for the job of having His peace inside us to overcome anything through prayer and focus on Jesus.
  21. Q3. (John 6:37, 44, 65) What is the significance of Jesus' teaching that only the ones the Father "draws" to him can come to him? In what way does this sound like predestination? How does the Holy Spirit prepare people to put their faith in Christ? The world is full of worldly goodness to those who don't understand the love of God. Getting attracted to it is fatal, getting attracted to the love of God, and the beauty of His promises, its not an easy thing. God give us the nudge so gently, we end up loving Him more than anything else when we finally really get it. This building of faith is also the work of God, whose will is always done, not ours. He is too strong and makes it happen His way. So repent and get into His arms. Have a life of peace knowing He has already mapped out a great life for each of us to accept, to surrender to. What a blessing to have been selected by our glorious Father!!
  22. Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us? working on church projects to help less fortunate, or to learn better God's word and promise are ways to please God up to a point. Doing more to listen to His will better, going slower on decisions, asking wise Christians their opinion, praying and meditating more and more. God asks us to learn to trust Him. This takes time and an open heart and mind. Only God's planting seeds in our hearts and minds can make this happen. Faith grows with help from a deeper and deeper relationship with our creator
  23. Q1. (John 6:26-27) Why were some of these "believers" following Jesus? What were their selfish motives? For what motives do true disciples seek Jesus? True believers seek to hear God's will, have faith, and obey His will. These early followers could perhaps see the miracles, but He did it so easily it was perhaps not in their heart to believe it deeply and consistently. It was easier to simply take what he gave them in the moment, and keep their old ways shortly afterwards
  24. Q3. (John 2:23-25) What is the problem with faith that rests solely on miracles? Is it true faith? What is necessary for it to develop into true faith? Did Jesus see these problems as a reason not to perform miracles? Deeper faith comes slowly, because God works slowly. We can see it in nature in trees and plants that grow over the years; it takes time for their roots to become established. This is accomplished by studying God's word and becoming familiar with His promises and His commandments. Even in the strongest christian families a child matures from life experiences and can grow to trust God by feeling the Spirit and becoming ready for baptism. That which is not grown on patience and regular "watering" has a better foundation and better chance to develop real faith in life experiences. Jesus understood this and expected and knew how His disciples were, even as they scattered when He went to the cross. But since He came to save and not judge, He was ready to heal all, and show God's unconditional love to them as God does to and for us today and tomorrow. For this there is hope despite our sin.
  25. Q3. (John 3:5-7) What does it mean to be "born of water and the Spirit"? What do you think "water" refers to? Why have you come to this conclusion? How, then, would you paraphrase "born of water and the Spirit" to best bring out the full meaning? For me this is clearly linked to how Jesus was baptized by John, and then the Holy Spirit came from heaven to alight upon Him, anointing Him to begin His ministry. And the Father spoke of how He was pleased with Hi Son's actions. yes, it was with humility that Jesus submitted to this act, surrendering to His Father, showing us what and how to do it. So Jesus Himself was "born again" in receiving the Holy Spirit to begin doing what He was sent for, to server, heal, and save... all.
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