Paul G
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Everything posted by Paul G
Q - What does it mean to bless or to praise the Lord? ANS - It means to reach outside of myself to the Lord God, and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to give him thanks and honor and the glory due His name. I have made it a daily routine, at least the best I can, to get alone with God, to medicate on Him, to journal, to read the Word, and to pray. Part of this "Time Alone with God is to give Him praise and thanks. It is part of the prayer acronym - ACTS - Adore, Confess, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Q - The meaning to receive God's blessing, who made heaven and earth. ANS - Yes, I don't often enough look at it from that perspective, but it is true, my Lord and Savior who I bless, also blesses me, and in great, undeserved, bountiful blessings. And thank you dear Heavenly Father that you are my creator, who made the heaven and earth.
Q - Which word pictures in Psalm 133 do you find most compelling? ANS - Precious oil being poured out. A picture of the Holy Spirit doing its wonderful work of love and unity within the body of Christ, congregations, and people. Q - Why so hard to achieve? ANS - The enemy, the devil, is always at work attempting to divide, to bring disharmony, unforgiveness, bitterness, and problems into the church, the world, our nation. We sure see much division in our nation today, wanting to tear down the moral fabric and fiber of our country. This current election has brought out the ugliness of it all. Q - Chief obstacle to love (and unity) in my life, and marriage - ANS - Get my old self, my old carnal nature, out of the way
The Davidic Covenant is an unconditional covenant made between God and David through which God promised David and Israel that David's dynasty would last forever. That the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would come from the lineage of David and the tribe of Judah and would establish a kingdom that would endure forever. The prophecy began to be fulfilled in Solomon, David's son, and ultimately in Jesus, who was of the lineage of David. And ultimately in Jesus Christ when He returns to earth to rule and reign forever.
Q - Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? ANS - When you "demand" something, then the answer more than often will be withheld, at least until you calm down, take a deep breath, relax, be patient, and simply trust God for the answer. When the answer initially doesn't come because of our "demands" then we even become more uptight because God doesn't respond to such demands. Q - How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? Ans - I don't think I've ever been "angry". Certainly I've had a lot of questions and consternation. More than often unexplained events causes me to look to God in prayer and look inward, to seek Him for the answers. Q. How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? ANS - I have a tough time doing that when faced with stressful situations. I more than often fret and worry, get all worked up inside, and get tied up in knots. I've really had to learn many times, over and over, to seek His face and just to trust the Lord, knowing that all things will work out for the good. Spending quality time in prayer over the problem has been a real key. And you know what - it always works out one way or the other, praise the Lord. Q - What does it mean to "hope in the Lord?" - It's all part of putting your faith in Him and trusting Him, fully confident that God hears you, and answers your prayers!
Q - How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith? ANS - It gives me peace and joy in my heart that God loved me enough that He would have His Son make the ultimate sacrifice for me, that I might be forgiven, and know Him, and have life eternal! Thank you Jesus! It certainly gives me a basis for my faith in Him! Q - How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? ANS - Jesus great love examplified in His forgiveness is the ultimate model for my relationship with others and the need to love and forgive others.
Q - Can you think of times in your life when God has delivered you from affliction? Or perhaps from “the cords of the wicked”? ANS - Yes, when God delivered me from the bondage and chains of *********** and sexual addiction. Q - How have you dealt with the bitterness that comes from oppression? In my case, it was not dealing with any "Bitterness", but understanding on how deal with the bondage, the chords, the habit that had clung to me for years. It was through the blood of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit, learning discipleship and obedience, and knowing how to fight the enemy successfully and consistently. And then ministering to others who've had the same issues, as the Lord puts them in my path.
Q - What does it mean to “fear the Lord”? ANS - Having an absolute reverence for an Almighty God. Understanding that He is great and we are small in His sight. Q - What kinds of blessings has God showered over your life? ANS - Too many to count, every since I was a boy God's hand has been upon my life, leading me and guiding me every step of the way, putting His calling, and yes blessings, upon my life. Q- Why struggles? ANS - James 1:2-4. He is developing our character, maturing us, molding us, making us in His image. Consider the example of the Apostle Paul who went through many a struggle, and exemplified a true man of God. Q - Faith result in prosperity? ANS - Heavens no! Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a great man of faith in Germany during WWII, gave his life in prison due to his faith! Consider those martyrs, and those who have suffered for Christ over the many centuries. Q - Define prosperity? ANS - A flourishing, thriving, or successful condition. Philippians 4:10-12 - Paul says, "to learn to be content in whatever condition I am in"
Q - Why is work without trust inadequate? ANS - It is the Lord that guides, blesses, and adds fruit to our work and efforts. Q - Why is trust without work an illusion? ANS - Kind of like "Faith without Works is Dead" (James 2:14-26). Same thing! Trusting and faith go hand in hand, Q - How can we achieve the kind of balance that affords us good rest? Ans - Start every day with "Time alone with God", in reading the Word, and prayer. The Lord will then guide and direct your ways in a balanced way, so that we can rest in peace at night. Q - Why do you think the psalmist stresses that children are both a “heritage” and a “reward”? ANS - The reward is a result of a blessed marriage, and a heritage to carry on your lineage for generations to come
Q - Why doesn't God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable of? ANS - He is expecting us to trust Him and walk by faith. And miracles may not always come in the way and manner we expect, or want them to come. They may come in the "still small voice", rather than in the thunder and lightening. And yes, our patient obedience oftentimes is the bottom line issue of moving forward in our Christian lives. We live in a microwave culture that expects immediate results. Whereas the greater miracle more than often comes as we walk with Him in patience and obedience. Q - Can we shout for joy now......? ANS - Yes, that is part of living in faith. It is often really hard to do, because we tend to fret and worry and get down in the dumps too easy. But as we stay in the Word and Prayer, allow joy to rise up within us. Amen!
Security - When we trust in the Lord we cannot be shaken, and know that the righteous will endure forever! Unrighteous rulers - We see that happening today in our land where some governors and mayors are allowing anarchists and terrorists to rule the streets. They are not willing to do what is right and necessary to reign in the violence. As a result millions of dollars of damage is being done to our cities and businesses. Faith is being lost in our government leaders to bring law and order to our cities, and to our land. All because of leaders who refuse to lead with Christian values and ethics.
What comes to mind is my battle I had for years with the addiction to ***********, and how the Lord delivered me from that, and set me free - The Lord brought key people into my life that helped me, and renewed me, my wife, my pastor, my Christian friend and counselor, and my close Christian friends. Above all the love of the Lord and the delivering power of the Holy Spirit. Currently I am mentoring a friend of mine who became a Christian a few years ago, who is slowly working through many of life's addictions. I pray for the wisdom in counseling, praying with him, and helping him to be set free from these addictions, and to grow in Christ.
Q - What does this psalm teach us about trust that our Master will right our wrongs? ANS - As we look to our Lord, He will show mercy! Q - What does it teach us about contempt for others? ANS - Oftentimes, depending on our situation, it can become very real. But we should look to our Lord, and master, for His mercies. Q - People in our own community? ANS - I suppose if there were anyone, it would be the homeless population. Supporting our community efforts to meet this need, such as bringing in the "Union Gospel Mission" is important. And reaching out to provide a helping hand to an individual on the street, when appropriate, is greatly appreciated by them.
Q - Deserting the house of God - ANS - Right now during the COVID pandemic people "staying away" from the house of the Lord has become a poignant issue. In too many cases It becomes a test of people's commitment to the house of the Lord. Fear has become a controlling factor. It's easier to give In to compromising excuses then to do everything needful to be in the house of the Lord when "in-service" services are allowed. I'm sure there are many people who, when staying home, make every effort to be strong in the Lord, but when there is no fellowship, no "sharpening of iron against iron", it is easy to let our walk with the Lord slide. Q - How can we pray for the peace of God's house - ANS - be disciplined in taking the time to pray. And be a peace maker in word and action amongst your fellow church goers. Q - Seeking the good of God's house - ANS - Most important is to pray for and support your pastor! Amen to that!
Thank the Lord He helps me in all ways, from the time I get up in the morning, until I retire at night. Guidance, wisdom, encouragement, answers to prayer, etc. He keeps me in His love, in health, close to Him, from temptation, etc. I can often sense His presence throughout the day. If I am not obedient, and yield to temptation I can tell the difference. He is afar off, there is lack of fellowship, and can feel as if I have lost his "covering. But thank the Lord for His Love, His forgiveness, His mercies. The day sure goes a lot smoother when I am walking close to Him, and under His covering.
Sress causes our mind and hearts to be consumed with what is causing us stress robbing the joy and peace we have in the Holy Spirit. Stress can draw us closer to God, if we allow it to. We must come to God in prayer submitting to Him, giving the issue that is causing stress totally over to Him, which is not easy to do. I have dealt with this stress issue many times over the years. It is a mad cycle of "giving it over to God", and 5 minutes later taking it back, and then starting the cycle all over again, until I am completely worn out. It is a growing process in the Lord, learning to trust and obey Him, and standing on His Word
Q3. Intercessory Prayer
Paul G replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 1:10-11) Why does Paul ask people to pray for him? ANS - Because he knew he couldn't do it by himself, and the intercessory prayer of the saints would help him get through these situations, and enable him to have victory in them. How do the prayers of others have an effect? ANS - They encourage the person being prayed for, and more importantly God DOES answer prayer. He supernaturally intervenes, to God be the glory! What happened in your life that has helped you enter into a ministry of intercessory prayer? ANS - Well, i wish I could say I have a consistent ministry of intercessory prayer. I do pray daily, to the extent I can. But it needs to be much much more to be a "ministry" of intercessory prayer. More time each day is needed in prayer, for sure! To that goal I will strive! <p class="ipsLikeBar right clearfix" id="rep_post_69859" style="margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; float: right; font-size: 11px; "> Like This Quote MultiQuote -
Q2. Growing through Crisis
Paul G replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 1:9-10) How does facing a harrowing crisis help us grow in the Lord? Ans - James 1:2-4 gives my answer - "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. How has a crisis helped your spiritual life? Ans - It brought me face to face with my human frailties, and that the ONLY answer was through God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Five years ago I came face to face with my addiction to ***********. When I face my problem with absolute surrender to God He has has given me complete deliverance, and is continuing to renew me in mind and heart daily What is the value of learning not to rely on ourselves? What does this do to our pride? How does this improve our effectiveness as God’s servants? Ans - In our flesh we cannot conquer life's biggest problems. It is a humbling experience to lay it all at his feet, and allow Him to take over, and continue to do that on a daily basis week in and week out, month in and month out. It takes much discipline and commitment. Only then can we experience freedom in Him, and be tuned in to His presence and power. -
Q2. Growing through Crisis
Paul G replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 1:9-10) How does facing a harrowing crisis help us grow in the Lord? Ans - James 1:2-4 gives my answer - "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. How has a crisis helped your spiritual life? Ans - It brought me face to face with my human frailties, and that the ONLY answer was through God, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Five years ago I came face to face with my addiction to ***********. When I face my problem with absolute surrender to God He has has given me complete deliverance, and is continuing to renew me in mind and heart daily What is the value of learning not to rely on ourselves? What does this do to our pride? How does this improve our effectiveness as God’s servants? Ans - In our flesh we cannot conquer life's biggest problems. It is a humbling experience to lay it all at his feet, and allow Him to take over, and continue to do that on a daily basis week in and week out, month in and month out. It takes much discipline and commitment. Only then can we experience freedom in Him, and be tuned in to His presence and power. -
Q1. Comfort and Comforting
Paul G replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? I know that he cares and understands me, and that his love and mercies are beyond my comprehension! His Holy Spirit is within me, of whom is my Comforter! When I spend time with him first thing in the morning, I especially feel his presence & love. How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? Ans - I just emailed a friend who is going through lots of struggles right now, and needed my words of encouragement. Hopefully they will lift him up! -
Q4. Conquering Overwhelmingly
Paul G replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q4. (Romans 8:35-36) What kinds of perils were the early Roman Christians likely exposed to? ANS- Based on what is known historical - everything imaginable. It is beyond comprehension what the evil human mind & heart is capable of. What kinds of perils are Christians exposed to today? ANS - We are blessed in America in comparison to what Christians in other parts of the world are having to face. Although the level of "Anti-Christian" political attitude is slowing growing. We in America must be vanguards for our Christian liberties. How does this passage reassure us? ANS - God is always giving us His love, His encouragement, His promises, His hope. Thank the Lord for His faithfulness!! In what sense do we Christians "overwhelmingly conquer" (NASB) despite the obstacles we face? ANS - We have the ability through His Spirit and Power, if we will claim it and stand firm in it, to stand firm in our faith, not wavering, even to the point of giving up our lives for Him. We will be eternally reward in Heaven. -
Q3. (Romans 8:31-32) What is the significance of the statement: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" ANS - We are absolutely secure in God's love Who might our enemies be? ANS -satan himself What is the evidence presented that God is for us? ANS - He sent His only son Jesus to die on the cross for us, to take all our punishment upon Himself, and to give us eternal life. How does this statement make you feel? How does it affect hope? How does it allow you to act? What might: "...graciously give us all things" refer to? ANS - Thank you Lord! I will live for you Lord - as the old hymn goes - "take my life, and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee".
Q2. Conformed to Jesus' Likeness
Paul G replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q2. (Romans 8:29) What does it mean to "be conformed to the likeness of his Son"? In practical terms, what does that involve in our lives? ANS - We become more like Him, being molded into His character, His holiness. He is the potter, I am the clay. It is like being married for many years (the wife and I have been married 41) - you become more and more like each other if you truly love each other. Why does Paul support this statement with ideas of our destiny? ANS - Because if God is God, and we love Him, His true purpose is to transform us into His likeness. Kind of like Romans 12:2 - "transforming me by the renewing of my mind". Why does he support this with ideas of brotherhood with Jesus? ANS - There will be many that follow after Christ, and will become like Him. -
Q1. The Promise of Romans 8:28
Paul G replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q1. (Romans 8:28) What is the actual promise contained in verse 28? What does this promise mean? Put it in your own words. ANS - As we live as believers, and love Him, we know that He has a design and purpose in our life. This being the case we have the promise that whatever happens to us, happens for a purpose, and he will take that circumstance or situation, if it is bad, depressing, or discouraging, and turn it into good to fulfill his overall purpose for our life. And this may not even happen in our own lifetime, but in the eternity of God's bigger plan. I think of the many martyrs for Christ. I think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German minister, who stood for Christ in Hitler's Germany and gave up his life in prison. What are the two qualifications to the recipients of this promise? How does verse 28 give you hope? ANS - We must love Him and have accepted His call upon our life. Yes, this gives GREAT hope! What an encouragement! -
Q5. (Romans 8:18-25) In what sense do we expect to experience God's glory when Christ comes? ANS - Wow! - We will be in His holy, glorious presence, our tired old diseased bodies will be no more, and we will be transformed into our heavenly bodies. How will the suffering creation experience God's glory? ANS - It will become as when God originally crated the earth - perfect in every way, with no decay, disease, or dying. When the new heavens and the new earth are created, this for sure will be the case. It might even be this way during the millineum, the 1,000 year reign of Christ upon this earth. How will our mortal bodies experience God's glory? In what way will our spirits experience God's glory? ANS - We will experience our heavenly bodies, with no more sickness, no more cancer, no more diabetes, no more getting older with all of its aches and pains.
Q4. (Romans 8:24-25) What are the characteristics of a person who has lost hope? ANS - I think of the WWII concentration camp in Germany - Dachau, when prisoners entered they would see the sign over the gate - "Enter here, lose all hope". Without hope we are people most despicable, most discouraged, most lost, with an attitude of "what is there to live for". How does this person typically conduct his life? ANS - Living with no purpose in life, living only for self, living only for today. Right now in the US Army there is a high rate of suicide, because they see all the fighting, with no hope of victory, and probably very little spiritual encouragement. How does this differ from a person who holds an eager expectation of a better future? What is the "Christian hope"? ANS - Quite the opposite. A Christian, living a spirit filled, victorious life, is encouraged from day to day, bearing the fruits of the Spirit, and is anticipation of not only what the day brings, but tomorrow, and most importantly, the hope of eternity. How should it motivate us and affect our lives now? ANS - To live life to its fullest in Christ, in expectation of what He is going to do in our lives, and in the lives of others. We look forward to His soon return. It gives life meaning and purpose. It motivates us to fulfill His purpose and calling for us, to reach out and make a difference in life.