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  1. I have a dear sweet Amish/Mennonite mother-in-law who feels it is very loving never to ask anyone to do anything for her. Now this becomes a problem because she has to hint around about it and hope you get it right Then when you give her something, since you are guessing, she will say how much she appreciates it but never uses it, hangs it up, or puts it into her life. Thus you get the feeling that she really doesn't love what you have given. It is really quite humbling to ask someone else for something. I like being "independent" because of my pride. Independent can mean I don't need anyone. This is not what Christ taught. We really need each other. My mother-in-law doesn't allow her fellow Christian to have the blessing they deserve by doing something nice for her for somehow she sees it as a weakness in her that she does not want anyone to see. Christ wants us to ask of Him--to show Him how much we really need him.
  2. Many times throughout the NEW Testatment, Christ refered to the time when His kingdom would be set up on this earth. He would be the ruling King and we his faithful servants. Think about the times of Kings and serfs how the serfs worked the land and gave unto the King what was due him in return for his protection. Someday soon Christ will set up his literal Kingdom here but for now we must remember that the Kingdom consists of His Lordship over us and our desire to "work" for Him to bring others into that Kingdom. What then is God's will for now. That we do our part to bring others in....that His will is completed soon. What is God's will? That every soul be won to Him.
  3. How I show love to my coworkers, bosses, neighbors, chuch attendees, lifts up the name of Jesus and "hallows" His name. Using his name in prayer as one would when they are talking to someone they love and adore.
  4. When I say "Thy Kingdom Come" I am wanting first and foremost for the 2nd Coming of Christ. BUT, I also know I am to do my part to accomplish that as well. The Scriptures say that Christ will return when "all have heard" the message of Christ. Thus I may be able to reach that one last soul to bring on His 2nd coming. I want the Father's will, not mine, because if I were to design it I, very selfishly, would want him to come NOW!! I think this part of the prayer indicates my true heart of my prayer. Am I here only to ask for something? Am I here to truly meet with God on his premises and principles. Do I truly want what He wants?
  5. If I want to be known as someone who loves Christ and thus want to be known as a Christian I have to "hallow" the name of God/Christ in my language and use of His name. I can easily desicrate his name by my actions, words and how I present myself to others, ie dress where I go etc. Depending on the culture I live in I should "hallow" the name of God/Christ by the way in which my culture shows deep respect. In the United States it is usally with a bowed head. In extreme royalty women courtsey and men bow. But when I an talking to God I cover and bow my head. In other cultures it could be much different.
  6. Hi Bob I am glad to hear there is someone else still looking (at our age) to still be used of the Lord!
  7. Hi all, I am new to this type of Bible Study but have been searching for a good study on prayer. After years of being a preacher's kid and in full time music ministry I am dry from giving out. Now, as I age and pressing retirement, I want to still be effective in the Lord's work. I am looking forward to behind the scenes prayer. I want to enrich my prayer life and to find out how I can make it more effective.
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