Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?
The values trials have had in my life are undescribable to a point. God has brought me through the toughest times in my life, but one stands out the most. In 2002 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma after a 6 month search to even figure that out. This trial to say the least was tough physically, but one thing I knew for sure is that God was there the whole time. During this trial, I endured physical pain caused by chemo, not to underemphasize the mental aspect of the strain of taking care of my husband and 2 children. Satan tried to deceive me into thinking that since I couldn't care for my family the way I thought I should, then I was worthless. Thank you God, that you were there to show me different.
Let me back up for a moment. Before I was diagnosed with cancer, my world and my personal life were falling apart. My parents filed for divorce after 38years of marriage, and my dad started dating a woman that I severely despised because she brought strife into my dad and I's wonderful relationship. (after lots of praying for this woman I despised, God has healed those wounds, and now I love my step-mom). My husband and I were talking about divorce after being married for 5 years. We just couldn't seem to make our marriage work. We loved each other very much, but just couldn't seem to get our acts together. My world was literally falling apart around me, and I was searching for answers and not depending on God to guide me through it all. What I didn't know is that God had other plans for our marriage, and He was going to use this trial to show all of my family the right way to live our lives.
While going through chemo, God lit a fire in my heart that will forever burn for Him. My family (4 sisters and I) started a Bible Study with my brother-in-law leading it. From there, I ventured out and went to church with a friend that had been praying for me, but what I didn't realize is that the Church was also praying for me. The pastor came up to introduce himself. I shook his hand and told him my name. He was in awe, and said "we have been praying for you". He later became one of my biggest support systems because he wanted more than just to teach me God's word, but he had a daughter that had died from cancer a few years earlier. We had a connection, and God knew that we needed each other. Praise God because he is ALL KNOWING of each of our needs and He puts people in our lives to help fulfill our needs. On June 3rd of 2002 (my actual birthday, I was born again!)I was baptized and committed my life to Christ!
God refined me and when I say refined, I mean sifted through all of the garbage in my life and helped me and my family live like Christ wants us to live. Satan has thown many road blocks in my path, but I learned to depend on God, and not myself or others to step in and take the wheel. God is what got me and my family through many of Satan's tangled webs without a shadow of a doubt! I have been in remission for 7 years, and married to my husband for 12 years on August 11th. God has worked in my family so much, I am forever greatful!
God is so AWESOME! I give all the praise and glory to Him! Jesus Christ, my savior, paved the way!