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d b

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  1. a. There are several things that a Christian must be mindful of in order to keep from drifting away. 1. Failure to walk according to the light we have already received. Disobedience to the will of God is always devastating if not corrected. To those who obey, more light will be given, but to those who do not obey, the light they already have will be taken away. 2. Forgetfullness- Hearing the Word of God, and then walking away and forgetting about it. 3. Worldliness, for the world competes for the love that belongs to God alone. Loving the world is spiritual idolatry. 4. Playing around with sin, which is spiritual adultery. 5. Failure to develope spirtual disciplines, like praying, Bible Study, Church attendance, etc. ( See Hebrews 10:28) 6. Compromising our convictions, which leads to further compromises, and progressively leads us away from God. b. We can resist the tendency to drift by spending time with God and other Christians, daily worshipping God, daily confession of sin, quickly repenting when needed, daily receiving cleansing and the empowering of the Holy Spirit, and live like a Christian 24 hours a day. c. Jesus demonstrated the phenomenom of drifting by showing the common things that cause the hearing of the word to be unprofitable. They are disregard, distraction, and discouragement. We must pay the highest regard to God's Word, avoid distractions that lead us away from God, and find our courage and strength in God daily, as well as minute by minute
  2. The Son's Divinity is clearly demonstated by the following truths stated in Hebrews one. He is Heir and owner of all things. ( Verse 2) He created everything. ( Verse 2, 10) He is the Outshining of God's Light. ( Verse 3 ) He is like the Father in every way. ( He possesses all Divine Attributes) ( verse 3) He is the one who watches over and governs all creation.( verse 3 ) He is worshipped. ( Verse 6 ) He is sinless. ( Verse 8-9 ) He is Eternally unchanging.( Verse 11) God Himself calls Jesus God. ( Verse 8 ) Jesus fulfilled the Father's Will when He cleansed our sins by His own Blood.( Verse 3 ), then rose again from the dead and ascended to Heaven. He is currently seated at the right hand of God as our High Priest, Head of the church, Lord over all Creation, etc. ( Verse 3 ) He fulfilled the purpose of God by living a perfect sinless life, (though He was tempted in every way), ( Verse 9 ), and He gave Himself as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. At His ascension, He became the mediator between God and man.
  3. I believe that the Sonship of Jesus refers to the fact that Jesus has the same nature and possesses all the attributes of God. When Jesus calls Himself the Son of man, He is emphasizing His Humanity, when He is called the Son of God, His Diety is emphasized. When Jesus called Himself the Son of God, the religious leaders rightly understood that He was making Himself equal with God, therefore the title " Son of God" implies that Jesus, in His nature, is equal with God the Father. Also, I take into consideration that the quote " you are my Son, today I have become your Father" is taken from Psalm 2. In this Psalm, the Annointed one is declared to be the King in Zion, who will receive from the Father's Hand the uttermost parts of the earth as His inheritance. Therefore, I believe that the writer of Hebrews is emphasizing the fact that as Son, Jesus is the heir of all things, and is worthy of all of our worship. The Son's words carry more weight than the prophets because of His unique relationship to the Father, and because a prophet is a servant in the house of God, whereas the Son is the owner and maker of the house. Also, the prophets received the Word of God, but Jesus himself is the Word of God.
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