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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Heartfelt

  1. Strong desires are sometimes very subtle and lull us into not realizing that the corruption of our souls is dominating our life rather than the Holy Spirit. A desire to live according to the holiness that God calls us to will prompt us to be diligent in pursuing the knowledge of God. We will apply ourselves to learning of Him and His holiness. God's promises and evil desires war within our souls. Sin strives to prevent us from experiencing the power of God in our lives. Faith empowers us to move forward to more faith and increasingly become partakers of the nature of Jesus.
  2. This verse speaks to me of God's immutable and unchangable character. His righteousness remains absolute and His glory is in no way diminished when He accepts me, a vile sinner, by the redemptive plan of His own design which makes me acceptable through the perfect righteousness of Christ to His glory. I am motivated by His loving holiness to become like Him.
  3. His divine power has granted to us is stating that the provision has already been made to the believer. In receiving Christ (knowing Him) we are united in him and share in every spiritual blessing that will glorify God in our bodies. The Holy Spirit equips us to do this by revealing the mind of Christ to us through His word and teaching us the way of life and godliness.
  4. The faith of the same kind proclaims Jesus as God and Savior. It is this faith that is received by all believers. Therefore, we all share in this same faith.
  5. I am from Texas. I have taught a class for several years. I am excited about experiencing Christ through this bible study and learning more of Him so that I can continue in spiritual growth.
  6. John, your decision to study the bible is a spiritual lift to me ... I always rejoice when a heart is turned to our God for wisdom, guidance and inspiration. He will faithfully reward you.
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