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Everything posted by wifee
Q5. The Israel of God
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Sowing to the Spirit (Galatians 6:1-18)
a)All believing Jew & gentiles, who believe that Jesus is the Messiah. B)Those who still believe that the Law will bring salvation, those who fall away and do not follow Jesus’ commands and disobey God’s law of love. C)Romans 11:17 stresses Jew & gentile are joined together by the grace &mercy of God,through Christ gentiles are grafted into The Israel of God,if they have a believing faith,there is no longer division between the 2 groups, we are all God’s people,emphasising our unity in Christ, as one tree/body. -
Q4. The New Creation
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Sowing to the Spirit (Galatians 6:1-18)
4a)The presence of the Holy Spirit in a new Christian,evident by sense of forgiveness &living life of love, the old has merged with the new, we are changed. B)The old creation looks like those who followed law&circumcision;condemned to sinful desires of flesh& selfish thinking c)Old creation division between jew & gentile,lacks Spirit, peace, grace, forgiveness, and freedom, as constrained by striving to meet regulations of mosaic law . D)We are new creation in Christ through Spirit that comes into us, when we are saved, turning from old ways,have new birth,new start,commi to follow Jesus by faith trusting his Word, &listening to Spirit’s prompts. -
3a)Weary when lose energy,motivation,if we don’t reap, if we lose trust,when we seek glory&are not praised for our work B)Paul says at the proper time, we will reap harvest, so not to give up,God will reward our efforts to do good,meeting others needs, with eternal life. c)Our first responsibility is to do good to help,encourage&support needs of our church spiritual family,then if still have resources to, do good to help non-christians& others.
Q2. Sowing to the Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Sowing to the Spirit (Galatians 6:1-18)
2a)man reaps what he sows. If man is led by flesh, he deceives himself &his mocking God’s justice when acts sinful, as if to avoid expecting consequence judgment. B)Looks like disrespect of God’s law of love, for Him,for our leaders,our neighbours in church/work,God’s creation etc. C)sowing in Spirit results in church in growth spiritually, in numbers, fruit of Spirit seen as loving &active to meet needs of others. D)sowing to flesh results into discord,factions, growth stunted. -
Q1. Restoring a Fallen Brother or Sister
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Sowing to the Spirit (Galatians 6:1-18)
1a)When sin is evident,sense of someone being trapped by it. B)Helping person to restore behaviour to be more Spirit led. C)Responsibility of church& those who are living and walking in the Spirit. d)Patiently,gently,meekly with compassion, restoring person to be free to live &walk in Spirit. E) People may be spiritually wounded &overcompensate due to inner pain.Must watch self first,to avoid temptation to sin raising self ourselves. -
Q4. Crucifying the Flesh
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Spirit and Character (Galatians 5:22-26)
4a)Crucify flesh, means to turn away from life that follows human,sinful desires of interests,feelings forbidden..The Spirit has conquered flesh, now led by Spirit, not under law B)No not free,if not truly repented c)If preachers afraid to teach truth & people misled; if people not discipled in conformin,living out faith ; need to learn from others to grow be accountable & keep walking with Spirit. -
Q3. Sanctification
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Spirit and Character (Galatians 5:22-26)
a)God has created in each of us unique gifts and qualities making up our character. The Holy Spirit works in us refining us, &transforming our thoughts & actions to conform with the will of God. b)Sanctification c)If person allows desires of flesh to lead them, instead of the Spirit,need to repent .d) Being saved by faith is assured when receive Christ as saviour,being sanctified is process of formation,allowing Spirit to rule more of us gradually .e)Faith without works is dead, warns us to show our faith by what we do,but not with flesh motives.Do we yield more to the Spirit on a daily basis.If were not growing,we’re declining. -
Q2. Patience as Forbearance
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Spirit and Character (Galatians 5:22-26)
2a)In our work, churches we mix with wide variety of people, different agenda’s. With each, we should be Christ in our thoughts and actions, knowing God has the plan, not in our hands. b)Christians can distress each other in churches,though we’re asked to maintain peace in our churches, need to be Spirit led in our actions, allow this fruit of patience, to come even when we are distressed by others,replace anxiety with trust in God, allowing Him to bring healing, mending needed to work out his purposes.This fruit develops with maturity of faith, age and walking with the Spirit. -
Q1. Fruit of the Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Spirit and Character (Galatians 5:22-26)
1a)True joy and peace-(being right with God), only comes through knowing God and loving him, loving others and knowing he loves us. Because of this, we can trust him at all times,he is faithful, He will keep us in perfect peace, as we continue to walk by the Spirit, trusting Him at all times not dependent on circumstances.This brings the joy of the Lord and peace in our hearts. Without love for God there would be no peace and definitely know joy, these are fruits of Holy Spirit from loving God and loving others as much as we love ourselves. -
Q4. Warning about Carnal Living
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Spirit and the Flesh (Galatians 5:13-21)
4a)They resist Paul's warning,believing Jesus accepted them and their safe, deceived by self into thinking, they can gain salvation,without yielding to the Holy Spirit’s leading, to live as Jesus asks of us. B)They would re-word scripture to say, by grace we are saved, and by grace alone we will enter heaven, omitting obedience to the Word. -
Q3. Works of the Flesh
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Spirit and the Flesh (Galatians 5:13-21)
Groups of works of the flesh 1/not loving God with heart, mind and soul, worshipping false god & other idols, 2/not loving self adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness –couterfeits of love among people 3/failure to have loving thoughts/actions for others –hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, and murders all opposites of love 4/unrestrained partying sad attempts to fill a void only love can fill. -
Q2. Spirit-Led Living
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Spirit and the Flesh (Galatians 5:13-21)
a)The flesh desires us to act in self-interest, the Spirit in us now free’s us from this trap of sin’s pull to flesh desires. It is impossible to lead a sinless life. The Holy Spirit works in our bodies,restrains us, gives us the ability to make right choices when tempted, & avoid committing sins we would otherwise commit.Those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God. b)If we feed our minds, heart and Spirit from the Word, and yield to the Holy Spirit in us,our faith and consciences are strengthened and gives us the power to overcome the pull of devil into dark choices,&weaken’s power of satan. c)The power of satan is very strong, and the only person who has never sinned is Jesus, we are all sinners only saved by the cross, not by us. If people use will power alone to oppose satan, and not yielding to Spirit’s control, they are still warring with flesh, not allowing Spirit to battle for them. Sin is always crouching at the door, need to be prepared and arm ourselves and be led by the sword of the Spirit. -
Q1. Lawlessness vs. the Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Spirit and the Flesh (Galatians 5:13-21)
1a)Sadly all to often Christians are not speaking or encouraging by actions in ways honouring to Jesus commandments, to love God with heart, soul and mind, and to love their neighbour as themselves. b)Fulfilling the spirit of the law is, by lovingly through Word & Spirit,obeying God &his commands,and doing everything that glorify’s God,in humility looking out for the welfare and interest of others before ourselves. c)Backbiting is evidence of lawlessness and christian’s not living in the Spirit and Word, as do not love each other as commanded to and will destroy each other.Need to put off flesh and live in Spirit. -
5a) Offense (a stumbling block, trap, cause of ruin) of cross, offending Jews, was fact that circumcision(law) didn’t make one right with God, but only through Jesus death on the cross. The Jewish leaders &Jews supported the killing of Jesus, the Messiah. People don’t want to believe Jesus is the only way to God.If did would stress to people their living in sin.People don’t want to change, and cross reminds them of their unbelief and sin. c)Yes. d)Anything that moves away from the true message Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins, and through him alone we are saved, is a compromise.
4a) Since Christ and sending of his Spirit, the mark of identity Galation converts and believers, is the Spirit in us, we are justified through work of the cross. The only circumcision needed is of the heart by the Spirit. shown by how we treat those around us, believers or not. b)Evidence is lives led by the Spirit,by faith pursuing actions of love,peace,mercy and hope, loving God and showing Christ’s love and care for others in how think and relate to the about world about us. Faith expressed through true love.
Q3. Falling from Grace
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Freedom from the Law by the Spirit (Galatians 4:8-5:12)
3a)The Galations succumbing to Judiazers pressure to circumcise, would move from position of living in freedom in Christ, to a lesser situation, turning to heavy yoke of the law,being obliged to keeping whole mosaic law,and Christ’s death is not effective for them. b)People have chosen a path other than Christ to make them right with God. c)If seek to make self-right, people depend on their good works alone, or fulfilling man’s laws rather than putting their trust in Jesus as their saviour, and the bible. -
2a)Paul has sacrificially nurtured his Galation converts from Judaism processes, now seeing them distracted away from true gospel,he is concerned will have to go through this trauma again .b)When Christ is formed in someone, we repent in going our way & humbly allow the Spirit to lead our thinking and actions,absorb Word daily to grow in spiritual strength, seeking to be true disciples of Jesus,learning to love and care for others as he would have done,others firs,self last. c)surrendering to the Lord, listening to him in prayer, obeying his leading in bible study,teaching and growing in discipleship, walking in the freedom of grace, not being enslaved by others, and giving grace to others.Ephesians 4:14-15 no longer being infants tossed back & forth..will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him, that is Christ.
1a)Not essentially wrong if it is with worshipful heart, but is wrong if going is seen as legal obligation. b)Paul grieved as celebrating certain days was reverting back to pagan ways,placed them under curse of Law, not freedom of grace, forgiveness &salvation in Christ. c)Galation’s adopting Jewish day’s of worship re Jewish calendar, is a step back towards bondage system Judaism from which they’re freeof Judaism. d)Blessing only when offering worship out of love for our Lord with fullheart e)Not having right worship heart motive on these days e.g doing so to gain favour,as duty,similar to legalism.
Q4. Adoption of Sons
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. By the Spirit We Cry, ‘Abba, Father’ (Galatians 3:26-4:7)
a)We have in our hearts the Holy Spirit which resonates/testifies with our spirit, that we are God’s adopted sons, free from hold of sin,guilt,Christ died to set us free and for relationship with Father to be restored &at peace. b)Abba,daddy originally a term on endearment,now used as a less formal familiar way of referring to our heavenly father,as we are co-heirs in Christ. c)As heirs we have the same status as Abraham’s natural descendents,we don’t have to be afraid of the Father, status changed from slave to the Law and worldly ways, to fully adopted sons, united with Christ through baptism, with Holy Spirit in us as evidence of this.The Holy Spirit in our hearts establishes the intimate relationship we have between us and abba Father. d)Jesus is the only begotten Son but we are united in Christ,and become joint heirs with Christ, the Son of God, and entitled to same inheritance. -
Q3. Slaves to the Law
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. By the Spirit We Cry, ‘Abba, Father’ (Galatians 3:26-4:7)
3a)Gentiles were enslaved by the principles of the world,worship of false gods, depraved human emotions/desires, and Jews enslaved by Laws requirements with no true hope&slvation. Both needed freedom from slavery. B)Redeem in v5 means to released receive full rights as sons. Christ redeemed us, freed us from the Law, so we receive freedom we do not deserve. c) Adopted sons would receive all their adoptive parents possessed.We are adopted by God, what ever Christ inherits we inherit, as co-heirs with him, seated with him in the heavenly realm. -
2a)God was waiting for the right time. It was according to prophecy,. There was much need for a refocus; God's timing is always right. We are impatient, but not God. The conditions wouldn’t have been right before 1st Century. Christ began His ministry, He Himself said He came to set the captive free (Luke 4:18). The religious authorities were upholding the gospel from a misunderstood and misinterpreted perspective. The ground was fertile because the prophesy Isaiah prophesied was coming to fruition.God used the most pagan nations to create right conditions to prepare people's hearts and religiously-expectation of Messiah coming, culturally-common language, commercially-roads aided gospel communication and politically-Roman law made roads easier to travel.
Q4. The Purpose of the Law
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Faith Is the Key, not Law (Galatians 3:1-25)
4a)The law put constraints on human nature, helped to idenitify wrong acts as sin . Pharisee’s thought wrongly it would bring salvation,it was incomplete. Paul saw it as temporary, Law points us to Jesus, our only true source of hope,justification and freedom. C)It may have prevented some pursuing path of destruction, if seen there errors. D)The Law was like a mirror to oneself.An end of term report. -
a)Only those Jews who didn’t grasp the true message of Jesus that through Him we are reconciled to the Father whether circumcised or not.Some Jews may have treated them as outcasts. B)In Christ there are no distinctions we are all equal in God’s sight.We are all sinners, redeemed by Jesus blood and all baptised into the One body of Christ. C)In Christ our true unity shines through, especially when we celebrate our togetherness.A Xmas card in local magazine from all the churches in a District, eliminates denominational pride,better witness to unbelievers. D)Our congregations should welcome all people, as Jesus did. If people put others down,out of there insecurities.Emphasise the more our unity in Christ E)Each person is treasured by God, and we should love each one, examine our hearts for any prejudices,allowing Jesus to work in all our lives,to convict,heal & release each of our gifts enabling all the church body to flourish.
Q3. The Curse of the Law
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Faith Is the Key, not Law (Galatians 3:1-25)
3a Christ has freed us from the curse of the Law. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us, paid the price,redeemed us, our sins wiped clean, through our faith in Him alone we are saved.Jesus was cursed for our freedom B)Gentiles though faith in Jesus are free from the Law,justified and he promised Spirit given to us when we believe.Galations 2:16 "that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." We are fully reconciled to God and can come into his presence.We are the children of Abraham. -
Q2. Children of Abraham
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Faith Is the Key, not Law (Galatians 3:1-25)
2a)Paul is saying that as Abraham was justified by believing Gods promise to him, which was credited to him as righteousness, we too are righteous and justified through our living faith in Jesus alone, our salvation is assured,we just need to believe and trust in Gods amazing promises B)We are Abrahams spiritual children,God said all those who believe from all nations, are children of Abraham,God said Abraham would be the father of many nations Genesis 3:7, 18:18 Jesus is part of Abraham’s ancestry.As believers in Christ we are adopted sons &daughters of God.