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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 5a)When we accept Jesus as our peronal saviour and commit to follow Him,we are crucified with Christ. In our baptism we are buried with Christ, united with him in his death. B)We have died to our own way,thoughts,actions and allow Christ through HS to direct all my thoughts and actions,no longer slaves to sin. c)How I previously acted and thought directed by me,started changing when made personal commitment to followJesus and he is still working in me each day.He took away fear of unknown,gave me ability to trust in him each day.I no longer live trusting in me alone,but Christ lives in me guiding me,refining me and shaping me. D)Christ´s life empowers, motivates me through His Spirit. e)In Christ we are a new creation, born anew f)Christ voluntarily gave up his life,allowed himself to go through torture,pain,anguish &death free us from hold of sin &restore us to God, the greatest self-sacrifive ever, all for us.He lives in me and loves me, and all I have to do is live by faith trusting in Him alone.
  2. 4a)If circumcision or any other religious practise is necessary for salvation,Christ´s death is meaningless and he died for nothing. B)In Paul´s day Jews thought keeping Law was sufficient to make right with God.Jewish Christians knew Jesus death paid price for their sins&believing in Jesus brough salvation,but kept up Law works as their cuture, with risk of slipping back into od Jewish thinking. C)Luther had issues of works and laws of church, becoming respected as much as bible teaching.Paul is saying that we Jew,Gentile, (Catholic, protestant) are equal in God´s eyes,all sinners saved by grace alone..Reformation came so we wouldn´t have stiff necks, but would circumcise our hearts &replace walking in legalism with love for God and walking in His laws D)Doing good with good values is a way of life, many unbelievers follow today but it doesn´t bring salvation, only through Christ´s death is this possible. e)Our churches have many trappings of tradition,legalism, which encourages people´s thinking if follow these practices/works they are saved.We cannot save ourselves.Surrendering to Jesus is the only sure way to be justified before God.
  3. a)We subconsciously attach to our faith &gospel our human trappings e.g.practice of communion in certain way, children not making noise,no drinking coffee in church mistakenly imply to unbelievers these are as important as key beliefs .B)Examples missionaries teaching English nursery rhymes rather than childrens songs in local language.Cash between Catholics & Protestants message of peace abused amongst violence in NI C)Danger is misrepresenting the gospel. D)Can avoid errors by seeking missionaries from countries culturally similar or from within country, to live in local communities,wearing local clothes, eating local foods to share faith naturally in way that will last.One day new believers will speak to Lord in own language.
  4. 2a)Paul knew Peter’s position meant his influence was strong,public debate greater witness of their commitment,meant not ignored.This would have helped Paul. b)He might have already but Peter’s actions still reinforcing class system so went public .c)Public debate prompted the Council of Jerusalem to clrearly declare Jewish Christians not required to be circumcised/ follow Mosaic food laws&could eat with Gentiles. d)Galation Christians shown equal treatment by inclusive gospel of Christ with Jewish believers not forced to follow Mosaic law,reinforcing Paul’s position.Shown Paul also need to persevere even when rebuked. e)Lots of pressure, no letter before Councils judgement gave him authority. Paul had to confront Peter and angered his opponents.
  5. 1A)Peter had through a vision/picture of God’s acceptance of Gentiles,gave him authority&desire to convert Gentiles.He ate&mingled with them with.When Peter drew back from eating with non-Jews cos of cicumcision gp,he was hypocritical, not living free from law as he preached. B)Peter was weak,impulsive when tested,not as bold in his beliefs as Paul, he didn’t defend Paul when accused, he denied Jesus3X. c)He should have learnt from previous failure,denying Jesus. d)Peter’s hypocrisy misled Barnabus,a Greek speaking Jew bornCyprus,hypocritical too,also ate Jewish Christians e)Leaders were respected &men of influence. F)Have felt pull to fit in,weakened too often.Studies&HS convict me&affirm belief in Christ alone I am free&secure G)Repent,put off old,seek the Lord’s forgiveness &help in changing me to live aright.
  6. 4a)Paul wanted to focus on mission from Jesus’ revelation,His authority was sufficient for him & leaders approval didn’t add to his Gospel message,that Jesus’ death had set people free from circumcision etc. b)He knew righting about leaders acknowlegement /acceptance of his ministry to the Gentiles & Peter ministry to Jews, would give credibilty,as they were looked to.There approval would enable growth in mission.This portrayed him equals in apostolic position with pillars James Peter & John, both giving to the poor, indicated approval of their different ministries. c) Christ died for all,rht hand of friendship pledges mutual friendship & fellowship.thus further cementing &demonstrating unity of inclusion in his Gospel of each united in Christ through the grace given to each.Useful for countering any claims of spy’s.Galations had no reason to be led astray by those teaching different gospel.
  7. 3a)Paul is bringing Titus a Greek to meeting with Galation leaders,to show living proof that grace by faith was sufficient for both salvation of Gentiles and Jews in Paul’s Gospel & circumcision was not necessary to be converted. Judaisers wanted them to be slaves to works. But Jerusalem leaders didn’t insist on circumcision, so implied agreement with Paul.
  8. 2a)Paul’s background as a zealous Jew,who persecuted Christians, and his dramatic conversion &calling to preach to Gentiles, meant he understood Jewish mind &teaching& personal experience of the grace of God&could preach from OT &Jesus teaching. B)God used Paul’s wide knowledge, personal calling by Jesus to reach &convert Jews&Gentiles. C)I have diverse experiences,not specially gifted but willing to be a vessel encouraging others who I work with using my mixed experiences .D)interchurch exp &personal suffering. E)Witnes of other marginalised Christians impacted me,developing trust,realising God wanted me to use my thorns for his glory &wasn’t going to take my thorns away,God was then more able to use me&my experiences.
  9. 1a)The source of Paul’s gospel is personal experience of Jesus on road to Damascus &receiving his calling that he should preached good news to Gentiles. B)Judaism refers much to authorities of records by ancient Rabbies.Christian teaching comes from OTsources and the gospels records of Jesus ministry with disciple &separate revelation of Paul. Catholics base much on church tradition, Protestants use scripture to support doctrines. Some leaders of groups base teaching on revelation of founders, rather than authority of scripture. c)Danger of losing reliable authority when listen to any teaching/focus of study that is away from Jesus&his teachings, with fatal consequences
  10. 2a)The Judiaser’s were preaching that to be saved people were to be circumcised in adhering to Mosaic Law(Act’s15:1) It was dangerous for Galations believers potentially withdrawing them from grace of Paul’s gospel- that salvation came through believing the grace of Jesus sacrifice alone It drove wedge between Judiazers &others who followed true Gospel .b)preachers weakening message¬ presenting core truths that we receive spiritual freedom from constraints of Law,hold of guilt &sin thro salvation in Jesus alone, not from human tradition, confuses unbelievers &denies them eternal hope.Paul described it a cursed deception.
  11. Q1a)Jesus took all our sins upon himself &allowed himself to be sacrificed on the cross, to rescue is.He came to bring hope &salvation.By resurrecting from death he defeated the power of death &sin satan had over us.Through Jesus our relationship with our Father God is restored. B)Believing in Jesus &what he did for us, has set people free ever since from worldly influences,our guilt, pride,sinful thoughts,temptations of sin .c)If man chooses to read bible&absorb God’s word. He will guide us by Spirit’s prompts to keep us on track, Jesus guides,convicts, frees &gives hope to us today.
  12. 4a)His challengers in Galatia claimed their authority came from Jerusalem,Paul wanted to focus on mission from Jesus’ calling, not man’s decision.that Jesus his authority was sufficient for him & leaders approval didn’t add to his Gospel message.b)He knew righting about leaders acknowlegement /acceptance of his ministry to the Gentiles & Peter ministry to Jews, would have impact, as they were looked up to.This portrayed them as equals in apostolic positionc)The pillars James Peter & John meeting with Paul, both giving to the poor, indicated approval of their different ministries Christ died for all,rht hand of friendship pledges mutual friendship & fellowship.thus further cementing &demonstrating unity of inclusion in his Gospel of each united in Christ through the grace given to each.
  13. a)Embracing by giving male a hug or handshake,female kiss on cheek or hug. B)Shows sign of acceptance,lowering any barriers in humility &surrendering to the Lord.It brings healing &compassion. C)Various reasons-If have been hurt, if sense action is superficial, have phobia at closeness, not used to it in culture.Guilt &other negative feelings.
  14. a) We in ourselves cannot cure anything. By the grace of God, a church leader seeks to discern God’s wisdom,use the authority given to him,to teach/encourage about God’s desire for our behaviours with each other, with discipline,repentence, forgiveness and restoration. B)Jesus commands us to love as He loved. Christ loves imperfect people. He calls us to love one another. And love covers a multitude of sins.) c) discipline is intended for restoration of a sinning brother and not to condemn anyone. Paul did not give the guidance to be considered as a measure of punishment.
  15. 2a)Paul learnt&accepted the truth totally depending on God alone he has all sufficient resources in Christ for his ministry&power to persevere thro trials. b)When we trust in our own resources,we don’t give him room to work or look beyond ourselves to see God’s power in action. c)My thorns have prompted me to depend on God much more for all my needs,given me power in Him to in humility see where I’m off track with worldly thoughts pride,self-doubt &depend on God alone to overcome any trials. Maybe possible without thorns, but harder.
  16. 4a)Though he words may have been less eloquent,his letters are firm,bold&daring,His sufferings show his faith in Christ has been tested &proven& through patience,&perseverance in his sufferings,his character has been refined, changed and he is a stronger leader. B)His commitment was total, unthwarted, sacrificial unto death. C)It encourages me,God’s saving power through Jesus was sufficient,to help him face the most horrendous challenges of torture, prison,pain,disability, and this inspires me to know His power will help me in my challenges now. d)I will keep eyes on Jesus, be emboldened &encouraged to persevere through all even trials, showing his power through it &giving him the glory.
  17. 3a)Paul didn’t want to receive funds from Corinthians, because he didn’t people to have any cause to be distract themselves from his teaching,&he wanted to distinguish self from false teachers seeking finance reward b)He was more free to speak, knowing his staple needs wasn’t affected by what he said. c)They mistakingly thought false teachers requesting payment, meant better teaching. d)Ensure they have regular resources, finances given anonymously, so nobody has greater influence, or becomes a distraction for M leadership. e)Receive God’s honour, good &faithful servant & blessing allowing ministry to flourish
  18. 2a)The light of Jesus love is not so evident.Darkness of selfish ways of pride, distorting the gospel, deceiving people, is allowed to flourish,as people put themselves, or observing practices before following Jesus,his leading &direction first. B)It lost its focus on Jesus,open to deceiver coming in form of super apostles/false tho eloquent speakers C)repent, challenge false teachers,back to basics &submit to lords leading at all times.
  19. 1a)Paul opponents were bringing human sinful agenda from satan’s kingdom,by opposing spiritual stronghold, he sought to break this down with divine spiritual power,like real war,dismantling city walls/ obstacles,&takining prisoners, freeing Corinthians captive from false leaders. B)No, seeking to oppose s stronghold based on satan’s powers,with God’s ways of humility, sincerity, integrity
  20. 4a)gifts to others produces reaction of praise to God for people’s generosity &obedience. b)Grace is God’s gift to us through Jesus, out of his love for us, though we didn’t deserve it.Our giving is our response to others, out of our love for them. C)Our gifts how ever amazing, are,nothing compared to Jesus. There is no other but He that can save us d)Indescribible gift of Jesus, He is the very only son of God himself. We’re humanly unable to describe adequately the awesome,amazing gift of Jesus,his atoning sacrifice for us, and the love in which he came.
  21. 3a)God gives us not only sufficient for our needs now, but he also gives us more faith,spiritual wealth, so that we’re unafraid,but can freely give out of our provision,the seed is for planting not growing,blessing others out of our righteousness. B)Greed is about self,us taking more than we need,storing up treasures on earth.Generosity is about giving freely.Faith encourages us to trust God,seek his kingdomMatthew6&our future inheritance,and share gifts with others. c)if we give generously &cheerfully in obedience to his word,&trust him, God promises to bless us, He gives us enough generously, to meet our needs &for others as well.Our blessings should flow out of our weath,to so that his promises will be continually reactivated and renewed,maintaining cycle of giving.
  22. 2a)They may compel people to give,as their ways,concerned more for need for funds to repair buildings, rather thanGod’s ways encouraging to give as a response to their love for Him.when acting out of force,we are not adhering to Spirit’s leading,&fruit therefore will be limited. B)Greed in terms of wanting church to be/do like some other churches,keeping up with Jone’s, rather than from joyful discipleship.Sadly not all have right motives C)pressure produces resentful,reluctant people, conforming outwardly to expectations of others, but it does not come from the heart. It usually forces people to do what they don’t want to do.True worship is an inward response & expression of love for God .d)Being cheerful in giving, indicates person is full of the joy of the Lord,at one with God’s Spirit’s leading,they reflect more of his character&giving as their thankful generous response to blessings received,& a concern for others needs.
  23. 10a)God give us many good gifts, material & spiritual.Malacai 3:10does tell us material blessings are promised to those who bring full tithe, as well as spiritual blessing of God delighting in us.Haggai speaks of cause & effect in giving, and Jesus tells us the blessing directly relates to giving with a cheerful heart. The faith in the church was strengthened &people were sustained&multiplied as the fruits of the giving of believersActs16:3. Someone with very little money can still reap many blesings. b)The world distorts money and power.Money can be evil when used wrongly to raise self and not for the benefit of others out of love for God and his provision&when the love of money is idolised&put before God &His work .C)We can never be as generous as God’s provision for us, materially and spiritually.
  24. 4a)How we live our lives reflects on the gospel we seek to share and on Jesus. Balance is to have focus on God always, striving to be credible in our actions, not allow pride of seeking to please others to rule, or any room for others accusations, or our temptation away from right living. We serve God and seek to please him above all, trust him for his provision,being considerate to others, not giving out of wrong motives.In this men will see Christ. Money,sex & power seem to be often areas of weakness
  25. 3a)Christ’s riches,spiritual richness position divine nature,Son of God,seated at righthand of Father,possesor victory over sin &death on cross,creator of heaven’s &earth,controller of natural forces,humbled himself,obedient to death,eternally rich. b)He became poor by taking on human likeness in body&spirit,frailty,feelings,our sins as a servant c)We were poor when trapped by our sin, lost,without hope, without saving power of Jesus, d)Through Jesus by grace we have gift of repentence,and forgiveness,freedom from sin,abundant life on earth of service for him,we have riches of righteousness as we put on Christ,eternal glory, joint heirs with Christ,we have Holy Spirit in us leading us and guiding us though journey here on earth.Jesus is always interceding for us, we are never alone.
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