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Everything posted by wifee
Q2. Grace and Giving
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Generosity Modeled and Encouraged (8:1-9:5)
1a)Motives for giving, earthly rewards,obligated to,instructed to,compassion The root is generous favour to others,act of grace, grace of giving, both are connected,grace implies generous spirit in giving,of time,care,gifts,of kindness. B)A chore,a duty,tax,exaction,love not present c)grace opens up/free’s heart, to give a generous gift of love, thanks &care, a blessing to receiver &giver,it reflects sacrificial giving of Jesus. -
Q1. Giving from Extreme Poverty
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Generosity Modeled and Encouraged (8:1-9:5)
1a)When stressed &under pressure our focus is drawn away from the many blessings we have, as we naturally look at what we see, not the unseen,devil says is there not something to worry about?The more you have the harder it is to let go of possesions.Mark 10:25 B)M trusted God.They turned their focus to a joy of giving, not just within their means, but abundant giving. They know who the source of the true provider is.The widow gave all she had, giving out of her poverty.Luke 6:28 They didn’t want to miss out on the joy of being a blessing to others.Matthew 5:7 you are blessed when you show mercy/care. C)I’m prompted to not hold back,but give more generously,to help others more&&know blessing too. -
Q4. Fear, Faith, and Courage
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
4a)Fear is the opposite of faith,perfect love drives out fear.It is also a reaction to dangererous situation,&is healthy, prompts adrenaline to flow,helping us to defend ourselves.If it is prolonged it drains our confidence.Faith is belief, confidence in the things hoped for,the evidenc of things unseen. Courage is facing our fears,gives us an opportunity to address them, stepping forward in faith, whatever the situation, trusting God to lead, guide, protect and enable us with HS at work in us, to overcome fears we may experience, and not allow fears to control us. -
Q3. Separation from Sin
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
3a)Paul calls them to separate from anything that contaminates their body &spirit&leads them away from Christ,whether unhelpful attachmnents or sinful practices. B)Relating to unbelieving collegues doesn’t mean need to go along with all their behaviours boasting, putting others down,gossiping. We are called to mix with unbelievers, using Godly wisdom &discernment, being salt &light in, our actions as we are set apart, called to holy, blameless&different, but at same time accepting&loving of each person as an individual showing the way to Jesus., -
Q2. Living Holy Lives
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
2a)We are made holy,when we believe in Christ &should live holy,pure lives in thought &action because we are temples of God’s Spirit,shold live,in obedience to God &his calling,¬ give satan or unbelievers a reason to accuse us of hyprocicy. B)Corthinthians had reputation of high degree of immoral life style, flirting with idol Baal worship associated with sexual temptations faced constantly,Ashteroth poles prompted worship of goddesses.Exposed to satan in many forms drunkenness, pride, adultery, fornication.We offend God physically &spiritually by following physical desires rather leading of holy spirit. -
Q1. Ministry Hardships
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
1a)Paul by sharing what he had struggled through could encourages Corinthian believers that they too can stand firm,showing his faith is living &active &his claim of apostleship is authentic even in trials. B)This help them see his faith &leadership is tested &proven even through times of testing. c)Yes but try to limit it to God &spouse if possible.d)Paul faced far worst,yet his faith stood firm,he has inspired me to battle on with Jesus, &show my faith more clearly, &daily put others first instead of self. -
Q4. Agents of Reconciliation
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
4a)This prompts me to evenmore consciously speak of Jesus &the extent of his love for them with those I meet, making sure my life is a true witness,showing Christ’s love &care for all with integrity &genuineness. B)I pray that people will know I am a Christian by how I care about them and how my faith in Jesus is real to them C)God loves me as I am, and he favours me when I encourage people to be reconciled with him & I live as he asks. -
Q3. Bearing Sin, Offering Righteousness
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
3a)Jesus had no sin. God made Jesus him to be sin for us, as a substitute for us, he atoned for our sin, was the perfect sacrifice for us to washed,now blemish free, freed from hold of sin.b)God see’s us as united with Christ,justified, righteous,blemish free, his wounds healed us in God’s sight,he gives us his righteousness, the righteous for the unrighteous,it is through his actions not what we do. -
Q2. Reconciled to God
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
2a)ThroughJesus paying the price for our sins on the cross, we are reconciled us with God by accepting his free gift to us. B)God enabled the rescue to happen through Jesus,allowing his begotten son to suffer&die taking our sin on himself on the cross for our sake.c)we each are Jesus’ ambassadors, messengers, to tell others about Jesus,who he is to us personally and what he has done for us. DWe are each Christ’s ministers of reconciliation,introducing Jesus to people,so they can know his peace,comfort &healing in their lives personally &giving them hope eternal with him in heaven. -
Q4. The Judgment Seat of Christ
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
4a)As believers our judgment is not for our salvation, which is secure from when believe in Christ, our judgement is to see how faithfully we have served him. Healthy awareness of Judgement Seat should motivate us to please God, and from our love for others eternal destiny, to avoid hell,this should urge us to persuade them to know Christ for their salvation. -
Q3. Walk by Faith, Not by Sight
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
3a)Living our lives trusting in Jesus,guided by his teachings &presence of HS in us, even though we cannot see him,is to me walking by faith.Trusting in the unseen, through spiritually enlightened eyes, not human vision. b)Unbelievers trust in what they see, temporary aspects, wealth, jobs, eyes blinded by lack of knowledge/ belief &deceivers internal messages that temporal things more important.Need our prayersC)God has given us senses to aid our earthly lives, to see where going, sense danger, communicate in ways we chose with all He’s created,engaging faith if we chose to d)Faith guides us along paths that are not always visible to others,trusting God alone. Letting faith lead,God gives us eyes to see people who are in need with eyes of love, feel others pain,&show them comfort. He gives us the right words to learn,teach &encourage others when we ask him for His glory and our good. -
Q2. At Home with the Lord
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
2a) It is comforting to know when we die we will be changed in a twinkling of an eye, our souls are away from the human body and we will be with God. B)Christians believe we are saved from hell through Jesus sacrifice on cross,freeing us power of sin & death. When we die our spirit immediately goes to be in fellowship with God for eternity.c)If we die before Christ return, as believers, our souls will be with God in heaven, each given a white robe Revelation 6:9 D)When Christ returns,we will see him descend from heaven with sound of the trumpet of God, those who are alive will meet him in the air/clouds. God will bring with him first those who have fallen asleep/dead in Christ, imperishable, changed, they will rise first and they will be reunited with their resurrection bodies, with much praising. -
Q1. Tents vs. Houses
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
6a)Our physical bodies perish/break down, not made to be permanent, easily broken into and can be moved like a tent.b)As believers, the HS is God himself living in us, he reminds us that he will equip us now &we can look forward to our resurrection bodies in heaven, the eternal hope we have, where all sicknss,disease and pain is swallowed up,This strengthens me to handle trials faced now with his power.We would be less concerned about unimportant things, live as an ambassador with promise of hope for future. -
Q5. A Focus on Eternal Things
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
5a)In my physical deteriotion&disability, I know I look to my hope of eternal glory with God with a new resurrection body able to walk again & do other things not possible now. B)We can be weighed down by current pain&difficulties that affect us now,and I believe this is the deceiver distracting us by temporal issues now, from looking at unseen eternal hope in faith. Things. C)Focusing on eternal things in faith,our future life of eternity in heaven without discomfort,gives me amazing hope,peace&strength now as I fix run the race stet before me, focusing my eyes on Jesus the author &perfecter on my faith Hebrews12:2.As I endure now,,the Holy Spirit works in me,refining me and enabling me new things as I read &study the scriptures. D)Believe in Christ, living as he asks us to, and with hope of eternity in heaven to come, & staying in the Word now. -
Q4. Stress, Pressure, and Growth
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
4a)It encourages me to perseverer &know that my difficulties can be used to work God’s purpose out, helping me to read &absorb scripture more, depend on God more and less on self,as part of my gradual renewing and for others too. B)They could see God’s grace and hope for future eternal and strength for now in Jesus,in my response to momentary difficulties Paul faced. His response proved the genuineness of his trust in the Lord, and revealed Jesus to them..c) Pain causes us to depend on the Lord, seeing & knowing God’s grace, this benefit’s us by renewing us more, increasing our faith, patience and endurance. It also allows God’s grace to reach more people. D)People seeing our pain and our response of dependence onJesus strength & power in it totally, in our words &actions, will see a real living faith. -
Q3. The Treasure and the Clay
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
3a)Paul contrasts message of the precious,awesome good news of salvation for all who believe in Jesus,with it’s container us, who God asks to share message.. B)jar-our human body, with all our failings,we are just imperfect human vessels liable to lose message,break container, before it is shared.a willing vessel is one that God can use C)treasure-knowledge of God &good news of salvation in Jesus D)we are weak,temporary &fallible, vs good news is from God,perfect,powerful, life changing,eternal. Paradox here is power in weakness.God entrusted this amazing message of hope for all to fallible us to share. -
Q2. Satan-induced Blindness
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
2a)Those who blatantly refuse to love the truth they hear,will not be saved on day of judgement unless they turn to Christ. B)Spiritually blind unlikely to read bible so vital we keep on sharing gospel with them in a relevant way.We can engage in the spiritual battle,using spiritual weapons of prayer, oppose false teachings with clear,honest truth,in a loving way, God works through the gospel,prayer &our love for others, receiving all who turn to Him.c)God can do anything while we are alive,and through prayers of his saints,so praying for people is vital. -
5a)False actions &words of ministers in secret or otherwise,that deceive, distort truth, shame people, manipulate people is wrong &sinful,puffs up speaker but harms people &leads people away from truth. B)Paul in contrast,uses clear,open, honest,sincere communication trusting the Spirit to speak to their consciences,to convicting them when &where needed.
Q4. Changed by God's Presence
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
4a)Character change is an inner change of the heart&mind which only comes through process of persistently spending time reading God’s word, talking with,singing to&listening to God.b)Sactification,(renewing of the mind, metamorphisis) is theological name for this process of change, as absorb more of Jesus &Spirit moulds me, enabling me to show more love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,sel-control with others, to match status as believer,child of GodOngoing work of HS of God,gradually replacing unclean with more of Jesus holiness.c)Yes D)Ive changed since 2009,more open to the lord, grown through difficulties, reading &understanding God’s word more with help of Ralph’s studies,other believers &Holy Spirit. -
Q3. Getting the Glow of God
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
3a)As we pray to God,read &absorb scripture, His spirit works in our heart &mind&we reflect the glow of the spirit in our lives.B)Meditating on scripture,puts God’s word before all others in our mind. C)low place of Christianity in today’s world shows the extent people have turned away from church attendance &Godly values,prayer. D)To keep up biblestudies,putting my priorities in order, maintain fellowship with Christians &church to keep on track. -
Q2. Freedom from the Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
2a)The Spirit is the one who opens the eye’s of the unbeliever.Under NCovenant The Lord is the Spirit to us.He removes the veil of blindness under the law &enables us to grasp the truth of Jesus &understand scripture.b)The Spirit leads us to turn away from satan, &to Christ.He enables us to gradually change to be more like him in our actions &words.c)The Spirit gives us freedom from hold of sin,death, from the letter of the law,freedom in understanding scripture.freedom in turning to Christ as believers,He gives us freedom to anticipate future glory, hope now &forever. -
Q1. Glowing in God's Presence
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
1a)Moses’ face reflectedGod’s glory from time spent with the Lord face to face on Mount Sinai,&the glow was God’s glory. The people were afraid to come near him (Ex 34:30). He wanted the people to be in awe, and "fear" of the Lord, not of himself.Also that the Israelites might not gaze upon the finish of the vanishing splendor which had been upon it. 2 Cor 3:13,The veil could symbolise fact that the true glory was hidden from people under OTcovenant.c)Moses prayed to see God’s glory.No one else priviledged to see him face to face D)In OT glory temporary,purpose to reveal sine &requirements of God in mosaic law,NTgrace given freely to us through Jesus sacrifice. salvation not dependent on man but God’s gift to us.Anyone now with personal relationship with Jesus may reflect his glory. -
Q1. Glowing in God's Presence
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
1a)Moses’ face reflectedGod’s glory from time spent with the Lord face to face on Mount Sinai,&the glow was God’s glory. The people were afraid to come near him (Ex 34:30). He wanted the people to be in awe, and "fear" of the Lord, not of himself.Also that the Israelites might not gaze upon the finish of the vanishing splendor which had been upon it. 2 Cor 3:13,The veil could symbolise fact that the true glory was hidden from people under OTcovenant.c)Moses prayed to see God’s glory.No one else priviledged to see him face to face D)In OT glory temporary,purpose to reveal sine &requirements of God in mosaic law,NTgrace given freely to us through Jesus sacrifice. salvation not dependent on man but God’s gift to us.Anyone now with personal relationship with Jesus may reflect his glory. -
4a)If we are spiritually healthy, we are active in using our God given gifts locally &more widely to serve Christ,we have a purpose in life, we enable mission of church to be effective &grow.We receive the support from other Christians. B)If we stop attending we are not able to use the gifts we have been given, we don’t grow as indiv’s, we are more prone to satan’s attacks, are spiritually weaker,&church’s care for people, it’s outreach &finances suffer.The church Christ’s body suffers, we are all needed.c)Our impact, strength &resources to share Jesus with those around us is reduced, less people become believers, Christ’s kingdom not advanced.
3a)Submission to the Spirit is fundamental for ministers to be sincere,honest, be fully effective, competent. He is the one who fine tunes our interpreting of scriptures, enables us to communicate relevant messages to church/schools/all we meet, helps us make the critical decisions, be wise in our leadership, evangelism, mission.helps our character,morals,devotional life to be moulded. Training teaches knowledge,equips, &moulds us through church work as we listen to God & our trust is in Him.Ordination is a sign to all that minister’s have been called by God have gifts of the Spirit&skills needed for ministry. Training coupled with Spirit vital to produce fruit that will last,main purpose of ministry.