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Everything posted by wifee
Q2. Living Letters
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Fragrance of Christ’s Ministering People (2:12-3:6)
2a)People watch how we live our selfish or not we live ourlives.I pray that I will show compassion, be honest and hard working and not be a burden to others around me. People can see through any insincerity when we claim to live for Jesus.By our actions they can see what is on our hearts. C)We can convey misleading,distorted message to unbelievers and be a stumbling block and even turn people away to them knowing the truth. D)We can be tempted to puff up our pride,I try to point them away from me to the Lord. E)I try to say it is not me but Christ they are seeing in me, and resist pride temptation about me doing it. -
3a)It is the sense of peace, love & hope we have when we accept Jesus as our saviour, &receive his forgiveness&promise of eternal life.This causes people to ask questions &think.BThose who don’t believe they are lost and separated from God, including Christians are not saved. As believers our message makes people,see faulty lifestyle &thoughts. Gospel confronts people,seen as repugnant to those who are closed to God.c)I know my behaviour loses it’s saltiness at times, when not close to Lord.d)Regain fragrance by confessing, staying close to Jesus and his word, and seeking the His guidance through Spirit.
Q4. Forgiving as Spiritual Warfare
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
4a)If we don’t forgive others or receive fully God’s forgiveness of us when we turn to him. We allow satan to have a foothold & give him an opportunity to deceive us.b)Bitterness in our heart, lingering feelings of resentment are symptoms of heart unforgiveness leading to physical & emotional sickness. C)Us keeping unforgiveness in heart,hurts our spiritual lives because Our Father does not forgive sins, of those who do not forgive those that trespass against us. D)Remind myself of how much God&others have forgiven me,when I fall short too hurt go& forgive person that has hurt me. -
Q3. Obedience to Leaders
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
3a)Servant leaders humbly listen to and pass on the word & direction of God through scriptures,if we accept&follow this direction,God will bless us in good ways,as we grow in faith,expansion of kingdom,&it makes leaders toil a joy not a struggle. B)Self-serving leaders are not putting God first humbly,this greaves the Spirit,when motives are not I best interest of church,leading church astray.c)I seek to listen to pastor/leaders & encourage them,as know following biblically based direction is vital for true fulfilment&church growth. C)Where there is obedience to Christ’s teachings,there is greater love for all&caring about others,sacrificially putting others before self, Christ’s love is seen & felt more,brings greater unity as there is complete harmony with the will of God.Better witness to others, better defence against enemy.better peace &harmony among members. -
Q2. Leadership Styles
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
A)Lording it over someone would treating people as inferior, preaching to people about faith and what it means without engaging with them,listening and talking with them about their joys and struggles, and helping them to look grow in their faith. B)1/ indicates decisive teaching and direction,not avoiding addressing areas that need correction 2/responding to specific needs and 3/relaxed style with no specific path and direction leads to mismanagement,disorderly conduct. I think a good balance is a servant hearted leadership with clear direction repecting individuals, encouraging gifts, growth, to help each reach full potential.. c)Dangers of authoritative leadership is forcing people to do things,people feel hurt, may resist or give up. D)Dangers of weak style- people are unclear of bouaris direction to follow,and unsure of foundations of faith,mission to share Jesus with others. -
Q1. Sealed with the Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
1a) The presence of the Holy Spirit in my life signifies that I am in Christ (Established). I am as a believer anointed by Holy Spirit,set apart in service for the Lord Jesus.The Holy Spirit marks me out as a Christ child, Spirit a down payment, pledge guarantee of eternal life to come with God.b The holy spirit, the third member of the Trinity unites us with Jesus and the Father,our own personal interface,connecting point with the Godhead. When we humbly submit to God, repent and commit to follow Christ, we can receive his forgiveness for our sins, we have the promise of salvation now and forever, and feel through His Spirit in us the peace that only God can give.c)The promise of future blesaing inherent in the Spirit’s presence, is that our eternal future is sealed, guarantee of what is to come when Christ comes again and we will be with him for ever,with renewed resurrection bodies, free of sickness disease and pain. Spiritual blessings in the heavenly relm Ephes1:3,Also promise now of personal guidance,comfort and encouragement, for our journey through earthly life.praise God. -
3a)Paul needed people praying for,so God would empower him to speak boldly and endure hardship.He knew God would answer intercessory prayers B)Paul knew that the united prayers of others for him was more effective, than his prayers alone.Matthew18:19-20Praying with one mind.c)We are in a spiritual battle and need the support of our brothers and sisters, it is part of our love for our neighbour to pray for each other.We are commanded to do so.We can learn compassion,greater care and love for others when we pray for them.
Q2. Growing through Crisis
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
2a)I believe we are more open to God when in crisis times, as we then realise our human resources are inadequate and humbly turn to God.Even non-christians pray to God.God gives grace to the humble and He meets us at our point of need.Our faith in him steadily develops,as we learn to trust him more,to a tested proven faith We are nothing of value without him. b)Losing patches of vision prompted me to turn to Jesus and accept him as my saviour.His faithfulness,when diagnosed with severe illnesses has shown power of his comfort. c)Knowing that I don’t have to depend on own resources gives me peace, hope and power to overcome in His strength. d)My pride is in Jesus not in my meagre effeorts.e)When I am totally walking in tune with Jesus and his teaching,I am more effective in all I do as can serve with total confidence in the Lord to equip me as I trust him, so more peaceful. -
Q1. Comfort and Comforting
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
1a)God comforts me each day in everyway, body,mind and spirit.by his love through Jesus sacrifice for me, inner peace amidst difficulties,and promise that he will always be with me, my refuge, my source of hope for future,wisdom and strength for each day. He sees the bigger picture.His comfort is different from friends/family it is always constant and affect me deeper in my soul. b)Each day I can tell him how I feel, bring requests for guidance and hear from him through his word as God’s Spirit prompts me.With his comfort I am able to stand firm&face trials with hope. c) I can share with others how Jesus has brought me peace and comfort in times of severe illness, and point them to Jesus in their suffering. D)I can share scriptural words of hope,comfort and peace with those in need.Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge &strength, a very present help in trouble.John 14:27Peace I leave with you;my peace I give to you..let not your heart be troubled. Philippians4:6-7In nothing be anxious..the peace of God,which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and your thought in Christ Jesus. -
Q2. The Bronze Snake
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Conquering the Transjordan and Moses
2a)This time the people complain about no water&criticise God’s provision of manna& blame not only Moses but God too in their impatience.Poisonous snakes come as a punishment. B)I believe impatience is sin. C)Why it is, if we are not showing gratitude for the many good things we already have,&indicating we know better than God what we need,which is not true. It shows lack of trust and faith. D)God through Moses told people who were bitten by snakes to look at the brazen snake Moses held up on a stick with faith in God’s promise that he would heal them giving hem life.It was afigurative way of God saying he was out of his mercy making snakes harmless. Out of God’s mercy for us,Jesus’ blood was shed as he died on a cross/stick to cleanse us from our sins,&believing in Him gives us eternal life. -
Q3. Balaam and Phinheas
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Conquering the Transjordan and Moses
3a)Ballam taught the Israelites to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and commit acts of sexual immorality with Moabite women who led them to worship other gods e.g Baal of Peor. B)Phineas was honoured because he stood up for God’s commandments spoken through Moses re sexual activity and not eating sacrifices to lifeless gods,or worshipping gods other than Yahweh, when he speared the Israelie man and Moabite woman who had commited sexual immorality .c) His reward for loyal action was a promise of a lasting priesthood Numbers 25:13 and the plague from the Lord on the Israelites was stopped. D)We are often fearful of speaking up for God and his instructions on how we should live, because we thinking about what other people would think of us and how they might react as we are tempted to see approval of others. -
Q1. Striking the Rock at Kadesh
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Conquering the Transjordan and Moses
9a)God asked Moses to take staff &with Aaron gather the Israelite community &before their eyes speak to the rock to obtain the water the people wanted. b)Moses obeyed re staff,Aaron &people gathering but instead of speaking to rock he rebelled in his anger at their complaints, and struck the rock for water as he had doneEx17:6. c)He sinned because he didn’t trust God enough to be faithful, and allowed anger sin to rule his actions. He also knew just speaking alone would not be visible to the people gathered,so was tempted to take over, striking rock,rather than obeying exactly God’s command d)If leaders sin in these ways,they should own up when realise their mistake,repent for his actions, apologising to the people they lead and seek the Lord’s forgiveness and mercy for them & people they are seeking to lead.Then continue with task they have been given trusting&obeying God wholeheartedly like Caleb. -
Q3. Refusing to Enter the Promised Land
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Rebellion against Moses
3a)It was a covenant promise for the people to enter promised land.The entire point of the journey it took 430 years to occur, so their dream were unfulfilled b)For the people it represented their unbelief &therefore they would never receive the blessing of Abraham, Isaac &Jacob. c)On the Lord’s part,exacerbation, he punished unbelieving Israelites for their disobedience,their lack of faith&trust in God’s promise he made to Abraham,Isaac & Jacob.God knows the right punishment to fit the crime. d)Punishment comes as a consequence when we disobey what God asks of us.The plague though severe,was God’s response to Israelites unbelief,fear and rebellion.It did enable God to clear out the unbelievers, so faithful,believing men&women would enter the promised land after their parents had died. God responded to Moses intercessions he allowed, most to have lives wandering in desert,as opposed to unbelieving spies who died suddenly e)weeks or months instead of 40years. -
Q2. Miriam and Aaron Speak Against Moses
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Rebellion against Moses
2a)They felt God spoken through them too,were jealous of special relationship Moses had with God,were insecure of their status with God and sought to be at least equal with Moses in their relationship with.. B)People seeking power want discredit existing leader,so that people will be disloyal to leader not follow their vision for future,&transfer alegance to person seeking power who seeks to be more successful,stronger,more spiritual as existing leader. C)Moses didn’t react in defense,but allowed God to intervene,and didn’t hold sins against them after Aaron had confessed their sin. Moses still showed care&concern for his sister, asking God to heal her after she had been disciplinend. d)If he was proud,he may have said they caused the leprosy,killed them or put them outside camp.e)God responded justly giving punishment, and an opportunity for restoration. -
Q1. Moses' Prayer of Frustration
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Rebellion against Moses
8a)Moses has followed all the Lord’s instructions,but the people are not happy&blaming Moses.He is passing this frustrations onto God, instead of urging people to be patient &trusting.He is beaten down by Israelites&this pulls him way from remembering how God has been faithful providing for the needs of his people.His vision of God is too small. b)Moses faith is being tested being physically weakened &emotionally overwhelmed by size of task to provide meat for people&constant demands of leadership.He knows he himself cannot meet their needs alone. .c)God always wants us to express our feelings to him, so right to do so, but he should trust God to know he will provide for the needs of his people in his timing&trust him more.. d)yes it showed us God answers fervant prayer. E)We are shown this prayer,so we know that even faithful leaders like Moses can be exacerbated by circumstances&pressures from people he serves,and we can trust him to help us. .f)God promised him an abundant supply of meat(a months’s worth) and put some of his Spirit on 70 of Israelite elders&then he rebuked him for not trusting the Lord. -
4a)Jesus is saying this summarises the moral teachingsof OTLaw. Righteousness as Christians now fulfilled as walk according to Spirit b)They are similar because both about God’s command’s to love,and both God’s word to us, C)They are different because we are commanded to love the Lord your God with heart, soul, and mind first v37 As we love others as ourselves we show the love that we have for God in keeping his commandment v37, the first commandment to love Do to others (your neighbour),what you would have them do to you(as yourself)v39 It is not a natural behaviour, we can only do this by allowing God to work through us.
Q4. Disobedient Disciples?
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Discerning the True Way (7:13-29)
4a)Jesus commands his disciples to love each other as he loved them. Part of that loving is obeying what he asks of us.Good works for God are not sufficient evidence that we are His. b)A Christian who believes but does not obey, doesn’t grow and misses out on life with Jesus as head. c) Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace. He chose us and gives us the gift of faith as we open our hearts to him.Jesus came to save us from our sin, and redeem us for our righteousness Ephes 2:8-10 Paul is talking about free gift that we do nothing to earn. Jesus is referring to our walk with him after we have been saved. It is from that love for Jesus &his sacrifice for us, that we try to do our best to follow obediently all he asks of us. True obedience comes from submitting our will to God. -
Q3. Deceiving Yourself
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Discerning the True Way (7:13-29)
A)We can kid ourselves, through the deceiver, into thinking going to church, doing spiritual things, is doing what Jesus asks of us, but if we have wrong motivations however subtle underneath e. g, self-centred personal satisfaction, glory, pride, we are hearing but not really changing how we think& act. Real test is if our love for God is real, we want to serve him only in everything we do B)It’s possible to do miracles, prophecy if God gives, them this ability, but if we don’t humbly submit to Jesus totally, allow him to be first &most focus guide for all our thoughts &actions, our pride, sin, is still in control &we haven’t given him he wants–OUR HEART .Our good works won’t get us into kingdom of heaven. If we turn around to God, renew our love for God and are willing to change and be obedient to his word more closely, he will forgive us. Jesus is more concerned with our walk than our talk. -
2a)Kind of fruit of false prophet is Bad fruit consisting of i/strange or disruptive teachings causing division ii/dominant character flaws iii/hypocritical actions &attitudes,inappropriate of a Christian leader,leading people in church away from God’s will for people &church. Need to look at the character behind the person to see whether their actions match up to what they are preaching. If their teachings minimise Christ and glorify themselves instead, motivated by money, fame or power, instead ofactions of love,peace, gentleness,joy,kindness,goodness &self-control
Q1. The Narrow Gate and Universalism
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Discerning the True Way (7:13-29)
13a)I believe there is only one way to be put right with God,through the narrow path,believing Jesus died to save us from our sins.Each day need to read&absorb the word,respond to Spirit’s prompts guiding me to be me more obedient to following his commands,even when it causes critiscim,suffering for the gospel. God is gracious with us thankfully,forgiving my errors when come to him afresh each day. B)Reminders about the destruction that awaits those that don’t trust in Jesus as their saviour, prompts me to use every opportunity to share about Jesus with neighbours/friends. C) Buddha,Muhammed encourage people to follow the wide path unfortunately misleading people to think they are on a road to God.This universalism,I believe is not valid,Believing in Jesus &his sacrifice for us,to free us from the hold of sin,is the only way to the father,receive new life in him and to receive eternal life. -
14a)The kind of obedience and honour that adult children should show to their parents is to listen,value and respect them and care for them as they grow older.When marry & form new family,obligation to obey parents is different,always need to respect & consider their advice, and make decisions right for family within God’s guidance b)If parents mentally challenged Their thinking is impaired, but need to not be harsh, but gently care for them,guide,care for them and always show them respect. C)We don’t always understand our parents motives, but as part of honouring them we must show respect for them,and seek to forgive them if they have hurt us, out of sacrificial love for them.
Q3. A Faithful, Loving Father We Can Trust
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
3a)God loves us, he wants the best for us&cares for us, we are special to him and chosen by him,his people on earth. B)God is always faithful to his pormises,never fails us.We need not be afraid but can totally trust him in faith to answer wisely. C)God is blamed for the wars&other bad things that happen in the world.People are then fearful of God,and don’t seek him. D)If we don’t acknowledge all the good ways God provides for us we approach God with wrong attitude,don’t believe he is for us and are fearful of the future.Seeing answers by God’s provision to us builds our faith,trust and our ability to depend on Jesus and his love for us.. -
Q1. Ask, Seek, and Knock Continuously!
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
They are all aspects of prayer, in our desire to know God’s will for our lives. God will always answer our prayers. Ask is to request something from God, expecting an answer.Faith in action.Seek is a persistant searching to discover what is lost or not yet discovered. It is part of maturing process, as we sift to know God more clearly & his will in our lives. Knock is trying to test closed doors and see which ones God will open for me, my faith, my testimony. Being persistent and not giving up. Seeking to know God’s mind. Progression distinguishes them from each other.There is an increase in the earnestness of these prayers c)each word brings us closer to a door being opened d)The present, continuous imperative verbs stress continued, persistent action, we are not to give up, but keep knocking until God opens the door to us the opportunity he has in mind. Faith is a growing process, being shaped daily as persistently walk with the Lord. -
4a)The offerer confesses his sin and in laying his hands on the animal he symbollically imparts this sin onto the animal, that God has accepted to be sacrificed as a substitute for him. The offerer killing the animal himself makes the act of sacrifice(atonement) more real for him (getting bloody)a reminder of the penalty for sin, deepen the memory of sacrifice, increase desire to not sin again, and receive more fully the cleansing by seeing the blood, and forgiveness when it is over and freedom to live holy again. C)The perfect animals blood is vital to make atonement for the offerers life.Blood is life of animal D)Jesus was the blemish free lamb that bore the full burden of all our sins when Christ was crucified on the cross.His blood shed as an atonement for us It was the ultimate sacrifice for us to be cleansed by his blood, so that we can come into the Lord’s presence and receive his forgiveness and power to live new holier lives for Him. We are redeemed “with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect" (1 Peter 1:19).
3a)The arrangement teaches me,that people seek God first in prayer, confessing their sins and in tabernacle the priest sacrifices various offerings to atone for their sin, before being cleansed and forgiven. As believers we are not able to approach God and receive his mercy until we confess our sins in humility turn to him,offer our thanksgiving and praise and receive the atonement the cleansing that Jesus has given us by his sacrifice on the cross. Outside tent the bronze altar is where the sacrifices for sin are made shedding of old me. The bronze laver or basin is where they received cleansing and forgiveness, putting on the new me. Only when we confess our sins in humility, believe Christ died to atone our sins by God’s grace, and receiving his forgiveness and cleansing,so we can truly worship enter into the holy place &approach God blemish free and receiving the glory of God.ultimate goal in the holy of hollies.