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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 2a)The Ark a gold covered acacia wood chest was a portable throne of Yahweh was within the Holy of Holies room of the Tabernacle. (It was an even more sacred place(inner sanctum) than the Holy Place the other room in the Tabernacle which contained the Altar of Incense,lampstand and the Table of Showbread manned by the priests giving offerings to atone for people’s sin). b)The Ark contained the Testimony the tablets of the Ten Commandments, God’s spoken Covenant on it for the Israelites given to Moses. It also contained a pot of manna and Aaron’s rod that budded at various times. c)It was considered holy because God said he would be there in a cloud on the mercy seat on the ark,only entered by the High priest encountered God there once a yr, the ultimate goal. d)It was symbolically the seat of the great Israeli King Yahweh Almighty God enthroned there and the ultimate destination for their worship of offerings/ sacrifices. The people were used to worshipping visible gods, & this was a tangible reminder of God’s presence,his throne where he said he would meet with Moses to give him God’s commands v22
  2. 7a)It was laid out as it was to the Lord spoken through Moses design, so that the Tabernacle.that held Israel’s king Yahweh dwelt within tabernacle was at the centre of their being. God in their midst made Israel distinctive. B)The layout of the camp with Yahweh’s presence central,then Moses and the priests closest,and the 12 tribes each with a set position arranged around the priests. C)The levites & priests were mediators for the people and God, they made the sacrificial offerings. They had responsibilities to maintain the Tabernacle furniture, altar equipment, which had to be attended to day and night. The tribes on the outside were in a position to protect the camp &tabernacle.We each as believers, have equal access to God, Jesus is our mediator we should put him at the centre of all we do in our daily lives as we serve Him, look after our bodies Tabernacles for his Spirit presence in us.
  3. 4a)The tent of meeting was a tent placed outside the camp,where his knowledge and greater intimacy with God developed.Hear he received revelations from the Lord and spent time in communion and prayer with the Lord in his tent of meeting. b)It is called tent of meeting because he talked face to face with God. C)I need to commit and reserve time to spend longer seeking God on an ongoing basis, to grow my relationship with the Lord,and get my priorities right.d)It would make my ministry more effective,it would develop my dependence on God more, increase my awareness of his love.
  4. 3a)People had been influenced by idol worshippers,The people were stiff necked.Moses interceded so they would inherit the promises of God.Though Idol rebellion squashed, God still angry as covenant broken,so Moses offers to Israelites to atone for their sin&intercedes with God again.God says each off us must be responsible for own sin.God will blot out in book of life each one who has sinned,&he sends a plague,that doesn’t wipe them out completely. b)Pastors crucial as church familiar with God’s promises for them.and not following Jesus’way so that He is eveident in their lives.Leadership greatly influences future of a individuals faith journey& church growth. C)By reading the word daily we know God’s nature,character & promises so that when we pray we are doing so in line with his character and purpose for our lives, it is then more effective.He can listen quickly and respond positively to our requests.
  5. 2a)As moses assistant, he should have led people to keep trusting in Yahweh,rather than direct people to worship an idol, saying “these gods brought you out of Egypt.He was overwhelmed and his weakness in decisive leadership came through,more suited to assisting than leading. B)Took no responsibility,maybe because he managed to keep a sense of order,even though by wrong means.He had reminding them in a misguided way of how Yahweh had delievered them out of Egypt.He was only appointed to be moses spokesperson. C)God is opposed to sin and is aware of Aaron’s human weakness, He had another plan for Aaron.Aaron joined in with other Levites in killing 3000the idolaters as Moses commanded from Yahweh,v29The levites action spared Israel greater sacrifice later. D)People are dependant in leaders giving good Godly direction,because their influence is great,people follow them whether it is scriptural or not. Moses knew he needed to take action.. He called for people to show whom they will worship & pleaded with God to be merciful and not destroy them all substituting himself as a sacrifice,he asks God to keep his promise to protect them,even though they had sinned, because i/they are God’s own people ii/to people unbelievers it would make them think that God brought them out of Egypt just to destroy them. forIii/and because he promised to protect them as part of his covenant.Levites responded to call and through this response (not the killing)were set apart E)It is necessary for leaders, to examine themselves, stand firm and not be swayed away from God’s path, by mischevious actions,learn from their mistakes,confess where need to(wrong thoughts,actions),intercede for God’s people, receive God’s forgiveness,make any changes in self required and press on for ministry ahead.
  6. 1a)People had grown use to worshiping animal gods in Egypt for 400yrs.Their faith even hearing 10commandments had either gone or was too weak to resist temptation to worship animal god,especially when they hadn’t seen Moses for 40days. .b)Aaron’s memory of his forefathers faith &how God had been faithful to them in past had failed, and he practised syncretism,worshipping 2 gods.His leadership skills were not strong enough to stand firm in face of severe criticism from Israelites, and counter it demands with messages of reassurance.Instead he relented and gave into their pressure. c)God is opposed to sin, &injustice, of any sort,saddened by their sin,he was angry enough to destroy them and start again with Moses as leader for direction. D)Current day church idols -any role,person,specific pictures, money that takes our time,focus,energy away from following Jesus and doing what he asks of us trusting in the Word alone.
  7. 4a)The shedding of blood in offerings to Yahweh,essential to atone for sins committed.(Lev 17:11)It was shed to ratify Abrahamic covenant Genesis15:9-18. Formal acceptance of covenant commands Exodus 24:7-8 was put into effect by sprinkling of blood,everything used in ceremonies be cleansed with blood. B)In NT Jesus holds out cup..drink from it,all of you,this is my blood of the covenant,poured out,for the forgiveness of sins Matthew 26:27.Jeremiah 31:31speaks of new covenant.1Peter 1:19 speaks of the final covenant, brought by Jesus was the fulfilment made by his own blood. C)Similarities between old & new c both atoned for sins committed,both required blood to be shed by a priest,both require people to worship one God. Differences-OT required many animals to be slaughtered repeatedly for individual sins and was never sufficient to atone for all sins.Covenant betweenGod &Israel. N.T-Covenant opened up to us all as well as Israel&God.Jesus death &resurrection was the once for all sacrifice to atone for sins,with blood shed on the cross,paid for the forgiveness and cleansing of all sins past,present and future for us all.Believing in Jesus and accepting his covenant of graceEphes 2:8-18 we are cleansed,forgiven &restored,dying to our old self and free from sin to live for Him, and share this good news with others.
  8. <p class="questionblock" style="margin: 1em 0cm"><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 14px"><font color="#000000">3a)Israel was a people from Abraham’s seed,set apart from the other people’s,chosen by God with covenant that he would protect them &lead them to the promised land,longterm plan to be under headship of Christ.They were asked to obey &worship Yahweh the true God and no other gods,and keep commands,to be pure and not do actions forbidden by Yahweh.He promised if they obeyed commands,they would be Yahweh’s treasured possession and a holy nation.</font></span></span></p> <p class="questionblock" style="margin: 1em 0cm"><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 14px"><font color="#000000">b)To be devoted to God,prepare my body by forgiving others,be cleansed dailyfrom sin as submit to the Lord’s discipline and leading,,seeking to offer lives as living sacrifices(Romans12) that glorify Christ,spending time listening to God in prayer,responding to the Spirit’s prompting in all we say and do.Being distinctive as God’s representatives in our actions and mediators with unbelievers on earth.</font></span></span></p> <p class="questionblock" style="margin: 1em 0cm"><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 14px"><font color="#000000">C)Satin has greater impact today,as sinner’s more bold,and people’s busy lives,gives rise to satan tempts of”you haven’t got time for prayer,biblestudy,personal holiness”,also living in God’s ways is’nt seen as cool in today’s world.The temptations of sin,greed,pride in self,possesions,money, that are trumpeted in the media more than God’s truth,can also convey message to people they are “not good enough” to be called holy people. </font></span></span><font size="2"><font color="#000000"><span style="display: none"> </span><o:p></o:p></font></font></p>
  9. 2a)The priests were mediators between people and Yahweh,offering sacrifices to atone for their sins. Numbers 18says the priests are Levites chosen to bear the responsibility for the work of the sanctuary,obeying God’s Law, atoning for sins ministering before The Tent of the Testimony. 1 Peter 2:5-Yealso , as lively stones , are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer upspiritual sacrifices , acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Through Jesus sacrifice he atoned for our sins past present &future, as believers we’re priests cleansed,chosen by God, to offer our bodies as living sacrifices,in the way he taught,shining his light for others to see. c)As believers we function as priest by being a holy example, spending time in his presence learning & teaching others from his Word,God’s representatives,mediating for unbelievers who cannot approach the father direct,&bringing them God’s love,forgiveness hope and peace. D)as believers we are chosen,called ,set apart,a holy nation,a people belonging to God,royal priests to our high King God our heavenly father,trusted with responsibility,to be light to others,set example, guide others to Jesus. E)allow Spirit to work in me more,to gain more wisdom, knowledge,perseverance to care as priest to the flock in my care.
  10. 5a)It gives me good thoughts,memories of good treasured times past,a warm homely feeling inside,I’m part of a bigger picture. B)God as a high king chose the people of Israel as a treasured possession,to form an agreement with, covenanting that he would protect them from their attackers and lead them to the promised land if they fulfil certain obligations he gives them. C)It makes me humble,special to know I’ve been chosen, a real honour to be priviledged to be given gift of faith and hope for now &eternity,rescued from the hold of sin,forgiven and assured a heavenly eternity with Christ. I’m conscious of the awesome responsibility to keep my part of the agreement,to live for him in his ways freed from darkness,with help of Holy Spirit guiding me &sharing the good news with others pointing them to the one true God..
  11. If men treat wives wrongly are hypocritical e.g go to church but angry and violent at home, God will not listen to their prayers. If mistreated we should forgive our oppressor, so that we each men and women can be heard by God.
  12. Peter is addressing fact that women are i/physically weaker,more vulnerable to attack and ii/are equal spiritually as joint heirs before God and of promises for the future,He had learnt from Jesus how to show women repect and honour. b)Without wisdom and knowledge we act on pure emotion. From the Word-Taking care of,building up, encouraging and showing respect for their wives is how men can demonstrate love. c)By men loving their wives, this affirmation, feeling respected and builds their self-worth&allows wives to love husbands even more naturally by what they do and say to encourage them. d)&E) Domination is self-interest not of God.if egotistical are thinking of self, rather than Jesus asks to “love one another as I have loved you”
  13. 3a)Peter describes 4ways to inner beauty i/humble respect for husbandsii/pure &faithful to husband in body &heart iii/gentle,humble,considerate, Iv/ knowing who I am in Christ, being at peace with myself,secure in God’s love hopefully this showing in my actions,well ordered, at rest,speaking words from Spirit in me that trusts in God and his promises.I don’t need to be strident,selfish,maniplulative, pushy and I keep trying not to be like this with God’s help. b)We gain character by allowing The Spirit of God to change us to have the inner beauty and characteristics that Peter describes and God longs to see in us. Living allowing His Spirit to rule in us brings love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness and self-control-the fruits of His Spirit. c)True character is prized highly by God, very precious and of great worth to Him, my husband notices integrity,and character which doeesn’t fade with age it helps us to grow closer, learn from each other,as we grow older, also even helps men to know Jesus for themselves.
  14. 2a)Woman created by God Genesis 1:27,impt to look after God’s creaction,present ourselves outwardly and inwardly best so that reflects well on our husbands and God bringing pleasure to them and on us, in the process help ourselves to feel good about the way we look,think,act. B)Women need to keep image,diets, fashion etc in perspective, these are all part of looking after our bodies but these matters or anything else should not take away our focus from God, reading his word and sharing what Jesus means to us, by our actions and words.Too much time on self his worldly pride. C)Balance is to honour God first &his creation,learning more of him,keeping our earthly bodies as the temple of the Lord,healthy to serve him more, not destroying body with alcohol,caffine etc, honour our husbands by looking good for them enhancing their reputation,& encouraging us as well truly acknowledge our self-worth made in God’s image, and how much God loves us.
  15. 6a)Society today stresses importance of equality in rights,employment, so submission is counter cultural.It is also part of pride, our sinful nature wanting to be the ones in control, and evil one sowing that seed of doubt. b)Submission doesn’t mean to be silent if we have experience or ideas on how something can be improved, but to have wisdom and have an attitude of voluntary submission,winning over our husbands by our loving,gentle,caring behaviour in a co-operative spirit to help husbands be prevented from harm and from hurting others, or see the wisdom of our thinking.Wisdom is needed to know when to speak up and when not to, c)Submission is wrong as a Christian if husband ask me to commit a sin, and act against God’s law of love, and put anything over God.
  16. 4a)Jesus paid the price and has had the victory over sin, but we are still in a spiritual battle against the temptation of the world and our human sinful nature as a result of the fall to knock us of course encouraging greed,pride and other sins to rear their ugly heads. b)To be spiritual healed and freed from sin’s power, we must confess our sins,take up our cross,leave be hind our sinful ways and follow Jesus with a new life in Him where ever he leads us. c)I was buried with him in my baptism as an infant,saved by his sacrifice, this has been confirmed as an adolescant personally committing my life to Jesus and now I’m living for him each day in Christian ministry with Jesus as my strength, power and guide trusting Him each day.
  17. 3a)I am so thankful that Jesus paid the costly price to save me through his sacrifice of bearing my sins, past, present and future. I am His, saved,forgiven for eternity with Him and freed from hold of sin in all it’s guises.I will never knew the true extent of his cost, but I know that my whole life now is devoted to obediently serving him, caring for and helping others to know about what freedom and peace they can find through believing in his sacrifice for them and trusting Jesus for full their life ahead with Him as their guide.
  18. 5a)He suffered endure physical toture,abuse and mocking,spiritual abandonement testing &agony of pain,loss,separation from heavenly father before he commited His Spirit into God’s hands.He had to die to free me from my sin. so that we may die to sins and live for righteousness, by his wounds we are healed 1Peter2:24 My response can only be to serve Him,thank him for remembering me and care his children, not retaliate when mistreated but live as he did.
  19. 4a)Even though Jesus was insulted, physically tortured, mentally and physically abused he didn’t retaliate when he suffered, he committed no sin, wasn’t tempted,he was open and honest under pressure, he didn’t threaten but totally put his trust in our heavenly father to right all wrongs, and was at peace in his suffering. If he can do this for me,I can try and live my life as free of sin as I can and follow his example. I want to claim that peace and that comes through trusting Jesus and know it even more deeply at all times. b)I am going to carry out my work to the best of my ability, trusting that my Father will equip me and as I depend on Him even when difficult. Not going to let how other people treat me,even when unfair,change the way I live and think.Going to turn the cheek.
  20. . 3a)If we are conscious of God ,that spiritual awareness of God’s presence with us,we should react to a demanding,unfair,intimidating,unappreciative boss by bearing up under the pressure, endure doing our job with the same high standards as if he/she is wise,honest and good, when asked to do work which they are in the right to ask us.If we are asked to do something against or conscience and God’s commands, we should refuse and resist this what ever happens as a result. b)As Christians we have responsibilities to live as Jesus would. Therefore think Christians shouldn’t complain,as in the west we have many blessings,with reasonable jobs or benefits,a home,food, healthcare and family should not complain to increase their level of comfort. c)Jesus helped those in need and challenged hypocrisy, so feel Christians should bring to the attention of an employer when something is wrong to help the employer. Think Christians can raise to public’s attention where people are abused e.g. slave labour people paid tiny amounts working in poor conditions to make products for the wealthy in the west, and to help negotiate with employers improved working conditions and better pay for vulnerable people. d)Pray about it, and try to obey scripture” endure all kinds of persecution and trials and consider it to be counted to us as joy and righteousness. James 1”,trusting God will help &protect me. If in abusive situation maybe move to employer.
  21. 2a)We can please God by showing respect to our employers, obediently carrying out what is asked of us with the maximum level of effect with our full ability to a task. b)If we don’t give our full effort to a task, we are in effect cheating on God and denying our employer the effort we have been paid for, and dishonouring God and his name. We need to show our distinctiveness with high Godly standards as a Christian with total integrity, and shine in a world when people often try to do the minimum possible.
  22. 4a)God has put people in authority to punish wrong behaviour and encourage right behaviour, to govern and bring order to society. Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ. If we become known as reliable usuable people with good Godly standards, we bring glory to the Lord’s name in place. b)God is saddened when we do wrong things,and let pride rear its ugly head, and dishonour his name.If we rebel this reflects directly upon Jesus, &his reputation, it shows our lack of love for God, and hurts God. It also gives non christians a wrong impression of Christianity.
  23. 4a)Moses delegated in stages judicial functions first as instructed,didn’t appear to know he could delegate further. He was a humble and meek &may have held back waiting for God to put some of the spirit on the accredited leaders. b)Their qualifications were recognition as leaders by their own community, god fearing, committed to truth and justice, they had the spirit on of God on them. c)Moses served as a an evangelist, teacher, pastor, prophet and evangelist during period of exodus as God’s representative to the people of Israel. d)It is vital to have the anointing of the Spirit on those in Christian leadership, He equips to serve build up the body of Christ and empowers leaders,it cannot be done by competency alone.
  24. 3a)God cares knew they would become hungry, heard their cries and he proved he would provide for them, by responding mercifully with provision of manna every other day except the 7th for 40years with no labour other than to gather it in,until they entered the promised land. b)It ceased because they no longer needed it,” came to a land that was settled”. c)They took it for granted because it came without labour, and saw it with human eyes not spiritual eyes seeing God at work.They mistakenly thought they could rely on themselves.They forgot to thank God and how he had provided for them in the pastwhen they depended on God more. d)Everything I have comes from the Lord,having been through difficult times, reminded constantly of what I have to be thankful for-health,home,family,and most importantly his constant love for me,whatever I do.
  25. 2a)If we grumble to our minister about his leading in the church,we are really grumbling against the Lord because they are God’s representative. b)If leader is directing people to act not in the will of God,man leading not God e.g..Midwives refused to kill first born males against instructions of Pharoah c)ministers have a pastoral heart and care for people, wants to help people to be content and peaceful, still fighting the senses of the flesh,so are discouraged and feel they have failed when people make complaint about their leadership. d)It takes a leader to burn out trying to keep everyone content,&/or when leader receives affirmation their leadership is in line with God’s will, then act with the meekness of humility,resisting pride in any form and proceeding as they sense the Lord is asking them to do, and leave the rest to Jesus.
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