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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 4a)People are fearful about the effect change in church,family circumstances will have on them, fear of the unknown &disatisfaction when not having a faith perspective.People see the difficulties for them in a situation,more easily that acknowledge Fear comes when we don’t put our trust in Jesus but allow emotional reaction of unknown&difficulties (grumbles)to take over than trusting Jesus to help us work through a situation. C)When fee disheartened by circumstances,fairness, try to pray about situation&think of the many blessings I have through Jesus and of how I can help the many less fortunate than me.
  2. 5a)If we blend in, our distinctiveness as Christians giving,loving, forgiving, caring for others before ourselves,persevering through difficulties trusting in Jesus, being a gentle quiet spirit and ability to be salt and light in the world Jesus calls us to is weakened. We need to try and live good holy lives and glorify Jesus name, so people around us see the difference Jesus has made in our lives as believers.
  3. 4a)Peter warns us to keep away from the sinful desires of culture to conform,inspired by sinful human nature.Our values should be from God. b)We are in a spiritual battle with our soul,the centre of the inner human life. We as aliens and strangers in a sinful world, constantly tempted away from God’spath for us,so we need all the support we can have from reading the bible,Christian friends,the Holy Spirit in us,preaching to build up our faithhonour to God,trusting in God's strength in this battle to follow God's ways and receive salvation’s eternal hope in Christ Jesus.
  4. 3a)Actions –serving God out of gratitude giving praise and thanks to God,obeying him in all I do and say,living by God’s standards. Attitudes-humble,that of a servant,thanks giving for giving me great hope and life in Jesus,for being chosen by God, for all he does for me, for giving,for bringing me into church family.
  5. 2a)Through Jesus I offer praise in prayer,song with thanksgiving for the many blessings he has given me, and offering my body as a living sacrifice obeying God in my actions, sharing good news with others and offering my gifts to God.Expressing praise with my hands,feet,mouth,tears,joy,with expectation,to meet him,in Spirit,truth,My thinking is totally focus on God and not on self at all.
  6. 3a) We are considered the royal priesthood when we accept Christ Jesus into our lives. Just as Jesus is the Living Stone, my acceptance of him being chosen by God and precious to Him, I become a 'living stone' being built to be a spiritual house. The mind set is of a Royal servant is to be sanctified by reading word daily,offering up spiritual sacrifices (prayers) acceptable to God through Jesus,& worshipping him where I am placed,home or work,serving him by obeying his word in thought and action as bible says,& spreading further His gory. It inspires me to draw closer to God,learn more of him through reading bible more,persevering,to overcome,focus on God in all I do and say where ever I am placed and endure for him with my heart and mind, waiting for him,listening to Spirit guiding my understanding of his word, and His prompts on how to serve him in my attitude,thoughts and words, confessing where I need to,forgiving others,showing mercy,healing, and sharing God’s love and care for others. I have a purpose as royal
  7. 3a) We are considered the royal priesthood when we accept Christ Jesus into our lives. Just as Jesus is the Living Stone, my acceptance of him being chosen by God and precious to Him, I become a 'living stone' being built to be a spiritual house. The mind set is of a Royal servant is to be sanctified by reading word daily,offering up spiritual sacrifices (prayers) acceptable to God through Jesus,& worshipping him where I am placed,home or work,serving him by obeying his word in thought and action as bible says,& spreading further His gory. It inspires me to draw closer to God,learn more of him through reading bible more,persevering,to overcome,focus on God in all I do and say where ever I am placed and endure for him with my heart and mind, waiting for him,listening to Spirit guiding my understanding of his word, and His prompts on how to serve him in my attitude,thoughts and words, confessing where I need to,forgiving others,showing mercy,healing, and sharing God’s love and care for others. I have a purpose as royal priesthood to worship and obey God.
  8. 2a)Through Jesus I offer praise in prayer,song with thanksgiving for the many blessings he has given me, and offering my body as a living sacrifice obeying God in my actions, sharing good news with others and offering my gifts to God.Expressing praise with my hands,feet,mouth,tears,joy,with expectation,to meet him,in Spirit,and truth.
  9. 4a)The evil one tries to make us feel we are of no real worth. b)Peter stresses we are owned by God who valued us so much he bought/redeemed/paid for us by blood of Jesus,who set us free from sin. c)God sacrificed his son for our freedom,he loved us that much. d)I could never repay God enough for the immense cost of Jesus sacrifice to redeem me,other tha serving Him. Worldly goods are perishable e)Accepting Jesus’ blood shed for me, is an eternal precious investment
  10. 3a)People feel resentful of others making judgements,maybe fearful that not as good as others.Pride rises.Need to remember I’m sinner saved by grace. b)Jesus’ sacrifice that we as believers would be spared in the final judgement, is God’s act of love for the world.God is just,merciful and forgives but will give punishment to all who do not follow and submit to his teaching. c)When Jesus returns those who have turned to him in faith will be protected when we are judged by heavens standards,& raised with the saints for eternity with Jesus in new heaven. This is vital in the good news. d)Gospel without final judgement no reward for accepting Christ’s atonement for our sins.We would be worldly not holy.
  11. Drawing close to God,seek to resist temptation with God’s help,hate sin, love righteousness .We have been made holy by Jesus atonement, becoming more holy in our character through the Holy Sprit working in us as believers. b)My salvation in Jesus,our sins forgiven, restoring my relationship with God, has made me holy now. c)God has given us the path of right living, by hearing his word and applying it with help of others in housegps to grow more holy in my actionsand thoughts,and fight of the distractions of time,fear,pride. d)biggest struggle is getting distracted from growing to be the person God wants me to be.to be focused on biblical principles & not my own thinking.
  12. 1a)We are promised the fulfilment of our faith, that through Christ and his redemption, we will be raised with him with a new resurrection body when Jesus comes again, &to dwell for eternity with him,this gets my attention. b)It in spires Hope because-No more pain,illness or disease which I battle with on earth.I will be free of all this when he comes again. C) This incentive inspires me to rid self of anything unworthy of Christ and to live a holy life. D)When don’t expect Jesus to come soon,think have plenty of time, my guard drops enough for the human sinful desires of pride,greed,laziness,selfishness to surface, and I don’t act quite as holy as Christ would want.
  13. 4a)The Israelities faith grew as they saw the Lord mightily defeated the Egyptian army crushing them as they tried to cross the Red Sea. The honour and glory of the Lord was evident for the peoples of the area to see.This defeat was important for the israelites protection in the Exodus, to prevent Egyptians mounting another attack. b)Rocognising and believing in what God is doing, and giving him the credit is important, this builds our faith.As we give him the glory and the praise it purifies us, and we have right thought about God and what he is doing in our lives. c)If we put results down to us what we have done, we are not living holy lives but letting our pride rule, not revering God and his power as we should d)When leaders take the credit for “victories” themselves, their pride is puffed up. We must acknowledge that the power is not ours but God’s, and we should give him the glory, which is our purpose. e)leaders can keep themselves from pride by daily,submitting to him in worship,and realising we are nothing without Him.
  14. 3a)They were fearful of dying in the desert at the hands of the fearsome Egyptians. B)They had years of oppression as slaves,and they were panicing,seeing their perceived weakness rather than trusting Moses and the LORD. C)Moses didn’t want to waste time with critiscisms, but focused on building up their faith,based on how the Lord had God had spared them from plagues etc and encouraged them to stand firm,be still and reassuring that the Lord would fight for them and they wouldn’t be troubled by Eygyptians again. D)The people questioned Moses words,didn’t like them, saying they want to be left alone to serve the Egyptians,a few may remembered how the Lord had saved them from the plagues,slavery under Egyptians.They didn’t have a real choice doing as Moses asked,it was easier for them to blame the person they could see. As they cross the Nile safely they sing praises,offer sacrifices, see God’s concern for them , follow Moses and respond better to his words.
  15. 2a)Obedient to God’s word is key to receiving God’s blessing. Our leaders hear from God to discern his direction for a church, then lead the people on that particular route.with patience, skill’s of leadership, and then it is the people’s responsibility to obediently follow this leadership correctly,without arguing & stalling any plans. b)We must not let our pride, making us/our plans be an obstacle, to the direction God has given about which path to follow.. c)Discipleship is life long journey following Christ obeying his commands to us, and daily learning from our failings and growing step by step to be more like the person he wants us to be.by his grace. d) A person may have sufficient faith to trust Christ as his saviour,but not sufficient faith to trust him with other areas of his life. Faith comes by hearing Romans 10:17we need to grow our true faith daily, by hearing scripture and encouragement of fellow christians to increase our faith.Out of love and true faith in Jesus we will obey him more.
  16. 1a)Jesus is our sacrificial lamb as his blood on the cross atoned for our sins, redeemed us taking away sins of the world, making us blemish free and our relationship with God restored as we believe and trust in Christ. B)As humans we are led astray by by sinful thoughts,words & deeds as we tempted by evil one, so deserve God’s wrath, but by believing &trusting in Christ we are united with Christ in his death,we are marked with his blood,&our names are written in the book of life Revelation 13:8. c)Our relationship with God has been broken by the sin entering into the world, but through Christ and believing he died for my sins,turning to follow him, receiving his forgiveness,mercy,grace, I am reborn in Christ a new creation,so God’s judgement passes over me.I am not condemned for my sinRevelation 20:12,15 sin does not have it’s hold over me, and his judgement passes over all believers..1 Peter 1:18-19 we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ John 1:29 took away the sin of the world. 1Corin 5:7 Christ has been sacrificed for us.
  17. 4a)The battle is God’s, He has the victory.We get distracted by human opposition externally &internally (pride) & forget our struggle is not the humans with clever words trying to persuade us of their views,We are in a spiritual battle & should fight with faith and prayer against the dark powers of evil one,who wants to undermine our trust in God & the paths he directs us in. B)The evil one is clever at disguising himself in human “clever” argument,and drawing us into a battle he doesn’t want us to enage in.. c)God will fight our battles when we live according to his will, pick the battles he wants us to engage in on his behalf, that give glory to God, & we seek his help & deliverance and give him ultimate control.He will defend us as we represent him clearly &forthrightly as we lead in line with his will.
  18. 3a)Moses didn’t accept pharaoh’s compromises they provided less than Moses demanded.He doesn’t have the authority to compromise onGod’s command.Only through this total obedience will God bring about the impossible,total destruction of Egyptian army. B)Ch leaders should compromise for purpose of unity of church(as long as not running contrary to God’s will, Word, characher) e.g as a way of keeping ch from stalemate and to accomplish business that must happen to move church forward. C)It is wrong to compromise when God has clearly told us what we must do.We must be faithful to God’s Word to us.If faithful we receive the promised reward.Hebrews 10:35Moses persevered because he trusted God he saw Him who was invisible hebrews11:27
  19. 1a)Moses had followed God’s instructions,but it had brought trouble for Israelite slaves, & he reacted from human frustration when Israelites angry under pressure by slave drivers from Pharoah’s excessive demands e.g more bricks no provision of hay, so went back God to say what now? b)They are looking to their perception of what they think they can do, rather than being obedient & trusting God c)They were caught between angry Israelities & Pharoah.Fear & unbelief possibly that God could enable them to lead the angry Israelites on. d)He has to assert his authority, to show Moses & Aaron that he wasn’t relenting with his request to ignore Pharoah’s protest and persist with his request.God wants faithfulness from us, whether we are successful or not.
  20. 2a)Ministers fearful of critical reaction to confrontation,they don’t always feel mentally &physically strong enough to carry this out. They may not have the skills to do it. b)That people would publically disagree with the minister,that they might leave the fellowship,reduce their tithe. C)If it is done with a civil manner where both parties are willing to change,it allows views &feelings held to be challenged, discussed and people to be changed if open to what God is saying through his Spirit. A new open honest deeper relationship forms. D)Not addressing a problem,permits it to continue, and it may become worse.If negative feelings/views on an issue are not explored they continue to have an impact on their responses, which may affect others too. It doesn’t show good leadership skills in guiding others on a way forward. Disobedience,lack of productivity,discord
  21. 5a)Joy in knowledge that Jesus has the victory over death,sickness &sin,hope as a believer of a better eternal tomorrow. B)This doesn’t change what ever I feel about my faith, God continues to work in me to fulfil his purposes for me. C)It is not dependent on emotions, but emotions are present. d)Human”Happiness” can be a shortterm feeling when things are going right. Deep eternal Joy is based on salvation & inner peace that doesn’t change with circumstances. E)Real joy is not pushed aside &weakened when things are difficult in times of trial, found in love of Jesus &our salvation. Real article found when inner joy remains,faith is proven,& in eternal hope continues even in times of difficulty.
  22. 4a)Yes Jesus has refined me during past illnesses/ current trials and through this increased my dependence on Him,& strengthened my faith. B)He rescued me, given me hope in dark times,put me on the right tract and now equips me everyday through Holy Spirit empowering me to persevere thro challenges. C)The evidence of Jesus being our living Lord in our actions for others and words of comfort, peace, hope in Jesus gives glory to Him.
  23. 3a)God in his mercy has given us new birth of an eternal living hope through Jesus,even though we don’t deserve it,God withholds the judgement that I deserve and shields each believer,protecting us until Christ returns & secures the believers salvation. B)My part is to believe, trust Jesus, nurture my faith, soaking up God’s promises,persevering with His strength, maintaining faith even when it is tested or weak.
  24. 2a)When I accepted the Jesus died to cleanse me from sin&fear,Holy Spirit softened my heart to respond in obedience and I commited to follow Jesus & I was forgiven,receiving the gift of faith.Being obedient was part of the agreement in following Jesus b)There must be a desire to be obedient to be forgiven Holy Spirit works in us to know our need of Jesus,otherwise were still worldly and not a citizen of heaven. C)Faith is a mercy gift from God freeing me giving me peace,not through what I have done or not done,but by His grace.This prompts me to make corrections where I have gone wrong,being so grateful for Jesus sacrifice,commiting again to obey him &his instructions to live by faith for Jesus.Our part is nothing compared to what Jesus has for us .
  25. 1a)The person who lives as more of this world with it’s greed for posessions, disregard of morals and lack of Godly values, is not living true to any commitment to obey God,and has slipped back to worldy/sinful ways,needs to be a change of heart &mind,to think of others above self B)I know that my thoughts and actions are not always as loving as they should be,we are sinners that have been saved by Jesus,&need to check our focus &actions regularily. c)I know I need to re submit to Jesus often,confessing where I have gone wrong and asking for his help to be a better disciple of Jesus helping others with the Spirit guiding me.
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