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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 4a)We look to ourselves &our excuses from satan’s lies, rather than giving ourselves fully to God,trusting Him & obeying Him whatever. B)To recognise that fear is “us” limiting what God can do in us.it is our reaction to situation, rather than seeing what God can through it. C)Fear is emotional reaction. Perfect love drives out all fear. Courage is overcoming our fears. D)Each person has to fight satan who is trying to steer us of course, &instead step out of comfort zones,whether leader or disciple, and trust in God,obey Him & he will equip us.
  2. 3a)Moses doesn’t trust God in equipping him to do what God asks. B)Fear and unbelief he would equip him, and trying to avoid God’s request disobedience. C)I’m sure he is saddened and angry when I don’t live up to what he says I should do. D)He went knowing Aaron would do speaking.
  3. 2a)He was humble but also didn’t feel he was capable to do what God asks. b)God said he would be with him. c)God says He will never leave us, and we can do anything God asks of us with his help and power through Holy Spirit working in us. God reminds us of his presence &faithfulness as He answers our prayers even in the most difficult of circumstances.
  4. a)He see’s himself as a Hebrew & loyal to his own folk &acts out of compassion to carryout his own basic justice. Loyal,compassionate decisive &passionate to see justice done c) He is afraid and runs away,impatient to wait for authorities system to exert justice on Egyptian task master, not leader yet,he didn’t trust God, wanted to take control & reacts without thinking of consequences.
  5. 5a)Gideon brought peace by suppressing the Midianites.He was an influential God fearing leader and judge in Israel, keeping them strong spiritually and militarily to avoid being troubled by other invaders. Though creating the Ephod as a form of worship was a mistake,Gideon's leadership as a judge and obedience to do as God asked was the positive continuing effect.Through this he brought Israeites protection,spiritual peace and prosperity encourages us to obey God's instructions.
  6. 4a)It is any trap that draws away from worshipping the true God. B)Gideon and his family’s attention is drawn to caring for the Ephod as this draws many people into the town &is a form of income for it. This puts takes their focus on trusting in &worshipping true God. C)It is a sin if it assumes more importance than it should &draws away from God. D) They were worshipping Ephod and not God,therefore being unfaithful to the true God. E)Gideon unknowingly set up Israelites (by hanging Ephod in town)to worship Ephod instead of God, leading people into idolatary.
  7. 3a)If we put other gods before God we are not truly out are faith and belief in the One true God and are spiritually unfaithful. Israel is described as Yahweh’s betrothed wife(or the Church is the bride of Christ)therefore if we worship other gods e.g.money,jobs, we commit spiritual adultery. He is our creator, provider,saviour,prince of peace,source, our All in All c)Temptations of not putting God first, putting my needs, my hopes, family, as having more weight, than God’s will for me now & doing as he asks.Help me to be more like Mary &less like Martha.
  8. 2a)Gideon asks Ephramites to seize control of the waters ahead of the midianites, fighting their army,capturing the leaders Zeeb and Oreb,while Gideon pursues escaping Midianites. B)They are angry because Gideon didn’t ask their large army to be involved in battle for Midiante’s camp, they wanted to also be part of the amazing victory c)Gideon didn’t boast in victory achieved, was gracious, not defensive,but humble, kept calm,wasn’t drawn by their anger, showed wisdom and complimented them on capture of Oreg & Zeeb, keeping focus on pursuing fleeing Midianites,know God was the true victor.In doing so he received Ephramites support in mopping up Midianties and the outcome sought achieved.
  9. 1a)3 companies means the effect of trumpets blasts in different directions,light from torches held high&shouts of soldiers will frighten the Midianites more effectively by surrounding them. B)the trumpets sounding 300 times gives impression on many,many troops/huge army about to charge on midiantes; the empty jars i)hide light until just before moment of surprise ii)create a loud shattering noise confusing enemy at night time; the torches suddenly appearing,confuse and panic the midianites,give impression of being surrounded. C)The strategy worked because Gideon had the faith to trust and obey God’s,he showed Midianites positive,confident tactical leadership, and they were obedient to follow Gideon and his commands.
  10. 6a)The rolling loaf that flattened the tent,symbolically represents the sword of Gideon, God equipped Gideon to defeat the midianite army and giving victory.For me picture of Bread of life bring victory over our enemy. b)To strengthen his faith to lead 300 men against 135,000 strong enemy with God’s promise of victory,and to help him trust God to lead him further.
  11. 5a)I would have thought that kneelers, were submitting to a leader.But lappers were selected maybe because they were able to see with their eyes alert,whilst receiving water,&able to stand quicker. God used it mainly as a means of sifting the army numbers &reducing in size.
  12. 4a)We lack belief about our own abilities &in God’s instructions when they don’t seem logical.We humanly want to be in control & understand what happens & why B)Building a faith on what is seen,rather than faith in the unseen. C)Sharing what we believe God is asking of us with trusted people amongst community of believers at church who know Jesus &have shown Godly wisdom,faith &seek the Lord in prayer.Having our main focus on God, if we seek Him we find his instructions.
  13. 3a)God knew the army would have trusted in God less,&more in them themselves if they had been large. B)God didn’t want the Israelites to have a reason to boast in the size of the army, wanted them to trust totally in his strength not theirs. C)He would have had pressure from tribe leaders, not to go ahead until big army. d)By obeying God even when he didn’t understand the reason for the request &had doubts.
  14. 2a)Gideon wants assurance he has heard God’s instructions accurately&not acting from self motives. B)I think Gideon believed and trusted the Lord. C)This wasn’t testing to prove God’s abilities because of unbelief e.g.satan’s tests. d)Gideon like us had feelings of inadequacy to fulfil God's request &asked for further sign to build his faith e)We are open to satan’s lies of we are not equipped etc if we repeat requests for signs for selfish reasons. F)It is for our selfish needs that we ask.This can cause a cycle of doubt, pain, hurt.God is love ∧he forgives.
  15. 1a)The Spirit of God inspires Gideon to blow trumpet calling Abiezrites to follow him. B)Gideon &other judges of the era, have in common that God is in control, even when not aware of this & have the Spirit of the Lord guiding them. They all obeyed God too.The Holy Spirit still directs & guides us now if we allow him.
  16. 5a)He was loyal to his own family, but fluctuated in commitment to worship Yahweh or Baal, he had compromised his faith by allowing Baal altar to be put on land. B)Gideon’s actions prompt Joash make a stand for son & Yahweh, he chose true God at this point. C)Gideon was putting obedience to God first,even though his actions would have put Joash in difficult position before thinking of effect on father. We need to follow what God asks of us. D)By putting altar up at night, he may have hoped he & therefore Joash would not be identified. E)Joash is examining his heart & now chose to fully commit to God’s ways&support son’s actions.
  17. 4a)Significant because was a test of his faith &commitment,God asking him breakdown the root cause worshipping false gods of their wrong thinking, attack on local government, even though as personal risk to his safety. B)Alter to true God Yahweh. C)Upsetting his father and the people in community. D)Probably did it at night so that there was few people about to prevent him from doing what God asked. e)tacticle to prevent opposition &sign of his faith as still bold move.
  18. 3a)As a mighty warrior. B)The weakest of the clan . C)God’s d)Our limited self-perception can bring fears/unnecessary limitations of what we are able to do,focusing on self not God. E)Reminds Gideon God will be with him&will enable him to do mighty task. F)Helps me Lord to trust in God’s promises that he will protect,strengthen me & through HS enable me to discern wisdom and to step out in faith &trusting Him. Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.Philippians 4: 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
  19. 3a)As a strong mighty warrior. B)G see’s himself as the weakest. C)God’s- knew him better than he knew himself. d)We can allow our feelings,to misdirect us.In Christ we are complete,and he gives us the strength,boldness to do things that seem impossible without Him. E)God’s answer is to say he will be with Gideon&he will enable him to defeat all Midianites togther,seemingly impossible. F)help me Lord to not limit me to a poor-self image,but to trust,step out in faith knowing you are with me,with you power &help at all time. Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes Philippians 4: 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. John 14: 25 I have said these things to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Advocate,i the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.
  20. 2a)Gideon blamed God because Israel in hard times&he didn’t rescue them as he did in times past, but also they didn’t take responsibility for disobeying God. B)Not accurate Israel feels they are under God’s protection,but actions don’t match e.g.disobey God. C)Israelites didn’t keep their part of agreement to serve only God, so cannot expect protection.Our actions affect his decisions. d)Danger is we remember his promises, but don’t always obey him in our poor behaviour lack of relationship&failure to repent. E)Focusing on self,we miss seeing way’s God is working.As study&guided by HS,I see more where I am going wrong in howthink/act,repent &ask God’s forgiveness,trust again &relationship with God restored.
  21. 1a)They chose to disobey God by worshipping other gods. b)Israel worshiped both Yahweh& Baal, so broke command to serve the Lord only. C)They didn’t listen when Joshua urged them not to be influenced by gods around them. D)We can allow money,possessions,career,family,our pride to draw us away from having the prime focus of God in our lives,giving them more importance than we should, if we don’t keep putting God &his commands first and all else second.
  22. 4a)God guided, comforted when mourning loss of Rachel,mother, father, encourages when in fear from Esau and Laban, instructs after Shecham slaughter, equips to give blessings and protects Jacob.When he wandered off God sought hi out and restored him b)I can see how God has guided,directed , comforted,and encouraged me during my life c)I have put my trust in Jesus for 30+yrs, he has proved faithful to me through severe illenss and equips me to overcome many challenges.I’m grateful that when I try to go on my own he seeks me out.
  23. 3a)Blessings are closely linked with promises,oaths and covenants. E.g promise of protection could equate with lack of crisis. B)For me the crises have drawn me closer to God, by increasing my dependence on him,prompts me to study His Word ,be more open to his Spirit’s leading. c)They bring us to the point where we trust in God’s promises far more,see the answers to prayer he has given,e.g constant love,comfort&peace even at dark times. Faith produces and empowers more faith. The more we act in faith, the more faith we receive with increasing power. God proves he is faithful .The more we allow faith to empower the spiritual gifts the Lord has given us, the greater the effectiveness of those gifts D)If we only focus on world view of life now” we get pulled down by crisis, lose hope in the crisis and faith is weakened. We need to trust&stay focused on God’s promises at all times to maintain focus on God’s eternal spiritual plan and faith will stand the test.
  24. 3a)Blessings are closely linked with promises,oaths and covenants. E.g promise of protection could equate with lack of crisis. B)For me the crises have drawn me closer to God, by increasing my dependence on him,prompts me to study His Word ,be more open to his Spirit’s leading. c)They bring us to the point where we trust in God’s promises far more,see the answers to prayer he has given,e.g constant love,comfort&peace even at dark times. Faith produces and empowers more faith. The more we act in faith, the more faith we receive with increasing power. God proves he is faithful .The more we allow faith to empower the spiritual gifts the Lord has given us, the greater the effectiveness of those gifts D)If we only focus on world view of life now” we get pulled down by crisis, lose hope in the crisis and faith is weakened. We need to trust&stay focused on God’s promises at all times to maintain focus on God’s eternal spiritual plan and faith will stand the test.
  25. 2a)The right hand is associated with God’s strengthExodus15:6Jacob deliberately chose the second-born to receive a greater blessing with the preferred right hand than the first born .God chose Ephraim to take the position of the first born.He wasn’t confused. b)Joseph had different ideas and was displeased,thinking first born should be blessed according to custom. c)Jacob was obedient.The blessings are prophecy from God allowing Ephraim to fulfil the God’s plan.God showed His own free mercy,in choosing those not as the world chooses Jeremiah 31:9says For I am a Father to Israel, and Ephraim is My firstborn . When the nation of Israel originally left Egypt, the tribe of Ephraim was larger than that of Manasseh (Numbers 1:32-35), and after the kingdom was divided, the prophetic name for wayward Israel was Ephraim Psalms 78:67-68, Isaiah 11:12-13,
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