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Everything posted by wifee
a)Rejoicing is a deliberate action, a command to find joy in God’s love that as believers we have the Holy Spirit with us constantly, that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that we have eternal life with God. b)Pray about it.Many causes why people bereft of joy- faith not fulfiling emotionally, sober church; surface relationship with Jesus, little experience of sustanence through hard times or deliverance from diff probs.If struggle to know joy-can ask the Lord to open our heart &life to joy,ask Jesus to help me to rejoice in Him,then follow His promptings grow in relationship with the Lord.He will guide us to this joy by in our attitude of the mind towards the Lord. c)We become more peaceful,patient,humble &joyful doing as Paul asks to replace bitterness with rejoicing,being gentle to one another,rather than hostile,¬ bearing grudges,able to submit to “injustice”,maltreatment without malice, trusting God inspite of it al.Path to reconciliation starts with me.
Q2. The Obstacle of Pride
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
2a)Paul had all Jewish credentials possible to a high level,born into Jewish faith,circumcised 8th day of prominent Benjaminite tribe which held land round the Holy city of Jerusalem,spoke Arameic &Hebrew,son of family that did so,a strict Pharisee, educated as student of Gamaliel, a respected rabbi.He was so zealous for orthodox,he had persecuted the church. He felt he was righteous by obeying the Law as Pharisees interpreted it .b)Paul now knows in Christ all the previous mentioned credentials are worth nothing, compared to the freedom,&spiritual blessings of love,contentment,joy,forgiveness,hope,peace,fulfilment,God’swisdom he now has in Christ his master .c)Appreciating the past& Christinan faith examples good but need to repent of pride in this &know it counts for nothing compared to growing in my relationship with Christ as my saviour& Lord,reading His Word &being obedient to this in how speak/live. -
Q1. Confidence in the Flesh
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
1a)Sinful nature surfacing,pride,wealth,education,temptation-People putting more emphasis on job,works,going to church,seeking approval &acceptance from congregation- rather living as a Christian in thought/action, needs of others. We should be content to know serving the Lord, not for human aproval. b)Try to not be hypocritical&,resist temptation esp when receive people’s affirmation,&think more of myself than I should. Jesus has done so much for me,so try to remember this& be humble in actions,giving Jesus praise, knowing I function only in His strength, He forgives me.He is my true blessing & source of direction in everything! -
Q3. Discipleship and Imitation
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
3a) 3a)Paul’s role model was Jesus.Paul was open with his struggles and his mistakes,and his faith,&had no concern about reputation,still invited followers because he was sure of his call to lead God’s people. B)We may think our lives don’t reflect Jesus adequately, fearful others may not be saved by my poor witness.Don’t give our pride to God! c)We can show others that we are not perfect, have weaknesses but as we talk about faith in that context,people will see Jesus our real & living hope for today &future despite our flaws.d)People who develop trust in us will be more likely to imitate us &know Jesus for themselves.. -
Q2. The Upward Call of God
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
2a)My salvation in Christ,God’s call on my life I believe is liberating.I am a work in progress however,and still seekng the ultimate purpose God calling me to completion of my salvation in Christ. B)God’s call to salvation frees me,then journey of faith as Jesus works in me moulding,shaping me to be more into His image,until see him face to face for eternity in heaven.each day continue to be freed as seek more of Him. C)When we stop hearing gospel & God’s Word preached, devil uses distractions to weaken our faith &dim our hearing. D)We can renew hearing by humbly turning again to Christ, open to read bible,allowing the Word to be a 2sided sharp sword,to see how to apply it our lives. E)Message is one way to God,through turning to Christ confession of sins/repentance & faith and growing to know Christ more fully. -
Q1. Forgetting What Lies Behind
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
1a)Our past, resentments,failures are a barrier to know Christ, if we are still trapped by them in our mind and heart with feelings of worthlessness & pride with successes. We can daily turn to Him in humility,learn from past bad & good times, confessing our errors, change to be more as God wants each day,accept his salvation afresh,forgiveness, and hope in Christ. B)My own set of faults,resentments. I can get distracted from moving forward by hurts of the past, need to give past to God,leave them at the cross,and “forget” them. if remember them C)I need to forgive myself & remind self in Christ I am a new creation each day. -
2a)Ralph Wilson spoke at my church on psalms &after this I felt prompted to study Jesuswalk studies starting with James. I grew in my understanding of scripture and relationship with Jesus.My earthly Christian father &guide leader,paved the way for my commitment to Christ, owe much to them. Sue & Derek “adopted” me &kepy me close to the Lord. In isolated situation now&I seek daily wisdom,strength &guidance from the Lord and scripture. B)In ministry always looking out for people blessed with many gifts& suitable character emerging for leadership &seek to encourage these. C) New Christians vulnerable to evil attack, try to keep close contact with these folk especially.
Q4. Do Struggles Honor God?
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
4a)When I share about the difference Jesus has made in my sufferings,how through them God has brought me close to Him,strengthened my faith,caused me to focus on God more than my probs,then I honour God and give him the glory with my life as my drink offering. B)Living for Christ amidst difficulties (drink offerings) turns struggles into opportunities,& gives purpose for my struggles, putting Jesus first &his ways in all my speech/decisions. -
Q3. Holding Fast the Word of Life
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
3a)As Christians we are to focus on scripture based teaching, living it out in our daily lives, and sharing the eternal hope we have in Jesus even when tested by trials. b)We must not keep to ourselves these blessings,as we are Christ’s ambassadors,but shine brightly sharing the promises of hope,forgiveness,healing Christ offers through His word. c)It is our job to share the good news & hope we have, to others for their healing and restoration through the Word of life. -
Q3. Holding Fast the Word of Life
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
3a)As Christians we are to focus on scripture based teaching, living it out in our daily lives, and sharing the eternal hope we have in Jesus even when tested by trials. b)We must not keep to ourselves these blessings,as we are Christ’s ambassadors,but shine brightly sharing the promises of hope,forgiveness,healing Christ offers through His word. c)It is our job to share the good news & hope we have, to others for their healing and restoration through the Word of life. -
Q2. Shining as Stars
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
2a)It is counter-cultural and will show the difference Jesus makes in us as a new creation when we work/live with our church members in harmony,peace and love for them. B)It signify’s Christ in us making us more patient,selfless,caring of others, the change He has brought about in us. C)Different denominations are confusing to non-christians so I emphasise the basics that Jesus died for us all and believing in Him &turning to follow his ways is more important.If any disagreements in fellowship need to identify reason &humbly in love find a way through. -
Q1. Work Out Your Salvation
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
1a) Here as individuals & as a church we are to accomplish and strive for the implications and life style of salvation in our church community,looking out for each others needs and build each up, the fruit of salvation being in peace, love and harmony in the Spirit,using the tools we have been given Eph 6. b)No c) It is sanctification, us allowing God through the Holy Spirit to change our character,so we can gradually become more like Christ.The fruit of the Spirit wellling up in us.They have had their arguments, but now need to obey and humbly work & grow together united in Christ.Santification. -
Q4. Exalting the Humble
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
4a) Mat 23:12 states: "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (KJV)God will in His timing if we humble ourselves. b)our sinful nature reacting to difficulties we face tempts us to impatience wanting to move away from current trials,& devil sews doubts in mind about our eternal glory with Jesus. We need to stand firm &trust in God’s promises, maturing with Christ whilst waiting. c)impatience can lead to unbalanced attitudes and actions, seeking to exalt self,sin,instead of humbly waiting for God to exalt us in His timing. -
Q3. Jesus the Human Being
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
3a)I believe He chose to became a human in 1 birth 2 appearance,not pretending. He was one..1John 4:2-3a Word became flesh John 1:14. b)verses teach that God humbled himself by becoming human in Jesus &submitted himself to terrible death to save us from ourselves &restore our relationship with God the Father. In human form,he was both fully God and fully human. c)To be a sacrifice for our sins It was vital that he was human, for the truth &our acceptance of his birth death & resurrection.God is constant, not fake, nothing negative If not human he could not have experience pain,hunger,bereavement, anger, temptation and for us to see the significance of His actions. -
Q3. Jesus the Human Being
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
3a)I believe He chose to became a human in 1 birth 2 appearance,not pretending. He was one..1John 4:2-3a Word became flesh John 1:14. b)verses teach that God humbled himself by becoming human in Jesus &submitted himself to terrible death to save us from ourselves &restore our relationship with God the Father. In human form,he was both fully God and fully human. c)To be a sacrifice for our sins It was vital that he was human, for the truth &our acceptance of his birth death & resurrection.God is constant, not fake, nothing negative If not human he could not have experience pain,hunger,bereavement, anger, temptation and for us to see the significance of His actions. -
Q2. Equality with God
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
2a)The fact that Christ was humble enough to limit his power for a period of time, without ceasing to be God,to live on earth as Jesus growing up as a boy/young man, subject to time,place,human pressures modelling perfect love &obedience to God.”doing His fathers business”Bringing healing,knowledge,wisdom. the perfect model b)Nature morphe-form that truly and fully reflect what underlies it. Christ took nature of a servant humbly obeying God, whilst before,during&after being equal with God. He didn’t hold onto this equality when became Jesus,even though made of divine substance.He was the perfect necessary sacrifice to atone for our sin. -
Q1. Humility and Unity
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
3a) To achieve unity we need to take on the sacrificial love that Christ showed us. We need to be selfless, thinking of how he would react in situations we may face, thinking of the needs of others first before ourselves, striving to seek away through our differences keeping together rather than splitting off into factions. Seeking what is best/excellent and not just good. b)When small number chose lack of humility &a path that caused division, it caused great pain. c)I am seeking as part of body of Christ to ensure folk are encouraged, supported, pastorally cared for as they need by prayer, cards, and to come to God with any sadness, and not hold resentments against others.. -
4a)When we die believers will be with our Lord & saviour,benefits a wonderful life in paradise,with a new spiritual body,free from pain, disease &suffering in the presence of God in the heavenly realm with all other believers. b)It gives me a great hope, peace both for now as now disabled & the future, no fear in dying. c)In Christ on earth,the Holy Spirit gives me peace &empowers me to serve God now,by showing his love & care for others,bring them to know Christ &receive his peace &forgiveness. He gives me living hope for now whilst waiting for Jesus to return, and I look forward to my eternal home with Christ in the final resurrection when our salvation is received in full.
3a)Fear causes us to focus on our human limitations,rather than on Jesus.We are Christ’s ambassadors and he wants to use us to bring His reconciliation to others. B)Fear is evil ones way of preventing us speaking/doing God’s work &taking hold of the salvation promises. C)”Losing our life”dying to old self ,Making a commitment to follow Jesus, allows Christ to live in us.God’s ways are higher than ours. We live a more abundant life,free in Christ,when we speak/do things out of Jesus’ love &care for others in His strength to comfort them. God has given us opportunities.With Him we can forgive/love those that hurt us &our life even with trials has a new hope &salvation. D)Fear that my actions do not reflect God’s love adequately.
2a)As believers we are in Christ,He controls our destiny and in him we can chose to put our total trust &through prayers and Holy Spirit we will be emboldened to stand firm,persevere in trials,give thanks to God,rather than worry,be fearful,hold resentment/ anger even in the face of difficulty. b)God has promised eternal life,to protect us and given us Holy Sprit comforter to help us.Paul Romans 8:28 wrote “we know all things work together for good for those who love God,who are called according to his purposes”We need to stand firm in faith believing that God does provide for our every need. c)God is faithful.He will never leave us,nor forsake us,He is our constant source of hope and strength to help us persevere through all things.
Q1. Crediblity
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Struggles that Advance the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-30)
1a)People are more open in my experience, to listening to us speak about the difference Jesus has made in our lives,because of what we experience illness,stress, bereavement,loss & pain of all types.This shows our faith has been tested,is real & powerful,even in the face of adversity,and therefore worth taking seriously. b)Paul spoke boldly even when incustody, because he never gave up trust the Lord.He knew his words about Christ would be more powerful because he was persecuted. Sharing strengthen his faith,He enabled Paulto grow through struggles & overcome them. c)Severe illnesses.They have given me amazing opportunities to witness,show God’s healing power,as need help from others to do many things,learnt humility,dependence on God & patience. -
Q4. Discerning the Best
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
4a)Through discernment Paul believes they will be able to determine out of love for God which actions are not just good but are the best, of the greatest worth. b)They will make excellent choices,have a committed mature love for God with a clear focus to see which actions,ways of thinking are the most significant &will please God the most.These are of the greatest importance and we should put effort into those things,of greatest worth,&grow our relationship with Jesus. C) Selfishness, draws our focus away from pleasing God &helping others, to thinking of ourselves instead and what we want. D) When we settle for good and give up,we miss the best.We can hoodwink ourselves by thinking we are serving God doing good acts, but in fact if we serve others with a wrong motive, we are not pleasing God -
Q3. Bring to Completion
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
3aGod is faithful,Paulknows that if believer’s sincerely follow Christ in their actions&thought,God will carry on His work started in us,to completion,until the day of Christ Jesus,when we will receive the eternal destiny he has promised us,when Christ comes again. b)God keeps his Word if we keep our part of the agreement. C)God is a merciful,patient, loving,faithful God in whom we can trust totally.Jeremiah 29:11 God has a plan for my life, a plan for good &he will carry it on until completion.Jesus says whatever He began in us he will never stop working His purpose out in us.Paul encourages Philippians to remain faithful. D)God tells us he will never leave us,nor forsake us.If we remain faithful,keep believing, we will allow God’s spirit to mould us,change us, The more we strive to live for him,we will deepen our faith&our understanding. -
Q1. Slaves and Saints
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
1a)A person who submit to be under the control of the master &obey’s/serve their master for life.Paul servant of messiah,allegiance to Him,call to holiness,God’s teaching not in form of legalism,but freely because heart is changed. B)A believer,commited to serve God,saved by Christ’s blood,become holy through Christ’s Spirit in us, chosen,purchased belonging to God at great cost. C)Slaves serve their master for life,&purchased by them. Saints believers have been made holy by God through Christ’s blood not by own actions,& give lifelong commitment to serve God. Common ideas of serving master for life A ”Slave of Jesus Christ” and a “saint of God” different aspects of belonging to God. -
3a)Paul knows Onesimus has changed & on that basis puts up virtual security for him. b)Even friends can disappoint us,biblically we’re asked to be good stewards.&evaluate carefully.Vouching when we know someone has changed can be a way of giving people a new start, an opportunity for restoration & forgiveness C)In Christ we are all one, we are a new creation. Paul knows Philemon owed Paul for leading him to Christ. d) Christ vouches for us before God’s throne, &has given everything to set us free. D)We need to remember where we have come from & show each other forgiveness from the heart, not looking down on each other, we are all equal in Christ.