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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 4a) The sending nation (for us Kingdom of God) has sovereignty. b)As ambassadors we represent what our nation stands for &are called to seek reconciliation,take the gospel to the world,rich or poor, who ever we are in contact with. c)An ambassador has responsibility to those in the nation where we are sent,of negotiation & reconciliation, to bring people to a more safe place (commit to Jesus). D)As Christ’s personal representatives we have a responsibility to share with all we meet Christ’s message of love, reconciliation, forgiveness &hope,-the goodnews of salvation, as part of God’s eternal plan of reconciliation in a hostile land.We are responsible to Him alone
  2. 3a)He knew he needed the power of prayer to counter understandable feelings of intimidation, fear, persecution. responding to questions/sharing his faith clearly without watering it down, with officials in Jerusalem,who were not receptive to his words &able to decide his human fate, B)In war it’s important enemy doesn’t see sign of weakness, otherwise He will defeat us before we set out. When sharing our faith in Christ there is competition with the enemy. We need must stand boldly(even in the face of difficulties or fearful of the response)&defend our faith.Praying for boldness at these times, helps us focus on Jesus instead & he will equip us to speak with help of Holy Spirit,&have victory in our daily battles. c)Fear,Timidity,shaky,less secure in faith. d) It would mean one is more open to be led down the paths of unrighteousness, lies &deceptions attacks of Satan in all his guises.
  3. 2a)The enemy can use tricks & deception of tiredness, thoughts of other things to cut short or distract us from praying for those in need. We need God’s help to increase our defenses and to be alert to know what to pray &for whom. b)Perseverance keeps us in touch with our maker as we depend on him.We are asked to pray repeatedly, even though don’t always see the answers we hope for. C)We need exhortation to always give thanks in our prayers giving God the praise , and pray without ceasing, asking God’s forgiveness when we stop praying by being distracted.
  4. 1a)Prayer is essential in spiritual warfare, because we lack the power on our own to defeat our foe, we need Lord’s power to stand firm when in battle,keep our spirit connected to God. Jesus prayed even though he is God.He is our example,our helper in all things. b)Pray in the Spirit means to seek God’s leading through the Holy Spirit to guide every kind of prayer we make, so we know how to pray,so prayers are empowered by Him, & made effective by Him,he even prays for us when we don’t have the words.
  5. 6a)Each of us are part of the one body,one spirit with Jesus Christ as our Lord. B)We must break through our stubbornness,blndness,self-absorbed denom traditions, that can prevent the church of Jesus from being all she can be, to a people who can become again the glorious wife,visible representative of JC on earth. C)Jesus’s love will be evident in our words and actions,as we listen, encourage, give hope,pray for the needy and lost in our world who don’t yet know Jesus. d)Talking down church&people in it is not glorifying Christ and helping others to receive him.We need to repent of this, and in humility receive HS allowing him to change us where we need him to,as a church & individually&truly love each other in His name.
  6. 5a)As church to submit we should i)listen & seek to find what Christ wants ii)be faithful to believe & transmit Christs teachings iii)be committed to carrying out Christ’s work in the world. B)I want to voluntarily re submit myself to my husband in everything as he is head of wife,as part of my submission to Christ c)if submitting corprate life to Christ,we put our personal agenda’s of how a ch should be, to oneside& voluntarily submit to Christ,his teachings & his priorities d)putting Christ first we would be united together in love &the church would grow.
  7. 4a)The word chastens us,,instructs us, heals us from hurts, releases from all that holds us back through Spirit of God ministering freeing us as we inwardly absorb scripture. We are free in Christ through this enlightenment. B)Through Spirit led faithful biblically based, balanced,preaching &teaching by pastors & teachers.. C)God’s word brings love,instruction,comfort & hope to one and all.If it is shared with people in love& matched by the actions of our lives, the Holy Spirit will touch people where& how they they need him to.We need to allow room for him to work, and sew the seeds for Him to water.
  8. 3a) Holiness of a church,comes from Christ’s sacrifice, paying the cost,his blood covered us, washed by the word of God, purifying us. b)Christ initiated it, draws his church to him &builds us up,through his word,he renews our minds &heart,changing us,strengthening us,saving us.Through prayer reveals to us what he wants to perfect in us, causes us to repent, pull down our pride. we need his help to behave as he asks C)Focusing on Jesus,his agape costly love for us ,our actions showing love to others,building others up,through holy spirit working through us, will prevent us being legalistic &judgmental with others.
  9. 2a)Christ sacrificed his life on the cross for our freedom from sin. B)It is total for one and all,self-giving &God obeys His own laws Gen2:24 leaves father/mother &joins his bride, as Jesus did upon death/resurrection becoming one with his bride the church. C)Altruistic- unselfish concern for the welfare of others. God created man for fellowship with himself, sin broke that relationship, the cross bridgd the gap.Selflesssness-The sacrifice was made out of love for us &so the church us could be saved &formed. Now cleansed washed clean by his blood, we are standing in place of priviledge by His side
  10. 5a)If we lower our shield of faith we allow the arrows of evil one to get through,& our accuser can then sew thoughts of doubt. The shield of faith protects us but also when up we are in a stronger position to use our sword of truth, God’s Word to challenge any wrong thinking. B)Our helmet of salvation protects us against evil’s lies of self-doubt,that God will not forgive us when we mess up. Our confidence is daily in the Lord &His salvation. Circumstances test us, but God;s truth is steadfast,unchanging &in which we can put our trust in totally. C) God’s Word is both offensive &defensive.As we absorb It’s principles &truths we are better equipped to stand firm against Satan’s lies/halftruths..Jesus quoted scripture when tested in the Wilderness.Ihave difficulty remembering scripture, but use reminders to equip me.. D)Reading scripture each day helps me to use this weapon better.
  11. 4a)Without strong footgear we slip up,caught off guard, are exposed to the enemy, &our lives don’t show Christ’s love & peace. B)It means we don’t miss out on opportunities when in conversation with people about their lives,where we perhaps could have shared the Gospel in words &actions. C)It increases the number of saints to oppose power of darkness.
  12. 4a)Without strong footgear we slip up,caught off guard, are exposed to the enemy, &our lives don’t show Christ’s love & peace. B)It means we don’t miss out on opportunities when in conversation with people about their lives,where we perhaps could have shared the Gospel in words &actions. C)It increases the number of saints to oppose power of darkness.
  13. 4a)Without strong footgear we slip up,caught off guard, are exposed to the enemy, &our lives don’t show Christ’s love & peace. B)It means we don’t miss out on opportunities when in conversation with people about their lives,where we perhaps could have shared the Gospel in words &actions. C)It increases the number of saints to oppose power of darkness.
  14. 3a) Jesus, is the source of truth that sets us free. He shows us the way to eternal life. Personal holiness allow’s satan no foothold for him to weaken our faith by his lies about personal inadequacies. Through these weapons God equips us to stand firm &be more powerful than Satan’s lies&deceptions. These are both defensive &offensive powerful weapons because of Christ in our spiritual war,protective against influence of satan, and helps us to grow as followers of Jesus. .
  15. 2a)We misunderstand the nature of the spiritual battle humans are in. Calling people evil is denying the evil spiritual forces that is motivating them. B)Not giving in, or give up fight against discouragements of all types-illness, work pressures, being hurt is victory with Jesus as our strength to stay standing,hold our ground at end of each day. c)Satan,as a rebellious archangel who rebelled against God, was thrown out of heaven. The saints,us, have the victory over satan by the blood of the lamb, Jesus, and because of the word of our testimony of faith. D)Able to stand their ground by arming ourselves with fullarmour-belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith,helmet of salvationsword of the Spirit, and use each as He instructs, trusting God our mighty fortress.Truth will win the war. God’s truth stronger than Satan’s lies&deceptions.
  16. 1a) In our scientific culture,people want to identify all things,can see planets in space, but the world has no physical measures for right/wrong actions,love etc Satan dulls our spiritual senses, conscience, no measurement for spiritual beings,in the world, faith is yardstick. b)Without Christ at mercy of our temptations and their consequences.In Christ have power God’s Spirit, prompting us, renewing our mind with his Word,as He comforts,instructs,disciplines &helps us change lifestyle to live for Him. C)Satan in all his disguises is powerful, but Jesus broke hold powerof satan on us on the cross, we have the victory now as co-heirs with Christ.d)Devil plays a part in people doing wrong if we allow him,but we can put on the full armour of God,put our trust inJesus & not our own resources &be equipped refuse temptations. E)We cannot blame the demonic, when we deliberately ignore right path&commit wrongs.
  17. 4a)Christian employers should treat their employees with same kind of respect, faithfulness, integrity that God expects of employees. Better ones lead by example & from a position of respect. If need to let an employee go must do it with honesty,justice and integrity knowing effect it will have on family. b)God’s requirements for employer considerateness, justice, fair pay for all esp poor & immigrant workers,Prompt & full payment based on fair market rates. Special responsibility for church employees in how you act towards them.. God expects us to live as His servants, with our hearts & attitudes trained by H Spirit. It is through this witness that we are seen as fully and truly Christian.
  18. 3a)Employees should do all tasks they are asked as if doing so to the lord,e.g. not just doing the bare minimum in job description but to have standards of work respecting others, showing care, joy in their work, showing excellence in all we do,showing integrity as a good witness for Christ, not to impress others. b)In difficult work situations, if asked to do something wrong,or abused etc we can leave &hopefully find another job. Some issues are not worth dying for e.g. If pay is low,but we are working for the lord, it’s our attitude our true reward that is key.
  19. 4a)In humility and servanthearted attitude of united thanks & praise to God should underline our corporate singing. B)Corporate singing is designed to focus our worship on Jesus the source sacrifice in humility. c) It is designed for us to worship God in honour of his mercy and love for us as sinners,saved by him. D)Singing is and living as God asks is for me my worship to God. The holy Spirit empowers me to another level of intimacy and worship in thanks and praise for the awesome generosity of God’s love and mercy for me in Christ, freeing me from the past, equipping me for the current and for the future.
  20. 4a)In humility and servanthearted attitude of united thanks & praise to God should underline our corporate singing. B)Corporate singing is designed to focus our worship on Jesus the source sacrifice in humility. c) It is designed for us to worship God in honour of his mercy and love for us as sinners,saved by him. D)Singing is and living as God asks is for me my worship to God. The holy Spirit empowers me to another level of intimacy and worship in thanks and praise for the awesome generosity of God’s love and mercy for me in Christ, freeing me from the past, equipping me for the current and for the future.
  21. 4a)In humility and servanthearted attitude of united thanks & praise to God should underline our corporate singing. B)Corporate singing is designed to focus our worship on Jesus the source sacrifice in humility. c) It is designed for us to worship God in honour of his mercy and love for us as sinners,saved by him. D)Singing is and living as God asks is for me my worship to God. The holy Spirit empowers me to another level of intimacy and worship in thanks and praise for the awesome generosity of God’s love and mercy for me in Christ, freeing me from the past, equipping me for the current and for the future.
  22. 4a) Christ voluntarily submitted himself to the cross.He pours out his love for us as indiv’s answering our prayers comforting us. He is father of the fatherless, meeting our needs as we stay united &close to him. Even though we have our differences we are commended to honour our uniqueness, and at the same celebrate the unity we have in Christ as a body of believers, his church. C)We are to aim for lovingly submit as Christ did, to our husbands, our brothers & sisters in the church, to build them up,even though it is hard to when hurt by them. If bride steps away from marriage unity,husband cannot protect her. D)Christ’ love for us on the cross cleanses us, restores our relationship with him,even though we didn’t deserve it. Unity with Jesus is crucial Jesus always listens,is humble & cares for us,-our model for our whole life..
  23. 3a)We are united, If wife hurts,husband feels it too, therefore treating her well,will enable her to be fulfilled &love husband more.Husband taking care of wife,is also taking care of of himself. B Husbands leave his father & mother and he is joined with his wife as one flesh, the 2 will become one.
  24. a)People sometimes want to find ways of
  25. a)As Christian believers we are set apart in the world,to be Jesus hands,feet, and voice, there are many temptations, and we must be careful how we live, making the most of every opportunity to shine for God, thinking how we speak,& things we do to show Jesus
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