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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 2a&b)Head does mean have the final say when decisions have to be made having talked things through with wife,it is not about
  2. Hi there, I'm following this based in the UK and have enjoyed previously studies from James, Ephesians, Colossians, Romans, and Abraham, and learnt a great deal. building me up in my faith in Jesus,& equipping me to live more each day in tune with Jesus. Greetings to all my fellow walkers!
  3. 1a) Because she is asked to as to the Lord in scripture. Voluntary submission shows love for husband as head of the relationship, Both are of equal worth to God,Husbands have responsibilities towards wife. b)We are asked submit to husbands in everything unless asked to do something illegal,immoral or putting self or child in danger. C)No. Wife should contribute her experience & wisdom in relevant areas providing strength to marriage &leadership in those areas,helping husband and building him up.Submitting to Christ first,enables us to voluntarily submit in our marriage. d)If wife asked to do something in conflict with her conscience, need to pray for guidance, say unable to comply as she cannot compromise her faith.
  4. 2a)He seeks Philemon to act out of his own free will, a heart decision, not as a response to a command, so their can be true reconciliation.Their new relationship is now of brothers in Christ not just slave/master. B)It seems out of respect for Philemon a brother in Christ & for him to mature in Christ as he shows act of love & forgiveness to Onesimus.
  5. 1a)Probably to help Onesimus a run-away slave,now a Christian to be reconciled with his master Philemon,the right thing to do following his conversion to confess sin &seek restoration even if become a slave again. Other view suggested that Paul is asked by Philemon,to mediate between him & Onesimus over a dispute that arose. B)It would create a natural opportunity for their relationship to be restored as brothers in Christ, without being forced to. Paul couldn
  6. 4a)Archippus leader of Colossian church was given a task to fulfil, Paul sensed he was in astruggle & needed encouragement to press on with it,until Lord
  7. a)Prayer that Paul &his team will be given opportunities to share the gospel of truth personally with those unbelievers he meets & also that he would have clarity of speech/be able to communicate gospel message in a relevent effective way.Everyday personal evangelism b)Open door- where God creates an opportunity for us to communicate Jesus to others. C)We need to pray asking God to provide such an opportunity in a natural way Luke 11 9-10 Ask &it will be given,seek&you will find. d)He asks God to provide personal opportunities to share gospel in a personal way &to be given right words to be communicate effectively. E)Yes f)He knows without God
  8. a)Paul encourages to 1/be persistent& not get distracted from by spiritual enemy drawing us to jobs etc or give up if not seeing answers to prayers said 2/be alert to what I am praying about,as we are communicating with our friend &heavenly father. & 3/be thankful of the many ways God is already answering our prayers,perhaps in ways we don
  9. 4a)Paul asks us to be the light of Christ in our homes & work places, in that whatever we do, work at it with all our heart,mind as if working for the Lord. It is Christ we are serving not just an employer. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, there is no favouritism whether,employer or employee in God
  10. 3a)Need to not just partially follow instructions as employees, but to do so as if serving our Lord,not just man, e.g.not only when employer looking but to do so with total sincerity,trustworthiness& loyalty, not compromising values Jesus taught us. As Christians the quality of our work should stand out,our reward is inheritance of God
  11. a)A child respecting & obeying parents,prepares them for following instructions from future authority figures. B)Learning to accept that it is better to follow commands of those in authority,in school,work, civil authorities &means more likely to accept our father God
  12. 1a)Paul chose these directions probably because he knew the pattern Jesus sets - Christ head of the church,his body of which he is saviour.church submits to Christ. Christ loved the church &gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25 Therefore husbands as head offamily should love their wives sacrificially putting their needs incl emotions first,to encourage &build them up. Wives as bride should voluntarily show respect for husbands authority in decisions&help them. B)Wives human nature falls prey to sins call to assert control. It
  13. a)Christian virtues compassion,kindness, humility,gentleness & patience,bring honour to Jesus. They are evidence of the change in us that comes when we accept Jesus as our saviour & seek to follow him and become more like him. . B)Forgiveness and forbearance are essential qualities for a healthy Christian community e.g church..If we don
  14. 3a)sinful emotions of uncontrolled anger,jealously,gossip, etc come from our fallen human condition if it is not controlled. They cause us to lose control of our tongue, wrong language in a selfish often habitual way.The devil uses every opportunity to gain a foothold. No man can tame his tongue in his own strength James 3:8 B)We can say things that are untrue,make wrong decisions,discredit someone else, causing hurt. This harms us as people lose trust in us, our witness for Christ is harmed &our relationships are affected, It offends God,harms our soul &people are hurt.People attempt to cover up lies by more lies,stuck in trap of sin. C)Only with God
  15. 3a)sinful emotions of uncontrolled anger,jealously,gossip, etc come from our fallen human condition if it is not controlled. They cause us to lose control of our tongue, wrong language in a selfish often habitual way.The devil uses every opportunity to gain a foothold. No man can tame his tongue in his own strength James 3:8 B)We can say things that are untrue,make wrong decisions,discredit someone else, causing hurt. This harms us as people lose trust in us, our witness for Christ is harmed &our relationships are affected, It offends God,harms our soul &people are hurt.People attempt to cover up lies by more lies,stuck in trap of sin. C)Only with God
  16. a)The world view is that ****,impure living,sexual immorality is part of normal human desires, it is not so in scripture.Sex is for the marriage relationship, outside of this sex can be destructive and break up families causing much distress to adults &children. B)We need to put to death desires of earthly nature,greed,**** sexual immorality ,take responsibility for our actions &exercise sexual self-control,living a holy life with holy spirit as our source of power for that self-control.
  17. a)The world view is that ****,impure living,sexual immorality is part of normal human desires, it is not so in scripture.Sex is for the marriage relationship, outside of this sex can be destructive and break up families causing much distress to adults &children. B)We need to put to death desires of earthly nature,greed,**** sexual immorality ,take responsibility for our actions &exercise sexual self-control,living a holy life with holy spirit as our source of power for that self-control.
  18. 4a)Legalistic religions,with false pious humilityty &harsh treatment of the body are empty & deceptive, they are of the
  19. 2a)Jesus himself is God, God dwells in him fully, his divine character/nature, in super abundance & bodily through the incarnation. He has supreme authority over every power & authority. B)As we repent & turn to him, we have Christ in us through his Spirit joining to our spirit. We are complete in him & find fulfilment in him alone.We can grow deeper into him, adapting our motives desires, thoughts to be more like him. C)We can rest in Christ
  20. a)Forgiveness has freed me from the hold of guilt &sin,the holy spirit is now my guide not the Law. God is merciful with me, &forgives me if I slip up, & focus on me, rather than looking to helping others more. B)Nailing the Law to the cross,shows how it is cancelled, our sins are blotted out. He took away the OT law,fulfilling it on our behalf, by his death &resurrection.Old covenant ended.now in new covenant we are to rest in Jesus &take his yoke which is light seeking more of him as to how we should live, with changed heart not weighed down by burden of rules but free in him. C)Symbolises Jesus has the victory through his sacrifice.He binds his powers Matthew 12:29. Satan falling from heaven Luke 10:18,Satan is throne out of heaven&into lake of fire Rev 12 &20. D)Jesus triumphed over the principalities & powers.Decisive battle won by Jesus on the cross.Satan is weakened, &church given power over him. Satan not destroyed totally, satan is deafeated totally &utterly after Christ returns.Before Jesus we were unable to meet OTlaw requirements because not possible by human effort alone& sin, now we can achieve all things in his will, because we have his Spirit in us transforming our mind & heart.
  21. a)Forgiveness has freed me from the hold of guilt &sin,the holy spirit is now my guide not the Law. God is merciful with me, &forgives me if I slip up, & focus on me, rather than looking to helping others more . B)Nailing the Law to the cross,shows how it is cancelled, our sins are blotted out. He took away the OT law, by his death &resurrection. He fulfilled the Law on our behalf, old covenant ended.Under new covenant we are now to rest in Jesus &take his yoke which is light seeking more of him,now with changed heart not weighed down by burden of rules. C)Symbolises Jesus has the victory through his sacrifice.He binds his powers Matthew 12:29. Satan falling from heaven Luke 10:18,Satan is throne out of heaven&into lake of fire Rev 12 &20. D)Jesus triumphed over the principalities & powers.Decisive battle won by Jesus on the cross.Satan is weakened, &church given power over him. Satan not destroyed totally, satan is deafeated totally &utterly after Christ returns.Before Jesus we were unable to meet law requirements because of sin, now can achieve all things in his will, because we have him in us.
  22. a)Forgiveness has freed me from the hold of guilt &sin,the holy spirit is now my guide not the Law. God is merciful with me, &forgives me if I slip up, & focus on me, rather than looking to helping others more . B)Nailing the Law to the cross,shows how it is cancelled, our sins are blotted out. He took away the OT law, by his death &resurrection. He fulfilled the Law on our behalf, old covenant ended.Under new covenant we are now to rest in Jesus &take his yoke which is light seeking more of him,now with changed heart not weighed down by burden of rules. C)Symbolises Jesus has the victory through his sacrifice.He binds his powers Matthew 12:29. Satan falling from heaven Luke 10:18,Satan is throne out of heaven&into lake of fire Rev 12 &20. D)Jesus triumphed over the principalities & powers.Decisive battle won by Jesus on the cross.Satan is weakened, &church given power over him. Satan not destroyed totally, satan is deafeated totally &utterly after Christ returns.Before Jesus we were unable to meet law requirements because of sin, now can achieve all things in his will, because we have him in us.
  23. a)Probably to chose with mind to follow his purpose for my life to serve him with body,mind & heart by helping others,showing them Jesus' love in actions& words honourable to Jesus, rather than having attitude of focusing on self &worldly ambitions .b)No c)We need to keep close to Jesus &his word, and not get distracted away from it by temptations of flesh &mind that occur each day in life. Let spiritual blessings of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, patience show through us,& chose to make right choices of ways of thinking & actions.Letting unbelievers see a difference in us by the way we may react to tough situations. If we don
  24. 5a) It is empty if it is not built on God
  25. 4a)To have a heart knowledge of Jesus intimately & fully is how we access God
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