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Everything posted by wifee

  1. a)To develop Christians under his care to be mature in moral values &understanding of Jesus
  2. 2a)Paul saying that God
  3. 2a)Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice, paying the price for the sins of the world. He rose from the grave,defeating the hold of death. In him we have the victory at all times. B)The blood of the cross is Jesus
  4. 1a)Changed from one state of thinking to another. B)Before reconciliation we had become enemies of God, as we had let our own desires,self-interests, and sin take hold of us. There was a separation between us & God which we could bridge by our efforts alone. Our relationship with God needs to be restored, through Jesus
  5. 4a)Jesus is our head,we shouldn
  6. 3a) Jesus is Creator of all things, all authorities & powers. We have the victory in Him over even the demonic powers. B)We should not therefore with Jesus be fearful of any powers if we are walking in his ways, C)If we pray in Jesus name we have his resources to protect us, nothing will separate us from the love of God and He will act for us. Song He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world.reminds us of this promise.
  7. 2a)It means that Jesus has special status,he is preeminent. He is above all created beings and spiritual authorities.The sum total of everything created.He is the most exalted king of the earth. B)No. c)Jesus predates everything. He was with God in the beginning,through him all things were created John1:1-3.Jesus is preminent. D)He was there before all created things.Without him nothing was made. E)Past role in creationJesus created all things, whether physical or spiritual.&they exist to server him. f)Present role-Jesus is in heaven with the Father. He holds/keeps all things together, unites all things and sustains them.He assists us against any demonic powers in the spiritual battle we are in.
  8. 2a)Paul is acknowledging Jewish belief in one God who is spirit, invisible, but Paul expands this further to say Christians believe in Christ Jesus, who paid the price for our sins ,resurrected now seated with our Father in heaven & at work in us through his Spirit.The triune God B)In Jesus we see the fullness of God, his love & compassion in restoring us to himself through Jesus blood. C)Jesus is both man in flesh knowing human sadness, pain & joy and fully God. He is master &creator of all beings.
  9. 5a)redemption and forgiveness. b)Greek meant
  10. 4a)Qualified, rescued, and brought into/transferred b)God is the One c)mankind us sinners d)Through God
  11. 3a)light & dark are familiar experiences,total opposites we all see, and he is using these to emphasise that when we are saved, we come out of the realm of darkness satan
  12. 2a)Paul is saying how to pray for other believers, that they/we will i/know God
  13. 1a)action of word of truth, Jesus
  14. a)The call should be one of urgency,without Jesus they will not be saved. b)Jesus urged each of us as his disciples to go tell others good news,so they will not perish, but accept Jesus & enter the kingdom/Great banquet on day of judgement. C)Although we are undeserving,in his mercy we have still been called by Jesus to share in the feast in the kingdom with our brothers & sisters.We need to not be complacent & respond to the promptings of spirit,making use of every opportunity to share faith.
  15. a)The call should be one of urgency,without Jesus they will not be saved. b)Jesus urged each of us as his disciples to go tell others good news,so they will not perish, but accept Jesus & enter the kingdom/Great banquet on day of judgement. C)Although we are undeserving,in his mercy we have still been called by Jesus to share in the feast in the kingdom with our brothers & sisters.We need to not be complacent & respond to the promptings of spirit,making use of every opportunity to share faith.
  16. a)On judgement day,Jesus will bring to light the works a person has done. Fire will test the quality of mans work& faith in Jesus. If it survives, he will receive reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss & only escape through the flames if genuinely repent. B)Being more faithful from now on, trusting God more & being more obedient to serve God by using resources/gifts given wisely to reach others ¬ hiding them,will improve accounting on this day.
  17. 3a)The fruit of our successful labours,belongs to God. God has given us the resources to succeed in his timing,& equipped those who may have prepared the "ground" before we started through their actions. The Holy Spirit at work enables success of our labours to happen. We are indebted to God & others responding to him. B)God has given us freewill to make choices.We are independent entrepreneurs when we invest God's resources wisely, so that it will bring the best "return" of growth for the kingdom. C)We are warned not to do nothing e.g."burying" talent, we need to practise,develop,nuture & use gifts God gives us wisely.From this God may see that we can be trusted with gifts he's given &he may trust us with more for his kingdom.In this way we are faithful stewards. D)A self-made person is one who thinks that financial rewards/gifts are for him to do what he/she wants for self. As opposed to a steward who humbly serves others, gives all the glory to God,& uses the resources to reach others for Him.
  18. 2a)The factors are based on a variety of things 1.Raw Talent 2.Drive 3Faithfulness 4 Moral character 5Willingness to focus time to the task etc A combination of God given gifts and our attitude, response to God b)Minimal raw talent, because ability to do task is not dependant on raw talent alone E.g. If we are motivated in an area, we have more drive,passion and focus more efficiently on a task C)I feel that a faithful willingness to focus on a task, and a drive to serve God will make up more than adequately for lack of talent in most areas. This enables some to succeed in a task where not so talented. D)Fear,lack of trust, comparing self with others can all hold us back from pursuing things. I need to not allow this to be a yoke of slavery, but repent and succeed for Him in his strength, guided & resourced by Him. If He things we can, we can with Him.
  19. a)Kingdom is small because there is only one way to enter it, & few who will commit to Jesus as lord and live out their lives in obedience to his ways. b)Kingdom grows in number & variety as more people enter into commitment with Christ,from all backgrounds,nationality, all united by common faith in Jesus as Lord. C)It
  20. a)Guests are the people from north,south,east &west who have answered &accepted Jesus
  21. 2a)Described as narrow to indicate it is confined to only those who repent of their old way of life & change &follow Jesus
  22. 4a )If we pray forgive those people who sin against us(cause us hurt) but at the same time hold a grudge against those people,we could bring a curse on us, as we are not fully forgiving. B)Forgiving others,even our enemies, is living as Jesus taught. Being forgiven by God is a consequence & others maybe a bonus. Living as Jesus asks of us is the right thing to do;we seek him &his righteousness to enter kingdom,not because of any actions we may do. We cannot do anything to repay the debt we owe for Jesus sacrifice.
  23. 8a)Mustard seed-Faith can be as tiny as a mustard seed but with holy spirit it can grow from struggling beginnings, to flourish & be great & powerful. Leaven-even a small amount of yeast when it is worked in the dough will leaven a large amount of dough.Similar point small beginning grow into large endings. B)This would have reassured disciples. An instant messianic kingdom was expected. So this was reassurance that the faith of a few disciples was enough with God
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