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Everything posted by wifee
3a)Jesus wants us to know that forgiveness from the heart is key to the kingdom of heaven. Without this we will perish & not gain eternal life. B)Yes c)I feel it is both learned grace as we grow as Christians & understand more true extent of cost of Jesus death being a substitute for my sins/failures, and a foundational principle of the kingdom, knowing Jesus as saviour is only way into kingdom and to be presented to our heavenly Father.
Q2. The Unmerciful Servant
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Forgiveness in the Kingdom (Matthew 18:21-35; 6:9-15)
a)Purpose -
Q1. Forgiving 7 Times
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Forgiveness in the Kingdom (Matthew 18:21-35; 6:9-15)
a)figuratively,the number of times is not the point, forgive genuinely &repeatedly, without holding feeling of malice against them or want to treat them unkindly.Luke 17 tells us to forgive those who have brought offence. b)Figurative of the great lengths(sacrificing son on cross) that God went to forgive our sins & restore our relationship with him. C) God is ever patient with us & doesn -
Q1. Forgiving 7 Times
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Forgiveness in the Kingdom (Matthew 18:21-35; 6:9-15)
a)figuratively, forgive repeatedly b)Figurative of the great lengths(sacrificing son on cross) that God went to forgive our sins & restore our relationship with him. C) God is ever patient with us & doesn -
4a)Famous as it is an often quoted verse at funerals. B)It teaches us that God cared about us so much that he was willing to sacrifice his son for us. That he is merciful in forgiving our sins if we accept him as our saviour.That he is compassionate, & wants us all to have a better future with him in eternity &avoid hell if we put our trust in Him. He wants to welcome all meet this criteria. C)teaches us salvation is a generous gift from God of new life with him, with forgiveness &freedom from sin if we put our trust in Jesus.d)Verse teaches us that our destiny is an eternal new life with Jesus in a spiritual kingdom if we repent, believe he died for us &accept Jesus as our saviour.
Q3. Born of Water and Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
3a)Water/amniotic fluid represents human birth.Living water represents Holy Spirit. When Jesus was baptised in River Jordan, by John the Baptist, he was first baptised by water poured over him & as this was done the Holy Spirit came & filled him with the Spirit. In the ministry of John the Baptist, he baptised with water, because before the Holy Spirit had not yet been given. All of us who put our trust in Jesus, his bride, the church are cleansed by his blood, the Holy Sprit washing us as we read/hear the Word of God, changing us so we can be presented to God blemish free. b)Water refers to cleansing, purification & forgiveness of our sins. C)We are cleansed by His blood in his mercy, submitting to God in repentance we receiving power of holy spirit to live new life in Him. You can -
Q2. Entering the Kingdom
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
2a)Entering the kingdom of God comes about with a change in us, repenting of sins, accepting Jesus as our saviour &Lord our lives, born anew as a believer into God -
Q1. Spiritual Kingdom
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
1a)i/you cannot see the kingdom of God or grasp it unless God enables you to see it, e.g born anew from above, spiritually reborn ii/you cannot enter & be part of the kingdom of God &inherit eternal life unless you are reborn.iii/the kingdom of God is hidden from those who do not accept him. God reveals it to us,he graciously saves us,his gift for us. B)Nicodemus was a seeker. I think he did understand teaching about needing to be reborn.he recognised jesus miracles were carried out with the hand of God,but he questioned whether it was possible to be born again into his mother -
Q4. Separation in the Kingdom
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
a)The lightening illustration implies when he comes it will be sudden, with no further warning. People will be going about their normal lives. Prior to this we must undergo suffering, be rejected, seen as useless by the world -
Q3. Sudden Coming of the Kingdom
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
a)The lightening illustration implies when he comes it will be sudden, with no further warning. People will be going about their normal lives. Prior to this we must undergo suffering, be rejected, seen as useless by the world -
Q4. Valuing the Kingdom
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
4a)Jesus tells us with parables that the kingdom is of infinite value, we can -
Q3. Follow Me!
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
1a)Poverty &self-sacrifice alone is not enough to enter kingdom of God & have eternal life with him. b)Jesus is testing the rich young ruler to give up all he has, to see if he is really committed to follow him above all else. He does not anyone to perish &gives him a chance to make right choice. C)The man was given the the priviedge opportunity of spending time with Jesus & learning from his day to day example. D)He could not accept offer because he found it too hard to give up all he had, &his hopes, he was holding back from total commitment. -
Q2. Sell What You Have
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
2a) Jesus wants him to give up/surrender all his fortune, and anything that is of worldly worth, so that he will have totally broken away from anything that can distract the young ruler from following Jesus. Jesus wants any follower to commit to Him totally &give up their own life, to live for Him we struggle with this as the pull of work pressures & commitments,family; our desire to better ourselves physically, these all can come between us & God if we don -
Hi Cindy, I hope you find the James study helpful, I certainly did. I have been doing other books too, and it has built me up in my faith, and I'm stronger in the Lord to cope with and battle through all that life brings along. Yours in Him Wifee
1a)The Hidden Treasure & Pearl both had much value to the labourer & the merchant. They both had to used all the money they had to purchase them. For both it involved seeking & finding the treasure. Finding the Kingdom, involves our participation. If we seek we find. Disciples told to seek the kingdom. b)the main point is that we should give up everything & let Jesus be nos 1 in all our ambitions & actions,if we want to enter the Kingdom, it doesn
Q1. Present Kingdom
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
1a)The Kingdom of God was present with them in the form of Jesus himself & in His healings,teachings, personality, love,mercy, &kindness. They gave up everything to follow Him and he sacrificed himself for us all the cross to save us and give us new life in Him. B)The Kingdom of God is present today, through the Spirit of Jesus in our worship, prayer together, &through us as we serve,help others in need He dwells in the hearts of all believers, and one day when He comes again we will be with Him. We see him in the work of His spirit in people -
2a)seek first his Kingdom, means put God first in everything, make his priorities e.g. concern for the poor & those in need of his love & grace, our priorities, in all areas of our life. We are to pray that our thoughts & actions will be salt & light in our dark world, to be agents for change,seeking as an act of faith. b)seek first his righteousness means developing our relationship with God by obeying him, letting him break our hard hearts & mould us more into His image, a dissatisfaction with our own imperfections, allowing God to do his work in me. c) They go hand in hand. If we seek the kingdom first & live as he instructs to have good values, He will provide through what we earn to feed & protect our families,& others in need, d)If we seek Him first, put our trust in Him & serve Him, He will provide. He promises to take care of us &our families; he feeds us Spiritually & satisfies our hunger.
1a)Jesus does imply you cannot seek wealth & God simultaneously. He says putting our hope in money & wealth automatically lessons our hope in God. We should make God number one in everything and not put hope in things of this world that don't last. b)It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, as they have more wealth to give up &need less to depend on God. c)That is literal & fact.d)But if they do give God everything, put God first, they are able to use the wealth to help others in need, serving God in this way, they are Spiritually wealthy & see how God provides for humanity, if we only could distribute His resources better.
Q4. Soils and the Kingdom
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Fertile Soil for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
4a)The importance of good soil for