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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 1a)Some people fallaway because when they initially heard the gospel their mind & heart was not really open, so the seed never had a chance to take root, & grow. Some people may have had a superficial faith where the seed had not taken root in all areas of their lives, & not caused a change of heart &lifestyle, perhaps with limited repentance.There faith could not develop & be nurtured to know how to live in God's ways, not with their own self-centred motives. There problem is that they do not have in sufficient a depth the Jesus' teachings& God's love in their heart & minds, which is needed to thwart the pull of the pressures within us and the world, leading us astray. We need to plant seed firmly, to resist satan's temptations, grow daily to know more of Jesus, and how we wants us to be and do everyday of our lives.
  2. 4a)Repentance is central to the kingdom of God because without this turning away from sins we are still living in unrepentant sin, which is an insult to God. b)It
  3. 3a)The point of comparison between John the Baptist & the Messiah is the act of cleansing,immersing or overwhelming and repentance. John immerses his disciples in water, while the Messiah will immerse his followers,(believers with the gift of faith in Him) in the Holy Spirit. b)The point of difference is the medium in which or with which baptism takes place. John baptises with water. Jesus baptises with the holy spirit & fire and it is life changing. c)Each day it is wonderful that the Holy Spirit is in me, guiding me to try & live more as Jesus preached, and I want more of him daily. d)The pull of life's challenges, & sinful thoughts & temptations can resist the work of the Spirit. Absorbing my mind & heart with Jesus' teaching, thinking of others before myself & trusting in God's promises with faith will encourage the work of His Spirit.
  4. 2a)John's baptism was an act of purification & forgiveness. Jewish authorities & leaders denied their need to confess their sins, they believed they could be sanctified by obeying rules to the letter. They don't accept the need for a saviour as an intermediary with God. They do not believe in original sin & need for repentance or baptism. A proselyte baptism was for gentiles when they converted to Judiasm. b)Those who received John's baptism were truly repentant, and wanted to change the way they lived before the kingdom of God comes. c) The Sadducees and Pharisees and anyone else that thought they were already "righteous" resisted John's baptism as they believed they were above baptism as a public display of repentance & cleansing.
  5. 1a)Adopting the Christian faith & not repenting, is not establishing a full relationship with God, which requires true repentance, saying sorry to God for wrongs done, a change of heart, & promise to live life with Him as my guide. This is also ongoing as I grow with God, where the Spirit prompts me to repent of other areas where I need to change. b)People avoid repentance because they don
  6. 4a)Perils of early Christians were persecution,&torture of all kinds from authorities etc B)Perils today for Christians is similar with restricted freedom to worship in some countries; suffering for being loyal to faith c)It reminds us that neither persecution, danger or death can come between us &God.He does not let us go when we are his his children. E.g.Polycarp though he was burnt in flames for his faith conquered persecution &had the victory as God
  7. 3a)Bold statement emphasising the security we have as a believer.We may feel discouraged at times, but this verse reminds us that our salvation through the cross is solid & cannot be undone by us or even our enemy, God is all powerfull. b)Enemies are the sinful nature,influence of satan in the world but Jesus has the victory. C)Evidence that God is for us is in how he allowed his son to suffer cruel death to atone for our sins; freeing us from the power of sin in our lives & our deserved sentence of eternal death and showing us eternal blessings forever along with Christ. D)I feel humbled, grateful and encouraged. E)It strengthens my hope & trust in God. F)It allows me to act in freedom & power in him. G)God freely gave up his son out of his grace not that we deserved this. Now God freely gives us all good things according to his plan along with our brothers & sisters in Christ.
  8. 2a)Means aiming to become more like the nature & character of Jesus in our thoughts & actions. B)In practical terms need to grow closer to him in prayer & reading the bible so that my thoughts &actions/reactions become naturally more like Jesus’ e.g thinking of needs of others before self, demonstrate the fruit of the spirit and have a mission focus sharing the good news to everyone especially those in need. C)Paul is reminding us that this has always been God's plan. D)Paul is reminding us as chosen children of God we are accepted & as co-heirs with Jesus who will receive the full spiritual inheritance that God has prepared.
  9. 8a) In all things God works for the good of those who love him. B)For those who have responded positively to his invitation to follow him, God works in them & where they are for his purposes & their good.It should therefore mean in every situation I am faced with I know that God is actively working in a variety of different ways to bring that which is beneficial for me. c)2 qualifications for the recipients to receive this promise &it
  10. 4a) Person who has lost hope seeks itin what they can see e.g. possessions, money/job &feeling of false power & drugs,alcohol find only a false happiness. They are always striving and have little purpose in life,they need Christ as their saviour. They have no purpose in life, are not content,often selfish in their thoughts & actions, don
  11. 7a)8 times possibly b)Promises are:- freedom from slavery to sin of this world; status of full sonship in Gods family; led by the Spirit; adoption by God as his children; given the Spirit to affirm our adoption ;the Sprit to intercede for us in our weakness as we endure suffering while we wait for Christs coming &day of our actual inheritance; all things work for good of those who love God according to his purposes; c)We are heirs of God, co-hiers with Christ & seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. All living things will be free from the power of death & decay,& we will have a glorious part to fulfil in our eternal future with God.
  12. 6a)The Holy Spirit acts upon our own personal spirit & shows us our need of God,prompting us to cry out as a child to our heavenly father. B)In faith we are children of God when we believe,&have an intimate relationship with our heavenly father.c)Our lives would have no hope, no assurance of salvation without Christ.We need his protection & help D)If we repent, believe Christ conquerd death for our us in faith & accept his forgiveness, we have the internal testimony of the Spirit that God gives is to assure us of our salvation.
  13. 5a)To put to death the misdeeds of our body we need to repent of our sins,&submit to God. It would be like changing from the inside out, putting off old self & putting on new self,renewing the attitudes of our minds. C)Means learning to listen to the Spirit, opening our heart & mind to His leading,letting him have full control. D)Hear his voice through prayer, study, trusting, building relationship. E)Both are brought about by the Spirit, when we choose to obey,& not satisfy our own desires.It fit
  14. 3a)It is not possible to be a Christian without HS. When a person believes in their heart &says that Jesus is the resurrected Lord, Father God sends the Holy Spirit as a gift to seal the adoption, guarantee spiritual inheritance &develop our character. B)We receive all the Spirit when it comes, but being filled to the full requires our cooperation, as it comes & goes if we quench the Spirit by choosing to live disobedient,ungrateful lives.1Thes5:19 c)We remain full if we chose to include the Spirit & die to self daily.He gives us the responsibility to seek his power &direction in our lives,studying his Word &listening to his voice each day.
  15. 2a)This is setting my thoughts & actions on what pleases God.Listening to his voice,following his lead, &avoiding what displeases him.e.g those selfish thoughts/actions.b)Studying his word,Filtering what hear & see on the T.V/internet/books Evaluating myself against the Word, and submitting the mind, will and emotions of my flesh to his leadership c)Asking questions of myself e.g is this line with his Word? Is this for my benefit or the kingdom?Will this make God look good?Is this in lne with his character & heart? d)We need to deliberately chose to set mind on the Spirit & God
  16. 6a)Obedience to every aspect of law alone can
  17. a) Paul initially could have written about himself prior to his conversion.Then to describe his inward conflict with sin, showing how far short he came of the demands of the law, and that the old nature (flesh), still remains in believers. Paul then writes about Christians who have not learned to walk by the Spirit,regenerated but not liberated,describng the struggle between the two natures in a believer. In committing acts against his better judgment the believer concludes that the culprit is not the new man in Christ, but the sinful corrupt nature that dwells in him. The believer has the desire to do what is right, but he does not have the resources in himself. It is only with the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit that he is capable of standing up to sin. It is a losing battle to do it with selfhelp alone.
  18. a)It is the total lack of spiritual good & the inability to anything good before God. Even the good a person may intend my come from mixed emotions. The law identifies wrong in us, but cannot save us. B)Glimpses God’s original goodness can be seen in actions & words, but may come from mixed motives so cannot be trusted.c)We don’t want to be in need;we like self-sufficiency & be in control.Man tends to believe man is basically good, because he is blinded to the deceitfulness of the heart,& think we can fix errors in us in our own strength,& not recognise our need for Gods saving power. D)The holy Spirit gives us the power to live holy lives, fulfilling the law by yielding to the Spirit to produce love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness & faithfulness.
  19. a)The law points out sin & makes it clear to us,&gives us the moral code for living. the law could not produce holy living. It is powerless to keep us from sinning & sin feeds on laws commands. C)The first step towards truth, is the naming of a sin, as this causes us to make the distinctions, but it cannot save us. d)The problem is not the law, but in us. Even the good in us is corrupt & cannot be trusted. The Spirit we now have within us creates a desire to agree with God
  20. a)We would not be better off knowing when something is wrong, as God
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