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Everything posted by wifee
5a)Part of us wants to be free to make decisions about our future, but there is no real independent freedom apart from slavery to sin or Christ, so we must chose one side or the other. b)Foolish people live for the moment, but the end result is not long term contentment,& in the short term may bring danger to self or others. c)Pride can be in the way of committing to Christ, easier to sit on the fence-we must chose. We are in the process of sanctification(being made holy)current saved, in between saved(past at conversion)and saved future(eternal life in glory of God).
Q3. Obedience and Slavery
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Slaves to Righteousness Rather Than Sin (6:12-23)
3a)You are slaves to the one you obey,either sin leading to death, or right living/Christ -
Q2. Offering Our Members to God
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Slaves to Righteousness Rather Than Sin (6:12-23)
2a)In the choice of words that I say,things that I do for family,collegues etc, I show whether I am serving Christ or the enemy.b)We sin unconsciously as the temptation to sin is still present when we are saved. c)Our bondage to sin has been broken, as now under grace & have the victory over sin. d)We need a renewed mindset by reading the bible and applying it everyday with a whole hearted obedience to Christ -
Q1. Obedience and Sin's Reign
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Slaves to Righteousness Rather Than Sin (6:12-23)
1a)Paul commands us not to listen to the old self, old master with evil inner desires, as this is incompatible with those who have been rescued. We should submit ourself to God &offer ourselves to him and resist satan. Resist the devil & he will flee. -
2a)We are spiritually united with Christ in his death,our old life is buried & have continued to grow together with him-doctrine of mystical union. This states that we know we are sinners saved by grace, that we must have His mercy, and we must be forgiven. Jesus’ raising from the dead is symbolized in baptism by coming out of water, as in rising from the grave in resurrection, we become regenerated, born again, Alive in Christ.
a)When we come to the knowledge of Christ, then we begin to understand the work of the cross in a new sense. We begin to understand the death, the burial and resurrection works done through the cross. Just as He died, was buried and resurrected we to must be. Baptism symbolises/allows us to be in union with Christ in old sinful self being buried with Him in His death and being reborn into His resurrection with a new life with Him as our Head and us as His body. We may die as a natural woman, but our spirit will never die, our soul will (our mind, will and emotions) never die, we truly live forever as He lives. Publically we acknowledge to the world that we are one with Christ, we become fused with Him. We confess that Jesus is lord of our life, & also recognize what He has done on the cross and that our eternal life is now under the authority of our Heavenly Father.
a)When we come to the knowledge of Christ, then we begin to understand the work of the cross in a new sense. We begin to understand the death, the burial and resurrection works done through the cross. Just as He died, was buried and resurrected we to must be. Baptism symbolises/allows us to be in union with Christ in old sinful self being buried with Him in His death and being reborn into His resurrection with a new life with Him as our Head and us as His body. We may die as a natural woman, but our spirit will never die, our soul will (our mind, will and emotions) never die, we truly live forever as He lives. Publically we acknowledge to the world that we are one with Christ, we become fused with Him. We confess that Jesus is lord of our life, & also recognize what He has done on the cross and that our eternal life is now under the authority of our Heavenly Father.
4a)We move from headship of Adam to headship of Christ when we are saved(repent, believe, accept forgiveness)give our allegiance to Christ and follow Him- we are united with Christ, members of the body of Christ, baptised into the body of Christ, buried with Christ in baptism. As all sinned in Adam, Christ as head, died for the sins of all & took our separation from God @ the eternal consequences of God’s anger to death. b)Publically profess this change of headship e.g baptism(confirmation of) with a radical change in us &our relationship to our old self &sin, we are now joined to Christ & one another,we are “in Him”, we spiritually died with him on cross. We all can make the choice to follow Christ c)This should affect how we see ourselves & *our sin”. We should see sin as God see’s it & not make excuses.We have the joy and hope of eternal life in Christ His one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men Romans 5:18. Love for others should be seen as evidence of this John 13:35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
a)President/P.M’s decision to go to war in Iraq/Afghanistan etc, Military leaders also affects many groups of people in Armed forces, their families,& society in general with terrorism risks. People are tied to these people in that they are greatly influenced by the “leader”, trusting & expecting well considered leadership, depending on it to function in a cohesive way. They are tied emotionally, physically,financially etc and all affected in someway when at war/big national decisions. The members reflect back on leadership looking at conduct, attitudes &choices made.
Q4. Reconciliation
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
4a)Reconciliation is bringing together 2 parties separated by hostility b)When sin came into the world by Adam -
Q3. Christ Died for the Ungodly
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
3a)Believing Christ died for the ungodly, we capture the full extent of God -
Q2. Rejoicing in Our Sufferings
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
2a) God uses sufferings to develop his character in us, specifically we gain perseverance, tried character and hope of the glory of God by our sufferings. Perseverance is the capacity to hold out or bear up in the face of difficulty,long suffering endurance endurance, fortitude, the long view that undergirds our hope. In spite of our troubles, God produces in us the fruit of the Spirit of patience or long-suffereing. Tried character[/u] refers to going through a test.As we walk in the Sprit through trying times, God works in that tried character trait. Hope , this is a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ..into an inheritance that can never perish,spoil or fade.. kept in heaven for you.1 Peter 1:3-4 ,to be in the presence of God in all his glory in heaven. Our hope enables us to know why we are who we are and we know where are going. This firm hope doesn -
Q1. Faith and Justification
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
1a)Abraham was declared righteous by God because of his faith & for this reason he was aquitted or justified. B)For us we are acquitted or put right with God, by believing Christ died for us on the cross,repenting of our sins& accepting God’s forgiveness, and it is a lifetime of walking with Jesus,trusting him everyday c)For me to be justified as a believer, means I am set free from hold of sin, in right standing with God,seen as righteous by God &secure in His love, even though I still sometimes have temptations to sin.My peace with God is secure,as he has accepted me and acquitted me through faith in Christ. -
4a)Pastors are shepherds to the flock,&watch out for them & oversee all ministries etc. They are also teachers able to explain & communicate the scriptures,helping us to be strong in the Word, preparing us to do His work & see it
2a)Apostles I believe are a gift to the larger Church e.g the Pope, head of larger churches/mainstream & free churches,John Wimber etc, much of the time spent travelling, with an extra ordinary authority in spiritual matters &divine leadership that is spontaneously recognised by those churches. A Prophets gifts to receive & communicate an immediate message of God to His people, can take different shapes & forms in different individuals, and seen also in the local church settings.
Q1. Spiritual Gifts for Each One
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
1a) This verse indicates that none of us are excluded from receiving gifts in order to build up the Body of the church and be Christ by our actions in the world. God has distributed these gifts by his grace as he decides, we need to identify them, use & share them for the building up of others. B)As each part of the living body is looked after,&works together with other parts for it to be a growing healthy body. Equally it is vital for each one of us in the body of Christ/the church to play our part contributing our different gifts,to serve God in the church & community with Christ -
Q45. Forgiveness
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
a) Because of our self-centred attitude,our pride becomes hurt & to retaliate seems natural for our fallen nature. God gives us the concept of forgiveness as a gift to us. Forgiveness is more about releasing the forgiver from bitterness and pain that drags him or her down and prevents him or her from having open channels to God's peace. We need to let go of our desire to see justice or vengence,& letting God be judge.We need to let go of personal"rights" b)Our model is God & his forgiveness of us out of his mercy not because of what anything we do. Forgiveness like grace is neither earned nor deserved,but granted freely by the forgiver. c)Paul commands our attitudes to show i)kindness –an unselfish concern for others & a desire to help even at personal sacrifice & ii)compassion –being sympathetice and affectionate towards others even to bear their burden. Forgiveness is the real cure for our own bitterness & pent up anger. -
Q44. Unwholesome Talk
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
3a)Being ungracious in how we speak of other people e.gjudging others unfairly,being critical of leaders in a non-constructive way,talking others down b)3 guidelines i) Speak words that will strengthen,build others up and grow people.ii) Speak words appropriate to the situation and beneficial to the hearer not me to vent.iii) Speak words that express grace - divine favor and empowerment. slander is speech that denigrates or defames a person c)even christians can be disrespectful of others unfortunately sometimes.Our words can cause deep pain to others & grieve God too d)we all need to keep a tight reign on our tongues.If God is truth,we should speak like our Father, speaking truth &love especially in christian community for we are all members of same body. -
Q43. Anger
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
a)God gave us this emotion as a natural reaction to injustice, as he doesn -
Q42. Darkened Culture
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
11a)Society today is generally self seeking,controlled more by inner desires, sexual, material wealth rather than putting God -
Q40. Pastors and Teachers
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
3a) Person may be a housegp leader, Sunday school teacher, pastoral carer etc These are all necessary roles where an official position is not always needed People with gifting for pastoral care can serve God in shepherding of the flock supplementing pastors gifts,if he is more a teacher/leader/overseer etc. c)Lord God through his Spirit gives these gifts to us as needed & as he decides.