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Everything posted by wifee
Q39. Gift of Evangelism
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
a)We need to look around us, and have a heart for the lost souls in our community. In our congregations we could encourage each person to share their faith story/journey to faith,of what/who made them aware of need for God to forgive their sins & how they asked Jesus into their hearts, and what difference this has made in their life since. We need to practice until it comes naturally. If we share this with other Christians, we gain the confidence then to listen to unbelievers & share our story in a natural way that may be relevant to them. B) The individual who has this gift displays an inclination to talk to anyone about the Lord and His gospel.Be a good listener, be spirit filled & passionate about Christ and the need to spread the good news, be able to communicate this c) We should financially help those we want to encourage,so less money worries.Prayer support will help.. Keeping in touch with encouragement, give opportunities for gifting to be nurtured & used. -
Q38. Modern Apostles
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
10a)Like the original apostles empowered by God -
Q5. Equipping the Saints for Ministry
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
5a)We are all commissioned to go out & tell others the good news. It is impt to develop in congregation by teaching & encouraging gifts of preaching, pastoral care, serving indifferent ways to not only spread the work load where possible, for the benefit of the individuals and the flock. Pastor needs to in love correct, &rebuke where necessary to refine persons contribution as part of developing skills. It is preparing the church for the future. The faith base, personal study & prayer life of each person should be developed so they can withstand spiritual attacks that happen in ministry. Every person has gifts, and each should be encouraged to use them. 5B)The actions could be praying for Spirits guidance,running courses or sending indivs to other places for training; teaching from pulpit on God -
6a)Pray for more humility & wisdom only God can give and seeks understanding. 6b) Needing to have more love & humility for others in church, with different experiences/views. I must remind myself often that the things I do every day and even the strength to do them and the ability to do anything comes from the Lord and His protection and His love. I am a follower constantly learning.
5a) The purpose of baptism which is to fulfill God's instructions Matthew 28:19.&unite us through faith to Christ, is more important than the mode used which is academic. The most important thing is to understand the symbolism of using water - not how much is used or how it is administered. 5b) If our heart is prepared for love, we
Q4. Seven Commonalities that Unite Us
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
4a) One Body.One Spirit,One Hope,One Lord,One Faith,One Baptism,One God and Father of all. I started of in one denom of church, and now worshipping in another, I know in a real way that we are all in Christ what ever Christian denom we are part of if Jesus is our personal Lord & saviour, and we can grow together in love in Jesus. Praise God -
3a The Spirit of God is the author of unity,and brings it about. Jesus loved everybody Pharisee
2a) It takes the power of God to keep anyone Humble... and patient... and forebearing. I used to think I was more humble than I was, but know now better..it takes the Strength of God to keep me in the way of being humble; able to forebear... especially when tested so I don't lose patience. Having an attitude of humility, putting our agape love & care for others foremost in our actions is important. Being patient with others not allowing any disagreements we may have develop resentments in us is only possible with God. It's also impt to strive to maintain unity by focusing on what we have in common in Christ b)Relying of God for humility & forbearance most important I think personally. c)I know I can not always be as patient as I should, so is more difficult,but it is very important, so will keep working at it!.
1a) Following the commands Matthew 22:34-40 to love Lord our God..and love your neighbour, we will in humility thinking more of the needs of others in our fellowship above ourselves, bearing with one another v2 even though we may not always agree with all their opinions. We are commanded to always strive for unity of the Spirit v3by focusing on what basics of our faith we have in common. We are all one in the Spirit, have one future, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God v4so let us dwell on the things that unite us and not our differences. As believers we are all united in Christ
Q5. A Dwelling Place for God
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
5a)We are his household with God living in us We are to be built together with others not for ourselves, but part of God -
Q4. Foundation of the Church (2:20-21)
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
4a)The scriptures& Jesus teaching to the apostles are the foundation and instructions on which we as believers & churches follow. b)our congregation -
Q2. Citizens and Saints (2:19a)
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
2a)We are fellow citizens of God -
Q1. Access to the Father (2:16-18)
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
1a)Just as access to natural fathers is important,so is access to our Father as a child of God. He knows all about us,better than we know ourselves, He will listen to our cries at all times, He knows what is best for us. I love him & want to have fellowship with him. In the same way that we cannot gain access to a country (dipomatic relations) without first creating diplomatic ties with their government, we cannot gain access to the benefits that the Lord will provide if we are not Christians. 1c) Jesus came to not only become our sacrifice, for sin, but to reconcile us to the Father...as one body, in Him, complete. Christ made our peace, moved the partition between us with his blood. Now as citizens and children we love our Lord who has adopted us into his kingdom, giving us hope. 1d) We also love our fellow citizens because our king loves them likewise. Together we are working to help build our great kingdom. -
Q1. Access to the Father (2:16-18)
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
1a)Just as access to natural fathers is important,so is access to our Father as a child of God. He knows all about us,better than we know ourselves, He will listen to our cries at all times, He knows what is best for us. I love him & want to have fellowship with him. In the same way that we cannot gain access to a country (dipomatic relations) without first creating diplomatic ties with their government, we cannot gain access to the benefits that the Lord will provide if we are not Christians. 1c) Jesus came to not only become our sacrifice, for sin, but to reconcile us to the Father...as one body, in Him, complete. Christ made our peace, moved the partition between us with his blood. Now as citizens and children we love our Lord who has adopted us into his kingdom, giving us hope. 1d) We also love our fellow citizens because our king loves them likewise. Together we are working to help build our great kingdom. -
Q37. Spiritual Gifts
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.1. One Body -- Unity and Diversity (4:1-10)
4a)We are given our Spiritual gifts by God at the moment we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are given our natural gifts at birth from our Creator. Our "natural" talents can be related to our spiritual gifts as God created us as we are & also has given us the spiritual gift/gifts to serve Him and others. C)A God-given talent is how God created us as individuals to excel in a certain area. A spiritual gift/gifts are given to us as the body of Christ to meet needs in the church & to serve each other & help get His Word out to the nations! We need to pray & listen to God to know he wants us to use our gifts to serve others. -
Q36. Christian Unity
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.1. One Body -- Unity and Diversity (4:1-10)
3a)Considerable energy should be used to get along with brothers&sisters in Christ. We have a command to keep the unity of the faith. b)The indwelling Holy spirit will give us strength to prevail &I think is the bond of peace which keeps together members of a congregation/church c) To maintain unity we need to focus on what we have in common, rather than our differences. We break down all we built up when we fail to get along with others especially those of like faith. We show weakness of the flesh when we do thing unbecoming a true believer. We must strive to show love for each other always,not giving in to desires of flesh. Living for Christ in peace and love for all men. -
Q35. Humility, Gentleness, Patience
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.1. One Body -- Unity and Diversity (4:1-10)
2a)To achieve unity we must continually seek humility & gentleness, as when any gp of people gather there will be potential conflict of views. If we are patient & long-suffering with each other recognising the God is the only changer,we should be able to work out a solution without disturbing the peace amongst us. We need to accept each other,&love them as Jesus did. b)If we are arrogant towards those that disagree with us,this is pride talking, and it will affect unbelievers, potentially hindering people accepting Christ as their saviour. Having right doctrine and not living according to the commands of Christ invalidates what you profess and Jesus is dishonoured. c) We can remain "gentle" and "fight the good fight of faith," when we resist the emotion of anger and not allow it to overcome us, but rather use the Word of God to ward off the advances of the enemy and live peaceably with everybody. Truth will set us free. If we apply the truth in every situation, gently, people will be able to let down their defences and receive it. If we come across someone who does not want to listen we do not walk away and stay away. We walk away and pray and fast and then return and return and return until the battle is won. We know it will be but we can not give up. -
Q34. Our Calling
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.1. One Body -- Unity and Diversity (4:1-10)
1a)The only Jesus often people will see is that shown through our lives. We show the world who He is as a group, not just as individuals. If there is no unity among Christians, only conflict, then this is how Christianity and Jesus are perceived -- as a series of conflicts with no truth to be revealed. The standard must be live a life worthy of the Lord. "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. Jesus replied. Therefore it is what the Lord would be doing, in Kindness, gentleness, humility, patience, longsuffering and fierce justice. The “calling” to which God has called us is to follow Jesus, to be his disciples, to be like him and glorify God in all we do. -
Q4. Head Over All Things for the Church
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Power in the Church
4a)Christ is head over everything for the church. The church is Christ -
3a) We are seated with Christ, and also above the other spirit beings, angels, demons. We have the authority over Satan and his demons, death & sin. We have victory over them through the saving work of Christ. We have been given the power to accomplish through faith all that God would have us do according to His will. This power is all ours, if we but will exercise the faith for it to be shown.
2a)The most honoured individual according to custom would be seated at the right hand of the host, so Christ seated at God
1a) Paul wanted the Ephesians eyes to be opened, to see things the way God see
1a)Due to famine Abraham forced to move to Eygpt to live for a while. b)Whilst there, they had to depend on the goodwill of the hosts, they had no civil rights no security,were fearful & their treatment depended on the whim of the king of local warlord. They were vulnerable without family or relationships to protect them. E.g gangs raping men & women genesis19 c)In our community people move into the area for low skilled work.d) They are often poorly paid, vulnerable to employers whims& have few rights. e)Our church runs a gp to support these individuals in a practical way.
Q4. Calling on the Name of the Lord
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
4a)Abraham recognised need for guidance & direction & called on Yahweh as the true God unlike others in culture calling on other Gods e.g moon god. b)for me as a Christian important to call on name of lord jesus my saviour, for help, support in fact for everything. God wants me to put his name above everything else. I thank God for chosing me to be His vessel, to do his work on earth. Help me Lord to speak your name, confident that you will guide & lead me. Every moment of every day I walk with God as without him I can do nothing of worth.