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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 3a)it requires special faith because we cannot see how actions will transpire, we have to totally trust God b)Many times staying in situations that have become difficult. God has put faith of Abraham in me.c)yes, I have to daily trust God but he has never let me down so far. Praise God
  2. 2a) The Lord said I will make your name great,&will make you into a great nation. He was blessed with wife Sarai,son with Hagar- Ismael & with Sarai-Isaac,grandsons Jacob& Esau,God shows Abraham he keeps his promises in seemingly impossible situations. Abraham was blessed in that through him a nation would be great,&later whole people of God. B)Abraham has been an inspiration to many millions who follow him in Judaism,Christianity & Islam through his own life & his descendant Jesus the messiah. our Savior who came through the physical line of Abraham. Also GOD's Word came through Abraham's seed. Abraham is our spiritual father. C)I am blessed through receiving the blessing of salvation through Jesus, he forgives all our sins, and restores us to God as his children. Romans 13:8 Let the light of Jesus shine for others to see.People see hope when I allow the lord to work through me.
  3. 2a)i/Things that prevent us comprehending-life
  4. 2a)i/Things that prevent us comprehending-life
  5. 8a) The 2 concepts say broadly the same thing, with a slightly different emphasis. Christ and the Spirit cannot be separated. When we as believers have the Spirit within ourselves we have Christ within ourselves from point of conversion and there He stays. Never I will leave you or forsake you..
  6. I felt a prompting to speak out about a big issue at a church,then hesitated. Felt God saying press on,i did and he gave me the words to say.God challenged me & others to think hard about the issue. The outcome was not as expected, but I see God at work in me in an amazing way in where I am currently serving and I am learning more each day from His word which I can see with be invaluable as I go forward serving Him.Thank you Jesus
  7. 3a) Paul is being humble, because he is aware he had persecuted many Christians before his Damascus conversion. He also knows that his ministry to preach the good news to gentiles is a gift from God, and called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God. He is a servant of God. If we are consciously aware of how we have been saved from our sin by God
  8. Greetings to all my fellow jesus walk biblestudy companions in everypart of the world. I hope you are finding the studies as rewarding as I am. It is great to read your entries, and helps my thinking too.

  9. 4a)As we Christians we are family members of God
  10. 2a)As Messiah Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law because in being perfect, he lived as a sinless man. God in flesh amongst us. He also fulfilled the ceremonial part of the law by dying on the cross as a sacrifice for all our wrong doing & thinking. His blood was shed for us as a living sacrifice. The ceremonial Law is now rendered obsolete. The civil Law of old covenant also now obsolete, when JC came as Messiah, son of David, son of God & ultimate king of the Jews.Jesus showed us how to forgive others. This is significant to Jews & gentiles, because Jews had originally position of being people of God. Now both J & G both became children of God. Jesus put an end to their hostility which had existed, they are now co-heirs.
  11. 6a)Newcomer coming into church are daunted or even
  12. 4a)We are saved not by our own goodness,the holy spirit convicts us that we have fallen short, and that we are sinful,we have all had wrong thoughts and actions and no amount of our goodness will pay for that. God has given us the gift of grace through faith, but it is upto us whether we chose to accept he died for us. Faith is our response to his gentle drawing. b)If I lack faith I am not trusting but trying to be in control, rather than letting God lead by responding to the Spirits prompts for me to be or do as God instructed. c)Faith is accepting God
  13. 3a)I am created to do
  14. Nothing I could do would restore my relationship with God on my own. I recognise my need of God and have been rescued by Jesus from a spiritual deadness, meaning from being controlled by my own wrong motives & thoughts, & from being influenced by worldly negative forces of influence of money, power,sex, pride. Now accepting God
  15. 5a)It is like a friend talking bad of you& hurting your feelings but you decide to show love & be kind to the person anyway. We are not used to sin being unpunished, and being forgiven b)We live in a society that has a principle nothing is free everything costs you something. Also principle you will be ok if you are good. Nothing we do will ever make our relationship with God on our own. Christ dying on the cross for our sins has made our relationship right with God if we accept this free gift. Grace is doing good to someone when they don
  16. 5a)we neglect to be an active part of Christ
  17. 4a As a christian believeing jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins, I have been saved, and have been raised above all earthly powers to be seated in the heavenly relms.I have been taken away from being under the power of Satan, and spiritually now seated on the right hand of God b)I have been forgiven and made free if I believe Christ died for me c)I am no longer a victim of sinful/human authorities d)In Christ there is no limit, & therefore want to pray for outcomes in accordance with God's motivation & character.
  18. 2a)If people are not living in the light of Christ, they do not have the power to fend off evil foes, of the ways of this world and our sinful nature
  19. 1a) When we reject another person our ability to relate to them deadens. Our concern for what they value dies. We have all inherited our fallen state from Adam & Eve & we are spiritually dead therefore at the mercy of God
  20. 4a) we may pass at SW because we are fearful of it, wrongly believing it to more powerful than us and God. b)God broke the power of death that held Christ. He raised him from death & he is now seated at God
  21. 3a)Laying hold/grasping the power that empowered jesus ministry here on earth, is a function of our faith. God is opening the eyes of our hearts to broaden our faith and stir us up. b)If we are powerless sometimes, it maybe due to us operating outside what God has asked us to do. need not over stretch my resources and focus on what God wants me to do. c)congregations having worship & praising risen Christ and the word at the centre of ministry builds faith and power. d)keep Christ at the centre, and he will do the rest!
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