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Everything posted by wifee

  1. 2a) Only God knows about the future, so I won
  2. 1a) I look forward to a future with Jesus in heaven our in heritance, when my human body will be transformed to a spiritual body with no illness(I am disabled!) but perfect, & suffering no pain. b)This hope enables me to bear the difficulties of this life now. It motivates me keep my relationship close with Jesus studying the Word, sharing with others about the good news for now and also the future. When I drift in study I lose God
  3. I have been chosen by God. Holy spirit is my deposit guaranteeing my eternal hope in him since I believed 4a) End term means when the kingdom of God is once more established here on earth, after Jesus Christ 2nd coming. b)Through the holy spirit God speaks to me. The holy spirit came in when I accepted jesus, & seals my confession that Jesus is my lord & savior, and now an adopted member of God
  4. 2a)Jesus is the centre of all things, being the centre of history both bc and ad and the heart of all creation. When man sinned it gave a foothold for satan. Jesus came &won it back from satan by his death & resurrection. He(calling himself son of man) took back authority over the earth and returned it to those who love him by giving them authority in the Name of Jesus. b)Gentiles and Jews are brought together as God
  5. 1a) I have been released from the grip/hold of wrong thinking and actions in my life & the power of guilt that came from being aware of sin-ful thoughts -anger, resentment, frustration. without the freedom of redemption, I would have continued to carry sinful thought & they would continue to affect my life.
  6. 4a)God chose me before the world began, because he
  7. 3a) Holy means that we live a life for God, separated to him as his possession. God has claimed us and we belong to him. This is something that I cannot achieve by my self- effort, only possible if I surrender myself to His Spirit
  8. 1.a) I am in Christ because I have a personal relationship with God through JC, I have submitted my life to Him. I have been chosen by God before creation,he is now my lord and saviour. I am under the influence of His spirit in me. b)He guides everything I do.Spiritually I am in christ and he is in me. If I remain in Him I will bear fruit, with out him I can do nothing.
  9. welcome to internet bible study from me in England. I have found it very rewarding informative and faith building. I know 2 people currently serving in the British army, who have been on loads of tours all over the world and now currently in Afghanistan and the other due to go back there later in the year.
  10. Hi Denise, I joined internet bible study last year, and have found it very rewarding, informative and faith building. By the way I am from England, and have only been to the states a couple of times, but really enjoyed it on both occasions. Angie
  11. We need to continually ask for forgiveness, beacause we continually sin, don't show love to other, think of others first etc If we don't forgive others we will not ourselves be forgiven. if we hang onto bitterness, this is hatred in our hearts, and gets in the way of our relationship with our father. Pride is the block - Unforgiveness is a bondage to sin, we can't love as he asks. If we only forgive a little, we will only be forgiven alittle.
  12. we seek to be independent because of pride. wewere never intended to live seperately, but to love one another as He has loved us. We seek independence from God, again because of pride. God calls us "friend". He is my sustainer, and provides all the resources for me to have needs met and also for others less fotunate than us. He wants us to still be reliant on Him and tell him about our lives & ask for him for all our needs. We may work, but he provides the "work", and through this helps us to help ourselves and others. Daily bread is also health, care, food, strength, all we need to keep going each day.
  13. When we ask jesus to be lord of our lives, we become member of kingdom of heaven, it starts now, is ever abiding presence in our hearts. in a glorious sense we look for the second coming of christ. We know that if his will is complete here on earth there will be no more sin, sickness will be absent, all will be well. our living should have a kingdom focus,with Godly living, obedience to his word, care for others as he has cared for us, enabling the poor, giving relief and assisting those sick & in need. pursuing justice, and telling people about the love of jesus.
  14. what "hollows" the name of our father -Living in a way that shows how much we love our Holy God, even admidst out tests and trials, serving him in all seasons of our lives worshipping him at church but in our lives too, listening to him and studying his word. what desecrates it - living discrespectively, not patient with others, not humble enough, do things we shouldn't do. how should we "hallow" - come in humility, state of reverence and awe, and worship him, confessing our sins, thanking him for being our father, for answered prayer, and for letting him know how much we love him. with Thanks and many blessings
  15. Glad to Greet you susan. Hi from across the pond, Very glad to be sharing in the study with you, as I have enjoyed several other studies, and gained much from those.Many blessings to you and thanks for yours and everyones contribution who also joins the study. God bless
  16. I found your posting helpful. I agree with you that Satan is keen to weaken the faith of believers, by targeting the Christian in their thinking that they are ok with God, and going on their own paths, not allowing God to steer them.Those who have fallen asleep. we need to actively seek God in all things, to actively hear what he is saying to us. Faith and works is key, not just faith alone. We all fall short, but God is patient with us, and if we have a saving faith in Jesus, we are on the right road, and God is overjoyed when we bring another person to know Jesus too
  17. I found your posting helpful and agree the role of the oil in the healing prayer is symbolic of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.The prayer's faith is key to allowing God to heal. as it is through their faith and the sick person's faith God can heal. To confess any sins to another person is humbling ourselves, and repent, showing a willingness to obey God. We are letting go to let God.
  18. The elders role is interceding with prayer and anointing sick person with oil with bold faith, patience, self-control and other qualities of the fruit of the spirit. The qualifications are a strong faith with years of experience, and through this be spiritually mature.
  19. Who is to initiate prayer for healing? The sick person Why is this person important? This is important because it is with the faith of the sick person as well as the faith of the elder, that can heal the sick person.
  20. Trials teach us humility as we identify the errors we make,and seek his forgiveness. Trials help us to grow in our faith,to be strong in the knowledge and love of Jesus. We can stand firm, not doubt and waver, but focusing on His word live lives accordinging to His word.
  21. Why people blame God is probably because they dont understand God and what he is trying to do in their lives. God doesn't tempt us with evil,he does allow people free will, and therefore we can chose to go our way and sin. He is always constant. God allows us to be tempted for our own good, as we can grow through these times to depend on Him far more than before. God can even use sin (our evil thoughts and actions)for good. he has the total victory. Praise God
  22. James is emphasising the works part as evidence of a practicing christians faith, and Paul is saying that these works are not suffricient to be saved. We are saved by God's grace. It is not that Paul is saying we shouldn't do good works as well as believe. His emphasis is that it is by God's grace that we saved, not by our works alone.
  23. A demon believes that there is a God because has seen God,and fears him, but there belief is nothing like a practising Christian. A pracising Christian has a sure faith,belief and hope in Jesus Christ, and accepance that JC died for their sins and are now saved by what JC death & resurrection.He/she now wants to just do God's will for their lives, and delights in doing so. The belief of a non-practising Christian is just words,intellectual knowledge and is not active in any way, therefore belief is "dead".
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