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Everything posted by wifee
Q1. Salvation for All Mankind
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
3a)Paul knows God want’s all mankind to comes to a place of repentence 2Peter 10:3 to be saved&that this is purpose of Jesus coming.The only way to God the father,being through belief in saving grace of Jesus &that this is possible for all mankind,not limited to fellow jews.Paul encourages Timothy to keep this the focus and pray for all including government leaders,&kings so that there is no distinction made for class,rank,sex or tribe. Prayers for all,is good peaceful basis to reach the lost. b)Paul wants to give clarification for Ephesian church that prayer&gospel is for all who believe,that this is true evangelism,& should be preached to gentiles too. Paul speaks against false teachers message of a type of Jewish exclusiity over emphasising Jewish genealogies &prayer&gospel only for jewish community in Ephesis and Crete. They had lost their focus on the Great commission,&were distracted by myth’s & tiny points of scriptures. -
Q1. Salvation for All Mankind
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Men and Women in God's Household (1 Timothy 2)
3a)Paul knows God want’s all mankind to comes to a place of repentence 2Peter 10:3 to be saved&that this is purpose of Jesus coming.The only way to God the father,being through belief in saving grace of Jesus &that this is possible for all mankind,not limited to fellow jews.Paul encourages Timothy to keep this the focus and pray for all including government leaders,&kings so that there is no distinction made for class,rank,sex or tribe. Prayers for all,is good peaceful basis to reach the lost. b)Paul wants to give clarification for Ephesian church that prayer&gospel is for all who believe,that this is true evangelism,& should be preached to gentiles too. Paul speaks against false teachers message of a type of Jewish exclusiity over emphasising Jewish genealogies &prayer&gospel only for jewish community in Ephesis and Crete. They had lost their focus on the Great commission,&were distracted by myth’s & tiny points of scriptures. -
3a)We learn that God is eternal, immortal,invisible there is none other like Him,He is the only wise God.We learn that he is due “Honour”- reverence, holding His name higher than any other,in high esteem.”Glory”- recognising his enhanced status,renown,prestige and honour,and to strongly affirm this by saying “Amen”,truely,let it be so as an expression of faith . b)Learn that praise should be spontaneous and on our lips at all times,Praising God pleases Him and brings us into His presence,leaving anxious thoughts behind,and enabling us to receive His peace,His forgiveness. c)Yes It acknowledges God’s place in the world and in our lives. d)It brings us into a warmer closer relationship with God,affirms,strengthen’s and builds up our faith in Christ.
4a)Paul aware that Timothy may be overwhelmed by enormity of his task due to his youth,he reminds him through his faith in Christ Jesus of the special gifting &abilities God has given him to lead the Ephesus church in context of false teaching challenges,God will equip &strengthen him for the days ahead.2Cor 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. b)Fight the good fight means for Timothy to withstand false teachers attempts to distract him from his ordained calling,he is not to stand by but speak out when faces opposition. c),Paul exhorts Timothy to stand firm on the truth of gospel,that he knows is true,holding onto faith&a good conscience. d)Paul is urging Timothy to not fall prey to human flesh temptation of self doubt,being dragged down by opposition as Paul knows how easily one can be led of course,but urging him to seek the Lord daily to be strengthened&empowered for task ahead.
2a)Paul wants to direct the church of Ephesus back to the glorious gospel,by evidence of the grace &mercy shown to him personally,when he received forgiveness,faith and love in Christ even though he had persecuted christians&had them killed because he acted in ignorance &unbelief before his conversion. b)He wants to demonstrate to Timothy&the church that Christ Jesus had appointed him as living testimony of Christ’s unlimited patience and saving power,available to all those who believe on him,can start afresh,receiving hope of eternal life, &know Chrisr’s love,mercy,and forgiveness.The hope is that if God can turn the fiercest opponent of the Lord into his most willing servant, he has the ability to save anyone through his amazing grace. c)He wanted to direct them away from false teachings they were distracted by to be reminded of the basic living truth of the gospel, so they hold onto faith,keep clear conscience and not be confused by the so called the "deeper truths" of end-time prophecy, of temple types and shadows,causing controversy in their thinking or quarrels in leadership &be unsettled in their mission &direction, as opposed to solid fruit of grace, mercy &peace.
Q1. False Doctrine
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
1a)The results of false doctrine’(teaching) in the chuch were-1Leadership crisis among the elders (3:1-7; 5:17-20), some of whom are false teachers (Acts 20:30)not suitably equipped to be pastors.2.Desire for wealth -- greed (6:6-10).3.Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.4.Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18)as people led away from God’s truth by others speaking in ignorance about geaneologies&myths.5.Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church. b)Doctrinal controversy had hurt spirit of church by it resulting in strife and controversy,a place of rancor and dispute,instead of being a place of peace. c)Unhealthy interest in arguments&quarrels about words,fluff &nonsense,caused distraction from clear teaching about the gospel of grace,&the clear direction of the church,preventing growth in discipleship individually&more people in churches. d)False doctrine in church distracts us &our focus from fulfilling Jesus commission for followers to spread good news,making disciples of all nations &enabling more people to know salvation through Jesus. -
Q1. False Doctrine
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
1a)The results of false doctrine’(teaching) in the chuch were-1Leadership crisis among the elders (3:1-7; 5:17-20), some of whom are false teachers (Acts 20:30)not suitably equipped to be pastors.2.Desire for wealth -- greed (6:6-10).3.Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.4.Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18)as people led away from God’s truth by others speaking in ignorance about geaneologies&myths.5.Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church. b)Doctrinal controversy had hurt spirit of church by it resulting in strife and controversy,a place of rancor and dispute,instead of being a place of peace. c)Unhealthy interest in arguments&quarrels about words,fluff &nonsense,caused distraction from clear teaching about the gospel of grace,&the clear direction of the church,preventing growth in discipleship individually&more people in churches. d)False doctrine in church distracts us &our focus from fulfilling Jesus commission for followers to spread good news,making disciples of all nations &enabling more people to know salvation through Jesus. -
Q1. False Doctrine
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
1a)The results of false doctrine’(teaching) in the chuch were-1Leadership crisis among the elders (3:1-7; 5:17-20), some of whom are false teachers (Acts 20:30)not suitably equipped to be pastors.2.Desire for wealth -- greed (6:6-10).3.Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.4.Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18)as people led away from God’s truth by others speaking in ignorance about geaneologies&myths.5.Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church. b)Doctrinal controversy had hurt spirit of church by it resulting in strife and controversy,a place of rancor and dispute,instead of being a place of peace. c)Unhealthy interest in arguments&quarrels about words,fluff &nonsense,caused distraction from clear teaching about the gospel of grace,&the clear direction of the church,preventing growth in discipleship individually&more people in churches. d)False doctrine in church distracts us &our focus from fulfilling Jesus commission for followers to spread good news,making disciples of all nations &enabling more people to know salvation through Jesus. -
Q4. Preparing for the Future
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
4a)David heard from the Lord,that his son Solomon would be a man of peace &rest& build the temple instead of David,as had bloodguilt on him.The Lord also said Solomon would have peace from enemies near him,granting Israel peace during his reign. b)David urgedSolomon to devote life to seeking the Lord,build the sanctury for the Lord,&started off the preparations for him,by collecting for the temple of the LORD a 100,000 talents of gold,a million talents of silver,quantities of bronze and iron too great to be weighed,& wood and stone.David inspired by HolySpirit drafts architecture drawings for the temple.1 Chronicles 28:11-12, 19,drafts the order of worship of the temple,recognsed the specific roles of the Levites, and wrote many of the psalms that made up the worship in the temple. c)The generous example of the leaders giving freely&wholeheartedly, encourages the people of Israel who rejoice greatly,trust his leading & give themselves too. -
Q3. Costly Sacrifices
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
3a)He chooses the third choice ultimately because he believes strongly in the mercy of his God&he thinks this choice will mean troops&people suffer for the shortest duration. b)He insists on paying Araunah for threashing floor for altar sacrifice,inaccordance with Torah rules,though he didn’t obey Torah’s rules about collecting 1/2shekal per man in census,as each one belongs to theGod.i.e.To use or possess something or someone that belongs to God, you must pay a redemption fee. .David is here king& priest.Priests may have offered sacrifices at David's command& not mentioned.He definately was out of touch with his people,tempted by wealth,pride&lack of trust in Yahweh.Like his ancestor Abraham on Mount Moriah, David personally may have built altar, prepared sacrifice, and interceded for his nation,.CausingGod mercifully to stop plague. c)Jesus atoned for our sin on the cross, we don’t give out of duty, but from a humble thankful heart,as an expression of our love for God. d)Our giving should be joyful,not be just a token but really cost us something to show true repentent tender heart before God. -
Q1. David's Song of Praise
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
3a)Psalm 18 v29-37 especially-The combination of imagery & the more common so-called synonymous or synthetic parallelism, where the first line says it one way, and the second (and occasionally third line) says the same thing with a bit of variation, moving the idea forward slight,really creates &builds images that reaeeure&encourage me. b)how psalms seem to be able to connect with/express my thoughts/feelings so well. c) titles for God- LORD used 16times represents the Hebrew word Adonai substituted for God el used 10x usually as "my God" -- the God he relates to personally;my rock, fortress,stronghold,my deliverer, my shield, my refuge,my shield,the horn of my salvation,my stronghold,my saviour, Smoke rose from his nostrils; fire burning coals,from his mountain,parted heavens&came down,, mounted cherubim&flew, soaring on wings of the wind, -
Q2. Righteous Government
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
2a)As a prophet of God -oracle,Israelite-son of Jesse,Israel’s singer of songs/sweet psalmist.anointed by Samuel,the Holy Spirit comes upon David at his anointing him,inspired by the God of Jacob,a humble shepherd,raised up/appointed by to these roles by God himself. David is "the king the LORD your God chooses" (Deuteronomy 17:15). b)David an ancestor of the Anointed One, the Messiah has been given prophetic gift through HS inspiring worshipful songs of praise Psalms 22:1"The Spirit of the Lord spoken through me, his words was on my tongue",conscious of grace he has been shown by God,he leads&sings with wisdom from lessons learnt&lament for sorrows c)The leader who rules righteously and fears God will protect his people, able to steering paths of bright sunshine amongst darkness around him,leader needs to be humble to be guided by God&seek&trust his ways to deter clouds of temptation&greed,&bring wisdom&warmth of safety&comfort for the people amidst or after turbulant times. d)This psalm gives clear message to leaders,that if they lead righteously,fearing God,obeying his decrees,resisting sinful ways of deceipt,greed etc God will be faithful,will equip them,give them strength,wisdom in decisions to bring victory over &protection from enemies."He who rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God " (2 Samuel 23:3) -
Q4. Joab's Character
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
4a)David has many good qualities,perseverance, loyalty, leadership skill, with strong faith, eager to seek God’s will and constant love for God even when tested.He didn’t kill Shemei for cursing him. He had weaknesses to, but showed humility and repentance and ability to amend actions most of the time when realised his errors, apart from disciplining his family. b)Joab is a warrior first, that exhibits strong loyalty to David,ability to take initiative and make decisions he feels is for the good of the David & his kingdom. c)Joab showed faith in himself, even when disobeying David, he acted in what he thought David best interests &his own. d) We need true friends and their loyalty is impt. e)I believe Joab is a friend to David,although he had his own interest at heart too,so not a totally trusted friend. -
Q3. Absalom, My Son!
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
3a) As a father he wanted to save sons life. and also knew Absalom’s actions were. a direct fulfillment of Nathan's prophecy of judgment upon David, B)Joab knew David wouldn’t discipline hi m, and did what needed to be done to save David’s throne. c)The victory over Absalom’s army should have been of celebration &encouragement for David’s troops. David’ mourning for Absalom indicates his life was more important than his men,his ignoring of heir sacrifice or him&in ability to thank his troops dampened &lowered their moral&trust in David as a leader. D)) David’s troops are loyal to his commands to their death. Joab is supportive of David, but in this case decides what he feels best in his actions, even if means disobeying David. e)David loves God, seeks to obey his will, though fails in this too. His faith is strong, even against opposition. He trusts in God’s mercy. He demonstrates this with his actions/requests too f)David is weak when it comes to disciplining e.g. Absalom for rebelling, Amnon for raping sister, and his own temptations of the flesh e.g. David’s sexual sin with Bathsheba& devious act of murder of Uriah to cover it up. He didn’t show full respect for his troops in battle of Forest of Ephraim. -
Q2. Seeking Mercy
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
2a)David is aware Shimei’s reactions are probably anger in grief from lives lost under Saul,he can’t be reasoned with&it may be the Lord has asked Shimei to curse as part of David’s punishment for his sin. David doesn’t want to do anything to offend God,he faithfully trusts in God’s mercy so he takes the taunts with humility,all arrogance gone, he is in repentence. b)The decision is mainly spiritual accepting taunts in humility as punishment.Politically, he is aware the travelling exiles priority is to escape from Jerusalem with lives of soldiers,and families, ¬ be delayed further responding to taunts. c)This tells us David here is faithfully seeking to fulfil God’s will,aware his flesh,wealth gets in the way at times clouding decisions,he is repentent &trusting in God’s merciful provision.His love for God is faithfully consistent through all the trials he goes through. -
Q1. Evacuating Jerusalem
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
1a)David wasn’t aware that Absalom was building an army to take Jerusalem,so he did not have a stock pile of food&provisions necessary for probable tough battle,he also knew his troops in Jerusalem were less in number,meaning he would lose a battle against larger nos of troops from across kingdom Absalom had access to,so David planned a tacticle retreat,to avoid bloodshed of his men&family. b)David is thinking Absalom’s men Israelites will not harm his10concubines left behind &thinks he will return to city.He is in despair,he realises Absalom’s threat is because of his sins,&he is deeply repentant.He believe’s the Ark belongs in the capital City as Yahweh is Israel’s God,& he has faith that he knows the LORD is with him whether he has Ark with him or not, so asks through tears of grief for Ark to go back to City. c)This exhibits faith in the LORD believing unseen God is merciful and still with him without visible presence of Ark.Going barefoot exhibits humble posture &submission to God’s will,&demonstrating trust in God whether Ark is brought back to him or not&deter from current judgement.David is also able to use Zadock’s eyes,sending him a report to see what David is doing in city. d)Tells us his faith was strong&also his strategic ability too. -
4a)Nathan’s prophecy comes.2Samuel 12:11with God’s judgement.David’s lack of discipline in his own life,led to indiscipline in children.He promoted himself instead of God.He didn’t demonstrate need to enquire of God in decisions,and seemed less to depend on God.Because paid less attention to those around him&what deceipt taking place, he couldn’t take steps to challenge this to protect kingdom of Israel.
3a)Absalom realises kingdom ready for new leader,&seeks i/ to promote himself e.g.acquires chariot,horses&50men body guard to run ahead of him,projecting to people he is great &impt man,as a crown prince he is comfortable with this power.ii/ to be subtly disloyal to David,undermining D’s justice sysrem for4yrs at city gate,advising people who were going to Jerusalem to seek appeals from David,that their appeals would be favoured,pointing out the weaknesses in David’s judicial system,saying if appointed he would bring justice.iii/using flattery&his appearance to steal the hearts of those who came to D asking for justice,by kissing them in manner David had done.iv/he campaigns to be the people’s king who loves the common man. b)Absalom is merely acting as one with authority,his hypocrisy helps him on way to receive kingship,by receiving permission to move to Hebron his birthplace,from where he could start a rebellion. c)David should have i/shown leadership and discipline.ii/been alert to Absalom’s lies/deceipt iii/challenged his undermine of David.iv/given conditions for Absalom’s return.v/created a more efficient justice system.vi/been more alert to views&actions of those around him&ord people. d)Absalom exploited his weakness i/ family members acting at will without check or discipllne.ii/of not enquiring God’s will re Absalom’s return.iii/inability to keep in touch with common people/solders as might,wealth&nos of people to oversee grew.
Joab knows David misses Absalom his son.He also also knows Absalom has right to succeed David as next in line,&to avoid a messy civil war.He couldn’t tell King David to reconcile with Absalom directly,but used woman from Tekoa&ruse.Ruse works&David asks Joab to bring Absalom back home effectively pardoned, on condition he doesn’t look at/come into David’s presence. b)The fact this stalemate no favour between David&Absalom lasted for 2yrs,probably because David was still confused with his own guilt,angry with Absalom for taking Amnon’s life,or felt awkward not wanting to show pleasure at seeing Absalom..
11a)David doesn’t punish Amnon’s rape,as he didn’t seek God’s will for situation.Influenced by weakness in challenging famlies actions,embarrassed,reminded of own past guilt, wanting to protect his son as wanted him to succeed him to throne because he was his first born.He may have thought,ignore problem in denial,it may go away.He showed little respect or value of women. b)Consequences,not sure exactly, further calamity came on the family,beautiful daughter changed to full of projected shame,lack of trust in father to do the best for Tamar,lack of hope.David lost all moral authority in family.His faith in Yahweh wasn’t being demonstrated by actions to his children.Amnon’s sinful actions unchecked provoked in him,to more schemes of man,David’s family were hating each other,no respect for Torah,lawlessness took hold.Amnon’s sin found him out.Absalom takes matters into own hands.
Q4. Punishment and Disgrace
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
4a)David is guilty of breakingOTlaw, willful putting his own lusts/actions of deceit &murder before his love&obedience of God&demonstrating rebellion against God.He deserves punishment of death the sword for adultery .b)Instead because he admits he has sinned,God takes away his sin,giving him mercy and demonstrates his punishment for David’s rebellion not directly but through calamity of his household,people in the death of the son that Bathsheba bore,&David’s sons who go on to repeat the pattern of sexual sin&murder themselves e.gson Absalom sleeping with concubines publically.David c)The covenant provisions that breaking covenant results in punishment through people the rod of men& floggings afflicted by men. d)David’s sins hurt God’s reputation with his enemies,making the unbelievers belittle the God of David. e)Our sins also hurt God&his reputation with unsaved.We misrepresent Christ in our actions closing the door to salvation,when we disrespect the Lord&his commandments.The lost say we believers are no different from them if we demonstrate darkness in what we do,instead of light -
Q3. Confrontation
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
3a)David has the power to have Nathan killed if he didn’t like what he was told. Device is Projection, storytelling-Nathan sets up a comparison with similar situation as David’s that he could get emotional/angry about but with different names to allow David to make a judgement without realising he is judging himself. C)When David had spoken out that the rich man was sinner needing judgement, Nathan was able to help him apply hat story to what David had done.Logic was finished, he had to be accountable as a leader. David saw more easily his need for forgiveness and repentance. -
Q2. Adultery and Murder
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
2a)We all even christians can allow our human lustful thoughts&feelings to dictate our actions&make us sin,if we don’t take action,to avert our eyes from provative images,or avoid other situations of great temptation.Sin of any sort,makes us more vulnerable to other sin,as our spiritual defences are lowered,devil tempts us to seek to try &cover up first sin b)Our human condition is born into sin,weakened by satan’s grip on us as flesh rules.We are in a spiritual battle &need heavens to keep us from falling to human sinful temptations.Jesus has won the victory over death&we need his help to keep us on right track.Without Christ we are unrighteous .c)We are sinful,often not think we know how to acr,but that independent thinking means we dont rely on The Lord to lead us. d)David never fully recovered,though he repented,&asked for God’s forgiveness,memory of actions stayed with him.He enquired of the LORD for his future actions re war &survival as king to keep in the will of God.God had a plan of rescue. -
Q1. Mephibosheth
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
1a)He honoured Mephibosheth to honour the covenant that David made with Jonathan his father. "Do not ever cut off your kindness from my family -- not even when the LORD has cut off every one of David's enemies from the face of the earth." (1 Samuel 20:15) David asks him if anyone is left from Saul's family. Ziba informs him, "There is still a son of Jonathan; he is crippled in both feet" (9:3b).This son is named Mephibosheth. b)This shows David is trustworthy,honourable,true to his word&dependable in keeping agreements made,a man of integrity.He is also willing to go against pattern of killing rightful heir of previous king Saul. -
Q3. Discipline and Covenant
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
3a)God will treat David’s descendents as his special sons, God as Father, disciplining them when disobey his instructions e.g. On an individual level when David sinned with Bathsheba,the child he fathered in adultery died even though he prayed&fasted.His son Absalom almost killed David and became king. On a national level - a plague from God struck Israel because of David's insistence on taking a census. b)As for David's descendants, Solomon turned away from God and as a result his son Rehoboam had much of the kingdom taken from him.The split-off Northern Kingdom went through nine different royal dynasties before it ended in exile by the Assyrians in 722 BC. Then Judah, the southern kingdom still ruled by David's line, had a succession of good and bad kings up until the exile. The goodness and or badness of each king was reflected in how well the kingdom fared in terms of prosperity, success in battles,The Southern Kingdom of Judah, on the other hand, experienced just a single dynasty throughout the approximately 400 years between David ascending the throne until the final exile to Babylon in 587 BC ,God’s love is constant