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Everything posted by wifee

  1. The first 3 God promises are for David &his people -1/Make David’s name great over the people of Israel,2/He will enable his people to have a secure place to live in their own homeland,not oppressed by their neighbours,3/God will enable David’s people to experience relative peace from their enemies. The next 3 promises are of what God will grant David’s descendent’s of the future- a/He will establish a long lasting figurative House Dynasty of David.,b/He will enable David to have from his offspring a son(Solomon) who will build a house for the LORD(temple)b/God will establish the throne of his kingdom, his kingdom will be eternal,lasting forever with God as their Father b)These are unconditional, God is sovereign, his promises to Israel are true, they were fulfilled in David as his heart was right&he looked to the LORD.God is sovereign his plans prevail through God’s grace.Israel through it’s sin meant many Iaraelites didn’t see the fulfilment of all these promises. c)Conditionality- God disciplines us as a Father,where Israel went wrong,&chasten’s them but never withdrew his mercy,his promises to Israel his first born and us his descendents prevail.d)God’s amazing promise of hope that his kingdom will last forever through Jesus redeeming love,even though we don’t alway’s deserve this,is most special for me
  2. 4a)God always had the remnant of Israel. There was a break in the line until the sinless perfect King was born of Virgin Mary.God fulfilled promise that the king of Israel would come from the lineage of David in Jesus.He now reigns through the body of Christ,who have been given the authority &responsibility as His ambassadors to carry on Jesus work. .If we believe that Jesus is God's Son,believe also that He is Christ the Messaiah, the Davidic promise of Israel.Jesus came as Israel’s “ Passover Lamb” to be slain, God's promise of mercy and grace was sent not just to IsraeL, but to the world, to all those who will put their faith and trust in Israel’s promised “Messaiah”.Revelation 11:15, Jesus will reign for ever and ever.".” When the last enemy is destroyed, namely death, then comes the end, and He will hand over the kingdom to God the Father, as seen in 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, “Then the end will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father after He has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. Thank you God for sending him to rescue us.
  3. 9a)Nathan knows that David seeks God’s will in his actions,hears from God & is aware of the spiritual anointing upon David, &says"Whatever you have in mind, go ahead and do it, for the LORD is with you" (7:3). implying follow what God is telling you. b)Nathan gives approval too quickly,he should have enquired of the Lord first to see whether he aaproved of David’s plans.David was the wrong person to build the temple,he was not God’s choice;it was the wrong time for a temple to be built.God didn’t command David or any other leader to build a cedar temple as David proposed.This was David’s initiative based on what he felt was right,notwaiting on God for direction. c)Danger of leaders pursuing directions without waiting upon the Lord,is that they allow man’s plans,based on fleshly feelings to be put above God’s d)David’s heart was right in that he wantred to please God&fact that a temple was on God’s mind,just not yet. David was to be both architect&supplier of materials for Temple built by Solomen 966-965BC
  4. 4a)Michal resents David for his excubrant joyful,self-less.dancing; his harem,bearing children with his 6 other wives¬ her as his first wife.She had been torn away from man who loved her to be with man didn’t understand.She lost the status as the kings Saul’s daughter. probably objected to David taking off his kingly robe &putting on simple priestly Ephod, more like a commoner.Michal has known pampering as kings daughter, known only luxury&developed sense of superiority.now bitter at David for his faithfilled, more,humble choices .b)Her bitternessfor above reasons meant she looks only at David’s external appearance when dancing, missing the fact he is praising Godfrom the heart first&foremostnot interested in what people think of him .c)I’m sad not understaning why certain things havehappened to me, but not bitter at God. He knows the full picture not me .d)Bitterness could hinder my relationship with God,my service for Him,my witness to others&chew me up,if don’t seek healing from hurts with God’s help.He does take away the pain as we release it to him e)Praying &The Word has rescued me manytimes,turning bitterness,frustation,hurt into more loving humble thoughts as I’ve sought God’s mercy,knowing my need of Him,forgiveness for those caused hurt,love,comfort and peace. His Word has restored my soul. f)We may not have been blessed with the wonderful model of praise in the psalms.We would have lost the sense of enjoying God’s presence.
  5. 3a)David gives praise to God from the heart,in excubrant joy when dancing,holding nothing back, giving his all,not put off by others around,knowing that it was his personal praise for God first&foremost. b)The dancing teaches me to let nothing in me or around me hinder my passion for the Lord to be expressed to Him in praise. c)The psalms are honesty praise, teach us sing out/express our personal praise to God without fear in celebration of who he is&what he has done for us,focussing solely on Him,expressing joys&sorrows what ever we feel,from the will glorify God.It was&is all about God. d)I try not to be concerned about others,except when they need assistance themselves e.g large print words. e)God through Holy Spirit enables me to follow His Word more closely,be expectant&listen for his guiding prompts&respond more readily.I’m seeking to speak&live in a way that honours the Lord.
  6. 2a)1 Chronicles 15:2, 7:9&Deuteronomy 10:8; 31:9records that the LORD chose the Levites to carry the Ark. Numbers4:15specifies the Kohathite clan of the Levites is charged with carrying the sacred objects from the tabernacle.but they must not touch the holy things or go into look at the holy things using polesNumbers 4:8 b)God’s instructions were there for discovery.As leader of the celebration event David should done necessary research, either enquired of the Lord about carrying Ark if they didn’t know this part of Mosaic law,found out from existing records, or asked those that knew.Acting assuming they knew,is ignoring Mosaic law&no excuse. c)Has taught me not to do God’s work without accurate instruction and preparation,¬ taking scripture lightly.Enquiring of the Lord for the strength and guidance to do God’s will,to be truely obedient to the Lord.
  7. 2a)God striked Uzzah because against God’s instructions for how the Ark was to be moved &handled,he took hold of the Ark when the cattle pulling the new cart with Ark on it stumbled,probably to stop it falling. This was similar to how heathen Philistines carried Ark on a cart.Uzzah ignored instructions if knew them &did not enquire of the Lord how to carry it. b)David is angry because of God’s punishment for Uzzah touching Ark even though he was seeking to bring it to Jerusalem for it to be at the religious&political centre of Israel.David may have been angry at himself for not finding out earlier how Ark should have been carried by the Levites with poles etc which would have secured it more.He could have been fearful at what God would do next.The national celebration had ended in disaster&it could have looked to some onlookers as if should the Ark have been moved,even David’s relationship with God in question,was he worthy to be in God’s presence.
  8. 3a)David seeks God’s wisdom &direction for every major decision. If David had been presumptious, he may have attacked wrong time/place,e.g in front of Balsam trees.&to wait for sign to attack,working with God’s plan achieves best result. c)We humanly think we know the situation we are in&pride flesh tells us world has given us experience, training etc to make decisions, rather than waiting on God. d)That says we don’t need or trust God. e)We need God in all our activities. God has infinite wisdom.Acting without seeking God first,suggests also we are impatient.
  9. 2a)Approx 15yrs b)God needed this time to prepare David for the many struggles ahead. Israel had to experience what a bad king was like in Saul, before they were ready for good king. David’s faith grew in this time of dependence and trust on God. He learnt much from Saul’s example of how not to be king. It was God’s perfect timing. c) David was very patient esp thro wilderness yrs., he didn’t dive in, but waited. He knew God would work things out in his perfect will& timing .d)I have grown more patient whilst n God’s refining process of health &ministry tough time,learnt much of what it means to depend on God ¬ self or others, and learned too, you can’t hurry God by grumbling or self-pity. Still have much more to learn.
  10. 7a)Joab slays Abner in revenge because Abner has killed his younger brother Asahel. b)No,absolutely not.This was a selfish murderous act. c)David disassociates himself with what Joab has done.Joab wasn’t thinking about the unification plans, focused on revenge This tainted a perfect plan. d)Joab would have harboured bitterness since Asahel’s death. This bitterness could have blinded him,allowing temptation for revenge to act. e) If we move our focus away from God &allow our plans feelings to rule, God’s will cannot manifest in my life.because the way ahead is clouded & prevents us from seeing&hearing God’s voice guiding us in His plan for us, through his small voice in our prayers, the Word&teaching.
  11. 3a)David had a degree of respect for Saul as king,provider for his familyand obedience to the Lord’s anointed,and remember’s Saul with dignity & sadness,how the mighty have fallen, as a warrior whose values he sought not to emulate. Saul was still important for David’s training in leadership skills. He had valued his life , seeking to avoid him, rather than kill him, in obedience to God,& to not have bloodguilt as a future king David himself e.g.not killing him when he had the chance, even though he taunted David and hunted him in his paranoia. . b)The chronicler records the facts. Saul died for not obeying God’s word, living unrighteously,turning to a medium,doing things himself, rather than seeking the Lord’s guidance, and God turned the kingdom over to David. c)God saw Saul as a sinner who didn’t obey him, didn’t seek his will & didn’t repent. He knew also he needed to be removed. d) God knows our hearts.We are all sinners saved only by grace.Who should seek to turn to Lord in all our decisions &allow him to direct our paths.Growing more closely in our relationship with the lord, keeping he one and only God our focus.
  12. 4a)Scripture asks us to love the God with our heart, mind and soul and not put another gods between us and God. He condemns occult practices as this is disobeying God& because he knows they will harm us spiritually. b)These practices give the devil a foothold weakening us in our spiritual battle with satan. c)If been involved in this repent to God and seek his forgiveness.
  13. 2a)David sought God’s help&direction when in testing times&to make decision about action to take.Psalm18:6. With the Lord’s help He resists the fear that encrouches when his attackers surround him.He trusts the Lord for his protection,the stronghold for his life &gaining strength from belief the Lord is his light and his salvation.Psalm27:1-2. He seeks to worship the Lord at all times& praising Him boasting that when he sought the Lord,he answered him&delivered him from his fears,this freedom bringing radiance to his faceWhen he called on the Lord he saved him out of all his troubles.Psalm34:1-6. He waited patiently for the Lord, who lifted him from his mire,place his feet on a rock a firm place to stand.Putting a new song in his mouth of praisePsalm 40:1-3.As his soul cried out to the living God,he remembered the praise and thanksgiving of worshipping God, and put again his hope in God his SaviourPsalm42:1-6 .David seeks the Lord’s mercy as he is pursued, and declares when he is afraid that he will put his trust in God.Saying he will not be afraid, in what mere men can do to himPsalm 56 1-4.David declares his soul finds rest in God, he is his rock, salvation and fortress,&will never be shakenPsalm56 1-2. b)The ex’s he adopts are prayers of acknowledgement – looking back at goodness of God,his might and power; and petition-asking, seeking, knocking, waiting, trusting, praising- seeking the Lord for help, protection, deliverance from fears and direction.He praises how the Lord for his salvation, protection,mercy, lifting him out of his troubles, putting a new song in his mouth. c)The focus of his faith is God, being obedient to him, and seeking his will. In God he finds his strength.
  14. 1a)The philistine troops were devastated when they found their wives&children had been taken away & their homes burnt at Ziklag by Amalekites seeking revenge for attacks David made on the Amalekites before.In philistines grief they blamed David as he is the leader who sent them north to fight. ,leaving families vulnerable. b)David’s men have lost everything,so mourning deeply&people react explosively, expressing anger blaming him from their acute emotions of grief c)David turns to God ,seeking strength,peace,comfort &ability to prevail from the Lord ḥāzaq. d)David would have felt sad with the grief of his men&even anger himself at the devastation&slaughter, but he knew also he must remain calm,centre down to a reflective place of peace ¬ react to his men’s taunts. e)He waited to receive wisdom on what to do from the Lord,prays&sings to the Lord, to centre down, and act in line with God’s will.
  15. 3a)David relents from attacking Nabal his land &family, when he refuses to give David provisions for his men out of Nabal’s wealth of listock etc. He thanks Abigail for her reminders that he as future king should not have blood on hia hands,&accepts value of forgiving Nabal for his poor judgement. David initially showed rash judgement,has shown he is humble enough to give thanks for Abigail, compassionate and merciful enough to forgive& not kill Nabal,showing heart tender&wise enough to listen&act on good advice, obeying God’s command Genesis 9 not to commit murder,rather than kill him out of petty insult. b)Abigail was a beautiful,generous, intelligent,humble, wise,God fearer knowing she should give David plentiful provisions appealing to his faith conscience,to not to harm Nabal to not mar him as a future king. c)Nabal was a wealthy,Carmelite farmer with plenriful stocks,seemingly ungenerous &arrogant in refusing requests for help. d)David needed to be refined through Abigail’s generousity& wise judgement,obeying God’s commands,to controlling emotions when provoked, resist anger& having blood guilt on his conscience.e)This study has reminded me,to in humilty resist provocation with the Lord’s help when tempted, know that others around me could lead me astray,trust God to provide for my needs,and be open to change, listen to wisdom of other Christians, guiding me against harm and for good of others & myself.
  16. 3a)David relents from attacking Nabal his land &family, when he refuses to give David provisions for his men out of Nabal’s wealth of listock etc. He thanks Abigail for her reminders that he as future king should not have blood on hia hands,&accepts value of forgiving Nabal for his poor judgement. David initially showed rash judgement,has shown he is humble enough to give thanks for Abigail, compassionate and merciful enough to forgive& not kill Nabal,showing heart tender&wise enough to listen&act on good advice, obeying God’s command Genesis 9 not to commit murder,rather than kill him out of petty insult. b)Abigail was a beautiful,generous, intelligent,humble, wise,God fearer knowing she should give David plentiful provisions appealing to his faith conscience,to not to harm Nabal to not mar him as a future king.c)Nabal was a wealthy,Carmelite farmer with plentiful stocks,seemingly ungenerous &arrogant in refusing requests for help. d)David needed to be refined through Abigail’s generousity& wise judgement,obeying God’s commands,to controlling emotions when provoked, resist anger& having blood guilt on his conscience.e)This study has reminded me,to in humilty resist provocation with the Lord’s help when tempted, know that others around me could lead me astray,trust God to provide for my needs,and be open to change, listen to wisdom of other Christians, guiding me against harm and for good of others & myself.
  17. 3a)David relents from attacking Nabal his land &family, when he refuses to give David provisions for his men out of Nabal’s wealth of listock etc. He thanks Abigail for her reminders that he as future king should not have blood on hia hands,&accepts value of forgiving Nabal for his poor judgement. David initially showed rash judgement,has shown he is humble enough to give thanks for Abigail, compassionate and merciful enough to forgive& not kill Nabal,showing heart tender&wise enough to listen&act on good advice, obeying God’s command Genesis 9 not to commit murder,rather than kill him out of petty insult. b)Abigail was a beautiful,generous, intelligent,humble, wise,God fearer knowing she should give David plentiful provisions appealing to his faith conscience,to not to harm Nabal to not mar him as a future king. c)Nabal was a wealthy,Carmelite farmer with plentiful stocks,seemingly ungenerous &arrogant in refusing requests for help. d)David needed to be refined through Abigail’s generousity& wise judgement,obeying God’s commands,to controlling emotions when provoked, resist anger& having blood guilt on his conscience. e)This study has reminded me,to in humilty resist provocation with the Lord’s help when tempted, know that others around me could lead me astray,trust God to provide for my needs,and be open to change, listen to wisdom of other Christians, guiding me against harm and for good of others & myself.
  18. 2a)Lifting the hand against our appointed church leaders today means restraining from gossip&talking down our leaders,or working against their leadership with others,so called clique of opposition, but show them &God respect &obedience because God has appointed them to preach,lead and pastor us, as God’s flock in a certain place. b)1Timothy:19-20 guides us to accept only accusations against a leader made by evidence of more than one person&where sin is found,he/she should be,disciplined publically,so that warning is given to others, but also counselled to bring restoration following repentance.If someone disgrees with the leader’s style or direction of leadership, then the unity of fellowship, should be protected&person should consider leaving church. c)For those who slander, persecute and martyr appointed leaders God will bring punishment onto them.
  19. 5a)David feared the Lord God,believing he had anointed Saul King,so resisted temptation to kill him out of respect for Yahweh .b)David &many of his men, were being hunted by Saul, who perceived David as a threat,in David’s case without cause. C)David knows he is innocent, and morally knew it was to bring harm to the anointed king as this is rebellion against the Lord God who anointed him. He appeals to God to show his justice,decide between him&Saul and avenge the wrongful person. d)This indicates David is of good moral character, who believe’s in God’s fair,good justice. E)This show’s David’s ability to trust in God’s for his protection, he feared the Lord,and his decision to anoint Saul king. f)David was respected by men, for his skills &wisdom in situation,demonstrating to men to resist temptation & not kill Saul in cave,out of respect for anointed Saul, &to prevent slaughter by soldier’s outside cave.
  20. 4a)&b)All arise out of struggles, physical, mental, emotional, faith testing etc David would have grown close to God through these trials, as he depended on him daily.all the others from all the trails and struggles he faced. c) His faith was tested, but strong. d)Psalm 139 reminding me how much he knows me&cares for me.
  21. 3a)God sends Jonathan to encourage David. b)David was at risk from Saul, also from hunger &thirst in the dry wilderness of the desert, with scarce water. c)David was a wanted man, Jonathan could have been convicted&tried for assisting David. d)Jonathan was fond of David as a friend.He also had a bond of peace with him, to protect him .e)Yes &known the joy and encouragement at tough times.Reminding me God provides always,
  22. 2a)Abiathar (Ahimilech’s son) was only priest to escape slaughter at Nob,when he fled to David at Kellah he brought the ephod,the high priest garment with the Urim &Thumim.This David could use using this as lots to inquire of the Lord, seeking God’s will about decisions,gaving yes,maybe or no answers to questions. b)David inquired of the Lord whether he had to make difficult decisions e.g when vulnerable,whether he should fight the Philistines at Kellah, whether it was safe for him to stay at Kellah, or move with his men, to avoid capture by Saul. c)Those who seek God’s will before making decisions/acting,giving matters totally to God,waiting,listen for&sensing his leading,will be rewarded,not be led astray &have the security and enabling power of God in what they do.God is sovereign. d)We can find God’s will, by meditating on the bible,praying,having faith,asking His help and receiving from Him, through HisSpirit working in us,& in discussion with pastor,life gp,having a close relationship with God at all times.
  23. 4a)He attracted others who were being pursued by Saul,some seeking revenge, others disconrented, in debt. They knew their lives were safer David (as he had more victories than Saul),that he would feed &look out for them out of his love and repect for God, unlike Saul focused on chasing David..David found safe places to hide at Adullam a city,close to a fortified hill with caves,good for hidingThey could see he was a,skillful warrior,charismatic leader,who inspired confidence,He enabled them to seek revenge on Saul. B)They all were discontented in some way,maybe in debt,being pursued as seen as a threat to Saul like David,maybe owed him debt,seeking revenge.wanted to save their lives&those of their families.,all needing food &provisions&leading c)a motly mixed gp into an army of 400,some bandits in debt or discontented, others family members children &elderly relatives some skilled soldiers in battles,needing training,co-ordination & leadership to follow his plans. d)His main difficulties were probably co-ordinating&seeking provisions for them of food, clothing, shelter,training&organising this group from diverse backgrounds and abilities into an organised army.He trusted &sought the LORD’s help in all this.
  24. 4a)The covenvant of trust was a binding oath between the house of David and the house of Jonathan agreed certain actions of kindness for each other, to prevent harm from coming to either of them, no quarrelling, bloodshed between them, as long as one of them alive to pass covenant onto future generations. b)They devise a plan-Jonathan to test Saul’s reactions when he gives Saul exsuces for his planned absence at New Moon festival.If angry Jonathan agreed to ward David via placement of an arrow he fires, so he can flee. David had to trust Jonathan not to betray him to Saul, c)Jonathan given owth of reassurance that David that no harm will come to his family, when David eventually becomes king , even though Jonathan is a potential rival. d)David gains most his freedom to live,position of King, from humble beginnings. Jonathan had everything to lose incl his heir to throne. e) The covenant basis is of love, friendship and trust to look after/ out for other person first, which is mutually beneficial for their lives , but also risk in trusting for their futures. f)Significance of God witnessing the covenanting, is that he will be always watching to see each one maintains their part of the agreement. .
  25. 3a)Saul seemed to forget to trust God,instead trusts in himself and seeking to chase David. He was so fearful of David, and he desires to exert his control by sending men to capture David. at Naoith, Ramah where he sheltered with Samuel. The men sent to capture prophesised, Saul went to Naoith, and the Holy Spirit came on him &he walked &prophesised too in Samuel’s presence. b)Saul prophesying was in total contrast to his fearful fixation intent on capturing David, prophesy happens when God through His Holy Spirit comes and works at His timing and place. With Saul,he moved from thoughts of violence to involuntary speaking things of God, disconnection from his normal for him state. c)Relationship with this and the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them, tongues of fire settled on them, and they could speak in their own languages.,and other works of God. Both examples of where God intervened in situations in the mysterious way of HS and brought God the glory. With Saul,God demonstrated to him & his messengers God is soverign.and reaffirmed this for David & Samuel. With Saul prophesying was temporary, at Pentecost,HS came to last.
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