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Everything posted by wifee
Q2. Marrying Michal
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
2a)As David was a man skillful in battle success, I believe his macho pride in this,shown by doubling how many foreskins he was asked to collect was the chief motive. Marrying because of love for Michal, and knowing this would have brought him the money to pay his troops as well as happinness would also have been important. I believe he was keen to obey God, Saul’s desires were not alway’s constent with God’s. -
Q1. Military Success
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
3a)Philistines totally demoralised by David’s victory over Goliath.Saul finds out who David is,he is attached to Saul’s court.When he meets Jonathan an alliance of frinendship,covenant develops between them both,sealed by gift of bow,robe,sword, belt,hair, from Jonathan to David.David rises to a leadership position in army.became popular with ladies,&killed far more enemies than Saul, creating Saul’s jealousy and fear. Saul become insecure in himself & tries to kill David& eventually loses control of his emotions.He sends David into battle to get him away from him,and in the hope that he would be killed. b)David is victorious in battle,soldiers trust him,as he helps them to avoid death c)Narrator says the Lord was with David through the Spirit. -
Q3. The Battle Is the Lord's
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
3a)We often think that the battle is ours, and serve &act trusting in our own strength. We forget God is sovereign and will act on our behalf when we put our trust in Him and believe in Him, and not anything/anyone else. b)The phrase the battle is the Lord’s means God is with us to fight all our battles, as we are obedient to Him, and trust. c) We can avoid arrogance of pulling God onto my side, to fight my batlles, rather than engaging in his battles,being His agents, by stepping aside, and humbling recognising it is His world, putting everything into his hands,he’s the potter, were the clay, putting on full armour, being prepared spiritually,allowing him to protect us, and bring us through the battles, whether of health, work etc casting our cares on Him, -
Q2. Experience and Faith
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
2a)David showed he was fearless & had confidence in God to protect him when he fought off and killed lions &bears that attacked the flock he was shepherding. b)David chased any predators to the death, so wasn’t afraid of spilling bloodHe was lethal. c)Saul knew,the psychological advantage the Israelities would have,if David a boy defeated the giant,&he knew Goliath’s taunts were already demoralising the Israelite troops,to weaken their prospect of victory. d)The Spirit came on Saul at his annointing&God helped Saul to defeat the Amalekites 1Samuel 15. He seen the difference God made in his life. Despite God withdrawing his support for Saul he still credited his victories to God. When he met David his strong faith, boosted Saul’s dormant faith. e) Source same Yahweh as David -
Q4. God's Purposes
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
David was recommended to Saul for his musical ability singing&playing to calm him,& he was summoned to became court musician &general equipment bearer when not playing. b)God wanted him to experience the intricasies of governing &leadership from the nations leaders, as preparation like an apprenticeship for his future role of King of Israel. c)If we have self-conceived judgements these can interfere with God speaking to us.If we put these aside. ask God what shall I learn through situation & seek to be obedient to him, trust Him,listen carefully for his voice speaking to us through Holy Spirit bringing scripture alive as we read, and be ready as he prompts,directs, convicts,guides, prepares,empowers, equips and teaches us.We will allow Him to work in us &teach us more. -
Q3. Anointing and Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
3a)Samuel anoints David with oil, when Samuel ‘s spirit sensed God say he is the one.It symbolises David as the King to be, significantly politically and spiritually.Dangerous for both David &Samuel. b)Holy Spirit is gift from God.Holy Spirit coming upon David bringing him mighty power, to prevail in the most difficult situations,God’s Spirit dwelling in him in his soul, bringing great wisdom and revelation. c)From day of David’s anointing the Spirit of the LORD came upon him in power, he was successful because he had all the power &means necessary to oppose the attacks of the enemy lion &bear on the flocks he cared for as a shepherd, giving him courage to fight giant Goliath, protect his country as king of the nation & be a mighty warrior from attacks of Philistines protect him from harm&enabled him to be a successful songwriter d)The Holy Spirit is also our power source today,equipping us as teacher&empowering us, to resist devil’s temptations, ,steer us through pitfalls,resist enemies,and keep us on track as we listen to His prompts guiding us to please&God by obeying Him. -
Q2. Listening to the Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
2a) This story teaches us that our actions have consequences,if we don’t wait patiently,hear, listern&discern,we’re at risk of misinterpreting what he says &making wrong choices.Listening to God’s voice, means not following our worldly assumptions of right path to follow.e.gmost respected first,world business view, but using spiritual eyes &ears to discern God’s will in a situation. Our initial way of discerning is to look at external appearances first.,voice,looks,logic, social experiences,fitting God’s word into our culture experiences, business world view to make jugdements, and risk of making wrong decisions when not listening to God effectivily. C) God is teaching us when making decisions to discern way forward using our spiritual antennae listening to Gods voice, through HS prompts as commune with God, read &meditate on His word,using this guide,to test their character,faith,experience &look at the heart of the person using this spiritual sight and discern what should do. D) We learn to listen carefully to the Spirit,by spending time communing with God in prayer, reading &meditating on the bible,&asking Spirit to reveal himself and direct us. -
Q1. Goliath's Taunt
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
1a)David is angry that the giant should gloat &challenge mockingly the armies of the living God, and nobody is willing to stop him,he is passionate about God his people &wants to express his views on this at the expense of his brother, Eliab is upset with David for embarassing him, showing up Eliab’s lack of courage,&fearful of reports going back to Jesse, of Eliab’s lack of protection for David.In comparison with other Israelites who show trepidation at Goliath’s taunts, David shows little fear,&is full of confidence in his faith as he relays messages from brothers in army to Jesse his father & provides food fuel for fighting.He could see there is a stalemate in the battle,&that Goliath needs to be removed to protect Israelites territory from the invading Philistines in the Valley of Elah. c)This teaches us David is not afraid of brother who wants to silence him, he is assertive, sure of himself, has convictions about what needs to do though niave with little army warrior skills, but also has strong faith in the power of the living God to help him as he takes on Goliath believing with God he can win. d)Eliab maybe was concerned for David,&trying to silence him was a way of protecting him.He could also have been jealous of David's strong faith in God -
Q1. Rebellion
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
1 a,Rebellion is doing what we think we should do, rather than what God tells us to do. B.Obstinate resistance to God or rebellion, Is as much sin as the witchcraft using evil spirits is sin, for both are sins and allows another god, self,to take God’s place. C. When we notice rebellion against God in our hearts, God is inviting me in, to confess this rebellion, let it go,turn from it and seek is help to keep us more God focused. d)If we chose not to repent&do nothing we come under God’s judgement -
Q4. Sin and Repentance
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
4a)Culture rejects ideas of sin& repentance, because it means they have to consider God future judgement &destruction in the end times, if they don’t turn to Jesus. No Turning to Jesus is the Way to salvation, anything else is false. Society would rather a God that saves any one irrespective of what they have done or not done.Jesus came to save us by dying on the cross to pay the price for all that have sinned. c)Ongoing need to recognise where I haven’t obeyed, and seek to turn from this. D)The ongoing spiritual battle we are in, means we are deceived by satan that it is ok.The holy spirit works in me, giving me the power &strength to resist sinful life. -
Q3. Delay in Christ's Coming
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
3a)Christ’s coming being delayed, shows God’s long suffering patience with us, he doesn't want anyone to perish, his time scale is forever, a day is like a 1000 years to us. That God cares about us so much, he gives us maximum time to repent and turn to follow Christ. -
Q2. What It Means to Perish
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=49&t=214 2a)It is vital to comprehend that unless we put our trust in Jesus& submit our lives to Him,we will be lost for eternity when we die or when Jesus comes again.(face eternal death (John 3:16)b)In current day, repent or be doomed, isn’t preach so much as it was over emphasised before ¬ stressing enough,salvation and hope,putting of non-believers, preachers don’t want to put off seekers, but build up the discipleship of believers daily life. C)Society doesn’t understand the truth, that without accepting Jesus,they will perish. d)Balance is continuing to love others,pray for revival, Study Word of God&preaching stating to focus on the truth of salvation and hope of eternal life with God in heaven that believing in Jesus brings &on the awfulness of the judgement if do not submit to Jesus &receive Him as saviour. -
Q1. Reminders
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
1a)We have probably heard teaching about bible&Jesus’ instructions to us before, but our busy lives, demands of family and satan’s pull on our desires and thoughts maybe by self-doubt, false teachers etc mean, we’re often unknowingly distracted from Jesus teaching,&put of course to one side until we get to Sunday &the preacher remind us.We need the reminders to keep focused on God’s Word to us. B)Reminders stimulate the mind, in daily readings, going to church and follow Rev Wilson’s studies &putting truth into action C)We can share how God’s promises of love,mercy, forgiveness &faithfulness etc can be applied to our daily lives in our weekly life gp,and also sharing bible promises with others in need to support and encourage them. -
Q3. Enslaved by Sin
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
3a)Persistent behaviour of sexual sin,corrupts people’s minds& demonstrates the hold of sin on people’s lives,leading them &others who are vulnerable away from Christ. B)Yes Christ is theWay,our saviour,he paid the price for our sin. c)Path ofComing to Christ,God convicts us,as we recognise our sin, turning /repenting of our actions. God is merciful, and will forgive,cleanse& heal all who repent. d)By following Christ’s example, not judging individuals’s, posing the questions and seeking his help to do so throughHS we can. Pray for them, & not isolate them which would harden their hearts more. Know of homosexuals accepted in church, that eventually did turn from this way of life, and form marriage male/female relationship with children. If person wasn’t loved&accepted initially, may not have found their true,right relationship under God. Acceptance is vita in our churches, but sinful behaviour not rewarded eg homosexuals non celibate should not have behaviour affirm by being in positions of leadership. E)By recognising our own sin and our need of God,keeping immersed in His Word& the guidance of HS, can we live humbly,live rightly& have right attitudes to others, as Christ followers. -
Q4. Warning about Sin
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
4a)Churches sometimes tend to accentuate the mercy of God, to encourage sinners to repent, and avoid conflict stressing that those Christians who fall back into sin repeatedly &fail to repent will not be saved. We each need to examine ourselves. Leaders have high calling to set example of integrity in teaching truth and by example of their lives. -
Q2. Persistent Sexual Sin
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
2a)Christians whose lives appear to not obey Christ and his teaching e.g sex outside marriage, and other inappropriate sexual sins, they turn their back of the bride groom & deny Christ.James 2:14-26describes how faith and & right action actions is vital. B)People in today’s culture are either unaware of the darkness in which they are in due to gospel message being proclaimed in school etc or seems to believe sin in acceptable,ignoring health and faith message, that sexual sin, is still sin and rejection of God and His good plan for human life and we need Christ to be saved,restore their relationship with our Father, and live healthy joyful fulfilled lives. We are complacent when sucked into pull of world, not kept armour of God in place -
a)We must contend for the faith,challenging false teaching by well thought out, clear statements, to make sure the true Gospel is not undermined. The danger in not challenging,is we become or are seen as passive acceptors of false teaching,&Christ is misrepresented,. c) In challenging people at risk of conflict,being outcast,having reputation as a religious fixed view person& seen as being contencious.Risk of being persuade false teachers are right .D)we can keep the balance by using Christ’s example, speaking His words of salvation for people gently in love and humility,seeking unity of believers. Need to not create bitter feelings, correcting those who are ill informed& know no better, but saving our challenges for those who knowingly seek to convey messages that confuse, lead people away from Christ.
Q4. Scripture is God-Breathed
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
4a)The scriptured is brought alive by God, he is our breath of life.We are drawn closer to God through His word by His Spirit we are intimately connected, connecting with ours, moulding us reshaping us, correcting rebuking etc B)through God’s Spirit His Word comes alive for us if we allow him in,& repent he helps us, ministers to us and guides us into all truth and understanding embracing his thoughts, refining us,for our living in holy ways. -
Q3. Carried Along by the Spirit
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
3a)Prophet were inspired to write what was the mind of God.People immersed in God’s Word obediently following him &receiving from him, are more open, in tune to hearing God speaking through His Word. People may be the human voice piece,articulating the words God has given them through Spirit as bringing to life the scriptures in a culturally relevent way .b)The person who raises the sails,trusts in God that he will speak in their mind& seek this power, that through HS are given the words to preach.God is the wind, the moving force in all lives of those who believe. -
Q2. Shining in a Dark Place
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
2a)God inspires and spoke through his prophetic prophetsThe HS works in us as we read OT prediction of events that unfold in NT,&points to hope& better future on earth and eternally.NT brings instruction hope,encouragement, Together OT &NT give full picture and help us know His light and enlightenment bringing hope in seemingly dark times. God’s Word is living &active, like active jigsaw puzzle each part connected to others,speaking into present situations, as through the ages. .b)Darkness represents unbelief &forces of evil, seeking to bring doubt,&confusion to our thinking to lead us away from God’s truth. C)Light represents God’s Word, the truth, through life &words of Jesus, narrative of eye witnesses.and His Spirit shining through any doubts,walking in right ways and holy living so we may be changed and be his representative heirs. -
Q1. The Tent of this Body
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
1a)Today’s culture puts emphasis on the hear and now, getting the most out of life, building stronger bodies.It doesn’t want to face fact that death &decay comes to us all.People are fearful of death, when not faced it their stage of life &/or may not be secure in their salvation. b)Seeing our earthly bodies as temporary, like tents, and when die we will be put aside this& we will be reclothed with a resurrection body, eternal body free of disease and decay in glory Romans21Praise God. C)The Israelites followed Moses to escape from slavery to a better place, “flowing with milk and honey”.Peter is looking forward to His reward after death of being with His Father and the redemption of his body. -
4a) Growing in Christian character,being transformed as mature in faith, keeps our Christian calling secure, shows HS is working in us The evidence is the fruit, being effective and productive in our witness the Spirit at work. and means we will less likely slip back into sinful ways in our behaviour. B)God is patient & merciful with us, A true believer, because of God's Spirit within WILL manifest some fruit.Matt7Good tree’s cannot produce bad fruit.If barren need to examine heart with HS.Those who keep sinning, do not live in Christ. "No one who lives in him keeps on sinning" (1 John 3:6)Christ cleansed us, by his death, so we could change, grow in Christ leaving our fruitless ways behind, confirming God’s call. Christ wants all to come to reprentance, we all in the process of perfection.Growing character in Christ is a vital indicator that we have been truly called and chosen by God. It also means we avoid the disaster of not reaching our final destination of eternal life. If we believe in Jesus we are secure and our actions point to Him.
Q3. Loving Deeply
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
3a)sacrificial loving others without thought of what it will get back, is the type of love that God created us in His image, for us to love others with.It is not easy, and need help of Father though HS to live, think and love like this . B)No we cannot mature if avoid Christians at church ,c) we are all sons of God&need each other, to grow, learn from, be refined by. We are all different and have gifts to share with each other. Sometimes how we have been hurt by others, causes us to avoid them. Doing this can bring harm to others &avoids an opportunity to grow in Christ, as take feelings to God, receiving his healing.refining, increasing trust in Christ by faith with help of holy spirit to persevere in loving &caring for all church members.Avoiding those that hurt us, would mean we are no different from unbelievers. -
Q2. A Disciplined Devotional Life
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
2a)I love being in my Father’s presence,knowing he is with me,in good times&bad,receiving his comfort&peace.Spiritual growth needs regular feeding on the wordIt is important for me to have a routine to seek read bible so much a day whatever happens, otherwise my spirit becomes weak &helpless as operate in own strength& the messages of the world&self-doubt push out God’s ways&word in my mind&heart. B)When I forget, I pray,say sorry, I love you God & receive his peace&seek God through meditating on his word again with help of HS. C)BibleStudy in gps encourages deeper exploration of Word&applying it to daily life, we spur each other to go deeper in our knowledge of God.Repitition helps disciplineAt beginning of each individual devotions,askHs to open my mind to receive from God.Brief prayer to repent in prayer of things done, said that shouldn’t have done, &for the things I omitted that I should have said or done, seek his forgiveness and ask for him to teach &lead me in steps I should take.as I follow bible daily reading plan. -
Q1. Christian Virtues in Your Life
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
1a)Perseverance has been developed in me, as lived with ongoing health challenges, and as a consequence of depending on the Lord each day, it’s developed in an easy costly way. b)Hardest maybe godliness as very aware often don’t pray as earnestly or often as I should for the poor, &those that persecute me.I’m tested and blessed most days, and through God’s grace growing with his help.