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Everything posted by wifee
4a)The fleshly human desires of self are against God,used by satan &are strong enough to pull us away from reading/hearing scripture and God’s plan for our lives, and bit by bit, can weaken our trust in God& cause us to fall into sin. We need to stay close to the Lord to prevent this. b)The desire to please, God, serve Him by fulfil God’s greatest commandment "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:27-38, quoting the Shema' in Deuteronomy 6:5).can build our faith. c)Knowledge of God is possible without truly knowing God personally in a relationship with him. The former is good,but strong desire to know God more closely even better. d)Evil desires lead us away from God, and erode our faith. Whereas the promises of God are good for all circumstances. Filling our hearts with joy, confidence, love &positive attitude in distressing circumstances. They build our faith & our Christian life in troubled society.We musn’t lose site of God’s promises & keep on the way.
Q3. His Own Glory and Goodness
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
3a)It is amazing to me that the One who was visible partially to Moses; in a burning bush; and became flesh in Jesus Christ, called me a sinner “by his own glory and goodness”. I don’t feel worthy of this saving grace, but eternally grateful and overwhelmed by God’s glory and his in my everyday life. b)Knowing Jesus is guiding, leading and helping me everyday makes so much difference me. It makes me want to please him, help others in serving him, because I know he would want me too.serve Him better, seek to be more Christ like, in my thoughts and actions.He shows himself to me in many different ways c)His goodness shows up my weakness and inadequacies, and is the template and model I want to aspire too. Through his Spirit in me, he helps me when tempted. And I know he also wants to forgive me, when I don’t live up to the high standard he has set for me. -
Q2. Everything We Need
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
2a)God is supreme and above and beyond all things he has created, He is faithful and loving, and keeps his promises,through faith God will provide everything I need on earth for a fulfilling life in his will. He will also provide for our eternal future when Jesus comes again. b)Knowing God and his amazing love for me,brought me through severe illness, He can be depended upon, gives us hope He has the mercy,power, grace and peace, to provide what we need on earth when I trust in Him alone, and for my eternal hope. He alone will enable us to face & move through trials we face trusting in Him. -
Q1. Equal Faith
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
1a) Our faith is a gift from God, through believing,accepting Jesus &his sacrifice for us, He is our saviour. B)Our faith is equal in value isotimus,to the gift of faith Peter received, through Christ’s redemptive act.All believers accepting Christ share in the same faith, precious as from God. It’s preciousness is not affected by our unworthiness. c)We are sinners saved by grace,we know we deserve punishment,but God’s righteousness has brought us freedom, Jesus rescued us, we couldn’t ever do so ourselves. d)We are servants of God like Peter.As an apostle of Jesus,Peter knew him intimately,he had his authority, but describes himself as humble, maybe conscious of his weakness, he failed Jesus in denying him. I fail him too when not the witness should be.I seek his humility&awareness of preciousness of my faith. e)Devil deceives that we are in different environment,age.We are same body of Christ as then,we all share in the blessings of our faith in Christ, all equal in the cross of Christ, one Church,power of God is the same..Discrepancy is in our mind. -
a)These promises are special to me, Jesus has paid the price,His blood has washed us who believe in Him clean He has the victory. In him we can overcome all foes against us. –The God of grace who has called me to his eternal glory in Christ, I can come to the Father through Jesus and have this eternal hope, and After you have suffered a little while he will restore me, help and assist me, and make us strong, firm and steadfast. b)These give me great hope to stand firm, with full armour on in current afflictions and for the eternal hope for the future.
Q3. Instructions for Spiritual Warfare
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
3a)Peter instructs us to be 1/self-controlled free selves from mental spiritual confusion, lead disciplined well balanced lives. 2/Be alert to what’s happening around us, not assuming we are safe, we have a cunning foe and must look out for him. 3/We must resist him, stand firm against sin &temptation, putting on the full armour of God. 4/Keeping the faith firmly, steadfastly even when opposed. 5/We should be prepared to suffer hardship for our faith as part of this spiritual warfare, and decide ahead of conflict to prepare ourselves with armour. Through prayer and faith we can defeat him, Jesus has the victory. b)Very similar in Ephesians with more detail about how we are strong in the Lord, our strength is Spirit in us, putting on the full armour aids us in standing firm against devil’s schemes, against principalities and powers/forces of evil one in the heavenly realms with belt of truth,breastplate of righteousness,feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace, with the shield of faith, helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit, the word of God. -
2a)Satan is a person opposed to God and all he stands for.An archangel who rebelled against God, fallen from a place in heaven, and has control over many lesser fallen angels, known as demons. We need to be aware of him, because satan is dangerous, not to be underestimated. He is our enemy, an opponent, a constant threat, continually antagonistic to us, a slanderer. God’s judgement compared to threat of lions. c)The devil is on the proul to devour us his prey.He attacks our weaknesses. He tries to turn our minds away from Jesus, and think of self. We must be alert to not to fall into his temptation, submit to it and sin. He will destroy those who abandon God’s protection, we need to keep the full armour of God on.
1a)Paul urges us to cast all our worries,anxieties onto Jesus because he cares about us,will not forsake us. We should not worry about food,clothing, or about tomorrow,but trust God to provide. B)Jesus will take care of us &help us.Psalm 55:22 He will provide for us.Tomorrow will worry about itself, today has enough troubles of it’s own Matthew6:33-34. c)We should do this by projecting,passing/throwing to God our fears &worries.He cares intimately about us&what concerns us. D)I praying God will help me not to worry about issues, giving any fears to God, trusting that He will provide for me in every situation.
Q4. Humility in Leadership
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
4a)Should follow Christ’s example of humble,submission to Father’s will and direction, with servant hearted, sacrificial acts of kindness and care for others in the body and humbly leading of God’s people submitting to God for guidance. b)Testing a person in leading of small groups, & other positions of pastoral care and responsibility, to discern what motivates their leadership, whether they sacrificially give of time and money, submit to God’s Word and humbly lead and care for others out of love for Him and fellow man or lead out of duty, guilt or for human affirmation. c)If encourage a person to lead, without humility, we encourage proud,arrogant self-seeking leaders to take these positions of responsibility and churches and individuals suffer. -
Q3. Preventing Power-Mongering
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
3a)Seek God’s help to find right person, as in 1 Timothy Chapters 3-6. Pau’s guidance for determining leadership. Above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, etc. b)The churches constitution can place ultimate decision in hands of church body,rather than pastor.Treasurers handling money not pastors C)Problems if pastor doesn’t listen to people &/or God for guidance. D)People’s skills in leadership can be tested in small gps,lesser matters before affirming pastor training. E)Some churches run by lay people with limited accountability. -
2a)If someone has to be persuaded to fulfil a role, they do not serve with an attitude of willingness and eagerness, and may serve for the wrong reasons, to appease others,feeling out to, not to please and serve God.The fruits of the Spirit is not seen, and resentment sinful motives may develop.The church does not grow &flourish B)Leader is ineffective, not setting example of serving others out of love and obedience to God, but rather worldly example that is no difference from secular business.
Q1. Responsibilities of an Elder
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
1a)Subtle differences between each Elders –Experienced Christians who humble serve by looking out for needs of the flock. Pastor In charge of pastoral care of the flock in churches,feeding from word of God, praying for &anointing to bring healing,protecting them and seeking to provide for their practical and spiritual needs. Overseer- an administrative role, ensuring flock is well supported, and emotional,spiritual and physical needs are provided for. B)Each one is called and gifted by God, recognised by church body as humble servants with responsibilities covering vast range of changing physical,emotional and spiritual needs.The work is intense at times and needs to be shared with others gifted in this wayin larger 250 plus churches. All are servants seeking to protect and care for the flock in different ways. -
Q4. A Healthy Willingness to Die
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
4a)Our willingness to die, is essential to demonstrating to self &others that we are totally trusting the Lord to save us, and not rely on our own self-will power, but giving,submitting all feelings thoughts,actions to His leading through HS. B)When we aren’t willing to die, are a sinner,unholy, we are holding back allowing human fears,doubts,feelings about our faith, to rule, rather than allowing God’s power,plans for future to triumph over sin of persecution. c)It is totally about committing ourselves to seek to live for God in our thoughts and actions, resisting human flesh thoughts and trusting Jesus,as he has secure the victory for us. If we don’t we are not obedient to his word. -
Q4. A Healthy Willingness to Die
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
4a)Our willingness to die, is essential to demonstrating to self &others that we are totally trusting the Lord to save us, and not rely on our own self-will power, but giving,submitting all feelings thoughts,actions to His leading through HS. B)When we aren’t willing to die, are a sinner,unholy, we are holding back allowing human fears,doubts,feelings about our faith, God’s power,plans for future to triumph over sin of persecution.c)It is totally about committing ourselves to ignore human flesh thoughts &seek to live for God by our actions,&thinking trusting Jesus,as he has secure the victory for us. -
Q3. Happiness Because of Persecution
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
3a)Non Christians may think our faith is untested by hard times, and we may appear holier than though without evidence to show that Christ’s presence in us can make any difference. b)I am happy when persecuted when it gives me more opportunities to share my hope in Jesus, and the difference his comfort, peace and hope gives me. It allows me opportunities to show that I won’t react to harsh words,in an angry way, because, I can bring my feelings of hurt to Jesus, and he will give me the ability to stay calm,be more self-controlled and gentle in my response.I’m also happy that these are seeds that can soften people’s hearts,helping them to be more open to salvation -
Q2. Partaking of Christ's Sufferings
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
2a)My sufferings are nothing compared to the torture and horror that Christ went through to free me from my sin.Know he did this for me, that he cares so much for me, and is with me in my suffering, gives me the hope, peace and strength to move through any tough times I have faced, and there have been very tough, critical life threatening times, Lean not on our own understanding, but relying on the Lord alone. -
Q1. Danger of Avoiding Persecution
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
1a)If we seek to avoid persecution &suffering to God’s will,we are avoiding these opportunities to stretch our faith and grow in Christ Jesus.We cannot grow unless we have this meaty diet of suffering.Satan wants us to be put off track by trials,he works in our sinful nature at these times &wants us to give into temptation in pain,loss &opposition of all kinds. Christ wants us to move through them with his help giving Him the glory, and use our experiences as part of God’s mission. B)Yes when in pain, needed my fellow christians to help encourage me,keep me on track leaning on Christ alone&gaining His strength to fight it, focusing on Christ ¬ self will power alone.c)Seen some good people fall away when sought comfort &strength from sources out of God’s will for them. c)We don't have as much persecution in West, but is tough for those that do. -
Q4. Pride and Spiritual Gifts
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
4a)If people are seeking to give selves glory rather than God,they are probably insecure in themselvesand their relationship with God,immature in their faith, have lower self esteem and lacking in humility of heart, and even awareness of self.They need our prayers, that they would realise who they are in Christ and realise their potential gifts to be used to serve the Lord. B)People say I’m a Barnabus, seeking to do God’s will. -
Q2. Resisting Temptations to Sin
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
2a) Non-christians can take our non participation in sinfuls, over drinking as judging them,rejecting them,that we seem to be holier than them. They seek to shame us by coaxing us into sin,so we lose our integrity and to use this as proof we are no better than them.For some it is fun to drag us down. b)We don’t understand why we do what we don’ want to do, but we are prone peer pressure, not wanting to stand out in the crowd and it seems easier give into taunts, rather than ignoring what people say, standing firm knowing we are God’s chosen, can resist with Christ’s help when tempted. C)We can only resist with help &power of HS in us, living accordance with the Spirit and have minds set on what the Spirit desires 1Romans 5:8 ..mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. -
Q1. Done with Sinning
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
1a) Even if we say&have attitude that we won’t sin, we need power of Father,Son and Holy Spirit,we need helmet of salvation, breast plate of righteousness,sword of Spirit, shield of faith, girth of truth, shoes in the Word to keep us from sinning. Jesus knew he would suffer,when he accepted God’s command. He has conquered death &sin once for all by his terrible death on the cross, and as we die to self each time repent,he does so again and again. If we are humble,recognising this freedom in Christ even though we are not worthy,don’t deserve this on own merits,we have been part of Jesus suffering,our deep gratitude,for his costly sacrifice should motivate us to seek to live in his will rejecting sin, and not under world/desires of flesh and satan. B)Humble, grateful desire to live life in will of God trusting the Spirit of Christ to lead,convict,shape and mould me. Attitude of obedience to God with Spirit to help us be victorious over sin in Christ. -
Q4. Baptism as a Pledge
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
4a)I pledged my faith in Jesus Christ publically as tweenager as a confirmation of my baptism, as an infant, I pledged that I had turned from sin, promised to follow Jesus as my Lord & saviour, and humbly received his Spiit of forgiveness and promise of eternal life when he comes again.This had a profound effect on me, feeling a deep peace in my heart and soul through Holy Spirit. This blessing was God’s timing for me, as Spirit relationship with Jesus powered me through serious surgery afterwards B)My baptism was the start of my initiation into the body of Christ,on the vows of repentance and faith said for me, by my believing parents.I don' believe baptism saved me, but my personal faith in Christ for myself did with much joy when pledged confirmation of baptism promises for myself. -
Q3. Giving an Account
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
a)Non-christians don’t like giving account,the’re ashamed,conscious ofsin.Don’ want reminding of it.They may not respond to earthly authorities, so not to an unseen God. They will respond out of anger,rebellion from God,& will have doubts of a life beyond death. B)Giving an account of our actions whether non-Christians or not, means we are faced with the wrong we have done.We all like to be our own boss&think we know what is best for us.We need to apologise to others when failed,saying this is poor representation of Christ living. C)Being faced with our sin, should inspire us to repent humbly,and turn to more Godly behaviours.Being close to Jesus,reading bible,going to Him as soon as realised have failed,attitude of a sinner saved only by grace, and keeping in tune with Spirit’s leading. -
Q3. Christ Died for Your Sins
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
3a)The awesome fact that Jesus has died for my sins totally,whatever I have done or will do, he has accomplished the victory over sin on the cross, and has washed me clean,reconciling me to God as I trust in His amazing sacrificial love. I seek to be more like Him, but fail, he rescues me constantly. I am a new creation saved by grace alone. He is amazing.. -
Q1. Harmony in the Church
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
a)Sympathy with those hurting is evident most. B)We need affection for each other as brothers & sisters. C)Pray, seek to examine self, forgive others,encourage people to know each other better and show love more, Christ died for us all. -
Q2. Gentle but Fearless Witness
wifee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
2a)When under pressure we have less control of our tongue, the fruit of the Spirit is less evident, because fear &self-centredness causes us to get even, attempt to live in own strength,not in power of Spirit .b)When tested we can behave in same spirit,as the oppressors,&seek to justify our behaviour, rather than have opposite behaviour&leaning on Spirit to give me words to say in gentlenss,keeping clear conscience. C)Need to stand firm on faith,be ready more with Godly answers,not to lower standards, but focusing less on fears&avoiding situations and trusting more on Christ in all situations to equip me.