What spoke to me here is that some sins can be inner character flaws that sometimes as "mature christians" we are not even aware of. We have already dealt with the heavy stuff when we first came to Christ but as the years go by these character flaws still are there and we aren't always aware of them as sins.
In my personal life, I find that although I am free of the darkness that held me before I became a Christian, I have to daily work on those other flaws , ie: gossiping, laziness in studing the word and others. I feel that already this study is talking to me personally, God's way of getting my attention to spend more time with Him and to work on those things in my life that are not pleasing to Him.I know that if I willfully continue to ignore these flaws that God is bringing to my attention He can't bless my life and I will not be an effective witness to Him in my daily interaction with others. Also if I walk in the Light I will also deepen my relationships with other Christians. I am thankful that God is faithful and just when I confess these failings and by the power of the Holy Spirit teaches and corrects me so that I may change these things in my life that aren't pleasing to Him.