In my own experience, fellowship with other Christians is often on the surface level because we are afraid to be "real" with them. We tend to hide our faults, our slip ups, our imperfections for fear that they will judge us rather than offer comfort, advice, and love. For this to be fixed we need to rethink how we view others. Jesus accepted tax collectors, healed women with bad reputations and even said that he came for those of us who were not perfect or living right. Until we accept and put that example into practice in our own Christian walks we will not have true fellowship. Rather than judging others, let us work together as a family and help each other, lift each other up, encourage each other, and allow others to be real with us and we need to be real with them. It all begins with me (or you). We can't change others, but we can change ourselves and let God's love shine through us so that others will want to emulate the Christ like attitude and actions we model.