Jesus Freak
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Everything posted by Jesus Freak
Q4. Obedience and Answered Prayer
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
If our consciences are clear, we can come to God confident that our requests will be heard. John reaffirms Jesus' promise that whatever we ask for will be given to us (Mat. 7:7) We will receive if we obey and do what pleases God because we will then be asking in line with God's will. -
Q3. Love for the Brothers
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
Real love is an action, not a feeling. It produces selfless, sacrificial giving. The greatest act of love is giving oneself for others. We give up our life by serving others with no thought of receiving anything in return. Sometimes it is easier to say we'll die for others than to truly live for them, this involves putting others desires first. Examples would be helping those in need, and being generous with our money, possessions and time. Serving others is always a good way to get to know them. Also cell groups or home bible studies is an intimate way to form lasting relationships. -
Q2. Anger, Hatred, and Murder
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
Anger,hate and murder are of the same evil spirit. When we let anger fester inside, instead of giving it to God, it quickly consumes the heart. What's is in the heart always come out and if we hate anyone the Word says we are guilty of murder. Mat 5:21,22 True forgiveness and repentance is what sets us free from sin and purifies our hearts so we can be free to love the ones who have wronged us. -
Q1. The Spirit of Murder
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
Cain resented Abel because his righteousness and favored sacrifice to God, it showed that Cain was not giving his best to God. The sin of jealously and anger consumed Cain to the point of murder. The saga is a picture of how worldly people rise up against us when they see a life of righteousness. People who are morally upright expose and shame those who aren't. If we live for God the world will often hate us, because we make them painfully aware of their immoral way of living. -
Q5. Sin and Righteousness
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
The Spirit teaches us all things and brings us the truth, via the Word and His wisdom when false teachers present themselves. The false teachers were preaching it was ok to be like the world and see Jesus as just a man and not the Son of God. -
Q4. God's Seed and Habitual Sin
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
The Holy Spirit convicts us of all unrighteousness, because we are children and lovers of God, enabling us to die to our weaknesses and sin. Repentance brings refreshing, meaning sanctification and draws us closer to Jesus, and helps us to walk righteously with His fragrance upon us. -
Q3. Lawlessness
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
Lawlessness show's up in the form of pride, judgement and self worth. Proverbs 3:34 says God mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. It's imperative that we stay in the Spirit and avoid the flesh, lest we give in to it. "Do not let sin reign in your body so that you obey it's evil desires." Rom. 6:12 Truly, anything that compromises our righteousness in Him, is detrimental to our walk and demands repentance and prayer. As we let the world seep in our lives, sin becomes common place and make us almost numb to it, or worse tolerant of it. Therefore whatever vices, idols, weakness we each suffer from, the best thing it to rid yourself of it. Testimony: I've been unemployed for over a year, seeking diligently. God spoke to me through a minister last week, convicting me of watching worldly t.v. shows. I laid t.v. down and in 4 days I got a job. Praise God! He wants all of our time, beloved. -
Q2. The Purifying Hope
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
The hope of His coming certainly should motivate us, and encourage us to be prepared for the bridegroom, and the Judgement seat. The Lord says to him who overcomes will inherit paradise, will not be hurt at all by the second death, will have hidden manna and a new name and will have His authority over the nations. He'll be dressed in white, a pillar in the temple of the Father and sit with Jesus on His throne. Rev. 2:7,1,11,17,26;3:5,21 God's grace is sufficient for each of us and only by his grace can we be overcomer's, purified and made ready. And while we still stumble and fall, and get dirty He picks us back up, and cleans us up. "God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1Cor. 10:13 -
Q1. Children of God
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
No one can call Him Lord, except by His Spirit (1Cor. 12:3), this is how we know we belong to Him, that we're the apple of His eye, and He goes with us where ever we go (He will never leave us or forsake us). Holy Spirit comes to reside within us at the new birth. He is our comforter, counselor, clothing us with power from on high (Luke 24:49) and empowering us to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). -
Q1. Antichrists
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
John saw the beast coming out of the sea with his own eyes, this is the endtime one who is the antichrist, who utters proud words and blastphemies against God and makes war on the Saints for a period of 42 months. Whereas a man or woman today that denies Jesus is the Risen One, the only Son of God is rightly refered to as an antichrist. vs 2:22 We see clearly the work of the spirit of antichrist all throughout the earth. Abortion, genocide, sex trafficing, child labor, hunger/malnutrition, strife, hate and disease are jsut a few and the list goes on and on. I believe the antichrist's desire is also to thwart and hinder our prayers for these and other atrocities dear to our Fathers' heart. -
Q4. Examples of Worldliness
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
John's examples are the sins of the **** of the flesh, the eyes and the pride we so easily get entangled with. I believe even well intentioned saints, when walking in the flesh, open the doors to demonic attack by succumbing to the desires of the flesh and the world because Satan lives to temp and lure us into his web of deception. Worldliness is detrimental to our eternal lives because is distracts and keeps us from God's purpose(s) in our earthly lives. -
Q3. Don't Love the World
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
The "world" refers to the those who rebel and/or hate God and His precepts. Our own motives have to be checked regularly for if we have any selfish ambitions we are not doing the will of God but rather the will of satan. -
Q2. Children, Young Men, Fathers
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
He takes the time because He's in love with each of us and wants us to live abundant lives for and in Him. He encourages us with His great love, by strengthening us in our inner man, by living in and through us and forgiving us for our sins (thanks and praise to Jesus for paying the price and the gift of repentence),also by reminding us that we are His children and have known Him from the beginning and because we are made to be overcomers in Christ, defeating the evil one and his cohorts at every juncture. -
Q1. Unforgiveness and Blindness
Jesus Freak replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
How does hate and unforgiveness blind us spiritually? Hating anyone only harms us. The person we hate can be in total peace and freedom and many times does not even know we hate them, yet we suffer with the inner turmoil and emotional bondage. But more importantly both hate and unforgiveness keep us from the light 'Jesus' and the Word says we who do not forgive others will also not be forgiven for our own sins (Mat.6:14) If we have been darkened by hurt and hate, how do we come into the light? Earnest repentence before the Lord and before the ones we've sinned against can/will set us free. However, the Lord knows our heart better than we do and will actually give us peace when we've truely forgiven and have love in our hearts, that's how we know we're free, but if the forgivenss isn't sincere, it will linger and we'll have unrest. Calling on Holy Spirit for guidence and Jesus as our intercessor is the remedy of choice for children of the Most High God.