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Everything posted by janel
Q4. Instructions for Employers
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Christian Households (3:18-4:1)
Q4 Paul instructions to masters -- employers are that anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong and there are no favoritism. They are to provide the slaves- employees with what is right and fair, because they must remember they have a Master in heaven. We are all equal before God and the gospel has set us free. If employers sought to live by this rule and treat the employees with dignity and respect then the working place will be a healthier place. There will be team work and the productivity will be great. There will be mutual and cordial understanding for one another and the respect for the employers will be accorded. -
Q3. Jesus Is My Employer
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Christian Households (3:18-4:1)
Q3 The employee should perform his/her work with excellence which represents his/her attitude toward life and work. One will surely feels frustrated and angry when working under a poor boss but we owe him our first allegiance. It is nothing compared to the inheritance we will receive in glory as promised by Jesus. Jesus is the Lord of lords, irrespective of all employers, CEO or masters of the slaves, they are subjected to Him. He is their overall Lord. The quality of our work will be excellent and our attitude towards to God will be our attitude towards our employer -
Q2. Children and Fathers
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Christian Households (3:18-4:1)
Q2 Obedient children will grow up with strong character, happier than the disobedient. Their outlook, attitude and behaviour are more courteous and their concept of life is more positive. When they face the world, they are more prepared and confident. It is the parents duty to plant the seeds of good spiritual foundation in the child, so that they can face the challenges of the world without any problem. It is every responsibilities of the fathers (even the mothers) to bring up their offerings with plenty of love and attention. God has put the child in their charge and it is vital that they are not to embitter the child that can arises to violent, and resentment when they grow up. -
Q1 Paul chose these directions because of the false teachers' influences, to protect the Christian slaves and protect the women from their husbands. True submission is difficult for wives because in Paul's days, they have no voice in anything even to the extend of being treated like a slave and still have to treat their husbands like lords. Unselfish love is difficult for husbands because to follow the Christian way of marriage they have to have patience and tolerance, no retaliation or violence on their wives even though they rebel against them. Husbands are always lords over their wives and in bitter anger or rebellion on the part of the wives, the husbands will tend to be harsh on them. The cause can be for both, inner and outer. Inner is when oneself could not control anger and provoke it. Outer to show who is boss.
Q1 Paul chose these directions because of the false teachers' influences, to protect the Christian slaves and protect the women from their husbands. True submission is difficult for wives because in Paul's days, they have no voice in anything even to the extend of being treated like a slave and still have to treat their husbands like lords. Unselfish love is difficult for husbands because to follow the Christian way of marriage they have to have patience and tolerance, no retaliation or violence on their wives even though they rebel against them. Husbands are always lords over their wives and in bitter anger or rebellion on the part of the wives, the husbands will tend to be harsh on them. The cause can be for both, inner and outer. Inner is when oneself could not control anger and provoke it. Outer to show who is boss.
Q4. The Value of Christian Virtues
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Guidelines for Holy Living (3:1-17)
Q4 For we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, once no people now God -
Q4. The Value of Christian Virtues
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Guidelines for Holy Living (3:1-17)
Q4 For we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, once no people now God -
Q3. Sins of the Tongue
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Guidelines for Holy Living (3:1-17)
Q3 When one talks too much problems will arise. Everything starts from the tongue. Words can be expressed in many ways. One should think before opening the mouth. If it is to edify then it is OK. However if one intends to correct and does not know how to go about doing it, it will eventually ends up hurting or damaging the other and this will later lead to further trouble. What goes in is not that important than what comes out. As Paul has said that should one wants to boast let him boast about the Lord instead of talking about others. If one's tongue is loose then one must try to break from this weakness by asking forgiveness from God and the person one has hurt. To ask forgiveness from God is easy but to the victim is hard but one must think how easy it is to say what you want but making amends is difficult. Seek the Lord for strength and help. -
Q2. Sexual Temptation
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Guidelines for Holy Living (3:1-17)
Q2 God has created this drive for it fuels His command to "be fruitful and multiply." He intends for us to enjoy one another in a sanctifying way. However, the males are the weaker sex when it comes to sexual **** and the desires are a great temptation to them. Those worldly ones are always loose on this and tend to take advantage when the occasion arises. Since we have received new life in Christ Jesus, we definitely wanted to put to death all the sins that will lead us away from God. As we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we are called to live holy life. Therefore if any temptations come our way, we need to seek the help of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. Spending time in silent meditation with God and ask for His strength to fight any weaknesses that will lead us to temptations. -
Q1 Paul has called us to make a conscious decisions about the way we think. He also reminded us of our baptism with God and to allow God's Spirit to work in us so that our minds may be of heaven and God's way. Not necessarily. We are asked to be in the world but not of the world. We were given free choice. Paul has asked us to decide where our minds will go and where they won't. Each one of us is to take control of our own life failing which one will bare the consequences that will lead one to ruin in our spiritual life which one has built with God.
Q4. Legalism and the Sinful Nature
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Freedom from Legalism (2:6-23)
Q4 Legalism and asceticism are unable to restrain the sinful nature because the false teachers are clever to sugar coated their offers and temptation knew no bonds for they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence. If they are not drawn closer to Christ in their daily life, their character and their actions then they are deceived with promises which cannot be delivered. What Paul is offering to the Colossians is that they must experience the very core and personal touch of Christ. They must live, eat and have their beings in Him that is Christ Jesus. -
Q3. Nailing the Law to the Cross
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Freedom from Legalism (2:6-23)
Q3 We were once dead in sins but God, through Christ has made us alive by the forgiveness of our sins. The significance is the cancellation of the written code with its regulations that was against us and that stood opposed to us. This symbolized that all events prophesied for the Messiah, suffering for our sins have been fulfilled on the cross. Victory is won at the cross. Jesus' sacrificial death has triumphed over Satan and his evil spirits. In the mighty name of Jesus, Satan has no hold over us. -
Q2 Christ full divinity is that God dwells completely in Him. He is one with the Father as Christ is the incarnation of God the Father in the flesh. Thus Jesus is God in the flesh, deity in bodily form to have power and authority over all things created in heaven and on earth. In Christ we are complete in Him. For Christ came to love and redeemed us. As humans we tend to depend on our own self and do not fully place our trust and faith in Christ who has again and again stressed of His mission here for us. At times we are swayed by the false teachings who have planted seeds of doubt in our mind.
Q1. False and Deceptive Philosophy
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Freedom from Legalism (2:6-23)
Q1 When one is new in the Lord or who has no Spiritual depth he will likely fall into the trap of deceptive by the false teachers. Their motives are self glorification, they are not benign but to capture and rob you of the treasure you have in Christ and replace you with offers that are hollow and empty. (empty promises). I must praise the Lord that I have personally not been deceived by the false teachers although I have a few encounters with some. At that time I have grown with the Lord and could discern their motives and questioned them thoroughly. -
Q4 Paul is trying to tell the Colossians that if they have Christ, they have the treasure. For Christ is full of wisdom and knowledge and these are to be passed on to His followers. To know Him intimately and fully is to posses all these treasures. As faithful believers of Christ, we are privilege to posses these treasures handed down to us through Christ our Lord.
Q3 Paul's purpose is to bring Christians under his influence, to maturity in Christ. "Perfect in Christ" means meeting the highest standard or pertaining to being mature, fully developed in a moral sense. By coming to a level of relatively maturity in Christ when he presents his converts and disciples to God as the fruit of his labor and are proud of them. Paul struggling is in prayer and agonizing long-term intercession on their behalf.
Q2 The mystery is that Christ, the Messiah not only dwell in the chosen Jewish people, but also in the Gentiles. It is a mystery overflowing with blessings to its recipients. Prior to this, we have been focusing on the unseen and missing out on the seen. "Glory" used here as weightiness, honor, associated with the brilliant light and overwhelming splendor of God's presence. When Christ is in us, there is a sure hope of our own experience of and participation in God's glory, both now and in heaven.
Q1 As followers of Christ, our mission is to imitate Him in every way and preached the good news to all ends of the earth. Jesus said: "Take up your cross and follow me." Therefore what St. Paul has gone through was to endure the sufferings for the love of Christ's death on the cross. In 1 Peter 4: 12-19, St.Peter has urged us that our sufferings must be for the glory of God and for His Church.
Q4 We need to continue in our faith, established and firm, not moved especially in this challenged world. We face a lot of temptations and persecution. If our faith is weak, we are easily swayed and fallen. We need to build our faith on a strong foundation in Christ Jesus so that when trials and tribulations come our way we can stand firm. It is necessary for us to live in union with Jesus and immersed ourselves in Him and to receive His purification and forgiveness of our sins. With Christ we have everything but cut away from Him we are nothing. We are doomed. We have HOPE. Salvation belongs to our God. Jesus has saved us from our sins by His death on the cross. It is through Him victory is won for us. Since we have heard the GOOD NEWS we on our part need to proclaim this message to all mankind and to serve our Living God.
Q3. Holy and Without Blemish
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Christ the Reconciler (1:20-23)
Q3 As humans we are all sinful people, fallen from grace, that is why we fall short of the glory of God. United with Christ who acts as our mediator to God we have everything. In Him we move and have our being. In Him, with Him and through Him, with the unity of the Holy Spirit all glory and honour is yours Almighty Father for ever and ever. Amen -
Q2. The Blood of His Cross
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Christ the Reconciler (1:20-23)
Q2 This reconciliation was accomplished by Jesus shedding blood on the cross for the remission of our sins. By shedding blood on the cross, Jesus has washed us clean from all our sins. He represents the sacrificial lamb. The purpose of all these is to present us holy in God's sight, without blemish and free from accusation. -
Q1 According to the dictionary the word "reconcile" means to become friendly; to reconsecrate, (to make two conflicting things)compatible or consistent with each other. According to verse 20 'reconcile' means God through Jesus is to bring to Himself all things whether on earth or in heaven and making peace through His blood shed on the cross. We were alienated from God and were hostile in our minds engaged in evil deeds.
Q4. Head of the Body, the Church
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-19)
Q4 In the early teaching, the "church" is the building of God, a place of worship, a place where God is to be found. Whereas in today's understanding of the "Church" is the people of God. As believers of Christ, Jesus is the 'head of the body, the church.' He being the Head and we, the believers are the body of Christ. When the Head moves the body will move as directed. Therefore, we the believers are to submit to authority, and the highest authority is Christ. He is talking about both, the universal church as well as the believers of Christ. 'Be holy as the Heavenly Father is holy.' As believers of Christ we are called to live holy and righteous life and to practice the teachings of Christ pleasing to God. God dwells in the presence of His people and when we come for our Sunday worship, we need to show reverence and respect due to Him and every ministry must conduct their duties diligently for we are answerable to God. If we are talking about the "church' as believers, then we should conduct ourselves as children of God and be an example to the world according to the teachings of Christ. After all, Jesus has commanded us to go out into the world to be His effective witnesses. Every Christian is called to be the Light and salt of the earth but sad to say many of us especially the young people are overcome by the world. Seeking powers and prestige. Giving rise to wars, tensions, etc. all over the world. -
Q3. Creator of Angelic and Demonic Realms
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-19)
Q3 As clearly stated in Col.1:16 that all things irrespective of Thrones, powers, rulers, principalities, authorities etc are created by Him and for Him. As creator He has all power and authority over all of them. If Jesus is for us who can be against us. As Paul said in Romans 8: 39-30: For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." We should always spend time in prayer, seeking Jesus guidance and strength. -
Q2. Firstborn over All Creation
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-19)
Q2 "Firstborn of all creation/every creature" means born order but for Jesus, He is God Himself who created all things for His pleasure. No Jesus is not a created being. All things, creatures in heaven and on earth, visible or invisible are created by Him and for Him. Verses 16-17 teach us that Jesus is the Master and Creator and is above all things. They were created to serve Him. Verse 16b teaches us that the purpose of creation is to serve Him, irrespective of thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. Verse 17 - In the beginning was the "word" and the "word" was God. Therefore Jesus was God in the beginning and He was responsible for creating all things. His present role is continually sustain and holds everything together. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is, He was and He is to come.