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Everything posted by janel
Q1. Image of the Invisible God
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-19)
Q1 "The word" became flesh and dwelt among us." No human being has seen God but God has made Himself known to us through the incarnation of His Son Jesus Christ. Verse19 tells us that God's fullness dwells in Jesus. Jesus, the second person in the Holy Trinity, is the incarnation of God the Father Himself. -
Q5 "Redemption" and "Forgiveness" In Greek, redemption means "buying back/ransomed." Jesus paid the price by His death on the cross. The significance is that we are set free from all our wrong doings. God has completely pardon us from all our sins through Jesus sacrificial death on the cross. For we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, once no people now God's people proclaiming the excellencies of Him, who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2: 9).
Q3. The Kingdom of Light
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. A Prayer for the Colossian Believers (Colossians 1:1-14)
Q3 At the end of one's life we will know whether we are doomed to Satan's realm (that is darkness or to God's realm (marvelous light). Once they walked in darkness but after receiving the grace of God through Jesus Christ they now walk in the light. In order to receive salvation, believers of Christ need to be careful and continue walking in the light. "The inheritance of the saints in light" is the kingdom of God where one experienced love, redemption and forgiveness. In vs. 13, the contrast is "Darkness' from Satan's realm compared to "Love, redemption, and forgiveness" from God's realm. In Satan's realm there is forever sufferings and torments in the fire of hell whereas in God's realm there is forever joy, peace, happiness and love. -
Q2 Paul has prayed for the Colossians that the Holy Spirit will continue to prompt them to have qualities of life and ways of living worthy of a discipleship. For specific results to be produced in their lives, Paul prays that God will fill them with the 'knowledge' of knowing His will through all spiritual 'wisdom and understanding.' That they may live life 'worthy of the Lord and 'pleasing' to Him; to be able to 'bear fruits' by doing good works; to grow and have closer 'relationship' with God and with God's strength and power they might have great 'endurance, patience and thankfulness and joy' giving thanks to the Father. For an obedient child of God, the most important is to live life worthy and pleasing to God, thus gaining the wisdom and understanding of God for the rest. Every gift has a part to play in a Christian life. To leave out one or the other is incomplete when we want to grow in close relationship with God.
Q1. The Active Gospel
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. A Prayer for the Colossian Believers (Colossians 1:1-14)
Q1 The gospel which Paul glorifies brings good news. It is the word of 'Truth' that can be trusted which brings salvation. It is also 'Active & bears fruits.' Through the 'Word' the believers can be transformed, a born-anew christian and will lead holy life. The Gospel truth has influenced around the world, Paul has reminded the Colossians of the day when they first heard it and understood of the grace of God in truth and that they are not an isolated church A church becomes embarrassed or unimpressed with the gospel message is doomed. The people will be scattered without any guidance and their faith will waiver and eventually be lead astray by the circular world. -
Q4. Divine Lamb
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
Q4 The Lamb who is "God the Son" (second person in the Holy Trinity) has fulfilled the Father's will by humbling Himself in obedience to death, even death on the cross. Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Since the Father and the Son are one, not only God the Father but Jesus the Son, is also to be worshiped and praised. -
Q3. Triumphing
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
Q3 The Lamb is the only one worthy to take the scroll and opens its seals because the Lamb was slain and His blood has redeemed all man for God. From them a kingdom of people was formed to serve God. -
Q2. Decoding Symbols
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
Q2 The lamb itself represents ........... Jesus Christ Standing after being slain indicates .. Resurrected Christ triumphed over the dead. Horns represents ..................... Power, might and strength Eyes ................................. Full or complete vision The number seven carries the idea of .. Completeness or perfection. The Lamb has the qualities of being all powerful and all knowing - omnipotent and omniscient. -
Q1. Lion and Root
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
Q1 Jacob's ancient prophecy over his son, Judah as 'a lion's cub' and 'a crouching lion.' Jesse, the father of King David came from the tribe of Judah and Isaiah's prophecy indicates that a descendant (shoot) will come from this tribe who will be the Messiah for the Jewish people. "Lion" being the king of the animals will triumph over all odds. The lion is powerful and fear no one. Jesus, being the Lamb and with these titles meant that He is victorious and glorious over His enemies. Following in his forefathers, He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is great in every way. He has triumphed over sin and death and all authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth. -
Q5 Each time we partake in the Lord's Supper, we are proclaiming the Lord's passion, death and resurrection. It is a celebration both of redemption through Christ's atonement and His second coming. The Lord's Supper is the foretaste of what we are to receive later in the great banquet prepared for us in the new Jerusalem.
Q4 God sent His Son into the world as the sacrificial Lamb for the remission of our sins. Through Christ's death, God forgave all our sins. In the Last Supper Jesus has made a covenant with the apostles through His body and blood for the forgiveness of sins. We need to forgive others so that we can obtain peace in our lives, our neighbours as well as with God. Partaking of the Lord's Supper is very sacred. You are called to receive something holy and pure in the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we need to be careful not to contaminate ourselves with any impurities before the meal. If we partake in an unworthy manner, we shall be guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ and will be judged. In order to allow Jesus to enter into us we need to be like Him when He forgave His persecutors at the cross. John 20:23 said: "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained." Sacred and corruption are incompatible. The Lord's Supper is something so pure and holy and cannot be defiled by something that is unclean (unforgiveness).
Q3 If fills many believers with sorrow to see the suffering Christ who is without sin going through the torments at the hands of the persecutors and to be hung at the cross. To bear it all so that the world will be saved. It truly filled our hearts with joy to be redeemed by our Saviour Christ Jesus. Out of love for mankind He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Which God would do that. As He said: "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." He came not only for the Jews but for all. We are not only assured of the forgiveness of our sins but enjoyed eternal life through Him. He has opened heaven for us and we can one day be reunited with God the father in the new Jerusalem.
Q2 The Jewish Passover celebration meal in Jesus' day is to commemorate God's redeeming the Israelites from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. Christian's celebration of the Lord's Supper is a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross for the salvation of mankind. It is the last supper Christ had with His apostles. The breaking of bread symbolizing His body and the cup of wine His blood. This is the covenant He made with His apostles which is to be carried out in generations to come. As believers each time we do this it is in remembrance of Him. A special invitation and a privilege to partake in the banquet of love. It is also the instituting of the Eucharist and the commission of priest - washing of the feet (for Catholics). The similarities are the blood and the Lamb, both are sacrifices for the salvation and redemption of mankind from the bondage of slavery and sin. The differences are - OT a celebration of thanksgiving and the NT a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice for the remission of our sins.
Q1 God heard the cry of the Israelites by sending Moses to free them from Pharaoh but Pharaoh refusal made God sending the angel of death to them by killing all firstborn in Egypt. However, God protect the Israelites from the plague by asking each household to slaughter a yearling male lamb and to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs so that the angel of death will bypasses them and will not slay the firstborn there upon seeing the blood. The first Passover lambs are to protect the Israelites from the angel of death which God had intended for the Egyptians. Whereas Christ as our Passover Lamb is a sacrifice of love for atonement of our sins which He bore at Calvary.
Q5. Freedom
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lamb Who Redeems Us from Slavery (1 Pet 1:18-19; Mk 10:44-45)
Q5 St. Paul's letter to the Romans said that we were once slave to sin but if wholeheartedly obeying the teachings entrusted to us from Jesus, we are set through God's forgiveness by living holy life and enjoy eternal life prepared for us. God knows our every weaknesses, that is why He sent His Holy Spirit to us. Sensitive to the Spirit's guidance and prompting, we can rely upon Him for strength, to walk in the light of God and be aware to live holy and pleasing to God. In 1981 I attended the "Life in the Spirit Seminar" in my church and had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit again. I was a born again Christian from that day onwards. The power of the Holy Spirit has truly transformed my life with 360 degrees turnaround. Before the world to me was black and white but now it is like beauty with colours. Before I was chasing after material things, accumulating wealth so that I may live in comfort when I retire. Now I rely on God for everything as He supply to all my every needs. I receive peace the world cannot give, peace with God and peace with fellowmen. Walking with the Spirit I am now a happy and healthier person wanting to reach out to others rather than to receive help. As the song of St. Francis of Assisi "Make me a channel of your love." The Lord had said once you put your hand onto the plough there is no turning back. Amen. -
Q4 People who are entrapped in sin are the slaves. He is enslaved by sin. God, the father who sent His Son to die on the cross for the remission of our sins. Satan is the father of all lies, evil and deceit. He did not get the credit because God forgave us of our sins and Jesus' triumphant death on the cross has confirmed that. God our creator has always watched over us. As He is our God and we are His people He will see that not one of us will be lost but have eternal life through Christ Jesus, the redeemer.
Q3. Purchased
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lamb Who Redeems Us from Slavery (1 Pet 1:18-19; Mk 10:44-45)
Q3 Jesus paid the price on the cross to set us free from the bondage of our sins. As followers of Christ, we need to immersed ourselves in the Holy Spirit whom Jesus has sent to us and to allow Him to lead and guide our life. That is why in Him we live and move and have our being. We are called to be holy as God the father is holy. We need to live righteous life. We should be grateful to God for leading us on the right path so that we may not perish but inherit the kingdom of God prepared for us. -
Q2 In the OT the slaves were bought and owned by the rich. There is an involvement of money to be paid in order to be set free but ultimately God acted as their kinsman by rescuing them out of Egypt to the promised land. The Israelites, however, were fortunate that Jesus has redeemed them through His death on the cross. They have only to believe and be faithful there is no price to be paid for Jesus has paid the price by His blood.
Q1 In the NT, the class of humans who were freed were the slaves and the Israelites. They were bondage to slavery since their forefather's time. Now Jesus the promised Messiah has come to set them. Hearing their cries, God sent His Son to be the sacrificial lamb to come and ransom them of their bondage. Being stubborn people, the Jews were urged to repent of their sins and to trust that the redeemer will set them free. It explains that God is with them and in them and they should heed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and acknowledge that God is their father and they are His sons.
Q5. Isaiah 53 in the NT
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q5 I chose Philippians 2: 7-11 because Jesus who is the son of God could have come in a more spectacular way but humbled Himself by obedient to His father to the point of dying on the cross for the remission of mankind's sins. This passage teaches us to follow in the footstep of Jesus in obedience, to be humble and to submit to God's will for us. Most of all we are to be careful in our way of life that leads to sin. For the salvation of our souls we need to hold fast the word of life, so that on Christ's second coming we can rejoice with glory and enjoy the kingdom He has prepared for us. -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q4 Through one man's (ADAM) disobedience sin entered into the world. As sin reigned in death but through grace many will be made righteous and receive eternal life through the obedience of Jesus Christ our Lord. The only sense that Jesus bore the punishment on the cross is the love for us which is the Father's plan and Jesus was sent to fulfill that plan to reconcile man with God once again. -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q4 Through one man's (ADAM) disobedience sin entered into the world. As sin reigned in death but through grace many will be made righteous and receive eternal life through the obedience of Jesus Christ our Lord. The only sense that Jesus bore the punishment on the cross is the love for us which is the Father's plan and Jesus was sent to fulfill that plan to reconcile man with God once again. -
Q3. Substitutionary Atonement
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q3 God in His goodness and mercy sent His Son into the world to save us from all our sins. Jesus in obedience to His father's will submitted Himself by undergoing the trials, scourging, crowning of thorns and carrying His cross to Calvary to be hanged like a thief even though He is sinless in the sight of God. All He did was to carry our sorrows and sins on His shoulder at the cross so that we can be set free and be able to reconcile ourselves to God once more. -
Q4. God My Shepherd
janel replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jacob Offers Blessings (Genesis 46:28-49:33)
Q4 Jacob being a shepherd all his life has related to God in the same manner. From his own experience as a shepherd, he knows and trusts that God is always there when he needed Him. To provide him for all his needs, to guide him along the way, to protect him in troubles and fears and even blesses him in abundance. My life is in the hands of God the shepherd. He sends His Holy Spirit and friends to lead and guide my way and life. He nourishes and enriches me with His words, retreats and from this bible sharing. He provides to my very needs. He comforts and consoles me when I am sad and down. He is in me and with me every seconds of my life. God is not only my shepherd, He is my everything. He is my all, both great and small. From a fatherly figure to a true and trusted friend. Definitely I will put all my whole trust in God and His shepherding. Without Him is like a ship with a sail. Through our daily dialogue we get to know one another more intimately. Through Him I am strengthen and protected. He is forever faithful and no one can replace Him. Where in the world can one find a God who is so loving and faithful to incarnate Himself and come down to earth and be with us in the flesh and on top of it to die on the cross for the remission of mankind's sins.