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Everything posted by chillsey1
Its good to know the difference between Water baptism and being baptized of the holy spirit. The water is a symbol of cleansing washing away sin and having a heart of repentance, and the holy spirit way is an empowerment. Receiving power from an endless supply of grace, love and purity. Its always good to be filled with the holy spirit. daily. Unfortunately most Christians aren't familiar with the expression that comes with being overwhelmed with the holy spirit and banishes it from their sight, or them selves. But YES... all the time we should be acquainted with the holy spirit. Our own choices that we choose to follow can alter whether or not the Holy spirit moves in us. But it lives in us all day. we just need to discern when it is us or the Holy Spirit. Simply asking God to fill us with his Holy Spirit can get us going. Also our own maturity in our own walk with God can also encourage it.
Q2. Offensive Baptism
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
Well, as John wasn't a Jew, He performed a practice that was from the Judaism ritual, and the Pharisees didn't want to be baptized by a non jew cause of this fact. The people, Jews and non Jews came however to be baptized focusing on the one reason why they were being baptize. -
Q1. Faith without Repentance
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
They will soon realize that unforgiveness has repercussions. Whether it be guilt, shame, or through physical pain. Also it says in the bible that God won't forgive us if we do not choose to forgive our brother/sister. Avoiding repentance is just a way of avoiding the pain and hurt it involves revisiting. Depending on how long its been for the person, the situation and who it involves. It is sometimes hard for people to repent when people have to be vulnerable and throw down their pride and embrace humility in order to repent. Percentage????? I really don't think there is one. I can't judge that. -
Q1. Psalm 100
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
The emotion in this psalm is Joy.... Joy Joy Joy. When you have Joy in your heart, you praise God and lift him up high. Its when the tribulations and trials come that we should remain the same. Emotionally for myself, it makes me just simply love him more. Praise him more. Shout out to him more. The commands in this psalm is to praise God, and the reason for this is cause of God's consistent character. His faithfulness... etc. -
Q4. Psalm 51
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
When our heart is actually physically hurting and our body collapses due to our knowing of the wrong we have committed and knowing that God was there, the crying the yelling, the anger and forgiving, the many sorry we've said and the true heart to change. Thats being broken, When you are lying flat on the ground face planted on the carpet, with the ugly cry in place and a kleenex won't due. That's being broken... When you go in a parking lot and yell at the top of your lungs spitting and crying and not caring what the world might think of oyu. Cause if they only knew, then they would of joined in. Humility is the opposite of Pride. And when we brake that Prideness from us, humility sets in, and so does everything else. At a moment where you can be in visible position to everyone watching and you not caring, cause God is soooooo worth it all and good. -
Q3. Psalm 51
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
God wants all his children to come to him. To lean on him, to trust in him. He is jealous "FOR" us. not "OF" us but for us and he loves us so much that he gave his son to the cross to have those sins washed away freely from our part. And it is through Jesus risen body that we can have a relationship with God. We need to ask for forgiveness all the time cause we are made of flesh who wants to follow the world. We must die constantly to our flesh and let God take control of our lives. Not in a way where he is the boss... that's not the relationship he wants. But one that we can come to him for anything, to talk, to cry to, to hang with, to simply BE with... our Pardon of our whole being takes root to all this. When we give our wholeness to him, he makes us white like snow. When we offer our selves up to him, he carries us through everything. He rebuilds us in a way where not only our friends and family can't recognize us, but even ourselves. He will do that IF we ask him and allow him to go to the secret places of our hearts that we don't allow any one else in. Even though God knows whats in there, he still accepts us and loves us. Create in me a new heart lord, and renew a right spirit in me..... I will go where you go, say what you say, do what I see you do, and stand back when you want to fight in my stead. Lord I love you for your grace cause its enough for me... -
Q2. Psalm 51
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
David is simply recognizing that when he sins it doesn't only hurt the people on earth, but mostly God. God doesn't want us to sin and it hurts him to see us do this. But we are human, and not perfect and that's why God's love and compassion are good to know of cause through his grace and mercy can we be forgiven. As I have said before, we are human and not perfect and we sin day in and day out, but that is why God said that he will forgive us 777 x7 daily, -
Q1. Psalm 32
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Self-deceit destroys us by avoiding the situation. We know what we did was wrong, but we decide to fill ourselves with our own secular forgiveness by worldly things. I know I did a long time ago fill my void by my own control. But praise God his grace helped me out. When we confess our sins and the things we have done there is a sense of freedom and reconciliation with God. Thats his true heart is for his children to come back to him, confess, and to live a pure life with him Most of the physical and emotional things that we deal with, will be released cause of the forgiveness we receive from God. Sometimes it takes a slap in the face or wake up call to realize the power and grace that God has for us. I got one.. it did me good -
Q4. Psalm 22. Comparisons
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Pretty much everything that Dr. Ralph Wilson pointed out in the study was accurate and really good. Jesus did know that the Psalm 22 was referring to him The Holy spirit makes us do things that we don't understand but as long as we obey and do what the spirit is saying , it will make sense to some one else. Lean not on our own understanding but that of Gods. -
Q3. Psalm 22
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Jesus spoke those words because God had lifted his hand off of him during that time. God is sooo holy and Jesus, at that time, was bearing all sin of the planet, he was untouchable, And so Jesus knew at that time that God was no longer and So he felt every feeling possible, Forsaken. He expressed the pain and hurt of separation from God. God tore the tabernacle, he trembled the earth, and raised Jesus from the dead 3 days later.... Thats what our God did -
Q2. Psalm 110
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Jesus was trying to make themselves figure it out that Jesus was and is the messiah. The one prophesied by many that would be the son of God. If he was born after David, being descendants of David, however David himself called Jesus Lord.... What did that make him. The son of God. With the authority that Jesus carried, he is the head of the army and pursuing the enemies with his scepter. However in order for us to join him without fear, shame, guilt, rejection....etc. he had to also act like a priest, to bring us to God. Like God, Jesus also has many characteristics. Being the mighty warrior and prince of peace are just some of the many presence he brings. Jesus is the Prince of Peace clothing us with garments of honor and majesty as well as fighting for us against the enemy. God has grace, and is extending it to everyone, but if you aren't gonna give him a chance in your life, then you have chosen your path and when judgment day comes you will be judged. says in the bible. -
Q1. Psalm 2
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
God's Son was set apart from the world with a relationship most of us don't understand. God being father to Jesus his son. A more intimate relationship than just being Jesus friend. But Father and son. A relationship that God is trying to teach us all about himself. That he is our father and that we can come to him as a son or daughter. He is annointed from the powers he carries, that there was oil applied over him to set him apart for God. An oil that spreads out towards us as well,and that we can come to drink of it any time we wanted. God knows all sees all hears all. And knows that the world needed a savior on earth to die for their sins. This world still needs him, however in a different way since he has already died on that cross for us, the world needs to know his love and compassion and forever forgiveness. Jesus has brought me out of the pit and I am forever thankful for that. I will always serve and submit to him. I will enjoy him and his everything for me. -
In the days of the old testament... Jesus had not been on earth yet, and has not died for their sins. So it was important that the people knew about God's love and trustworthiness.. Complete faith. The son on the cross is an example of his love, and his forever showing up when we call upon his name is for the trustworthiness. John 14:1-4
God has countless times, shown up at my door with food so that 1 more month my family and I can eat. When his children obey, someone else got blessed. God watches over us all the time, another character that I absolutely love, he has my back. It was embedded in us to praise God. and it will happen when he reigns on earth and heaven. We will join the angels and sing. Everyone needs to know him, he will save them and they won't have to go through hell... I am praising God, I am serving at my church, I am listening to his voice, and I am starting to read the bible more and more cause of this study. GooD JOB Dr. Ralph. you obeyed God and it blessed me.. thank you
One of God's Characters that stand out for me is the truth he brings to my life. Every step I take in my life, he always reminds me of his truth. It has never been a lie for me. When he says something shall happen or be done, or healing , or finances, he shows up. Whether its the 11th hour or a "wadi" way. He always shows up for me. In Exodus... God showed up on the mountain, and revealed the law to Moses. With such a profound act from God no wonder why their understanding was soooo strong to God. There is no limit on Forgiveness..... It explains that its as high as Heaven and goes from the east to the west. Which means..... 777 times a day..... Basically, especailly in this season of Grace, God Forgives....
Q4. Psalm 24
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
When someone is a king of the nation of country or city, they are incharge of that place. It is their right to make decisions and ownership of that place. However their is only on KING that is in charge of the World, 1 KING that makes decisions for the world when it was being created, and he has total ownership of our lives and souls. When someone says that they have sold their soul to the devil,... well actually they can't really do that cause it never belonged to them in the first place. GOD IS KING cause he owns the creation he has made. The world. The requirements of the king, is having an ethical and moral purity. outwardly and inwardly, how would people know about God and his love and kindness and power if we ourselves are not living a righteous life. Blessings will follow cause we honored God's obedience and his call. Even though it might look like a valley full of shadows of death, we still walk through it cause we feared nothing cause of God. God's glory is too much to explain, cause when it gets heavy and weighty, there is still more room for more upon his people. Thats why before Jesus died on the cross, only pure and clean hearts such as priests and bishops were allowed in the the temple where the ark was, with a rope wrapped around their bellies in case the glory got too heavy they were able to have someone pull them out before they died under the glory of God. Can you imagine, dieing by the glory... How did it happen and the answer is, I died under the glory. What a glorious way to go from here. This psalm is always a reminder to me of how powerful God is. The Glory that saturates us when we are under it, the holy spirit there embracing us. How much of a slush I have been sometimes cause of the glory. Its soo power ful , its soo heavy and there must be more of it .... hahahaha.. there is when we die.. and go to heaven. amazing lord how sweet the sound.. -
Q3. Psalm 126
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Memory of God's deliverance, or miracle or healing always prepares us for the current situation or a struggle. It is a reminder to us, as well as it was to David in other Psalms, that God will and has done it countless times. He will definitely show up again. So the release of the Jews from the Persian King Cyrus back to Jerusalem, was the first deliverance for the Jews. And it is that memory that makes them know that God will help them again to rebuild their templ once they saw King Solomons palace destroyed. Metaphor 1: A wadi or dry gully This is significant in many possible ways. God does things like this in my own life and the life of others that I was a witness for. He constantly reminds us of his power and grace when he acts right away and fills our gullies with his holy spirit, and then we blossom almost immediately. Metaphor 2: Sowing and reaping I have no doubt in my mind about sowing and reaping. Whether its finances, tears, clothes, or anything God is telling you to sow, there is always a reap at the end. Cause God loves us soooo much that he wants to honor us as well. He hears our cries, and understands our sorrows when we obey and are a cheerful giver, something happens in the spirit and our reaping is almost immediate. Or for s ome a while. Its alll in God's timing. -
Q2. Psalm 96
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Ascribe- meaning referring to a supposed cause or author (by Webster's dictionary online) We are rightfully giving God praise due to his name and the power and worthyness he is. God is almighty, its in our nature it is embedded in us to worship him. this is the proof to those who do not believe, we were made and created to worship and love God. He is our author and we are worshiping him with our everything. We cannot lean on our own understanding, but God's alone, and through that his strength and glory will be known. We will end up in our own power, which is not much and our own strength which is also not much, There is free will, and God has granted us that however, when we do things on our own, it may seem good at first, or even for a long time, but there is still a void in the inner most core being of that person, that something is missing, and they will strive until they can fulfill it. Unfortunately they cannot fulfill it themselves, so the vicious cycle continues, and they will never be satisfied. God is the one that fulfills our cups with overflowing grace and love. The praise to God is fitting to those who are willing and ready. Those who are upright and honest. Those who's hearts are ready to change and live for him alone. Worthy is what God is, and once we are fit to worship him God's worthyness will be known through our worship. -
Q1. Psalm 57
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
From personal experience Praise is sooo hard to do when things are all going wrong around you. 3 summers ago, my brother had an accident with a mider saw and lost his wedding finger, half of his pinky and half of his middle finger. He played guitar and worshiped God with his songs. So this was really terrible and all of our family was devastated. Especially my brother cause the only thing he thought of when he was in the hospital was if he was gonna play any more.. the day after, he wasn't even thinking about the guitar cause his wife was 8 months pregnant and they had a baby girl. All he could think about was the baby. Well my family cried and cried and couldn't understand why that had happened to him. It took us a while to get it. There really wasn't anything to get. But the day my brother began playing guitar again shocked us all. He said that nothing was gonna stop him from praising his God. And he now leads worhsip at our church sometimes. God truly is worth all our praise and nothing can get in the way of that. Not even a finger.... Faith can be shaken sometimes depending on the circumstances and the person. Everything plays a part. We must be constantly in the word to really be strong in God throughout it all. Get someone to be accountable with and hace them check our attitudes and help us motivate and be our support. WE have to get on the wagon folks cause the end times are here... there is no more wasting time figering things out when the answers are right in front of us... THE BIBLE... seek God. -
Q5. Resting in the Lord
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Psalms: Resting in God's Care
Depending on what you are coming up against, sometimes it can be really hard to see peace and trust for God. We just have to know his word and keep our minds refreshed everyday with it. Soaking in his presence and allowing the holy spirit to overwhelm us, is assurance of his peace, and presence with us. As hard as it is, I know there will be places that I will have to go to by using a plane. And I know that I will simply trust in God that I will reach my destination, cause I know that I AM suppose to be there for the purpose of his kingdom. -
The refreshing streams that flow in "the city of God" is at our resources to take. We can be refreshed in the presence of the most high when we still ourselves. Even through turmoil. knowing that God is with us, nothing can stand in our way for peace. Knowing that God is it, the authority he has in the world that is his, creator, powerful, mighty, everlasting, being on the creators side is overwhelming and honoring. Also it brings peace to my soul, knwoing that he of all creation and person, is on my side as well.. I should not speak of fears and worries when I know that God has everything in control. Not to spiritualize everything and not to give the devil so much power in this world that I can't do anything about. God will push all that aside. Our minds and flesh can take us on a tour of fear if we don't hush it up and allow God to take the wheel.
"Into your hands I commit my spirit" means that there is a commitment to God about our spirit being in his hands. A commitment as strong as a union between 2 people in a relationship. In this case, our spirit is in relationship with God. The purpose and plans he has for our lives is in his hands. and we commit ourselves to those plans. To be honest, sometimes it doesn't bring peace to me when I make a bold statement such as this one. Knowing the call on my life that God has ordained me and my husband, sometimes I just want to not even think of the words. But I would not mature in his dwelling place and would not grow either in the world I live in now. So trust being an issue for me?????? YES I THINK SO. But thank God for the rest that I can recite these trust and rest verses to calm my spirit and know that God says who is really is. Well it depends on someones priorities in life. I am working on this issue now and its sooo hard. Knowing that everything I have here on earth means nothing compared to heaven and God. Also not loving your husband more than God is hard. But it is a process to work on. God is faithful and patient. It brings peace knowing that eternity is where I am heading, not to the torture some people are heading if they don't get saved and quick. Prophecies in this word are starting to happen now that we are in the end of times. So I d rather be on the calm rested and trusting side anyways....
Knowing The shepherd is carrying the rod and staff is a reminder of God's authority in this world and of his love and protection for us. He leads us to places where sometime look and appear dangerous but with God at our side it can seem satisfying and accomplished. The whole psalm is filled with God's characteristics towards us and towards our enemies. He is refreshing, he is full of abundance for us, he is pursuing us comforting and encouraging us, he leads us to safe waters and guides us through storms, he heals us and protects, he rescues us when we are lost and restores us when we need our mind and soul renewed.
David chooses to quiet his soul probably by silencing himself. Trying to focus on God. taking out all distractions. Humility, rest, trust, hope and maturity are elements in this psalm
Q4. God's Protection
chillsey1 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
God protects us from harm and depending on our Faith and trust in that protection of his, we will come out the other side better than before. Whether dead or alive.. But I'd rather be dead so that I can live forever. I can't honestly say the real reason, I just know sometimes in circumstances there is unforgiveness that happen, and sometimes pain and hurts scream louder in our minds then joy and peace from God... We can simply prayer for those to have the fullness of God's glory in their hearts. I know God protects us and he has countless times. In my health, and with plans, boats, accidents etc. I know the call on my life and I know that it needs to come to pass before anything happens because it was prophesied over my husband and i. I will come to pass thus says it the Lord.