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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Sophia Jones

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  1. It's great to be here. It's been a bit of a desert time. As I read about the long marriages with loving partners my heart leaps in celebration. What an amazing gift and blessing to find a life partner! I stayed married for 25 years to a man who wears the clothes, but doesn't really walk it. He rarely worked, let our house fall apart around us, ignored his children, would grab my hand on the way into church and drop it on the way out. He attended Promisekeepers almost every year and led the Bible studies. God Himself released me from that black night in 2006. My father is a Gideon, Baptist man who loves the Lord, and could not see me divorced. He attended a seminar called Love and Respect (which he and my mother lead young married through twice a year) and in one day heard the verse 1 Timothy 5:8 3 times. He came to me and said it was time. I struggle with people who pick out one verse in the Scriptures to hammer each other with, like God put the numbers on the verses so they could stand individually, when the truth is that the whole of Scripture must be understood. When God says He hates divorce, He also hates everything that humans do to one another that create divorce. When God asked me to be a submissive wife, He also asked my husband to sacrifice for us as Christ did for the church. It's not one without the other. Abigail is my hero! Throughout my dark night I never was mad at God. I knew it was not something He created, but sin perpetuated it. God is my rock and my salvation. He is the only One I trust in fully. I live in a ski town in the Rocky Mountains. He has blessed me with a home for a short time (through the winter) while I rebuild my life. I bought a franchise, and pray God's blessing on its success. It will work if I will work! I have three wonderful children. They have grown up to be very wise. I am so proud of the choices they make to be great citizens. No GK's yet! I am a NS SWF w/ NP Heh Heh. I love! to ski, like to scuba dive (lots of highs and lows in my life). I'm late to the forum as I was traveling. I have peace that passes understand and a hope that does not disappoint. May God Himself richly bless us and bring to our hearts, minds, souls and strength, not just knowledge, but spiritual growth and love for Him through this study.
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