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About Debra M.
- Birthday 01/12/1955
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Which of the thorns that Jesus mentions do you think is the most dangerous: Riches, worries/cares, or pleasures? Probably 'worries/cares'. Why do you think so? The rich can have something happen where they can know that their riches have no true power. And those that seek pleasures can come to know that pleasure is not always the way to be content and live with oneself. But, worries/cares are like habitual stinking thinking and many feel they MUST worry. I do not see 'worry' as the opposite of 'trust'. Instead, worry is the absence of trust. When we practice trusting Him, we will see that we no longer worry.
Q1. Falling Away
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Fertile Soil for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? They fall away because they do not receive the message into their hearts. They only receive the message into their minds. There is no commitment involved. What is their problem? When things are going well, they have no trouble believing what Jesus is saying is truth. But, when things begin to go awry, they begin to doubt and fear that what Jesus has said is not the truth, and the root is uprooted and discarded. Their focus is on the problem and not the solution. We have all been in this place. But, with God's help and our determination to believe and build faith and get past the trials and tribulations, knowing we have the victory thanks to Jesus .. We come to know that God's Word is true, no matter what is happening at the moment. -
Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Because where there is no repentance, there can be no remission of sins. In other words, we must be consciously aware of our sins and confess them before God before He is able to deal with our sins. We are forgiven spiritually when we are saved. However, we must also be forgiven naturally, before we can grow with God. This requires that we repent of sin. Why is baptism important to converts to the King? How can we claim that we belong to His kingdom if we have not met the requirements. Jesus says that those who DO His word are His. Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart? No. Because the unrepentant heart lives by the desires of the flesh. We must walk in the spirit, so that we are not able to fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
Q3. Water and Spirit Baptisms
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? If the water were to come on us instead of us coming into the water, we would run the risk of drowning. The Holy Spirit comes on us we do not come into the Holy Spirit. John's baptism is a momentary submersion, while Jesus's baptism is a deluge that lasts indefinitely. What is the point of difference? The point of difference is that John's baptism is up to us, but Jesus' baptism is up to God. Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? Yes. But, I also know that with such desire comes drastic change and responsibility with the gift, and I want to be as ready as I can possibly be. What might prevent this in your life? Being immature in my Christian faith. What might encourage it? Being totally submitted to God and His agenda. Not allowing myself the luxury of living my life my way. -
Q2. Offensive Baptism
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
How would John -
Q1. Faith without Repentance
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Their adoption of the faith would be in vain. Where there is no repentance there is no remission of sin, and where there is no remission there is no separation from sin. (Luke 24:47) Jesus not only removes our sin, He separates us from our sin. When separated from our sin, the Father can then and only then see us as righteous, holy, pure and acceptable. Sin and holiness is like water and oil, they will not mix, and we must be to the Father, of one or the other .. Sinful or Holy. Why do people avoid repentance? It is painful and humiliating and shameful to acknowledge that we are flawed and therefore worthless. "The Christian has a great advantage over other men, not by being less fallen than they nor less doomed to live in a fallen world, but by knowing that he IS a fallen man in a fallen world." C.S. Lewis What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart? It must be quite a large percentage. A paraphrase of what Jesus said, "Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many will go this way". "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there will be who will find this way." (Matt. 7:13&14) -
Q4. The Self-Centered Leader
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Walking in Love (2 and 3 John)
What character flaws does Diotrephes exhibit? Pride, jealousy, animosity and hostility. Can a person be a strong pastoral leader without developing these traits? Yes. Good strong leadership is essential in the success of the body of Christ. If you have tendencies in yourself towards pride and a controlling spirit, how can you fight against them? Prayer and keeping in the Word of God and asking God to help us recognize when we are falling into a "Diotrephes" behavior mode. -
Q3. Supporting Missionaries
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Walking in Love (2 and 3 John)
What are the reasons given in these verses for supporting Christian workers in their ministry? We become fellowhelpers to spreading the truth of the gospel. What reward comes with becoming a "co-worker," by assisting Christian workers? The reward that comes with spreading the gospel. How effective can Christian workers be without those who support them? They could not travel nor teach nor spread the gospel into remote areas. -
Q2. Hospitality and Heresy
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Walking in Love (2 and 3 John)
Why does the Apostle John tell his readers to refuse hospitality to the false teachers? Because they are a danger to the church. It is inviting in evil. What would refusing hospitality mean for a congregation (as opposed to an individual)? Not allowing the false ones to speak or teach before the congregation. Possibly pointing out the doctrine as being false and misleading. What is the border between tolerance and stupidity, when it comes to false teachers? Allowing false teachers to teach and preach and become influential is stupidity. Tolerance may allow the false teachers to listen, but they will have no say. Do the divisions of denominationalism find justification in this verse? To a degree. Why or why not? They do because they can differ in doctrine. However, most denominations have a foundational truth. Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Savior and the only way to eternal life with God. -
What is the danger of "running ahead" of Christ's teachings to "deeper truths"? False doctrine. Worthless religion. Greater and greater deception that becomes harder and harder to overcome. What is the danger of "running ahead" of Christ's guidance for our lives? Allowing the enemy a form of control over our living for Christ. Being outside of the Will of God. What does it mean to "abide" or "continue" in Christ and his teachings? To stay within the confines of the truth, the Word of God, the Holy Bible. Why is this so important? Because we will get into a place where we cannot discern truth.
Q4. Keep Yourself from Idols
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God's Testimony Regarding Jesus (1 John 5:1-21)
Why does John exhort his "children" to "keep yourselves from idols"? So that the Christian does not allow anything to come between them and their relationship with God. So that God is the exalted One in their lives. What idols distract us from the true God? Wow, that's quite a question. Idols that distract are abundant on this earth. Off the top, I think of Money, Astrology, Fortune Telling, etc. What idols compete with God for attention in your life? Probably tv. I love a good show or movie or such. -
What are the two conditions to answered prayer in 1 John? When we pray according to His Will and that we have the confidence that our prayers are heard by God. How do we determine God's will so that we can pray boldly, confidently? We get to know His Word on a personal basis. God's Word is His Will. How often will our prayers be answered when our main motive is to achieve our will? The Bible does not state that we can pray according to our wills.
Q1. Defeat vs. Victory
Debra M. replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God's Testimony Regarding Jesus (1 John 5:1-21)
How does a defeatist mentality differ from a belief that in Christ we have overcome the world? A defeatist mentality leads to self-pity and self-centeredness. A defeatist mentality leads to defeat in most every area of our life. A defeatist mentality is a 'victim' mentality and leaves one to feel helpless and hopeless. An 'overcoming' mentality leads to an idea of victory. An 'overcoming' mentality gives one an unfailing hope. An 'overcoming' mentality leads to a closer personal and intimate relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. What part does faith have in this overcoming? Faith is the knowing that we have inside of us, that we are more than conquerors and faith believes the love of God in our lives. This belief of His love towards us, can have diverse benefits. What part does unbelief have in a defeatist mentality? Unbelief leads to hopelessness and hopelessness leads to defeat. -
What do they have in common? Salvation, which requires belief and faith, is an invitation for anyone to receive, respect and/or offer it as a gift of grace. What relation does the visit of the wise men have to Matthew's theme of bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles? Salvation comes to us through the Jews, but is not exclusively for the Jews only. How should we be applying this mandate in our own lives? By loving others as we are commanded to do. By not judging others as we are commanded not to do. By spreading the gospel, even when we might think there is no reason.
Why was it appropriate for the Magi bring gifts to the Christ-child? Because they understood the child was a King. When visiting a King, one would bring gifts to show honor and submission. How does the extravagance of their gifts reflect their heart attitude? The extravagant gifts were an outward example of their belief and their faith in the King of Kings, in this Christ-child. What kinds of gifts are appropriate for us to bring? Our gifts should be expressed in doing our very best for God. We can do this 'best' in praise and worship. And we can also do this 'best' towards others, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ.