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Seeking His Face

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Everything posted by Seeking His Face

  1. By minimizing my sin. Confession relieves us of guilt. and bring back into commune with God. Sin separated me form my Savior. Admitting my sin is painful to my flesh, revealing my true self to myself as well as others. The facts being brought to our attention by another.
  2. Mediated on Psalms 22. I never thought of that before, it became so clear to me. It was right in David's time, It spoke of the future of Jesus Christs, and now it speaks to us and what we might have felt like at some particular time. How glorious is our God, and the way He reveals Himself to us right now. To this generation and then the next. Word can not express!!!!
  3. They are discussing the same subjects, it was true for David's times an also talking of the future of Jesus Christ. Isn't it neat how God does that. His word meant something in the past to a particular subject, and it touches my heart today just where I need to be touched. My mind can't even fully comprehend His glory. Jesus knows everything, In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. The Creator wants us to know Him by His word, and He uses all things to convey His truths to us.
  4. Because this was the only time He felt separated(caused by his acceptance of the sins of man)from His Father. I'm sure he was feeling how we felt as humans, alone and separated from God. He is now at the right hand of the Father.
  5. Because they knew the word of God and he wanted to stir up a question within there minds. that here understanding was incorrect and He was trying to teach them the truth. He is my mediator with God and my defender against this world. Death and destruction is all that's left if there is no repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Savior.
  6. mediated on Psalms:145, really enjoyed it.
  7. Because it helps us believe,increases our faith. He loves us with a neverending love. The degree of my Father's doesn't change, It is the same day after day. 1Corinthians 1:4 God is faithful.
  8. Good to all HE made! Because He is worthy of all our praise. I should be proclaiming His greatness more boldly.
  9. That HE redeemed me and satisfies my soul. Because He was there deliverer. It is as high as the heavens and as as far as the east is from the west.
  10. will be meditating on ps 24 today, considering who my Father is.
  11. He created and controls everything, people and places. Clean hands,pure heart and worships only God. And that he is not a deceptive person. That He is grand and glorious,huge,larger than life. He is mighty in battle and strength. I can enter His rest because my God can handle it.
  12. God is so good! he reveals more as I seek His face.

  13. They recall all the Lord has done for them and others. It may look like nothing is happening, surly nothing can grow here. Then suddenly the rains comes and a tiny leaf breaks through the once hard barren soil and life springs forth. And the next thing you know the field is covered in wild flowers and grassy land and gives the appearance of always being that way. Circumstances are temporary. Don't go by what you seen, go by what you know of your heavenly Father.
  14. It means to give, recognize who He is. We build up ourselves( get the big head) and it really all belongs to Him. Because of who He is and what he has done for me. He deserves all the praise. He is the creator and causes everything to work every moment of every day.
  15. Because my attention is on myself and my difficulties. It increases my faith because it changes my direction, I look to Him and how wonderful and faithful He is. Praise leads me to correct or Godly attitude. It changes me.
  16. Psalms 23, He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul. Everything that I might every have need of or desire is found in my Father.
  17. Trust Him! Respond by what the word of God says not by how I feel or what I see.
  18. Stillness, life giving, a sustainer . Because God is with me I don't need to fear, I can rest in His care. I should only speak life and having it in more abundance. Because we can be influenced by what is going on around us.
  19. That I am surrendered to my Lord and I trust Him completely with this life. If God did it for David, surely He will do it for me. My Father knows everything that concerns me and He has it under control. Order my life according to your plans Lord!
  20. With His rod and staff He comforts me. He is committed to deliver me from my enemies, He is my shelter. protector,provider. He has laid His life down to save my soul. He provides for all my needs, not wants. He leads me to safety. He quiets my soul.
  21. By putting his hope in the Lord. I am, humble,stilled,quiet,hoping,trusting. I am content, and that contentment comes only in a relationship with Christ.
  22. By having a personal relationship with my Father, and knowing His word. We go by what we know not how we feel (flesh) . It depends on protection from what? God has a plan an purpose for my life and as long as I am obedient to His will His plan will not be hindered. Yes. He gives me strength and courage an most of all hope. It doesn't matter here on earth or when I go to glory I have that hope is Christ which sustains me. I don't have to understand everything I just have to trust that my Savior does.
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