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Seeking His Face

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Everything posted by Seeking His Face

  1. The lappers are more aware of there surroundings, ready to move if need be. The ones on the knee are paying more attention to the water and there drinking of it.
  2. Because we want to protect our flesh, we don't want to look foolish. We can get wise counsel, we should also know the word of God, he never would tell us to do something the could not be found or confirmed by the word. Pray for wisdom and understanding about your part in God's plan, God only is responsible for the results.
  3. Because he wanted to be sure Israel knew God was there deliver. Because they needed to know there was no way they could defeat the enemyonly by or mighty God could the enemy be defeated. Gideon would feel guilty, like a failure. Victory would be unlikely if he went out on his own. Because he believed God to do what he said.
  4. He wanted confirmation of what God was going to do for Israel, and also to build the faith of Gideon... I would say belief . No He just wanted to confirm what God had told him to do. This is kinda of a scary place, we must belief,His word says God does not lie. All the results are God business or responsibility. My job is just to be available to be used by the Lord for his glory and honor. Back in Gideon's day the spirit of the Lord just came on him and left when the job finished, for us the Holy spirit is within us and guides us continually.
  5. The spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he took action. The spirit of Lord came upon them as well and the received instruction, wisdom,strength,courage and inspiration to do was the Lord had called them to do.
  6. Up to this point he was a compromising leader, by allowing pagan altars on his property. It made him make a choice of who he served. No he must be obedient to God and God will take care of the results. Because he openly proclaimed the other gods were false.
  7. To show the people these other gods have NO POWER !!! So Gideon could build an altar to the true and living God, and remind the people of God. Public recrimination by the locals and his Father. Gideon wanted to be obedient to God, but he was afraid of the people. Gideon did what God told him to do, God was not specific about the how and when, Just that he tore them down.
  8. As a mighty man of God, Gideon saw himself as the least(weak). God perception in the correct one,It's about God and his ability, not mine. Failure to act when called because of how we feel about ourselves instead of who we are in Christ. It is so important to know the word of God so we see ourselves through Him. Help me Lord to see myself through your eyes, and trust that you have everything under control . I can trust that you all with me as your word says . I know Lord when you call me that you will provide all that is needed for me to complete the task. In Jesus name I pray
  9. By saying God caused all the bad things that were happening to them. That God is not protecting them. NO, because it was because of there sin, worshiping other gods. We blame God sometimes because we get our eyes off Him and on our situations. We need to remember His word, I will never leave you of forsake you. Never
  10. I am not sure, maybe because of our flesh we want things to be easy. Well hopefully our faith is strengthened, because we realize we have no abilities of our own and we our dependent on our Savior . Maybe because of a broken heart, someone very close to us has betrayed us and we think God is the same way. We stop looking up and start looking inward, and life becomes overwhelming. But praise God He is not like us. He is faithful and true always,never will He leave me
  11. Well the right attitude can change any devastating situation. Some folks see the cup half empty and others see it half full. Joseph realized early to make the best of every circumstance. He also remembered that God was with him always He trusted him and knew what others meant for evil God used for the good.
  12. God always appears when ever any of his wayward children come home to him. What a great love the Father has for us. Jacob and his family returned to God, they washed themselves and put on clean clothes and build an altar unto the Lord. And God blessed Jacob with a promise of a great people and land.
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