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Seeking His Face

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Everything posted by Seeking His Face

  1. It was God. Maybe the flesh and the spirit are always doing battle as long as we have life on this earth. I believe it was both spiritual and physical. I think it is kind of like a battle scar, a badge of honor, that you indured the conflict and held on the the end. Maybe saying you did not give up. You persevered to the end. It was a reminder that he carried in his body of the battle with the Lord, and that God is the author and finisher of our lives.
  2. The terms are Jacob is to be good to his wife's,and not to have or let any others take there position in the family. Neither of the parties making the covenant will break the agreement to cross the pillar of stone,and God is the witness between them, he will keep watch to make sure it is not broken,and punish the person who does break it. The monument is a reminder to both parties and what they have promised.
  3. Because Laban kept changing the rules, but Jacob was under God's protection, like the scripture says what you meant for evil God used for my good.when we are successful we tend to think we did ourselves.
  4. It may be a lesson in character building, to understand what he had done to others. Finding out what Jacob considered valuable? For Jacob to realize his complete dependence on God only and not on himself.
  5. It was a way for Jacob to honor and remember what had happened at this place. Putting oil on the stone symbolized a cleansing and a consecration to God from Jacob, setting himself apart for God. Yahweh will be his God. Because he knew his father Issac and Abraham had done it, also he promised If God did what he said Jacob would give him a tenth of everything God gave him.
  6. Not real sure, but I have the tendency to try to manage things myself. Like Matthew 6:33 says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added. So I only have one thing to do ( seek God) and he will take care of everything else. He is revealing himself to me more and more, as I learn of Him in the word, I take on my Fathers attributes.
  7. They feel inferior, unlovable, slighted, jealous etc. Yes it did. I find my healing in the Lord Jesus Christ, that good work he has started in me he will finish. By seeing them all as gifts from God, a blessing to us as parents. Enjoy the specialness of each of them, be sensitive to there strengths and weakness. And just love your children unconditionally like our Father in heaven does.
  8. Because the blessing was already spoken, it had to be honored. Speaking the blessing made it a reality, like a handshake . Isaac love his son and wanted him to receive all that was the custom at that time,not to mention he was his favorite. God already knows us and our responds to situations, but he wants us to know too. God uses all things to bring his will to pass.
  9. It does not excuse her, Its like Sarah and Hagar or Joseph and his brothers. What they meant for evil God meant for good, and my God always wins out in the end. Jacob is responsible as well what does his name mean?
  10. I am not sure,I think at one time they both were. But Rebekah took things into her own hands when she say a opportunity. This is kinda like Sarah and Hagar, Rebekah remember what God had told her I think this situation was sad for Esau and Jacob because they probably knew how each parent felt. They did eventually repent of there sin and return to there relationship with each other and with God.
  11. Because he gave away his birthright (blessing for his future) for instant gratification (stew to relieve his hunger). Esau was living in the now, he was not thinking past that. He really didn't believe or pay attention to what Jacob was saying. Jacob was willing to do whatever it took to reach his goal , which was to get the blessing that was meant for his brother from his father Issac
  12. Abraham's immediate obedience to God's commands, "Immediately". He obeyed without question. He did not have to think it over. Abraham's obedience was counted as righteousness.
  13. I believe he did, God also heard Abraham's request Abraham prayed for his servant, and the servant asked for God's help and guidance . We can't understand all situations and circumstances,but we can trust the God that does. The God who goes before us and prepares the way.
  14. He believed God, but like us his faith had highs and lows. With the death of Sarah maybe because of his emotional state he was not looking to God so much?
  15. She was submissive to her husband, trusted God. She showed strength when she was taken by Pharaoh and Abimelech. Her weakness was her being barren, it led her to wrong actions with Hagar and Ishmael
  16. In my self I can hardly comprehend what Abraham 's obedience. In my flesh I know how much pain that would cause me to do that to one of my children. But it's not about our loss it about the mighty power of God to restore what ever is broken and lost. God gave His some because He so desired a relationship with His creation. God has given me revelation of what He has done for me, and I can't even express my love for Him in words.
  17. Through experience! I have learned that I can't do anything on my own, If God doesn't make a way it doesn't happen. He wakes me this morning and prepares the way for me to do his will to provide for my family, to bring glory and honor to him in this life he has given me. I am watching for his promises to be fulfilled in my life and the salvation of my husband and children, that everyone who comes after me in my family will serve Him as Savior and Lord. In Jesus name Amen.
  18. Not sure, I would say that when I only surrendered in parts I only knew God is parts. Yes I have surrendered by life to Jesus. Complete surrender entails me finally being whole, not fragments of a person but whole, complete. I have entered His rest
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