Seeking His Face
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Everything posted by Seeking His Face
The Devil just wants to kill,steal and distroy. And that what he wants to do to us through our situations and circumstances. He wants us not to trust and believe and act on God's word. God wants us to draw near to Him, to grow and mature in His mercy and grace, through every situation. All things work together for good to those who love the Lord. I'm not sure if I have inspired anyone, but I have been strengthened and incouraged by many others. If we would just take our eyes off ourselves and look around we might not even notice our trials.
God gave Abraham and heir in Issac. God blessed Abraham by keeping covenant and blessing Ismael, He said he would be a great nation. If Ismael had stayed he would have caused trouble in the family, with Sarah as well as dominated Issac. God spared Abraham from having to deal with all the distress caused by him staying. Issac was blessed because he could be himself and not been impacted by Ismael's ways. Yes I have been rejected many times, God is always with me but I am afraid when I am in distress I have not always recognized that he was by my side.
Q2. Where Is God?
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Isaac Born, Ishmael Banished (chapter 21)
protection of her son ,protection of his inheritance as Abraham's son. Not sure if she was righteous, but God used it to further His plan, He told Abraham to do as Sarah said. So it was in accordance with God's plan. No, I haven't ask that of anyone. But I have been ask to. -
Q4. Lot and His Daughters
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
They were taking the situation into there own hands. Operating as humans we do whatever it takes to get what we want. It looked right in there own eyes. What values, They lived in Sodom all there lives ,I am sure the saw and heard many ungodly things. I'm not sure they had much faith, at least not in God anyway. Godly influence were not very strong in there lives. Lot was trying to drown his sorrows, forget his past failures etc. He did not have much faith, hope or influence. Lot made many bad decisions, 1st one was compromising himself by living and raising a family in Sodom. Not having and ongoing relationship with God, It seem like Abraham was his advocate, He helped him out of situations, gave him protection etc. The biggest mistake was not repenting for his errors and going before the Lord for wisdom and direction. We all make mistakes and fall short but you NEVER give up Never.!!! -
Q3. Lot's Wife
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
Not sure why, but sometimes it's hard to leave the familier even it it's bad. Maybe when she looked back she was longing for the "good ole days". I probably have, but I can't recall any specifics. Leave the past behind and look forward to Christ and a life with Him. My life is hidden in Christ now, It's all about Him now. You know you can't go wrong under God's command. -
Q1. Homosexuality
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. The Destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19)
Love the lost, and hate the sin. Yes it is possible, we must meet the needs and show forth the love of God, feed, cloth, comfort, care for etc. No, they should speak out about all sin, lying, stealing,etc. Speak of it everywhere, go forth and minister to the lost that they may accept Christ as Savior and He will clean up the house if they truly love and accept Him as Lord. -
Because Abraham knows God's Character, also he was concerned for the safety of Lot and his family. He knew that God desires truth and justice from him so how could God act any differently. Yes God wants us to come boldly into his presents and make are request known. to stand on His word and proclaim it, maybe even to remind Him of what it says, to depend and rely on His promises. God is pleased when we come to Him as our Father, when we trust and believe wholly in Him. The Bible takes about those who indure till the end.
By being led by the Holy Spirit, considering all situations, will this draw me closer to God or does it drive me further away from God and his purpose. It is difficult when we start relying on our own understanding, and we are not being led by the Lord. Because we are under the blood of Jesus Christ, we have and advocate who goes before us and pleads our case. We can humbly repent and Jesus forgives our shortfall/sins etc. Remember to look to God before taking action, in word or deed.
Father's and Mother's husbands and wife's must have Christ take 1st place in there lives. Worshiping and serving and loving God more than anything else. Then everything else falls into place, we are tenderhearted pliable able to hear that still small voice guiding and directing our steps. Led by the Holy Spirit in all area's of our lives
We stand on faith, not what we see. God has already proven himself faithfulness to his word. No I have not seen anything in the bible that says miracles would stop. Yes He still does. Salvation for a lost soul is a miracle, we must proclaim his marvelous word and works he has done in our own lives. Talk about our own healing and deliverance. Pray and believe!!! Increase you faith by reading His word, get to know your Father
Circumcision was outward sign of agreeing to the covenant, but it was completely external. Nothing changed on the inside, and every year a sacrifice had to be made to cover there sin. Under the new covenant when I excepted the shed blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and my outward expression through baptism showed what had happened on the inside ( to my heart ). Jesus Christ now lives in me and at baptism I died and was raised in Christ
It signifies that Abraham is part of the covenant, they are all covenant members. That's how contracts or covenants work, God agrees to do this and this, and Abraham agrees to do what God requires for the covenant to go in effect. Abraham shows his love and belief in God and his promises and his commitment to be faithful to God. Also anytime we begin to contemplate a request from God, and think about it for any length of time we usually are not obedient, we must act quickly when He calls.
No, because we in ourselves are unable to attain perfection. God wants Abraham to be obedient and do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. God see me thorough the shed blood of Jesus Christ, so through that blood I can walk before Him and serve Him blamelessly in the new covenant. We are also blessed with the indwelling Holy Spirit, who guides us in to all the things of God, and helps me to live righteously before God in Jesus Christ.
Q4. Disciple Lessons from Hagar
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
#1 That I am not alone. #2 HE sees my difficulties, abuses,challenges. #3 God is faithful to His promises. #4 Obedience = blessings eventually. No sure about the last question, God is not finished revealing it to me yet. -
Q3. El Roi, the God Who Sees
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
It makes God personal, He is here with me, He sees my circumstances. He knows how I feel. I am not alone in this world, He walks beside me through this journey. He knows my needs. I love the Lord so much, He has made me whole,I am complete in Him. -
Q2. The Angel Tells Hagar to Return
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Usually when God asks us a question He already knows the answer to it is for our benefit. To see if we will tell the truth about our situation. Hagar is sent back because the plan or purpose is not completed yet. She needs to submit to the authority over her. I am sure I have on many times, but thank God for his mercy and grace. -
Q1. Hagar's Pride, Sarah's Jealousy
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Partially because He did what she asked him to do, and the resulting pregnancy increased her anxiety about her place in the relationship. She resented Hagar because she easily did that which was so difficult for Sarah to accomplish. What I think really doesn't matter, maybe she just wanted to get rid of everything that reminded her of her failures. Abraham is the head of that family, and he did not keep his responsibility to keep and protect the proper relationships in the family, he did not seek guidance from the Lord before he gave in to Sarah and her whims . He also did not defend Hagar after he had taken her has his wife. In my own life maybe lack of protection and guidance from a parent who did not do these things because of fear of conflict with and abuser. -
Q4. Cutting the Covenant
Seeking His Face replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
Abraham understood covenants and he knew what they meant, and God wanted to do that for him. So Abraham would have confidence that God intended to keep his word . Maybe the dividing of carcasses in half has something to do with me being responsible for keeping the covenant as much as God is in doing His part to keep the covenant? Abraham believed!!!!!. He has several promises, He directs my path, plans my future, has an exceedingly great reward for me. The shed blood covers my sin, brings me into right relationship with God though the blood of Jesus Christ. You must have blood to make a covenant binding. So all parties are committed to the contract, or there will be penalties if you do not fulfill you responsibilities. -
The part that is so amazing is that this applies to me today as well. Righteousness was credited to Abraham because he believed what God had promised him. We are saved because we believe on the name of Jesus Christ, even though we can't visually see Him. And this is credited to us, we are in right standing before God because of Jesus Christ.