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  1. Each Beatitude is comprised of first a blessing/promise/theses and the second part provides the substantive rationale,albeit in paradoxical form. Paradox was a form of a common literary tool used in this culture during these times. It is powerful and illustrative, quickly and succinctly providing hope for the common person, in direct contrast to the pharasitical legalism most would have experienced. the first part contrasts the second part and the second part highlights and substantiates the first. As well as offering hope and instruction, this form of paradox also provides warning. When we conform to His ways. as opposed to those of the world, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we begin to exhibit those characterolgical fruits of the Spirit. The promises in Beatitudes that are spoken to are the results of becoming sanctified in the ways of the Spirit, and bearing said characterological fruits.
  2. Psalm 8, to me, indicates a love by our Abba that we cannot begin to fathom. We surely cannot fathom the majesty of His universe, let alone comprehend that His love for us is even more majestic than this. As an aside, if we cannot fathom the majesty of His universe, how can we begin to fathom His majesty, greatness or love for us? And why,I ask, in our brokenness and lack of vision and insight, would He trust us with His creation--thus we have an obvious responsibility to care tor it. In our pale humanity, shouldnt we rely on Him who has given us All--including His own Son, that He made lower than angels? Although He is known through the ages and the nations, I dont think we begin to understand and know His depths--but we can experience Him.We are, indeed finite and He is infinite. What Joy! So praise Him and block access to the enemy. Praise from the most vulnerable of His human creations have strength over darkness and stupidity and anything that naively attempts to obstruct or deny His existence, presence, omnipotence and majesty. Now this next thought is surely not the focus of the psalm but it also occurs to me that it is incumbent upon us to protect our children by also teaching them while they are young to praise Him who is most high, who has an infinite capacity, greater than the seemingly infintessimal number of stars in creation, to love us. WOW! Oh Father, most worthy King, in heaven, teach me to understand you more deeply and experience you more fully and sanctify me. Allow me the privilege and grant me the wisdom to be a light that allows others to know you. Strengthen my heart and fuse my will to Yours. Let my thoughts, words, actions and character be pleasing to You! Amen
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