Jose L
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Everything posted by Jose L
I used to feel not worthy or with no value because my life was completed in chaos also to the point of emotional depression I did not understand why people and life can be so cruel . But now that I have Jesus in my life everything change I know i m worthy to God and I star to understand by learning in the word of God for example Peter that I was worthy and I was call to be save I was call to live a different life so If I want this different life offer to me I have to put some value on it by learning how God want me to live believing in everything he say I star to abandon all my bad habits and star using the sanctification God have to offer with his holy spirit to give me strength in difficulties in my life . I still struggle but I know I m worthy to God in every special way sometimes I do things are contrary to God and I ask for wisdom I ask to give me the strength I need to do so . Why ? simple because I want to value what God have give me to me -Salvation-.
Q3. Judgment and Gospel
Jose L replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
Is natural for us to get upset went someone judged our actions . The point is is justify or not , I may we can have bases in justify and be correct on other cases we have no logic or bases to be justify so or we admitted or we refuse it . For my the gospel is the base where I can found my self in front of a mirror and see if I m wrong or if the Gospel justify my actions as be true . The spirit also put a anointing in me to correct what is wrong in me or my actions with others . That is the reason if I m a christian I most keep reading the gospel so I can have wisdom also pray to God to guide me in the correct direction . People out of a living gospel do not know what they are doing wrong because they do not know the Gospel of Jesus . For example they may say I do not hurt anyone I m a good person so I m good with God . They may be right to some point but for God is not at some point also because refusing the authority of God is a lot more worse and we can not Justify with actions . Is my responsibility that God is love and he want to love them but how can they let God Love them is they do not acknowledge Jesus came to be your savior ? If I want them to be on the right side with God I have to explain to them what the gospel say about living for Christ and be right with God . In the other hand for me being God person and be a Christian is not enough I most fallow what the Gospel say in my hearth I most do what is right because my love for Jesus . If I put to the side the gospel the teaching is like putting to the side Jesus. the Gospel teach me so I can do right with my hearth what is right to God -
Holiness for me do not come because I most have it . It comes automatic . The body do not make me holy ,the flesh in me do all contrary to the spirit so I most need something in me to be holy . Is not about to have it is about to be united to the only one is holy and this is Jesus . Went I accept Jesus I became part in spirit with God because Jesus did he pay the price to be acceptable to God again and take part with him and be holy . That is also we are call also saints because we are part of holy God in spirit . But our problem is not the spirit our problem is the flesh because is contrary to the spirit , in the same way the spirit is contrary to the flesh so the holy spirit give us the power to conquer the body attacking the spirit . We most take control of our flesh dominate the body sacrify for good and not evil . Loving God increase holiness in me loving others let it behind what I use to be . Acting in my new reborn in spirit I most act as the spirit feels if I do something contrary to the spirit the spirit will let me know I don't like that and me in my corporal form I will feel bad because I use the body to act against the spirit and even against me it dont taste the same for the body is but because my new reborn with Christ in spirit I m holy also and do not feel the same . I always I said to Christians if you are Christian you will never be one not matter where you go and how many times you refuse Christ you are for real trouble because you are one with God in spirit one with all Christians you can not scape because the spirit in you will call out for holiness .
Hope and more Hope is equal to be patient and have faith . My hope is in the Lord but I have to wait in the Lord using my faith . I learned in the Bible because this many even Christians lost they're hope in waiting , for what ever reasons this happen but my hope is in Jesus himself and doing this he confirm in me that he is more and more closer to me and his second coming . Went I work for the Lord in the way he expect me to do he confirm with relief and joy and that is how I know that I most keep going on for example teaching the Gospel to other so they can also have the same hope . The holy spirit keep the flame burning in me the more I believe the more the fire burn inside . At the same time it make me strong to battle against Evil thinking . We as Christians can not sit on a chair get bored and wait because we do not have a sense of hope of we do not do what we are suppose to do we can not battle again those evil thinking that we use to do . Very clear the bible teach us faith with out work is dead , so if we do not put our hope in the Lord asking what do you want me to do next ? And put our hope into action he will confirm in us that our waiting is not in vane that at the end I will have what he promise to me.
Well I have a asnwer to this . Is always my hope others to see to experience the joy I feel inside me . I pray for none believers to believe and I talk to them "only if you only try " I try I doub it I try again I feel it because I believe with out see.
Q4. Refining Faith
Jose L replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Is my believe God does not give us test or trail or give us sufer NOT that is the devil Job that God knows YES But Why them ! is not why is only because God plan for us . I used to blame God be mad to God because only I understood was my point in this life I even use the Holy Spirit wisdom I use my wisdom my thinking over and this way did not work . Let's take this letter of Peter refuse it by scholars as he realy write this letter Did he? This is not the way to think as a Christian fallower . I can not see with my eyes on this world I have to see with the eyes of the Holy Spirit period (.) Paul did as Peter did and I feel the Holy Spirit was giving a mesage to write because is God will you to die . I m sure Peter rejoyce on this I m sure he was not more afraid because the physical pain . I m sure this time Peter go on the wrong direction try to scape from sufer as he did one time and Jesus stop him . Not that way Peter this way . It happen to me many times : "Jesus I don't want to go that way I know what is there Please!!!" So where was my faith ? Inside of a box. I was one time in jail and I blame God for be in there I was thinking after all I did for him he let me down I was so mad at him he close the Holy Spirit on me . Then Went I feel that I cry like a baby I please him not to take it away from me . I was along in Jail I did not feel Jesus but my faith make me say this : I know you there !! But Please sent back your spirit please forgive me . Also send someone christian to confirm in me . So nothing happen and I forget my cryng thing over me be in jail and I star living a Christian life inside the jail . After cuples of Days someone none Christian came to me and he said : " I was sleep and wake up and I saw you face and a voice to tell you everything be ok " wow Jesus God do not need of sacrifices does not need a scale to see how many points I have on my accaount Jesus see what my hearth have for him and he let me go to trail because he know I can handle this . Even if I can not he give me the power to fufill his plans on me . Remember Job and I was reading this book went all this happen . So I learn I can not see with my eyes I have to be like Peter see with the spirit and everything will be reaveal it to you. -
Q3. Secure by Faith
Jose L replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Salvation is secure is garanty because if we believe we wait in the Lord . As I said before salvation is not something pratical is a action come by put our faith in Jesus . Salvation speaking in practical way does not need more sacrify does not need more taking bath as for cleasing does not need to ofert blood of animal and the reazon why is because Jesus did one time and for all , we die also with Jesus in the cross and may be you will ask explain ? Simple the old is gone a new life as born . Nicodemus do not inderstand this he ask him self how can this be possible . And I say to him if you see what only you can see it will not happen but if you believe on what you can not see it happen . Before to accept Jesus as my savior my spirit was dead to sin and my corporal body was alive to sin . Now all this change I m alive on spirit and dead to obey Jesus . The Bible say to offert our members to a living sacrify to the Lord is not you go and kill you body NOT it is to kill all those bad habits I use to have before I was born again to refuse the body self temptations to offert to Jesus as living ofert because is not more me to live in me but the Holy spirit . The Holy Spirit is our conselor tell us little more my son the time will come and give us prove of this salvation in actions by the spirit and also by phisical actions . -
Q2. Forgiveness and Obedience
Jose L replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Went Jesus was in phisical body here on earth he said many time "your sins are forgiveng go in peace" The teachers of the law do not beleive it because they could not see this forgiving thing also because they believe the only one to forgive was God the Father and for last they did not humble themselves and give it a try to experiecence this action of forgiving on them . Went we accept Jesus as our savior and we recognise he give his blood for the forgiving of the sins we humble our selves in a act of abidience we do not know what is going to happen but we obey to what he come to this world and this is why we can not have salvation without admit Jesus give his blood for this world for the forgiving of all sins . Is clear by self will to refuse it or to humble our selves and in act of obidience accept is real . The next is after we accept and believe we experiece freeadom from our sins we feel theyre not more there in our faith increase more in obey Jesus message is not a practical thing is a transformation to a new life by the spirit blood was need it to have forgiviness and to be transform but if we do not believe this new born can not occurt that also why we can not have forgiveness with out believe is real. -
29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. We need not to be duble minded because we still in this world and it happen a lot of time that why the Holy Spirit guard us agains this kind of thinking . But we most not to be worry we most all the time look up not matter what . This is real fight agains all Evil using our body to control our minds ofering all kind of desires . We may fall and get up and as you say we need to read God word for me is the only way I can confront this word nothing else but I try to keep my mind from worries is not good for me I give all to God .
Is clear all of us human we are part of God itself but because our fall it divede us into 2 - 1 is those put theyre hopes in this material world and 2 those who put theyre hope in Jusus salvation so went we are Christians or better to say went we accept Christ with our hearth we are not belong to this world we are belong to the spirt even the body is nothing is just a instrument the material world around us is nothing because will perish if that is the case make sence that the part in us never died goes where is belong to take part with the spirit of God perfect creation for those who believe . Those who want to live in this material world is because theyre own will and because do not accept Jesus salvation preach to the world so no one is excuse to say "I did not knew that". So it make sence also we will sufer as Peter says but our reward is coming went we will go home a place of eternal peace . At the moment we live in this world as alien to preach the Gospel and do God will over human kind . We know Jesus pay the price so we are excuse of condenation and we now can take part with him . The world will die we live for ever in God presents.
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Jose L replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Hello to all in here my name is Jose Luis and I m studing 1 of Peter . I m a bible student everyday learnig for more what the spirit have to reveal to me . I like study the Bible because is mana for my soul it give all I need to be strong went I need to be strong . Went I fill touch by the spirit I write it down on diferents blogs over the internet is a gif God give me to preach his word . 1 Peter cal my attention in diferent way and that why I m here to learn more from others . Like me I have problems with my Inglish so it was Peter also and I believe someone help him to correct his spell but the letter for my own opinion come from God using Peter to give the message and the most importand is how God use humble People to give mesages to this word . This show me God do not need an expert on writing all he need is someone who realy believe on him . The prove of all this is on 1 Peter proving the power of the Holy Spirit . Also Holy Spirit have not limit to reveal what God wants to reveal to us not matter who you are . The Holy Spirit work everything in us evem in how to speak . Sometimes went I feel something I consider not to be show I duble check with the word of God and I confirm or not if is wright to me to talk about it . Thanks