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  1. I'm new to the studies and am grateful for what I've learned so far. In regards to justification by faith I hold the belief that when the day of judgment comes and the book of life is opened that my name will be found in it. That's what my faith is based on. That's because God's word promises that whoever believes in His Son will be saved and because God cannot lie I can trust in Him keeping that promise. So when the "Book of Life" is opened on the day of judgment, my confidence is my name will be found in it for accepting Jesus as my savior. As far as being justified is concerned, I believe that I am, not only through the blood of the lamb which erases all my sins, but also by my striving to obey God's instructions on how to bring Him glory, i.e. in spreading the gospel message, loving my neighbor, living holy etc. because "faith without works is dead." The blood of the Lamb makes us righteous in God's eyes, but justification comes from action as in Abraham's trusting in God and His willingness to sacrifice his only son.
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