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Standing On the Rock

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Everything posted by Standing On the Rock

  1. A2. When the Israelites disobeyed God and married foreign women, their hearts were turned to other gods and they were not fully devoted to Yahweh. This led to the dissipation of holiness among God
  2. A1. I think Jacob is silent because he is up in age and feels helpless against the town
  3. Q4. (Genesis 33:1-16) How has Esau changed since Jacob had gone to Haran? How has Jacob changed? How does the encounter demonstrate Jacob
  4. A3. The man Jacob wrestled with was a manifestation of God. The wrestling represents Jacob
  5. A1. God reveals the Angelic Army to Jacob in reassurance of the promise He made to Jacob in Bethel:
  6. A5. There are a number of reasons we fail to see God
  7. A4. Terms of the Mizpah covenant are as follows: Jacob promises to not mistreat his wives and neither man will do harm to the other. Also, Mizpah is established, making God himself the overseer of the covenant. God, who sees everyone and everything at all times will ensure the covenant is not broken by either man, less His wrath, with which both men are familiar, be brought upon them. The heap of stones is the physical reminded to both men, that God is indeed, omnipresent, although the men themselves may be absent from the area
  8. A3. Jacob took his family and left without saying good bye to Laban to avoid the confrontation, and delay that surely would occur if he had told Laban about their departure. Today we would say
  9. God is molding, shaping, preparing Jacob for His original plan. I think God in this instance is teaching Jacob a lesson
  10. For Jacob, the setting up of the stone is a commemorative marker of monumental significance. This action symbolizes Jacob
  11. A5. Low or no self esteem, rejection, envy, jealousy, bitterness and rebellion are all symptoms of children who feel their siblings are loved more or are getting more attention than they themselves are. Often children never get over the feeling of discrimination. Perhaps as adults, they learn to accept it, as they realize their parents are but human beings. Children less fortunate become adults with unsteady emotions, feelings of emptiness, and find they themselves unable to be a
  12. A4. This blessing was from God to Jacob through Isaac. Isaac is powerless to re-do, re-address, reverse etc God
  13. A2. Rebekah was indeed a spiritual woman. She prayed to God and sought Him out. The Lord spoke to Rebekah. Isaac was also spiritual. He prayed to God in faith that his wife would become pregnant. The Lord gave him double blessings. I would say Isaac was more spiritual of the two because he not only prayed to the Lord for himself, he also prayed for his wife. Some evidence of spirituality in Esau is the fact that he never claimed his brother obtained the birthright illegally. He admitted that he had given it of his own free will albeit later, he truly was sorry. Some evidence of spirituality in Jacob is his realization of the significance of delayed self gratification.
  14. A1.Easau is condemned for selling his birthright because in so doing he demonstrated an overwhelming, uncontrollable, need/desire for instant self gratification. He has no self discipline. He demonstrates a total lack of responsibility, lack of faith and incredible ingratitude. Jacob has demonstrated slyness, and a willingness to take advantage of others, even his own brother at their lowest point. He
  15. A2. Rebekah was indeed a spiritual woman. She prayed to God and sought Him out. The Lord spoke to Rebekah. Isaac was also spiritual. He prayed to God in faith that his wife would become pregnant. The Lord gave him double blessings. I would say Isaac was more spiritual of the two because he not only prayed to the Lord for himself, he also prayed for his wife. Some evidence of spirituality in Esau is the fact that he never claimed his brother obtained the birthright illegally. He admitted that he had given it of his own free will albeit later, he truly was sorry. Some evidence of spirituality in Jacob is his realization of the significance of delayed self gratification.
  16. The announcement said Mary's son was to be named Jesus,who would be great and called the Son of the Most High. He would be given the throne of his father David by God to reign over the house of Jacob and His kingdom will have no end.
  17. Greeting Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ! I am a follower of Christ seeking to know Him more. Thank you for this forum towards that goal. I look forward to strengthening my spirituaL walk and studying with you all. Praise the LORD!
  18. Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus Walk for this forum where Christians from every denomination can converse and study all to th glory of our God. Hello everyone from Atlanta, Ga,

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