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  1. Yes, He did give us everything we need. There is no excuse for us to not grow in Him these days. Of course, being from the United States, where we are currently free to speak and worship freely, is an advantage. Anyway, we have the largest tool which is the Bible, God's word. God's will isn't different for each person...it is the same. He is the unchanging God. The Bible clearly states God's will for all men (that includes women). We have missionaries, preachers, teachers, evangelists, gospel and Christian singers and musicians and hopefully parents to raise children in the way of the Lord. We have the T.V. which is more commonly used for lesser kinds of viewing but can also be used to grow in the Lord due to the religious networks. They offer many wonderful programs that I love and which enrich my whole family in the Lord. The internet, which offers many different avenues of growth such as what we are doing now. In every aspect of life, we can find God, if we try. There are choices to every path. What we watch, what we listen to, what websites we visit, what we talk about with friends and family, what places we visit, what books we read, what activities we take part in, what crowds we hang around...all come with choices...those which glorify God and those which don't. So, having so much at our fingertips that will either cause growth in the Lord or will pull us back a little further into the world, we have choices to make. The truth still is that we have everything we need, if we'll just use it. Again, our main and greatest tool is the Bible. We do have to be careful and pray for discernment in many of the false doctrines that are found floating around. There is only one truth and reading our Bibles, with the help of the Holy Spirit to guide us, the truth will reveal itself. Your sister in Christ
  2. Hello all!! My feelings on this verse is that Peter's faith came straight from the source, Jesus Christ. He knew how precious this faith in Jesus Christ was and is. Anyone who hears God's word and the teachings of Jesus Christ would falll into the group spoken of where it says, "to those who...have received a faith as precious as ours. In addition, I believe this particular group, not only heard, but also believed. In other words, they received the faith and kept it. Peter's faith isn't just a faith that he heard about and passed it by. He grasped onto it and shared it for the rest of his days.
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