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Everything posted by halfnote

  1. "I really don't think this means that we should be thrilled because we get to suffer painful or difficult things" Ya know there was actually a time in my life wherein, I came pretty close to being "thrilled" in the face of a struggle . . . . . nothing sweeter than being able to thank one's enemy for giving you and the Lord yet another opportunity to reap blessings. It's all about perspecitve.
  2. We can rejoice regardless of outward circumstance because we are always standing on holy ground;in His grace ( His protection and favor) and God is faithful to fulfill His promises. Hope placed in Him is never returned empty! We grow and mature through our trials. I have personally experienced the blessings of renewed faith that could never have happened without the struggle that preceded it! Perseverance is the key to success in all areas of life, as well as a strong, balanced "tried" character, and hope? Well, I know from experience that one cannot live without hope!
  3. The relationship between faith and justification is the same for Abraham as it is for us. If we believe in Him, He begins a work in us, the first step being justification. It means all the burdens (sins) we carried are gone-we are no longer God's enemy, but have "changed sides" and are reconciled to Him. We are freed from the domain of sin and made to be His righteousness. ( I Corinthians 5:17-21)
  4. Hello brothers and sisters! I am so excited to find such a wealth of knowledge, and am very excited about the new study in Romans. I am a single mom in Michigan. Look forward to learning and growing with you all. God Bless
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