This psalms enlightens me to the greatness of God, creativity of God, and the vastness of God. He is so intricate that He could create the very details of earth and yet vast that He could great the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc. He is majestic, king, ruler of all. Sometimes I forget this as I get consumed in my own world.
As human beings we are only a small part of what God has done in the universe, yet He has placed man in the center of His heart that in all his creations He is mindful of us and cares for us. How wonderful to be loved by Him. This is further illustrated in the Father sending Christ to die for us.
In this Psalm I have a small amount of insight of how Christ had to lower Himself to become flesh and die for us. All that Christ did was so far beneath His spiritual nature. Thank you Christ for enduring the cross.
As man we have such a responsibility to this earth as stewards. God making us "ruler" means we are accountable for what He has placed at our hands. The natural resources of this earth are ours to protect or abuse.