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  1. Q2 I think Peter is telling his readers about the wonderful gift that they've received through Christ Jesus. In this verse, Peter informs them that they lack nothing because everything they need for life, earthly and eternal, and for godliness has been provided for them. Too often we neglect to fully accept the complete gift of salvation that we have in Christ Jesus. We only receive parts of it. It is difficult for one to live a godly life apart from God. For this very reason, God sent us the comforter, the Holy Spirit, that would guide us into all understanding and truth. This verse begins, "His divine power has given us." Therefore, if we surrender and submit to the authority, guidance, and teaching of the Holy Spirit, then we will be able to walk confidently and participate in the precious faith that we received. One must know God in order to participate in this promise. If one has not established an intimate relationship with God, he/she will never profit from the provision that God has ordained for his children. Once one comes into the knowledge of God, to know, intimately God, then he/she is able to benefit from all the promises that God's Salvation offers. It is not enough to know about God, one must truly KNOW him.
  2. I believe Peter is talking to a group of people who have accepted (believed in their heart and confessed with their mouth) Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Peter is indicating in this verse that those who have decided to follow Jesus have received an element that will help them through this walk, which is faith. Peter seems to let his readers know that the faith they received is the same as the faith he has. It simply means to me that Jesus is the same to all. What he does for one, he will certainly do for another. As a believer, especially today, we must hold on to the faith that is provided through Christ Jesus. When comparing faith, I agree that we all are given the measure of it. However, it is up to us to nurture it and develop it further. I believe faith grows. We mature in this walk. WE all enter as babes, but we must grow and become the disciples and ambassadors that God desires of us. Is our faith equal to Peters? Certainly depends on how you view the previous question. Currently, we all may not be on the same faith level, but it surely isn't impossible. We need to cultivate this faith-walk and move forward to the level of faith that Peter and others have.
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