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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Al Ballard

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Everything posted by Al Ballard

  1. Q1. (Genesis 28:3-4) Why does Isaac bless Jacob, especially after Jacob
  2. Q2. (Genesis 28:12-15) What did Jacob
  3. Q6. Extra Credit. Whose character flaws most remind you of your own? Isaac's, Rebekah's, Esau's, or Jacob's? Why? How is God working to improve your character? As a 63 year old father, grandfather, i can relate to being a child who knew he was conditionally loved by a father with no understanding of spiritual headship. by the actions of rebekah, esau and jacob, i can relate to living in a dysfunctional family as a child. As a father i can accept periods where i elected to not follow a spirit led life and the traps of not openly communicating spiritual leadership with my wife, children. As a grand father, it is much easier to know that some of my life/parenting, following biblical leadership principles were critically important in watching my son and daughter raise their children in a home where there is biblical headship, servant hearts and attention to learning how much the trinity loves them. it is my prayer that the next generation is even more in tune with the holy spirit, scripture and unity in a family being sold out to the trinity.
  4. Q5. (Genesis 25:28) What happens when your children sense that you love one child more than another? Did such discrimination happen to you when you were growing up? If so, how are you finding healing? How can we as parents love our children equally but differently? When children see a father and mother love them unequally, they receive a message that God sees them in a priority system also. When a father and a mother seek a holy spirit lifestyle, equality becomes available and children see their parents united with a trinity who is "for them." this releases an example for future generations and a pattern which removes the generational curse of a parent electing a child over another. the father is the example for the wife, when he exhibits that he is fully accepted by God and his wife, children have the same opportunity, he has fulfilled a major part of being spirit head.
  5. Q4. (Genesis 27:33) Why couldn't Isaac reverse his blessing once he discovers Jacob's trickery? What is Isaac's role in this blessing? What is God's role in it? Obviously Isaac was aware of the tradition of blessing/s and 25:23 indicates Rebekah had received knowledge/prophecy, with both of them acting independently; once the blessing was given it was Isaac's word, which was final as he was probably taught. God set in motion, through family history, the act of blessings; God notified Rebekah and it should have been a strong enough union with Isaac that he could have honored his wife being told prophecy. God put in place all of the right things, individuals acted independently, resulting in the sins of deceipt, lies.
  6. Q3. (Genesis 27:6-29) God had told Rebekah that Jacob is supposed to rule over Esau (Genesis 25:23). To what extent does this excuse her plan to deceive her husband Isaac? How much responsibility does Jacob bear in the deception? Just because an individual prays does not give the individual, who is in a family relationship/with a headship, the right to act out to fulfill God's desires. A family dedicated to God, father, wife, son's have a duty to remain united in spirit and communications. While Isaac may have forgotten or intentionally desired Esau to have the rights, it was the responsibility of Rebekah to have brought his actions/intentions to light (one on one.) It would have been Isaac's responsibility to listen to his wife, trusting her bringing God's message, while seeking God/Holy Spirit to confirm his actions as the spiritual leader. Jacob should have never allowed his relationship with his mother allow him to justify deceiving and lying to his father. His relationship with his father should have been strong enough to be able to say no to his mother. He should have told his mother that he could not continue. Once again we see individuality vs unity in a family structure; with the results being deception, lies and the seperation of what had orchestrated, a unit for God.
  7. Q2. Was Rebekah a spiritual woman, that is, interested in spiritual things? Was Isaac a spiritual man? Which do you think was the more spiritually sensitive? What evidence of spirituality do you see in Jacob? In Esau? It appears Rebekah was a spiritual woman, however, she did not have a spiritual tie to Isaac, as she did not discuss what the Lord told her. It appears Isaac was a spiritual man, however, it also shows by the actions of his wife and sons that he did not communicate, educate or instill in them the values in the birthright and the sin in deceiving others. Jacob did show restraint in not promoting his winning of a birthright, however, he did not exhibit the ability to know he was doing wrong. Could it be that his father did a poor job in explaining righteous living. Esau trusted his birthright was only worth a meal, where did he get such a low value. This family exhibits dysfunction in the spiritual head of the family was not successful in transferring the values in tradition and the family members, including his wife, felt it appropriate to deceive. When a wife, children decide it is appropriate to deceive, the failure lies in the spiritual headship not accomplishing their role, ie Isaac.
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