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Everything posted by soubina

  1. yes.many!when i waited for the right man to marry and through the waiting i acquired patience.Under intensive pressure and stress a cristian of genuine faith will always seek the lord first no matter what.magnifying jesus in the middle of any turmoil always brings glory to god.
  2. To forgive is part of the commandment of god.Obedience forms part of the commandment as well.Both come as one package because when one forgives,one is being obedient to the sciptures.Simultaneously, if one abides by the sciptures,walk as the word requires one to walk,in short being obedient to god ,on will have to forgive so as so prosper.god will not bless us if we walk in unforgiveness.i don't think it is deceptive ...i truely believe that all are inter- related to reach perfection.god is perfect...his works are perfect . And they all lead to love.Grace is the unmerited love of christ.no man is worth receiving credits for perfection of his thoughts,actions and speech.the bible reveals to us that all have sinned.none of us have reached perfection to receive grace,only christ achieved that.Through christ we have received grace because of His works.so we have been saved BY the grace of GOD through the spectacular WORKS of christ.now to enjoy the fullness of god's blessing in our life ,we definitely have to allow ourselves to be moulded by the holy spirit,it definitely requires obedience to the scriptures and allowing the words to cut in till our marrow to fulfill perfection of christ in us.finally true faith requires good works.
  3. hi, A christian who really believes that he has been raised up and seated in heaven with christ(eph 2:6),will definitely act as pastor Ralph and his team,dedicating all their time and soul to the work of god through all means to reach out to others,as we have been commanded to do.Such christians for me definitely have already been linked to the kingdom of god.A christian who is still attached to his present homeland will value spending time with the world's exciting parties,movies,people,and other stressful tasks rather than spending time worshipping god.The craving desire that takes place when a true believer is away from home is different from an 'only sunday church christian'.A christian whose foundation is on the rock never stumbles. yes,it happened to me in a different sense,- when i was pregnant for the first time,i went through a very hard time with my gynae.she tormented me so much that instead of encouraging me she almost destroyed me...and instead of putting my faith into action and praying for her, i used to meditate on her very words...that took my peace away and i got terrified of her.she had such a controlling spirit that one can hardly rebuke.The worst when she said one day that i will be a diabetic soon and i did suffer from gestational diabetes!!!!! all our money had to be invested in my health .But then i said ' it is finished' just like my jesus said on the cross.i started praying and believed that jesus took my diseases and infirmities.I was then healed but took out of it a great lesson.Now my priorities are set right .I LIVE on the word of god.The word of god is the BREAD of my lifeand if i had the word in me none of those negative spirits would have tormented me. My temple was empty!But today i want my body to be the temple of god.
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