Vaiden Rochelle
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Everything posted by Vaiden Rochelle
Q1. Ask, Seek, and Knock Continuously!
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
Ask, seek, and knock all deal with being consistent in our petitions to God. Asking indicates that we ask once or occassionally and perhaps the things we are asking for are not as important as some others that we ask for. To seek and to knock means that we persistently and fervently petition God to answer our requests. We won't give up until He answers us. The significance of the present, continuous, and imperative tense of the verbs mean that we should never give up in our requests to God. -
The Golden Rule and the law and the prophets want us to love one another as we love ourselves. We are to treat one another as we want to be treated. In Matthew 22:37-39, We are to love God first and with our heart, soul, and mind. Then we are to love others as we love ourselves. They have similarities because of the element of love in the equation. They are different because we are to put God first in Matt. 22.
Q3. The Speck and the Beam
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Judging Self and Others (7:1-6)
I don't see anything humorous about this parable, but I am probably not seeing what I should here. Anyway, Jesus is comparing a speck fo sawdust with a plank or beam because He wants us to see the difference between a large problem and a small one. The speck represents sin or a fault and so does the plank, and they actually are equal in size because sin is sin to God. The difference between the speck and the plank is that when I am ready to criticize someone, I must realize that my sin is very great (my critical spirit) but it is more important than the one in the other person's eye because it is my sin. I am responsible for my own sins. It is okay to remove a speck from my brother's eye, or to talk to him or to her about their sin when I have dealt with my own. Until then, I should not talk to him or to her about it. -
Q2. Judged with the Same Measure
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Judging Self and Others (7:1-6)
If we measure out big heaps of judgement with a critical spirit, we will receive the same. Instead of measuring judgement, we should give compassion. -
Q1. Judging with Censoriousness
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Judging Self and Others (7:1-6)
Unfortunately, I have, and I feel awful afterward for saying things about them to others. However, I understand why I do it. It's because I lack the courage to address them to their faces since I had been physically abused for several years for voicing my opinion on simple things let alone serious ones. Of course, I know my talking about them behind their backs isn't right. Depending on the situation, I've criticized them either because they have hurt me or they are not acting as Christians as stated in God's word. We must show Christians love when they are wrong because God loves us and tells us to love one another. Therefore, we are to gently correct them about their errant ways. However, when they don't listen, we should continue to pray for them and give them over to God. -
The point that Jesus makes with the Parables of the Birds of the Air and of the Flowers of the Field is that God provides our needs. However, I'm confused about this. For example, I don't understand how the homeless, for example, have clothes and food. It's not God's will for them to wander the street and beg for food. Also, is it God's will for them to find clothes wherever they can? Can someone please help me with these answers? Thank you.
In The Living Bible, Jesus specificially mentions "do not worry" and "don't be anxious about tomorrow" three times. However, the whole passage is devoted to this point. Excessive worry borders on sin because it shows a lack of faith in God. Instead, it shows that where material possessions are concerned, that we have shifted focus onto them instead of on God. I agree with "Without faith it is impossible to please God." Hebrews 11:6 Therefore, yes, worry and trust are opposites. As jr. 4624 says, it is different when planning for the future. I agree. All of us should plan for work and retirement.
Q3. Rewards in Heaven
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
I agree with Marloes that the answer lies in Matt. 25:31-46. In order to "store up treasures in heaven" we are to give food to the ones without food, help them spiritually (thirst), care for the homeless, donate clothes to those who are in need, care for the ones who are sick, do what we can for the ones in prison. We are not to give up on people. What advantage does this have over accumulating earthly possessions? Everything! Jesus will come with His angels and sit on His throne of glory. He will separate the people who love Him and do His will from the ones who do not love Him and do nothing for Him. For the ones who love Him and follow His teachings, He calls us blessed of His Father and takes us into the Kingdom He has made for us. The others who do not love Him do not enter into His Kingdom. Why are we uncomfortable with the concept of rewards in heaven? I can only speak for myself here. I know that I often fall short of doing all I can do for God, and I don't think I have many rewards in Heaven. But, then, I don't focus on earning rewards; instead, I try to do what God would have me do. -
Q1. Greed and the Rich Fool
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
Jesus condemned him for his greed and not depending upon God for things in his life. This man thought he was self-sufficient. The key verse is: Yes, every man is a fool who gets rich on earth but not in heaven. Luke 12:21 We are to lay up treasures in heaven, not on this earth since we can't take them with us and they can be destroyed or stolen. This relates to the Sermon on the Mount because Jesus addresses the meek and the lowly. He said that the whole earth belongs to them. -
Q4. Serving God or Money
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Temptation to Idolatry (6:19-24)
Jesus makes is clear that we cannot serve two masters: God and money. We can seek wealth as long as our heart is right with God. God must be our master at all times, not money. Wealth cannot be allowed to rule our life. If it is beginning to do so, we must refocus and put God first. We need to know what our relationship with wealth is. If we know we are going to use it to further God's work on Earth, then it's okay to pursue it. Many television ministries pull in a lot of money, yet they appear to use it to help everyone they can, which is what God wants. The key is to not let wealth be the main goal in our life. We still must put God first, others second and ourselves last. -
Q4. Forgiving and Forgiveness
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
Why should we continually ask forgiveness? As humans, we of course are imperfect. We sin. Regarding some situations it is so easy to fall back into sin before we realize what we are doing. For example, whenever someone hurts us, we are to forgive and not hold grudges against them. However, depending on the severity, it is often so hard to do the second part. Before we know it, often we are thinking about the incident and imagine what we would have liked to say to that person, or how we would have liked to get back at that person. That's when we should realize that that is sinning, and we should ask for forgiveness. Us humans are weak people. It's only the Holy Spirit living within us that makes us strong. We have to be strong in order to be in the center of God's will. How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? God won't hear our prayers unless we have clean hearts. Also, we are only forgiven if we forgive those who hurt us. -
Q2. May Your Kingdom Come
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? We are asking for God's Kingdom to be established on Earth now. Therefore, we should be ready at any time for this to happen. That means we should have clean hearts so that we can be filled wih the Holy Spirit. Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? We are asking this because Earth is overrun with evil. The Father's will is to cleanse the earth form evil and situate His kingdom in it. How should this prayer affect our living? We should be filled with the Holy Spirit and have pure hearts with our mind fixed on God. Therefore, we will do all He tells us He needs us to do. -
Q1. Hallowed Be Your Name
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? We must honor our Father in all we do and say. We must live as Jesus taught us while He was on earth and how the Holy Spirit directs us. What desecrates and besmirches it? Whenever we disobey the Holy Spirit or do or say things that are contrary to what God would have us do or say. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? We should praise Him and let Him know that we are aware of His glory and how wonderful He is. -
Q3. Prayer for Daily Bread vs. Independence
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Lord's Prayer (6:9-15)
Why do we seek to be independent of asking anyone for help? We like to think we can handle anything that comes our way ourselves. To ask for help seems to many a sign of weakness. Also, some people think that others will see us as stupid because we should already know how to do whatever it is we're trying to do. This, of course is common when a student asks someone for help with their studies, or whenever someone asks for directions while driving to an unknown area. (Before the GPS!) Why should we ask God to "give" us daily bread so long as we can earn a living for ourselves? First, we should realize that everything we have comes from God. We can't do or receive anything that He hasn't allowed us to have. Second, we must realize that it is our acknowledgement that God is in control of all we have; therefore, we are to ask Him to continue to supply all of our needs because this asking strengthens our knowledge that we are dependent upon God for all things. It is the dependence upon Him that is so important to comprehend and get into our spirit. Yes, the sinners have what they need too because God loves them also. However, until they repent of their sins, accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior and as God's son, and live their lives for Him, they won't see heaven when they die. The sinners do not recognize their need to recognize the dependence we must have on God for All things: salvation and daily living. -
Q2. Giving to the Poor
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
How does Jesus' teaching here and in 5:42 on giving to the needy influence you and your attitude toward the poor? In 5:42, it is always good to give to the poor because if we love God and others, we will have compassion for them and help them. Now, whenever I help the poor, I end up being blessed because I was able to help someone. I wouldn't want anyone to call attention to what I did for someone because it would take away my joy. What keeps us from giving more to the poor? Sometimes, it is because we think that others will donate to them. Also, if we don't have the extra money to help them, we don't do it. I am guilty of this too often. Many of us are not into sacrificial giving. -
How do the commands in this section relate to "performing for the audience of One"? If we examine our hearts and see that we truly love God and people, then we should do our good works for God and not to be noticed by people. What is the antidote for the chief sin that is addressed here? The main sin is pride, and the way to combat it is to remain focused on God. We should talk with Him daily and read His word to stay ahead of this temptation. In what ways do churches and non-profit organizations use this sin to motivate people to give? Both often have contests where the people who donate funds have their names attached to their giving. Then, the ones who give are often publicized with how much they have given.
Q4. Why Pray?
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Giving, Prayer, and Fasting (6:1-8, 16-18)
If God knows what you need before you ask Him, shy should you ask HIm at all? We need to realize that God is in control of all things, that He created all things, and He is over all things. Asking Him for what we need should help us realize these facts. We should realize that we need to be humble before Him. What sense does prayer really make? Prayer is a major role in our relationship with God. It is one main way for us to communicate with Him. When we talk to God, it isn't supposed to be a want list. Instead, it is time to tell Him about our deep most thoughts and feelings. As we pray, we should realize that He does care about what we experience and that He wants us to ask HIm how He would have us handle situations. Are we mainly to talk for our own edification and encouragement? Not at all. We are not to want to be seen praying by others. We shouldn't want to call attention to ourselves as we pray and use eloquent language as we pray aloud. We should pray from the heart and do it privately. If we do it for show, God won't honor our prayers. -
Q2. An Eye for an Eye
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
The purpose of the "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" regulation was to make sure that no one administered more punishment than was justified for a crime. In other words, "the punishment had to fit the crime." It was designed to be administered by a judge so that no one could take the law into their own hands. -
In verse 48, Jesus is telling us to strive to become mature Christians. We are to study Jesus and how He lived on Earth and model our lives after His teaching and doing. The only "sinless perfection" is Jesus and His life. We are to love people and remember that God loves the sinner too although their sinful actions and thoughts hurt Him.
Q5. Defense against Evil?
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Yes, there are times we must defend ourselves physically against evil men. For example, if someone wanted to rape and kill another person or myself and there was a way out of it, I would take it. If someone wanted to physically harm my family and I were in the position to defend them, I'd do it. I can still love the soul of the perpertrator, but not the evil spirit that has taken him or her over. Fighting in war is always a horrible situation, but it is necessary even for Christians to fight to protect the way of life for the majority of the people. David was a warrior who loved God, and God rewarded his efforts. Indeed, we have to realize that we are at war every waking moment with the spiritual enemey. It's not people. -
Q4. Don't Retaliate
Vaiden Rochelle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
We are to love one another as Jesus loves us. -
It's interesting that years ago, a "person's word was his bond." This is almost the same as what is going on here. Jesus wants us to realize that verbal vows are sacred and not to be broken. We must believe in what we say and follow through on those words. Therefore, if we only say yes or no, we won't be in jeopardy of breaking a vow. Sometimes a yes or no will have be to broken due to unforseeable events. However, when a person swears, it takes on a different context.
Verses 39-42 share the commonality of doing more for someone than is what demanded. The theme Jesus wants us to follow is one of meekness. Out of love for others we are to show them that we are different from the world. Often this comes in the way of us being mistreated. It would be easy for us to seek revenge of to ignore the poor, but it would not be God's will for us to do so.
We are told to bear one anothers burdens, so it is good if we are there to listen to someone who is going through a difficult time. This doesn't meant we should gossip about what that person told us. Instead, after listening to him or to her, we should reassure that person that God still loves them and is with them. Also, it is good to study together with that person particular passages in the Bible to reaffirm this statement. Above all, it is always good to pray with that person because sometimes they are hurt so bad that it is difficult for them to pray. Actually, loving one another is part of what we are told to do throughout the Bible, and we should not avoid the ones who are having marital trouble.